The Greek derived word Hubris is much on everyone's mind I'm sure (I see it pop up regularly on this thread for obvious reason).
Those of us who are looking ahead, trying to work out where this is landing and what the psychopaths at the top are really up to, should always keep in mind as teh day to day insanity and media storm engulfs us, that it is too often forgotten that Hubris has a partner and that is Nemesis. The one inexorably follows the other.

Whatever it is the PTB think it is they are doing, and for whatever reason/s, this is the follow on factor they have now less than zero control over.

The biggest of Rumsfeld's "unknown, unknowns" (yet it was a "known, known" by all the wise in the ancient world). These people think they are gods. The ultimate in Hubris. The cosmos will respond accordingly...

She is coming...

(the below is simply edited from Wiki - it says it all for those who can read between the lines of even their dead pan assessment)


(/ˈhjuːbrɪs/, from ancient Greek ὕβρις) describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance. In its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods which, in turn, brings about the downfall of the perpetrator of hubris. The adjectival form of the noun hubris is "hubristic".

Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments or capabilities.

Ancient Greek origin

Common use

In ancient Greek, hubris referred to “outrage“: actions that violated natural order, or which shamed and humiliated the victim, sometimes for the pleasure or gratification of the abuser.

In ancient Athens, hubris was defined as the use of violence to shame the victim (this sense of hubris could also characterize rape). Aristotle defined hubris as shaming the victim, not because of anything that happened to the committer or might happen to the committer, but merely for that committer's own gratification:

" cause shame to the victim, not in order that anything may happen to you, nor because anything has happened to you, but merely for your own gratification. Hubris is not the requital of past injuries; this is revenge. As for the pleasure in hubris, its cause is this: naive men think that by ill-treating others they make their own superiority the greater."​

Crucial to this definition are the ancient Greek concepts of honour (τιμή, timē) and shame

Religious use

A common way that hubris was committed was when a mortal claimed to be better than a god in a particular skill or attribute. Claims like these were rarely left unpunished… events were not limited to myth, and certain figures in history were considered to be have been punished for committing hubris through their arrogance.

What is common to all these examples is the breaching of limits, as the Greeks believed that the Fates (Μοῖραι) had assigned each being with a particular area of freedom, an area that even the gods could not breach.


Nemesis - Goddess of retribution

In ancient Greek religion, Nemesis, also called Rhamnousia or Rhamnusia ("the goddess of Rhamnous"), is the goddess who enacts retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods).


The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word νέμειν némein, meaning "to give what is due", from Proto-Indo-European nem- "distribute".


Divine retribution
is a major theme in the Hellenic world view… she is implacable justice: that of Zeus in the Olympian scheme of things, although it is clear she existed prior to him, as her images look similar to several other goddesses, such as Cybele, Rhea, Demeter, and Artemis.

As the "Goddess of Rhamnous", Nemesis was honored and placated in an archaic sanctuary in the isolated district of Rhamnous, in northeastern Attica. There she was a daughter of Oceanus , the primeval river-ocean that encircles the world.

(this is where comets come from... as they swim the tide and feel the prevailing current....)

She is portrayed as a winged goddess wielding a whip or a dagger.

The poet Mesomedes wrote a hymn to Nemesis in the early second century AD, where he addressed her:

"Nemesis, winged balancer of life, dark-faced goddess, daughter of Justice..."​

and mentioned her "adamantine bridles" that restrain "the frivolous insolences of mortals".

Later, as the maiden goddess of proportion and the avenger of crime, she has as attributes a measuring rod (tally stick), a bridle, scales, a sword, and a scourge, and she rides in a chariot drawn by griffins.

Fortune and retribution

In the Greek tragedies Nemesis appears chiefly as the avenger of crime and the punisher of hubris, and as such is akin to Atë and the Erinyes. She was sometimes called "Adrasteia", probably meaning "one from whom there is no escape"; her epithet Erinys ("implacable") is specially applied to Demeter and the Phrygian mother goddess, Cybele.
Did anyone see satelite action? I was out in the garden last night for only six to seven minutes (my dog had to pee), and I watched the sky. I saw quite an amount of sattelites. In those minutes there were four satellites i saw. all going the same direction.
Do you mean on a straight line? Just asking because a friend of mine called in January and thought to have seen UFOs in the sky. Actually it was a series of tiny-tiny dots of lights, like satellites, but moving on a straight line, one following the other... Checked the news and there were in fact episodes like that around, but they said it was Elon Musk's satellites, for his big project called Starlink. Last launch was‎ on: ‎18 March 2020. Project started on 2018, 362 satellites in orbit by now.
At least now we know it will last at a minimum until July 1st in Canada:

Everyone I talked to today looked strained under these restrictions. Quite a few are close to breaking point. I don't think it's feasible to keep this up much longer, because it's going to get ugly very soon, IMO.
Hello everyone. This is my first post in a long time. Like a few others here i came back to the forum. I haven't seen anyone posting here information from Austria. I'll try to fullfill that part and keep you up to date.

Austria was one of the first european countries to impose stricter social distancing regulations. I honestly can't even remember how all this began. The people in my are seem to take it quite well. Althogh everyone is changing the side of the street when you are about to pass each other on the sidewalk. German and Austrians are quite rule abiding people. But i guess thats the same everywhere now.

The grocery stores are still filled to the brim (at least in my area) and nobody seems to panic buy. One of my local grocery store had, until yesterday, i sign that said "payment preferred with card". So cash was still no problem.

Yesterday it was announced that from now on you could only get into the grocery store if you waer a mouth mask. Fortunately they will be handed (for free?) at the entrance.

Many people (us included) have been to their local hospitals (and others further away) and found them almost empty. There is a reason for this.
Today it was reported that Austria will take in three serously ill patient from France. While it is nice that the european countries are starting to show some solidarity i still can't understand why. Aren't there enough empty hospitals in France? And why just three patient?
Salzburg admits intensive care patients from France

Austria will assist France, which was severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, in the treatment of infected persons. Three people seriously ill with Covid-19 will be brought to the province of Salzburg for treatment. "France has requested Austria to admit some corona intensive care patients", Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) announced today.

"We are of course helping France in this difficult situation to save human lives, and are admitting three intensive care patients in Salzburg, for which I thank the Province of Salzburg. In view of the great drama of the situation, this is only a small contribution, but it is symbolically important that we in Europe support each other," said a statement sent to the APA. The province of Tyrol had already admitted five intensive care patients from South Tyrol.

I don't know if someone already mentioned this but i had a thought after reading this. Isn't this whole testing of everyone for covid sort of a global 23andMe action with which they get the DNA information of almost everyone?

Germany is for national testing on Covid-19 and for the immune to return to work and normal life

It's about conducting a nationwide large-scale test that will identify antibodies to the new coronavirus present in every citizen's body, so that two large groups are distinguished: those who are still at risk of infection and those who are immune, according to Der Spiegel. The latter would receive from the authorities a kind of "pass" that would allow them to gradually re-enter their jobs abandoned because of Covid-19.
Somewhat with tongue in cheek, I have to report no unusual feelings, pains, headaches. The only things I can identify with are feeling hot, but then I am always hot, in winter my wife refers to me as the Furnace. I also have constant ringing in my ears, but I am realistic, that is tinnitus. I did feel dizzy and lightheaded the other morning, but that also might have been the after effects of my early morning smoke of strong pipe tobacco. Seriously though, I do ask myself why no unusual sensations?

On the CV19 front, the pressure is slowly ratcheting up. First, the police are hinting a curfew might be necessary to stop the 1% of people being out at night, driving around. They must stop, we are told, as they are putting us all in danger (although I cannot see how). The second thing we are seeing is the Public Health professionals flexing their muscles. Having been responsible for getting the government to implement the lockdown, they are now starting to push for more draconian measures, e.g. people over 60 confined to their homes, everybody coming back from overseas being put in mandatory government supervised quarantine for 14 days, general tough curfews. They also released the data from their models, all curiously agreeing with each others, forecasting 28,000 people dying if we don't obey the lockdown and even if we do, likely seeing 2000-3000 people dying in weeks to come. This in a place with less than 600 cases, 1 death (from the flue but rebranded CV19) and nearly 100 people recovered, 12 people in hospital of whom jsut 2 are in the ICU.

And still the majority of vocal people are ardent supporters of these measures and many are clamouring for them t be tightened up. It is surreal, and truly fascinating to see how many people have the mind virus.
I wouldn't call it "hellish", as in other countries the restrictions are much more serious. And as of now the restrictions are active only until the 5th of April, due to Russians inability to actually follow the rules. ;-) These restrictions are primarily the result of WHO's recommendations (read demands), while before Russian government and Putin were much more lenient in their approach. Basically, everyone now is a hostage to this manufactured hysteria, and Russia has no choice but to follow, also in order to prevent possible social dissatisfaction that the government is "not doing enough". It's a lose lose situation. [...]

So clearly Powers That Be in Russia understand that it is a circus, and that this circus should be maintained to a degree, and for certain purposes. And also because there is still much uncertainty, until they get enough objective and unbiased data regarding the virus. At least that my take on the situation at the moment. Will see how it goes.

I was just thinking that another reason may be since Putin has always been a big proponent of all countries to be in strict adherence to international law, that he has to do what he 'preaches'. The WHO is not 'international law' but because it's been declared a 'pandemic' by the WHO, and their decisions and 'recommendations' can affect all countries, so many people probably take the WHO in the same context as 'international law'.
Just an FYI for people in the USA (possibly elsewhere around the world), there's talk about possibly having to wear masks to go out in public - it could become mandatory (maybe it is in some areas already?). I assume they're referring to masks of the N95 type, or better. So it might be a good idea to go ahead and find some to buy now (sellers on eBay have some, at this moment anyway) instead of waiting, otherwise it might become an issue trying to be allowed out in public because an appropriate mask can't be had, or they're even harder to come by than they are now.

A note about eBay, I noticed one seller listing some but only listing them one, or a few, at a time, so you see the listing and it might say '1 available' or '4 available', etc. They sell out super fast so by the time you get into checkout it might be sold already. But if you open a related product page and refresh every few seconds you'll see that they might add more, incrementally, to the quantity and then you can buy one - if you're fast about it. Apparently one or more sellers are doing that type of inventory availability pacing purposely to thwart hording, or at least it seems that way based on what I saw.

Edit: Beware of scammers!
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At this time, it seems to me that the US is still very strong compared to EU, so I'm not seeing the demise of King Dollar just yet.

I think Trump has achieved a major policy objective of closing the borders and is getting close to achieving another major policy objective of spending a lot of money on infrastructure, so perhaps he has played this virus hand very well. His approval ratings are very high despite the stock market crash.

The emergency extra $600 per week unemployment benefit and the 2.5 months payroll free loan for small businesses will help a lot of Americans get through to June.

I'm still going to work everyday and going grocery shopping and occasionally playing at the park with police present and not harassing me.

Just an FYI for people in the USA (possibly elsewhere around the world), there's talk about possibly having to wear masks to go out in public - it could become mandatory (maybe it is in some areas already?). I assume they're referring to masks of the N95 type, or better. So it might be a good idea to go ahead and find some to buy now (sellers on eBay have some, at this moment anyway) instead of waiting, otherwise it might become an issue trying to be allowed out in public because an appropriate mask can't be had, or they're even harder to come by than they are now.
I don't buy it. There's so much rumor and disinformation going around, and that's what this feels like.
there's talk about possibly having to wear masks to go out in public - it could become mandatory (maybe it is in some areas already?). I assume they're referring to masks of the N95 type, or better. So it might be a good idea to go ahead and find some to buy now

Yeah, I was going to say let's hope it doesn't come to that because I prefer not to walk around in a mask as if there's a real danger. I'm a little old to be playing make believe. So hopefully hlat is right.
I don't buy it. There's so much rumor and disinformation going around, and that's what this feels like.

First I'd read it online, then I saw a reporter ask Trump about it directly on TV, his answer was basically (paraphrasing) "Maybe, we'll see." I don't want to wear one and definitely am not worried about catching this virus, but I also don't want to be told I need to stay home until I somehow get a mask or the mask fairy stops by to put one under my pillow. LOL. 😁

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Somewhat with tongue in cheek, I have to report no unusual feelings, pains, headaches. The only things I can identify with are feeling hot, but then I am always hot, in winter my wife refers to me as the Furnace. I also have constant ringing in my ears, but I am realistic, that is tinnitus. I did feel dizzy and lightheaded the other morning, but that also might have been the after effects of my early morning smoke of strong pipe tobacco. Seriously though, I do ask myself why no unusual sensations?

On the CV19 front, the pressure is slowly ratcheting up. First, the police are hinting a curfew might be necessary to stop the 1% of people being out at night, driving around. They must stop, we are told, as they are putting us all in danger (although I cannot see how). The second thing we are seeing is the Public Health professionals flexing their muscles. Having been responsible for getting the government to implement the lockdown, they are now starting to push for more draconian measures, e.g. people over 60 confined to their homes, everybody coming back from overseas being put in mandatory government supervised quarantine for 14 days, general tough curfews. They also released the data from their models, all curiously agreeing with each others, forecasting 28,000 people dying if we don't obey the lockdown and even if we do, likely seeing 2000-3000 people dying in weeks to come. This in a place with less than 600 cases, 1 death (from the flue but rebranded CV19) and nearly 100 people recovered, 12 people in hospital of whom jsut 2 are in the ICU.

And still the majority of vocal people are ardent supporters of these measures and many are clamouring for them t be tightened up. It is surreal, and truly fascinating to see how many people have the mind virus.

According to the (in)famous and official John's Hopkins CV website for Covid-19 stats, New Zealand has fewer confirmed cases than the DIAMOND PRINCESS!!! Really??! And adding up the fact that the only death (as you wrote about previously, I recall) was initially a case of flu, this is truly an example of utter dishonesty on behalf of the Public Health professionals you mentioned and its lackeys in the media.

Now I'm seeing the mind virus in action, thank you for your perspective.
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