Not sure if anyone has entered this into this timeline, the Carrington event of 1859, an example of the Electric Universe.

I recently learned that this was about the time the magnetic north pole stopped meandering around the northernmost part of Canada and started it's bee-line move toward the geographic north pole, gradually accelerating this century, all the while the Earth's geomagnetic field has been weakening, as well. Also, several comets discovered before and after the CE of 1859...Donati's comet of 1858, for one, was remarkable.
Stupidity continues, testing how much people can tolerate in Poland continues, today the Ministry of the Environment informed that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, a ban on access to forests and National Parks is being introduced from now on.
Technical question, how can I insert a table chart in where tabs are respected? I did it in Word in order to insert it in Michael B-C, post, but with the preview the tabs moves.

Maybe someone has already answer you @mabar, but the easiest way for me is to make a table in an Excel sheet and after that you just copy and paste it in your message, like this one:

This update was annouced recently in Poland;

"- Walking 2 metres apart in public, including members of the same family"

Is this not pretty obvious that it's gone far past the point of 'protecting people', and is now testing how much totalitarian control people are willing to put up with?

Also, PL seems to be one of the places that tests out the new style authoritarian controls, so if successful, I'd expect to see this soon spread across the

Absolutely unbelievable, it's just one big game to the psychos in power 9/11 on steroids backed up by rockets. Testing the waters see how far they can go how compliant will the masses be with these crazy measures. Im hopeing they will push to far and people will start to question, still a way to go yet though.

The clown in charge here in government was on the Tele screen again last night addressing the sheeple. The surge will be here in 2-3 weeks, the country is going into a deep recession over 500,000 out of work. Will be the end of the week until the puppets decide on how the new measures are effecting infection rates. So won't be suprised if fines are brought in mandatory masks etc like elsewhere. They will push this to the max. Partner took a drive to the coast yesterday 5min away had to turn back checkpoint stopping people only allowed to go 2km from home walking for excercise, only necessary driving for work or essential goods like food. Still waiting to go through one myself, have the work related papers to get through.

Just a correction in my last post about the bigger parks closed they are open just the car parks are closed. Drove there today with my partner no check points, couple of guards walking around the park. Fewer people out since the new measures were brought in. Nice sunny day here that cold breeze is gone, nice warm breeze was lovely lieing in the grass under the sun. You wouldn't think anything was going on except for the odd person wearing a mask in the park few hellos nice day, pretty normal.

Had a chat with my clients son in law last night, he lives upstairs with his wife and 3 kids. I asked him how many die from flu each year, he said around 7000. Told him 650,000 he shrugged his shoulders. What about the damage to the economy job loses etc. It has to be done he said if not things will be worse to many will die the economy will collapse anyway. Had to be very careful talking to him I work there, so see him a lot. Had to change the subject, asking how he's getting on working from home. Hes a physics teacher we talked about how tough it is on everyone etc. Could see he was in the people are dieing save the elderly camp, common sence out the window. I feel for the guy though, he's a good father and a decent guy. It's easier to just nod in agreement with this type of person and change the subject to how they are coping and maybe make life a bit easier for them in some way.

On a good note, one of my nephews is learning a lot from this thing. Hes 21 has his head screwed on, I've been sending him articles from this thread. He had already seen one I sent and summarised it in a message he sent me. Very happy for him he is going through an awakening it's his 9/11 😎..Mentioned V for vendetta to him said he will watch it the weekend👍

Have to catch up im at least 15 pages behind. Enjoying the comments articles etc. Thanks everyone
Just be aware. Article came out yesterday on the glories of Fitbit for tracking flu-like symptoms for our public health agencies. No surprise.

Fitbit Data Significantly Improves Prediction of Influenza-like Illnesses
Dibash Das, PhD


Fitbit data significantly improved detection of influenza-like illness (ILI) in US patients.

Fitbit data significantly improved detection of influenza-like illness (ILI) in US patients, according to a study published in The Lancet.
Acute infections can cause individuals to have higher-than-normal resting heart rates (RHR), increased sleep duration and frequency, and a decline in activity levels, all of which can be measured using wearable technology. Because an increasing number of people are using personal activity monitors, researchers assessed whether population trends data from one wearable device, Fitbit, may help improve real-time influenza surveillance and limit the potential impact of the disease.
The investigators obtained de-identified heart rate and sleep activity data from 200,000 individuals who used a Fitbit from March 1, 2016 to March 1, 2018 in the United States. They used the data from the 5 states with the most device wearers in order to determine whether changes in an individual’s weekly RHR and sleep activity as determined by the Fitbit correlated with the influenza-like illness (ILI) rates reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at a statewide level. Data from the first year (March 2016 to March 2017) was used to build an analytic model and data from the second year (March 2017 to March 2018) was used for validation. Inclusion criteria included having a self-reported birth year between 1930 and 2004, weight greater than 20 kg, and height greater than 1 m. Overall, adequate data came from 47,249 users who wore a Fitbit consistently during the study period and included 13,342,651 total RHR and sleep measurements.
Fitbit data significantly improved ILI predictions in all 5 states, with a mean increase in Pearson correlation of 0.12±0.07 over baseline models, corresponding to improvements ranging from 6.3–32.9%. The correlation between the model predictions and CDC-reported ILI rates varied from 0.84 to 0.97 for the individual states. Week-to-week changes in the percentage of Fitbit users with abnormal data were associated with week-to-week changes in ILI rates in most cases. Fitbit users were classified as having a week with abnormal data if their weekly average for RHR or sleep measurements exceeded a given threshold, such as overall elevated RHR or longer-than-average sleep duration. Additionally, it was discovered that the percentage of participants with Fitbit data above the threshold was higher during the 2017-2018 influenza season compared with the 2016-2017 season.

The researchers noted several study limitations. First, external factors other than illness can influence an individual’s RHR and sleep. Secondly, owners of wearable devices are typically wealthier than the general population, potentially making them less likely to have comorbidities that could make them susceptible to more severe infections.
The researchers concluded that “the large amount of real-time data generated by Fitbit and other personal devices will continue to prove useful for public health and augment traditional surveillance systems. The ever-expanding big data revolution offers unique opportunities to mine new data streams, identify epidemiologically relevant patterns, and enrich infectious disease forecasts.”

Once the ID 2020 RFID will be implanted via mandatory vaccines the range of applications will be endless, from cashless society, to vaccination enforcement, etc.

I really like how they marketed these devices to young people. One of my kids told me that it is great, it tells him how he slept. Already conditioned to think you need an app to tell you that :umm:
So, if virus can survive for hours on surfaces, it means it can survive for hours in the air as well, so if someone sneezes, the droplets they project out that might infect someone that is closer than the 6 feet recommended distance will also be in the air so then how is this not spreading in a building with shared vents?

In my country the Chinese experts forbid us to use one hospital for Corona cases because the hospital has shared vents.

Also, why 2m / 6 feet if it is known that sneezing can project droplets out as far as 8m / 24 feet and the droplets might stay in the air for up to 10 minutes, i.e. even if you keep your distance in the grocery shop for instance, I can walk through your "sneeze cloud", no?

That is why the masks will become mandatory. So you won't be able to sneeze on other people.

But only when the media tell them they should. They weren't trying to save anybody last year, were they.

No. It's too bad that the good guys don't own the media. You can obviously program the people with all kind of things with the media.

I just talked with my elderly neighbor who still likes to go out to the store, even though he is not allowed. And he confirmed to me that some people take much bigger distance than 2m when standing in line. So these young people are much more afraid than my old neighbor.
Here is a picture.

And tv report, in french

Cellphone coverage is not so good in Cottage Country Canada, so it is harder for them to track you or use the Emergency Alert System. By the way, after a few days of using the Emergency Alert System, one day it was used 5 times, the next day 2 times, then nothing. Maybe it was just a test in preparation to what is coming?
Ben from Suspicious0bservers has a fresh video with more info on comet Atlas (and more) and he says that it wont be an issue. It is passing near Mercury and our Sun but is not close enough to disrupt magnetic fields.

Comet ATLAS, Conflict Coming, SLAC Flying Blind | S0 News Apr.3.2020

Does this mean that the close encounter from June / July won't happen anymore? Was the model or the prediction wrong? (this is from the video you posted earlier)

Like I mentioned in my previous update, after one week of extended paid leave announced by President Putin, he extended this period until the end of this month and said that this period can be shortened if the situation improves in Russia.

Also, since the virus has now been found in many Russian regions, the President has vested the regional governors with powers to manage the situation depending on their particular local circumstances.

Therefore, starting from next week, the rules of quarantine will differ in Russian regions. Here are some examples:

In Sverdlovsk Region, the self-isolation will be extended until 20 April only, so they have shortened their quarantine.

In Pskov Region, the quarantine may be softened in one week.

In Khakassia, the self-isolation is extended until 12 April, so they have shortened it too.

Some regions, on the contrary, decided to strengthen their measures. Chechnya, for example, has finally declared a curfew. Which is not surprising, considering the specifics of this region.

In my region, the Governor has declared today that starting from next week, all people engaged in industry and construction sectors may return to work. Also, he said that as long as we comply with the quarantine rules, we may go and spend time at our dachas (many Russians have plots of land with summer houses in the countryside).
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"Before Ivermectin can be used to combat coronavirus, funding is needed to get it to pre-clinical testing and clinical trials."

Ivermectin is widely available and has been used for a long time. I'm just baffled how they can keep this sham going with easy cures available. Meanwhile, I'm sure this new vaccine will be approved in no time at all.
Sorry I repost as I made a mistake
(Quoting what Channa said about US and other countries armies deployement) This makes me think of a Nostradamus prophecy concerning 2020 or something like that about Iran raising the Arab/Turk/Muslim world against Europe, Muslim immigrants turning against their host countries... first countries touched would be Greece, Italy (Vatican destroyed), Spain and then France, in addition to weather cataclysms, economy collaps...
This could also explain the military deployment in these areas. But I'm expert in Nostradamus prophecies and have not been able to find reliable net sources yet.
Niall talked about a good book about it if I remeber correctly, but I can't find it. Maybe someone who is more expert could find something of interest about it...
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