Ladies and Gentlemen 🥁
Coronavirus: Queen records special broadcast to air on Sunday
The Queen has previously recorded messages ahead of her mother's funeral, after the death of Diana, and during the Gulf War.

Her Majesty, who has previously pledged that she and her family are "ready to play our part" in seeing the country through the COVID-19 crisis, will attempt to boost morale in a televised broadcast at 8pm.
I guess she may start clapping to our heroes from her window 👏
Canada seems to bring troops home too:

Is it possible that things might get super rough on the seas as well as in the air?

The airlines already started shutting down operations:

US has moved their carriers to Guam recently.

Then think of all the Cruise Ships being taken off the seas.

Plus with the halt on production and trade, less ships on the open seas as well?

I think they are really expecting some interesting phenomena due to the Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS), but there is no relationship with Covid-19, right?
My personal feeling is that the cow has been milked, wait for tomorrow's milk-ing?!
Unless I am in Twilight Zone, the virus is related to the opening/ closing of the crown chakra. Wonder why they named it that?
And this is a sure way of knowing who are the semites, so if you've seen the movie THEY LIVE free on Youtube watch it again cause here we go! Bring on the ecstasy we'll take 2 please!
SO if its that simple that we can figure it out then obviously other high level players figured it out too.
Yet the whole world from south america to asia to russia to china is doing the same lockdown madness

So what force can move every government and Media organisation in the world in unison like that, like a flock of birds? Even including the non-aligned countries? Just what on earth is going on here?
I think it is feedback loop of fear. Confluence of many factors, but once you get the ball rolling.. and mass media helping augment through the control of narrative. Everyone was shocked by Chinese gov. response to lock down their cities, and once fear was out of the bag, they did their best spreading the fear 24/7 and with ample help from WHO dr. Tedros and other 'experts' like UK's Imperial College, Neil Fergusson, who jump-started panic between governments under pressure of looming catastrophe. Of course this factor of brainwashing, where everyone is exposed to it nonstop, not exactly simple thing to figure the truth. And those who do figuring where smelling rat is, are not obviously plenty heard in parliaments. We see exactly results that programming is working.
Main points of the Press conference this morning (Canada/Ontario):
- Distancing has saved hundred of thousands lifes.
- Stricter actions will save even more thousand lifes.
- Québec asked the help of the armed forces.
- And to the question "when it is going to end", he answered: it depends on people obeying the directives and measures.


Patient numbers were actually down, significantly, from the norm. “I am hearing this is fairly similar across other emergency rooms in the Toronto area,” he said. “We are seeing way, way, lower volumes of admissions overall.”

“Emergency volumes have plummeted all over the country,” said Dr. Daniel Kalla, the head of the emergency department at St. Paul’s Hospital, in downtown Vancouver. “People are so fearful of hospitals, understandably,” he said. They just aren’t coming in.

Quiet ERs could be a sign that social isolation is working.

But I thought it is not working, isn't that what the draconian cellphone data analysis was showing?? Isn't that why we need to enforce social distancing rules?

“There are less heart attacks coming to the emergency department now,” said Dr. Ari Greenwald, who practises emergency medicine in Toronto and Hamilton. “And I don’t know why, but I presume that some of the people who are having heart attacks are just not coming in.”

“Very fortunately, we haven’t seen this big surge in the super sick, which we were prepared for, and have been expecting,” said Kalla. “God willing, we’ll never see it, but the next two weeks will tell.”
Since this CV19 event has forced our state, Wisconsin/USA, to "stay safe at home" I've been keeping track of the statistics. When they first started testing in mid-March (Ides of March?) after nation wide cancellation of EVERY crowd gathering event, the tests were being reserved for "essential personnel" and only for those "presenting symptoms". So, I'm assuming that the first couple of weeks of testing were done on those with known exposure or symptoms. The statistics for the entire time since testing began, have consistently reported that only 10% of those tested are confirmed for CV19. My question has been "what are the other 90% of symptomatic people infected with if they are testing negative for CV19?" Influenza, perhaps? We'll never know for sure, but to put that in perspective, WI has a population of about 6 million people. Today, they reported about 1800 cases since Feb 1, which is .03% of the population (testing pos for CV19). The number of deaths reported, as of today, are 37 (0.0006 % of WI population & 2% of known cases have died). These rates have been fairly consistent since the start of reporting.

This statistical information is what I've been sharing with neighbors, who we see more of now that we're all home more and taking more walks. If nothing else, it gets people thinking differently and discerning the barrage of updates. Many I talk to are suspicious of this over-reaction, but they can't seem to say exactly why. That's when I give them the statistics in a new light. All concur that the flu claims more lives than this CV.

We have many commercial customers, mostly Main street-type businesses, who rarely have more than 5 people in their stores at one time. Those considered non-essential, have been ordered by their city's Chamber of Commerce, to close their doors, and later by the order of the Governor. That order seems to be contradictory to the order to limit gatherings of people to 10 or less, which would suggest that bars and restaurants stay closed, except for delivery options. If they're closed, we can not expect them to need our non-essential services. There in lies the real panic for "non-essential" workers, lost income and uncertainty about how the bills are going to get paid! Regardless, folks around here are relatively calm about the situation for now, and offering assistance to those in need. So maybe this situation is creating opportunities for STO candidates to shine their light.

We're all complying, for now, and taking the recommended precautions, and why not?,... there's 90% of those symptomatic people testing negative for CV, that are likely contagious with something else!

The latest ordered closure (under threat of arrests) was the tobacco/vape shop we get supplies from! Apparently, they are a non-essential business... says who? And like I mentioned above, this shop rarely has more than 10 customers in store at one time.
Yet, Liquor Stores are still allowed to stay open. Go figure! Especially, since we were able to buy our supplies at one of their chain stores 30 miles away. So ridiculous and ad hoc!
Another contradiction?

If stay at home and social distancing is a good approach, and if the two or three weeks quarantine is all it takes, why is this now needed:

Could it be a DNA collection effort?
I recommend getting the pdf linked in this article

Numbers, statistics, comparisons, perspective... good stuff.

It sums up the current situation as "people at risk of dying are at risk of dying from the coronavirus if infected."
Our media turned that fact into apocalyptic madness.

And there's plenty of other good stuff in it worth sharing:
"Did the media forget to tell you that you're at risk from things other than the coronavirus? Did they forget to tell you that the risk from these other factors is far higher in reality even for people in the epicentre, at ground zero of the virus?"

When talking to normals, you don't even have to question the stats about coronavirus. Let them think the numbers are real. All you have to do is give them other numbers that are real and can easily be checked. There are hundreds of things more dangerous than this virus that we live with every day.

This comes as a reaction to this:

IF ANYONE IS OUT THERE: let's use the Gurdjieff morning and daily example, and cut the trend. IF ALL OF US go for a walk say at NOON, then 3PM, then 6PM, everyday starting now. Down your street, up the alley... It will be NOON in Qc in 2 minutes, I got my boots on, join me?!
10 minutes minimum, ok? And let your kites fly!
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