Everyone I talked to today looked strained under these restrictions. Quite a few are close to breaking point. I don't think it's feasible to keep this up much longer, because it's going to get ugly very soon, IMO.
Yes I believe it will get ugly soon. Here in sunny Australia there is talk that this lockdown could possibly go on for 6 months or more. People have a breaking point and complete societal breakdown could be on the horizon.
Another thought regarding possible mandatory mask to leave house, shop, go to work, etc. If every person/family has to purchase masks, think how much money that would be! Another incredible monetary windfall for the PTB! Or maybe that's what were supposed to spend the $1200 from the Covid Stimulus package on!

NSW Australia is in almost complete lockdown. We have 2000 'confirmed cases of corona virus', and 20 'corona virus deaths'.

Let me just work out the percentages on that one... Yeah, she'll be right mate, seems legit.
Yeah, I got out my calculator to figure out what percentage of the Australian population have died so far from Coronavirus. It works out at:

0.0000784 % :scared::scared::scared:!!! Oh My God!!! We're all doomed!!! Lock down the country!!!

I wonder if they'll arrest me for saying that? Especially for using the calculator, instead of believing media reports?
So when it's all over: "Sorry guys, the economy is trashed. You probably won't be able to make ends meet or have two nickles to rub together. But look on the bright side. The hospitals were not over run! It was totally worth it." :headbanger:

There's an interesting take over at infobrics saying that the economic reset may not go the way the Deep State globalists planned. Basically, this could lead to an end to the liberalized global economy to a more nationalistic one.

The economic effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic continue to appear: stock exchanges close to collapse, stagnant production, falling expectations for global growth, entire economies broken and an uncertain future for the current system. The fragility of the international financial system can no longer be hidden, it is visible and palpable. To survive the crisis, the West becomes less and less "western", progressively denying its liberal and globalist values of open society, open borders and free markets, promoting increasingly constant and incisive state interventions, closing borders and instituting strong economic protectionism.

To illustrate some of the partial effects of the crisis, we can mention some official data. Federal Reserve System's President James Bullard recently announced that 46 million people are expected to lose their jobs in the United States. The speculation concerns precisely the positions in which employees work interacting with the public. These jobs are suspended indefinitely by the sanitarian rules, which damage the income of millions of people and require a quick government attitude to guarantee a universal basic income.

In Germany, banks have already anticipated the recession and Europe's largest economy is experiencing its greatest instability in recent decades. With the overwhelming growth of the infection in the country, there is no other measure than the implementation of the quarantine and the strong action of the State to repair the economic crisis that will result from the isolation. "The coronavirus pandemic will trigger a severe downturn in Germany's economy and recession is inevitable (...) The federal government acted quickly and correctly. It seems to me that now the most important thing is to keep faith in the actions of the state", commented the Bundesbank director, Jens Weidmann, in an interview with the newspaper Die Welt.

The oil sector was one of the biggest affected by the economic crisis. Oil prices have almost halved since the beginning of March, amid the slowdown in market demand due to the advance of COVID-19, as well as the lack of agreement within OPEC and the unbridled increase in production in Saudi Arabia. Bloomberg analyst David Fickling said that "future generations will never see the wealth that the Gulf States enjoy today".

Some experts already classify the pandemic as a new Great Depression. Indeed, the social and economic effects of COVID-19 are only just beginning. The crisis is far from over. The number of cases increases daily on all continents. Few countries have managed to stabilize the crisis so far. What we can expect is an unprecedented catastrophe. As Tobin Smith, analyst and president of Transformity Research, said: "this is as a financial disaster, as a health disaster, as an economic disaster - is like we got three neutron bombs dropped on us."

Predictions that the current economic order will not be able to restructure after the crisis increase day after day. Jamie Martin, a former British government adviser, believes that the pandemic could represent the end of European liberalism and the return of an authoritarian tendency. However, if the contemporary global structure is failing, it must be reformed or replaced. But what comes after it? What will be the future of the world order? Is this the definitive end of liberalism or just the beginning of a new phase of capitalism?

This week, at a remote meeting of the G-20 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the elaboration of a common economic recovery plan, emphasizing the need for international cooperation to overcome the effects of the current crisis. One way to lessen the impacts of the crisis, according to Putin, would be through "green corridors", free from trade wars and sanctions. The president proposes the creation of a special fund under the International Monetary Fund, which any member of the G20 could use. In his words: "At the moment, it is extremely important to guarantee access to finance for countries that need resources, especially taking into account the countries that have been affected by this crisis and this pandemic".

In fact, international organizations currently do not have the necessary tools to deal with a crisis of such dimensions, which is why two speeches may arise: the strengthening of National States and the regression of liberalism and globalization or the strengthening of the international organizations, creating new models of global governance that establish more efficient mechanisms to contain damages in crises. Both speeches are booming in public debate.

What we are witnessing is the failure of a model that started in Bretton Woods in 1944, when the main economic powers came together and accorded the post-war economy. Although the Bretton Woods agreements were overcome in the 1970s, their legacy lives on: the belief in the infinite progress of capitalism and the favoring of the US in the world economy. Subsequently, the so-called "Washington Consensus" reinforced this view and updated it for a post-industrial world and for the emergence of financial capitalism. Now, this entire legacy seems to fall apart. In a world where natural resources are increasingly scarce and technology replaces much of the human workforce, how can we still believe in the infinite progress of capitalism?

This is perhaps the time for a "new Bretton Woods", for a meeting of all world powers to define new parameters for the global economy in an era when the ecological collapse and social upheavals brought by globalization are increasingly evident and dangerous, touched by the outbreak of a deadly virus. If a meeting of such magnitude really occurs, two models will be disputed by the world leaders: the strengthening of National States (through international cooperation and regional integration) and the strengthening of globalization through the revitalization of world organizations and global governance. One of these paths will lead to multipolarity, the other will insist on the error of a liberal globalization. We are experiencing a real "Bretton Woods moment".
A bit of a tug of war between Gov. DeWine and the FDA - FDA relents:
UPDATE: Battelle gets full approval for mask sterilization

The FDA gave full approval to Battelle to utilize new surgical mask sterilization technology, which can decontaminate up to 80,000 masks a day per unit.

"I want to thank President Trump for his leadership and Dr. Hahn of the FDA for approving the use of this life-saving technology that Battelle has developed," said Gov. Mike DeWine. "This will not only help Ohio's healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, but Battelle will also be helping health care workers in hot spots throughout the country including New York and Washington state."

The masks are needed in testing and treatment of patients suffering from coronavirus.

Battelle will also send two its critical care decontamination machines to New York, allowing for the sterilization of up 160,000 surgical masks a day for the state.

The company also plans to ship for [4?] more machines throughout the country this next week and another 15 machines in the upcoming weeks.

The FDA initially limited Battelle’s approval to 10,000 masks a day, drawing criticism from Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted.

“The FDA’s decision to severely limit the use of this life-saving technology is nothing short of reckless,” DeWine said in a statement. “Battelle’s innovative technology has the capability to protect health care professionals and first responders in Ohio and across the country, but in this time of crisis, the FDA has decided not to support those who are risking their lives to save others.”

Added DeWine: “This is a matter of life and death. I am not only disappointed by this development, but I’m also stunned that the FDA would decline to do all it can to protect this country’s frontline workers in this serious time of need.”

For days running, DeWine has publicly pleaded with the FDA to issue an emergency waiver for the use of the new technology that could sterilize up to 160,000 personal protective face masks every day.

At first, after a phone call from the FDA to Lt. Gov. Jon Husted at about 1 a.m. Sunday, Ohio officials thought they had the authorization they needed to fully deploy the Battelle technology.

Later Sunday, however, they learned that, as DeWine put it, “The devil is in the details.” The actual permitted number was far lower — 10,000 daily sterilizations, not 80,000.

“I’ve known the governor for a long time. I don’t know that I have ever seen him more frustrated than he was with this,” Husted said.
[Direct confrontation with a psychopathic, all but untouchable, authoritarian, bureaucratic Federal governmental agency - how dare they!]

DeWine said he spoke with President Trump on the issue Sunday.

“He got it. He understood it,” DeWine recounted. “He said, ‘Look, I’m moving. I’ll get this done.’”

“It’s not done yet, but I am cautiously optimistic,” the governor said in a hastily called press conference Sunday.

“This needs to get approved today,” Husted said in the press conference with DeWine, referring to the need to go beyond 10,000 daily sterilizations.

Husted said Ohio leaders are emphasizing with the FDA that in the absence of the requisite number of N95 face masks, the Battelle technology is crucial.

“We’ve got to have this because people on the ground are depending on it,” Husted said. Said DeWine: “We don’t have enough of these masks.”

Wondering if any German members of the forum have reported on the death of the finance minister Thomas Schaefer, he committed suicide.

  • Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, found dead near a railway track
  • ‘His main fear was whether he could manage to meet the public’s enormous expectations’
I remember hearing about this on the RT broadcast of March 31st but never clicked with me, if I remember correctly it was reported he was disturbed about the amount of debt accruing from this crisis and the impact it would have on this generation of children and also their grandchildren. That is a loose paraphrase.

Authorities said that Schaefer, whose body was found Saturday morning alongside a high-speed Intercity Express (ICE) train track linking Frankfurt and Cologne, had left behind a suicide note. This begs the question from me, what was he doing beside the express train track, seems a strange place to commit suicide. did he have information that the PTB did not want to be put in the public domain, very strange.
That's how the coronavirus death numbers will multiply here, and that's also why people are no longer panicked but terrified, I think it's an exaggeration. I have friends who come from the street and not only wash their hands, they also take off their clothes and put them in a plastic bag and wash them immediately, wash their shoes and clean everything that has touched their hands. They also had a bath just after getting home.

https://www.animalpolitico.com/2020/03/cdmx-funerarias-muerte-neumonia-coronavirus/ said:
Authorities of Mexico City ask funeral homes to consider any death from pneumonia as a suspect for COVID-19

Mexico City government health authorities have asked funeral homes in the capital to now consider any death from pneumonia as a suspected case of COVID-19, and to follow a safety protocol that includes wearing protective equipment when handling the body and recommends no wake and rapid cremation.

This after, in a private meeting with specialists from the Health Protection Agency of the Capital Government to which AnimalPolítico had access, members of the Association of Funeral Home Owners and Embalmers claimed that they have received bodies of people with clinical pictures similar to those of the coronavirus, but where the death certificates only refer generically to "pneumonia".

Government specialists explained that hospitals are required to specify on death certificates whether the cause of death was due to COVID-19, but acknowledged that there can be failures due to negligence or to particular situations such as death occurring before receiving the results of a test, or death occurring in a home and not following proper processes for certifying death.

"You know that there are things that happen like the person comes with a wrong diagnosis, or wrong and many times a false diagnosis and that happens, you know it better than I do. So the clear recommendation is to treat every body as suspected of having a coronavirus," said Dr. Alan Moreno.

The funeral home representatives accepted the recommendation, but asked the Health Services Coordination to order hospital directors to comply with the written record of suspected cases of COVID-19, especially to support the family members that the body they receive is at risk.

Dr. Moreno responded that talks are already taking place at the hospital level to sensitize doctors to the importance of recognizing cases as "suspected coronavirus" even if there is no evidence to confirm it.

"There are hospitals that sometimes have certain deficiencies in certain things and it is very important that the hospital informs you (funeral home) if they are going to pass on a suspected case of coronavirus. Especially if the picture is one of pneumonia. The approach is being made so that you don't fall for it (not to warn if it's at least suspicious) because it's a huge mistake that exposes the family, the funeral homes and everyone," said the specialist.

What is the security protocol?
At the meeting, the specialists explained that handling a body under a coronavirus protocol requires strict measures that range from the protective equipment to be used, to recommendations for its transfer and treatment, and disinfection processes. All of this is done with the aim of preventing contagion.

They recalled that, although the infection can occur directly through the air through sneezing or saliva drops, it can also occur on contact surfaces such as paper or plastic where the virus remains active for up to five days, so it is important to take extreme care.

The protective equipment
When handling the body of the deceased, funeral home personnel and embalmers should wear at least: double gloves, N95 or FFP2 filtering masks (conventional mouth guards are not acceptable), googles or safety glasses to prevent splashing, and long-sleeved waterproof gowns.

All these items should be disposed of immediately after use and not reused.

Treatment and transfer
Strict health standards must be followed in the handling of the body from preparation to delivery.

In the hospital, all body orifices should be covered with cotton wool impregnated with a disinfectant solution and then wrapped in a sheet or anti-flower cloth without removing catheters, tubes, or similar. This is to prevent highly contagious splashes.

Two special bags with a technical specification called "150 microns" must be used for the transfer. The wrapped body is placed in the first bag which should be sprayed with disinfectant inside and out. The second bag is then placed and must also be sprayed in the same way.

When leaving the hospital, the body bags should be placed inside a closed coffin. The vehicle used should be sanitized after each transfer service not only in the area of the carriage but also on the steering wheel, gear lever, seats, windows and other key parts of the car.

Incineration and non-veiling
The specialists indicated to the funeral homes that they should indicate to the relatives - in an emphatic way - the recommendation to incinerate a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 corpse instead of burying it. This is to prevent contagion.

To expedite this process, the Ministry of Health in the capital will authorize that bodies can be cremated even before 12 hours after death, and not necessarily after that time as in conventional cases.

In the area of crematoria, personnel responsible for opening the casket should spray it with a concentrated chlorine solution before and after opening it. Under no circumstances may the coffin be reused.

If the family resists a cremation and it is decided to proceed with burial, it should be carried out under strict sanitary measures, and the personnel responsible for embalming the body should protect themselves with the equipment already mentioned.

The specialists were emphatic in asking the funeral homes to recommend not to watch the body because this represents a high risk of contagion. In any case, it is desirable to proceed immediately with the burial

In the non-recommended case of a decision to care for the body, funeral home personnel must restrict the space to less than 50% of the facility's capacity, prohibit as much as possible the entrance of minors and the elderly, place disinfectant gel, and maintain a healthy distance, among others.

And they reiterated that under no circumstances should an open casket be kept or people be allowed to approach it.

Taking care of the funeral home
The health technicians also issued general recommendations to funeral home personnel to keep their facilities as free from infection as possible.

These include daily cleaning of all facilities using chlorine solutions, avoiding the use of interconnected ventilation systems between different locations, and ensuring that rooms are ventilated on their own.

Floats and other vehicles should be disinfected after each use with a chlorine or alcohol-based solution. Toilets must be provided with potable water, liquid soap, disposable towels and a sign that promotes hand washing.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
It just so happens that one of my son's texted me last evening, who lives in a different province than I do, in Manitoba. He told me to go outside and look at the sky because 'strange stuff was happening'. He said that he was visiting his younger brother (also my son, of course) and while they were standing outside having a smoke, the younger brother was looking up and suddenly exclaimed to look 'up', he had just seen a fireball. By the time my other son looked up, a second fireball streaked across the sky. He said the fireballs were in the northern sky traveling east. Right after that, they noticed many satellites, counting at least 40 of them in the span of about 10 minutes. He said that three of the satellites were in a triangular formation, and all the other satellites were following it!

I, of course, went out and sat on our front deck where the northern sky is exposed, with video cam in hand. After about 30 minutes (and 2 smokes) I didn't see anything but clouds (however, they did have a 'pinkish' glow to them, and it wasn't totally dark out yet where I live), so I figured that I missed a show and went back inside (which is ok because it was 'unseasonably' cold last night... again).

I just want to make a small correction. My son told me today that they saw the fireballs while they were observing the satellites.

Translated: Traductor de Google

In the current circumstances of the coronavirus crisis, senior health officials are abruptly vested with an authority they normally do not have. Given this, bankers and the military now aspire to a similar promotion, to the detriment of politicians.

In the United Kingdom, Gordon Brown, former Finance Minister and later British Prime Minister, has just published in the Financial Times a text proposing to use the fear of Covid-19 to do what was not achieved during the financial crisis in 2008 [1]. At that time Gordon Brown failed to create a world financial government and had to settle for a simple concertation at the G20. Now, Gordon Brown says, it would be possible to establish a world health government and determine which powers could associate with the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

They don't hide it anymore. They are terrorizing the entire world.
Since I have more time during the quarantine, I try to develop projects and ideas for my practice that were already planned. I have among other things an apprenticeship in hypnosis and NLP, which I have used only little in therapy in recent years. I was fascinated by how it is possible to outsmart the human brain.
Since this virus, I have had a strange feeling and there were situations in which I thought my head was being manipulated and there was a state of confusion. There are techniques in hypnosis, NLP and communication science that enable a hypnotic state e.g. through double bond or paradoxes.

The condition was always triggered when I was in an environment where contradictory things happened or there were discussions with contradicting statements. My brain felt foggy. At the moment I have to meditate a lot. It is also striking that I do not have this feeling when I am alone but often get this nebulized feeling when I come into contact with people and it is relatively difficult for me to concentrate and keep my clear, analytical mind.

I am currently reading some papers by Paul Watzlawick, a psychotherapist and communication scientist on the topic: The Paradoxes.

The communication between experts and politicians has a clear strategy for the virous, which at one point has turned into a paradox and has caused deliberate confusion. Today I am not at all sure whether this hypnotic technique was not used consciously and intentionally. This would also explain the completely nonsensical communication between experts / politicians and the public. The question would be: does the information serve the cause itself or does the information serve a large-scale hypnotic state?

The information and behavior is contradictory, illogical and hysterical - as long as you stay in the mind. Every person with sufficient knowledge recognized from the beginning the madness of many instructions and statements and the associated actions, which were confusing and completely devoid of logic and knowledge.

A person who only responds to instructions has been so confused from the start that he is no longer able to find a suitable solution because he always sticks to the contradiction.

I also noticed the change in communication. At the beginning there was a clear question: What should we do? Today I hear: I don't know what to think / do anymore, I'm completely confused, I feel empty in my head, what was right yesterday is suddenly wrong today.

Restaurants open until 6 p.m. There is no logical explanation for the time. The virus is known to be there 24 hours a day, but why can I eat until 6 p.m. and not later? Why can I eat where events with 50 or more people are prohibited? And I'm supposed to avoid crowds.

Most of the instructions were such that a paradox was bound to arise, but the expert neither corrected nor explained it. If a paradox was resolved, another instruction emerged that was in complete contradiction with the first instruction.

1st instruction: The face mask must have a special protection class so that it protects against viruses. This is not available in stores.Nobody musst buy it.
2nd instruction: There is no more mouth protection
3rd instruction: The face mask can be sewn by anyone
4nd Instruction: Entering a grocery store is only permitted with a face mask

Here is the classic contradiction to the 1st instruction.

When I closed my practice at my own request almost 2 weeks ago, I noticed that. There were patients who stood in front of me and looked at me without saying a word. I asked if they would rather go home without therapy and why they didn't just stay home. The answer was pretty crazy: I have an appointment and you can still work. So this can't be dangerous for me. But why can I get into therapy and I have to keep a distance of 1.5m? Then I can't go to therapy because I'm not far from you. Then that's dangerous ...

I noticed that this confusion caused a high degree of concentration problems, lack of drive, monotony, repetition of the same sentences. It kind of reminded me of pushing a switch where people lose their minds. Just like in the techniques of hypnosis or NLP.

Conclusion: If I were very strong STS and my intermediate goal would be to put people in a hypnotic state and then do something that is actually my goal, I would use exactly this approach.

Again the link but corrected: Traductor de Google

The US Deep State, crouched in the shadow of the coronavirus. The coup plans of NorthCom.

Everything is planned according to "the worst". The epidemic provides the pretext for action. In this context, the questions recently raised by the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the possibility that the US military has deliberately spread the new coronavirus, make the most sense and take on new relevance.
And still the majority of vocal people are ardent supporters of these measures and many are clamouring for them t be tightened up. It is surreal, and truly fascinating to see how many people have the mind virus.
I too am fascinated and frustrated by the sheer numbers of people I personally know who have swallowed the 'Kool Mind Virus Aid.' Some of these people have categorically said that government isn't doing enough and that further restriction on the movement of the population is needed to combat the dreaded virus!!! It's so bloody surreal - we are now living in dystopian nightmare.
I have experienced first hand family members and friends verbally abuse me for not towing the social narrative. I have been told that my opinions, thoughts and views on the virus are inflammatory and downright dangerous. I just tell them directly that I make no apologies for my opinions. It is increasingly difficult to discuss this topic with most people around me and even on FB where people I have known for years have blocked or unfriended me. I thank the Cassiopaean team, SOTT and members on this forum for creating this sanctuary. We have a huge fight on our hands and it ain't over yet - not by a long shot.
This begs the question from me, what was he doing beside the express train track, seems a strange place to commit suicide. did he have information that the PTB did not want to be put in the public domain, very strange.

Unfourtunately and sadly, it seems that throwing yourself in front of an ICE train seems to be a common suicide strategy. I remember reading articles about how traumatic this can be for the train drivers, and I also experienced train delays because of such things happening. Still, the whole Schäfer affair is kind of a riddle. He was a high-functioning, problem-solving kind of guy from what I read, and used to high stress levels.

Most of the instructions were such that a paradox was bound to arise, but the expert neither corrected nor explained it. If a paradox was resolved, another instruction emerged that was in complete contradiction with the first instruction.

Another contradiction: don't go outside if it's not absolutely necessary! But don't stockpile, please go to the supermarket often instead! Whether that's by design or just a consequence of idiocy and hysteria, I agree that the effect on people can be very traumatic. Kind of like dealing with gaslighting or psychopathy.

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