Also a way of creating panic, if you cannot think critically.
They count the number of deaths in a country in combination with how many inhabitants the country has.
So the Netherlands is at number 3 with 60 deaths in a milion.
And China is at the bottom:headbash:

They should be letting everyone get it so that they have immunity to stronger strains.

That statement brings up an excellent point concerning disinfectant protocols on a massive scale? On the one hand, I can understand their need in wanting to neutralize a pathogen but on another level, their excessive actions are sending crossed signals - that humanity, as a whole are dirty, a threat to themselves, and those around them (social distancing), a pestilence that threatens the planet and the environment, that needs to be cordoned off (isolated) and their movements (self quarantine) monitored? We are now captives of a Prison Planet that "we willfully walked through the door" to the side of insanity! No need for a massive round up - the conditioning is complete!

Mass disinfections to combat coronavirus pose another health hazard
Firefighters spray disinfectant using high pressure pump truck to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), on the main road in Jakarta, Indonesia, March 31, 2020. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan
A drone dispersed clouds of disinfectant in the sky above
Indonesia's second-largest city Surabaya on Tuesday, a response to the coronavirus pandemic which is catching on around the world despite warnings from health experts.

Even Rome is getting sanctified for the "Second Coming" - all shiny and new for our Space Brother's ...
A worker wearing protective garments sanitises the Duomo square, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in central Milan, Italy March 31, 2020. REUTERS/Flavio Lo Scalzo

Oh Lord - Save Us - from Ourselves!
FILE PHOTO: Pope Francis is pictured at St. Peter's Square during an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - as a response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, at the Vatican, March 27, 2020. REUTERS/Yara Nardi/Pool/File Photo
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OK, this was very weird: I woke up during the early hours, my body felt somewhat cool. Suddenly my stomach and the backs of my legs became soaking wet within seconds, feeling no heat whatsoever. That is surely against the law of physics. For some time now, a small part of my back would heat up with some intensity for a minute or so.

Also on Monday I experienced numbness in my arms, back and body and everyone in my family was on edge ( but, hey, lockdown!) , irritable and I felt exhausted and had a bad headache. I was always prone to migrains until I improved my diet, so I wondered why. We were all in a much better mood on Tuesday.

I have also been experiencing weird ear ringing, as if I had been listening to very loud music with earphones.

On a much more positive note, I have been taking 6-9g of vitamin C and doing EE. My goodness!! My back and legs have been so sore since I started detoxing last August. Carrying heavy shopping or walking too far was becoming exhausting, my legs felt like cotton. ( I discovered I had CEBV, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because I was forced to make a number of lifestyle changes) However, I've been feeling much better lately and my aches and pains have all but disappeared, thanks to you people. How amazing is that?
Addition to my last thread

The procedure reminds me very much of gas lighting on two levels. The level is vertical from politics and experts to people and the level is horizontal between people. It is the psychopath's greatest tool. I myself have experienced this in a weakened form.

I believe that in the time frame of deliberately caused confusion, it is possible to manipulate and take over people completely "brain dead". But the longer the process takes, the greater the risk that the headwill start again.

In gas lighting, (composite of English gas and lighting, German: 'gas lighting') refers to a form of psychological violence or abuse with which victims are deliberately disoriented, manipulated and deeply unsettled and their reality and self-confidence are gradually deformed or gets destroyed.

In a victim, one or more people repeat, but not permanently, their perception of reality over a long period of time. This can be done by denying real things, behaviors or events, less often by consciously staging them. A basic requirement is that the offender and the victim are in a relationship of trust, i.e. that the victim trusts the offender and his manipulating statements. Over time, victims begin to doubt their memory, perception, and reason. There is no reason for the manipulative statements to be checked by a third party because the victim trusts the perpetrator.

Similar methods can e.g. B. in totalitarian regimes and sects as a potential means in the context of brainwashing, "decomposition" (Stasi), manipulation and indoctrination. a. lead to profound and lasting, sometimes existential insecurity and confusion, to weakening and damaging self-confidence, personality and resilience, to causing anxiety and panic states, to delusions and psychotic states.

I have the feeling that the search for an explanation on the physical level 3D is not enough. The game is 4D STS and is on an intellectual level. The virus is 3D and everything that happens physically changes the mind so that the line is open so that STS can establish a connection. This is only my opinion.
Covid-19: propaganda and manipulation
Returning to the Covid-19 epidemic and the way governments are reacting to it, Thierry Meyssan stresses that the authoritarian decisions of Italy and France have no medical justification. They contradict the observations of the best infectiologists and the instructions of the World Health Organization.

Meyssan made many good points already in the article from March 21st (not sure if it was mentioned here, think not). Very much in line of what has been discussed here. Some snippets:

We remember that in 1898, William Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, in order to increase the sales of their daily newspapers, published false information in order to deliberately provoke a war between the United States and the Spanish colony of Cuba. This was the beginning of "yellow journalism" (publishing anything to make money). Today it is called "fake news".

It is not known at this time whether tycoons deliberately spread panic about Covid-19, making this vulgar epidemic seem like the "end of the world”. However, one distortion after another, governments have become involved. Of course, it is no longer a question of selling advertising screens by frightening people, but of dominating populations by exploiting this fear.

President Hussein’s Iraq had only old Soviet Scud launchers with a range of up to 700 kilometers, but many Americans caulked the windows and doors of their homes to protect themselves from the deadly gases with which the evil dictator was going to attack America. This time, in the case of the Covid-19, it is the voluntary confinement in the home that forces the person who accepts it to convince himself of the veracity of the threat.

Let us remember that never in history has the confinement of a healthy population been used to fight a disease. Above all, let us remember that this epidemic has had no significant consequences in terms of mortality.

This epidemic is not statistically significant. It kills very few people, although those it does kill experience terrible respiratory distress.

In all of its messages, the WHO stressed : the low demographic impact of the epidemic; the futility of border closures; the ineffectiveness of wearing gloves, masks (except for health care workers) and certain "barrier measures" (for example, the distance of one metre only makes sense with infected people, but not with healthy people).

Interesting info on Iran's high lethality:

The Iranian population is the world’s most lung-weakest. Almost all men over the age of sixty suffer from the after-effects of the US combat gases used by the Iraqi army during the First Gulf War (1980-88), as did the Germans and the French after the First World War. Any traveller to Iran has been struck by the number of serious lung ailments. When air pollution in Tehran increased beyond what they could bear, schools and government offices were closed and half of the families moved to the countryside with their grandparents. This has been happening several times a year for thirty-five years and seems normal. The government and parliament are almost exclusively composed of veterans of the Iraq-Iran war, that is, people who are extremely fragile in relation to Covid-19. So when these groups were infected, many personalities developed the disease.

And the main point about France and Italy, which was also brought up yesterday by Joe:

According to the President of the Italian Council, Giuseppe Conte, and the French President, Emmanuel Macron, the aim of confining the entire population at home is not to overcome the epidemic, but to spread it out over time so that the sick do not arrive at the same time in hospitals and saturate them. In other words, it is not a medical measure, but an exclusively administrative one. It will not reduce the number of infected people, but will postpone it in time.

In order to convince the Italians and the French of the merits of their decision, Presidents Conte and Macron first enlisted the support of committees of scientific experts. While these committees had no objection to people staying at home, they had no objection to people going about their business. Then Chairs Conte and Macron made it mandatory to have an official form to go for a walk. This document on the letterheads of the respective ministries of the interior is drawn up on honour and is not subject to any checks or sanctions.

The two governments panic their populations by distributing unnecessary instructions disavowed by infectious diseases doctors: they encourage people to wear gloves and masks in all circumstances and to keep at least one metre away from any other human being.

From Joe's post here:

The goal of the lock downs i.e. social distancing and self-isolation is, officially, to "flatten the curve", i.e. SLOW DOWN, NOT STOP the spread of the disease.

The goal is, therefore, NOT to stop the elderly with serious underlying illnesses (or anyone else) from contracting the virus and dying from complications associated with it, at least, no more so than in any previous winter "flu" season.

The goal is for hospitals to be able to provide care for a supposedly large number of people (relative to hospital's ability to treat them) who will become seriously ill from the virus.

I explained in a previous post the reason why most hospitals are almost empty while a few are "inundated": to prevent a supposed influx of patients "all at once", you have to keep all non-critical i.e. non 'covid-19' critical patients away from hospitals in order to stop the spread of the virus. This results in only one or two hospitals in a given area being designated "covid-19 centers" while the rest are, as noted, mostly empty.

This current situation where hundreds of millions of people are being terrorized by relentless media reports of "inundated hospitals", is therefore only possible because of the ASSUMPTION that a large percentage of the overall population will become seriously ill from the virus. But for several very good reasons, this does NOT appear to be true, and there is no reason for anyone to assume that it will become true.

In the meantime, in Czech still more people convince themselves that we must stay at home and we will overcome this. Some sane voices can be heard but the battle is very indecisive at the moment. However most of previously reasonable alternative news websites bought into the #stayhome campaign, just as many of you reported in other countries. Really eye-opening to watch how "Radical anarchists are persuading people to obey the state" (taken from the meme I posted in the Corona craziness thread)
I too am fascinated and frustrated by the sheer numbers of people I personally know who have swallowed the 'Kool Mind Virus Aid.' Some of these people have categorically said that government isn't doing enough and that further restriction on the movement of the population is needed to combat the dreaded virus!!! It's so bloody surreal - we are now living in dystopian nightmare.
I have experienced first hand family members and friends verbally abuse me for not towing the social narrative. I have been told that my opinions, thoughts and views on the virus are inflammatory and downright dangerous. I just tell them directly that I make no apologies for my opinions. It is increasingly difficult to discuss this topic with most people around me and even on FB where people I have known for years have blocked or unfriended me. I thank the Cassiopaean team, SOTT and members on this forum for creating this sanctuary. We have a huge fight on our hands and it ain't over yet - not by a long shot.
I would be very careful with what you say or do for the time being. It's a waste of energy trying to influence anyone at this stage anyway and someone will most likely report you. You can do a lot of good behind the scenes, but you are placing yourself in danger at present. What good will you be able to do, if you get locked up? Take care of yourself and your image.
I love Twitter! Just found an article from a Flemish (Belgium) news outlet reporting that funeral directors have stated that less people have been buried in March this year than during the flu season last year.

From abroad we reach distressing images of coffins moved by the army, of corpses not placed in morgues but in refrigerated lorries, of mass burials. Fortunately, none of these images reach us. "There is no capacity problem," Thomas Heiremans confirmed on Radio 1 in The Morning [De Morgen; Flemish news outlet]. "There are a few fireplaces locally, but none of the undertakers have a problem at the moment."

It is striking that Heiremans is talking about a "very average" and "very normal" month of March in terms of deaths. "Last year we had a very large peak in deaths from the flu," says Heiremans. That peak is not there this year, not even because of the coronavirus, although it may still be coming.

Translated with (free version)
That's how the coronavirus death numbers will multiply here, and that's also why people are no longer panicked but terrified, I think it's an exaggeration. I have friends who come from the street and not only wash their hands, they also take off their clothes and put them in a plastic bag and wash them immediately, wash their shoes and clean everything that has touched their hands. They also had a bath just after getting home.
They try to make of this a panorama something similar of what happened during the Black Death, imagination is another way to control the mind. During the Black Death they cremate bodies or put under earth in huge quantities, no mass, no funerals, and this image of the Black Death where everything was death and death and fear of something that was incontrolable is in our collective sub-conscious and even today it works. It is the remembrance of terror and impotence. Of Humanity in a state of desperation. They play with that with us. And it works!

I really think we need a comet.

So here in Spain we will be in a State of alarm till the 26 of April.
about the hot flushes
from peoples descriptions it sounds very similar to menopausal hot flushes us girls get ( you're welcome guys,lol) now they are caused when your internal ''liquids'' / neurotransmitters/hormones change very sudden
could the flushes people have reported here be moments of DNA upgrade?

about loud beeps in left or right ear
my German grandmother used to say ''das rechte das schlechte...das linke das flinke''
meaning a beep in the right ear bad ..a beep i the left nice
like mic feedback someone somewhere is bad mouthing you=beep n right ear
someone somewhere is praising you =beep n left ear

so beeping maybe a sign of ''increasing receivership capabilities '' ?
I've read in the local newspaper several week before the lockdown that the CHU (University Hospital Center) of my town received a lot of patients from other departments (counties), and some rather foreign. That is it really changed the number of cases wether one counts the hospitalized people or the really "indigenous" infected ! I live in one of those red zones, but personnaly know noone infected or heard of someone who knows someone who knows one... strange for a pandemy, isn't it ?
Well seen. We no more have info on the ground by social contacts. They've lockdowned people in their house and they've "lockdowned" (censure) information sharings on social medias. Accessing to the truth becomes so difficult.
According to a Dutch news outlet Child Line has received 40% more calls about 'worrisome home situation'. AFAIK Child Protective Services fund Child LIne in Holland, so this is a perfect opportunity for data mining. Many more new files about families will be opened and when the 'intelligent' lock down is over they will request more funding from the government. I suspect that from now on more families will be supervised and more kids will be removed from their home, because 'data' (never mind that many kids just called Child Line on a whim). Volunteers receive training, so they know how to maximise data mining (that's my guess anyway).

Perhaps they will even discuss vaccinations and ask kids about their parents' preferences. Who knows?

I am pretty sure that they will encourage kids to write down 'events' in a journal, because that is what they told people to do before the summer holidays in an advertisement put up by the ministry of youth and family more than 10 years ago.

More divide and conquer within families which will result in more destruction of families.
I just want to add to this the latest news on Russia – the control is being strengthened:

Камеры нарушенного соблюдения

According to Moscow authorities, this mobile application will only be used to control the movement of those citizens who have a confirmed coronavirus and therefore must follow the quarantine rules.

This application is not intended to monitor the movements of all Moscow citizens.

Those citizens who do not have mobile phones will be provided with such phones for the period of quarantine, following which they will return the phones to Moscow authorities.
Here, I'm starting to see posters everywhere that make me understand now that I'm living in a world of Heroes, even Super Heroes.
At the supermarket for example, the poster tells me that a hero cleans the floor for me, it's the maintenance worker, Hero number 2 ; the security guard, whose power is to protect me from citizens who don't respect the rules, even to protect me from myself if I'm crazy enough to approach someone within 1 meter, is Hero number 1, it's logical, he's the first person I meet when I enter a store.

However, says the poster and the message I hear in the loudspeakers, these two are nothing compared to the Super Heroes, the cashiers, risking their lives on the front line, facing their mortal enemy, the coronavirus I carry... me, the bad citizen, who still has the audacity to continue to come and do my selfish little errands, possibly precipitating by my presence alone, the probable end of the world. As I leave, finally, another sign incites me to direct my thoughts one last time, the least I can do, towards these people who have put their lives in danger for me.

Miserable and guilty, I go home with my few errands in a few minutes. It's normal, the superheroes in navy blue suits who are on every street corner have been able to tell me what I really need to buy at the store closest to me, can they advise me by checking the address marked on my exit permit.

Latest news on BBC

I'm such a numpty, this is what I wanted to post

Also this


What's up with these 'sudden' deaths? I'm just on the look out for sudden and unexplained deaths.

Also adding this here which seems to have been debunked i.e. adding the debunking piece

I noticed something yesterday in Macedonian media. Maybe I am wrong and I wish I am wrong.
A few days ago the authorities announced that they closed the only specialized pulmonary hospital for children in the country.

That hospital was full, sometimes even beyond its capacity every flue season. I know it for sure. My son was there for 10 days when he was 5, I was there when I was a kid. It is an old hospital. Now they closed it.

And yesterday some kind of authoritarian so-called experts start showing on TV and talking about how to protect children from this virus and how it manifests in children. Something like that.

First lock down the children ( and all others ), then close the children's pulmonary hospital, and then start to spread fear about the virus.
What do they want to achieve? Do they want some children to die from pulmonary complications so they can show that as a Covid death?.
That way they will have a reason to increase the measures or to make them even more restrictive.

This is a crime. The same this with empty hospitals that are discussed already here on the forum.

I found on the internet that last flu season there were 28 deaths from flu in Macedonia. And I am using this data when some zombi starts attacking me. I know that children were among these people. No panic, no lockdown.

If now something similar happens, it will be something terrible.

It is always terrible when children die, but it was also terrible the last year and the year before that.

What is wrong with those people?

One thing that gives hope is that people are more aware that this is just a circus. They are calming from the initial shock and some of them are realizing that we are all fooled. I just hope that there will be more and more and that people will start asking real question on a real address

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