I've been thinking about what we should or shouldn't do in the current situation, what's useful and what's dangerous, and what exactly our role is in this period of transformation. There's a lot of speculation in this, so I'm just putting forward some ideas. I definitely don't think I have it figured out. But my view of how things tie together is kind of evolving.
And this is also related to many people here feeling down from watching what's going on out there.
I think our role in this show can only be understood when we also consider the role of the masses that are mostly clueless but have potential for at least partial (even 10% or whatever) 'awakening'. All there is is lessons, and this time period on this planet is filled with them. And of course not everyone has the same lessons. The masses aren't here to learn the same lessons as we are. They just aren't in a place where they'd even have the tools for that. They may have the same external tools as us (like the Internet), but not the internal tools, so to speak. Those are only gained through countless lessons and experience that become ingrained in us through many incarnations, and people on Earth are at various stages of learning.
And I think the lessons of our time are perhaps more important or relevant for the masses than for us. I think for us, it's partly about figuring out as much as we can with the information that's available to us, so that we can be ready for the Wave and whatever it brings. And I think at this point we more or less have that covered. I mean, there's always plenty more to learn, and we're certainly still ignorant about many things that go on in the higher circles of our society, but that's fine.
What matters is whether we are ready for the next step. And that's more about general attitude and ability to adapt than about specific knowledge. And even if I have little clue what things will look like in the near future, I am ready for it. The Universe can throw at me whatever it wants,
and I'll deal with it. Maybe it will suck, but I don't see a problem with that. You don't learn much when things are just rainbows and unicorns.
other part of our lessons is about assisting others, those from the masses. I will use the term masses for the large group of people who understand little but have the potential to understand more. There's also another large group that's just hopeless in that regard, and their lessons are on yet another level, perhaps to experience some suffering that will make them internally understand how bad it can get when certain things happen and are allowed to happen. Or whatever. I don't know what those guys are supposed to do. Point is, we can't do anything about
that group, so when I talk about
the masses, I mean the first group, the ones with some potential to figure out at least some basics and be able to actively fight against their oppressors.
And I think this group, these masses, are at the core of what will ultimately happen and what lessons will be learned. Not us. I think it's more about them than us. We are a small group, and that's not going to change to any significant degree. So we won't be overthrowing any rulers or anything, any more than we have up to now. We just don't have the numbers for that. We may have the
knowledge, but we don't have the
means to change the system
on our own. That's what the masses are here for, in my opinion, and we're here to assist them, to provide the information we have been collecting and analysing for years, even all our lives in many cases, and to help them avoid mistakes we can predict, and so on.
If anything is to change about the system, it will require many millions of people fighting for the change. Clearly not us because there's like 25 of us. (j/k) I thought about this in the context of some things the Cs said, like 'sit back and enjoy the show' or 'the programming is complete' that somebody mentioned here today, and 'continue to share truth in a careful way'.
In a way, it seems to me like there isn't really all that much more to be done than what we've been doing. I doubt there will really be an opportunity for us to collectively stand up and say or do something that would have a huge impact on anything. I think there will be such an opportunity for the masses (in which case, it can definitely
include us). For the most part, it seems like our role might just be what we're already doing - planting seeds of truth wherever we can, and leaving it up to the masses whether they pick up on it. We can't force anyone into anything.
So in terms of putting ourselves in danger by what we're doing, I don't think the situation is too bad, at least not yet. And there probably won't be much need for most of us to put ourselves in serious danger. Most of the time, the result of that would be that we get somehow neutralised by the system, and nobody will really benefit from it. So like the Cs said, 'continue to share truth in a careful way', emphasis on careful.
There may occasionally come an opportunity to do something dangerous, even suicidal, that could be of benefit to others. If all cameras were on me and everyone was watching, and I could either send a loud NO to the system and get shot in the head, or back down, then I think that would be the time to say NO and let everyone see the result because the potential effect is worth more than one 'life'. But I don't think there will be many such opportunities.
I think it's more about whether we'll see sufficient numbers of people pushing against the system that the system won't have enough manpower to hold them back. Basically we can only 'win' by numbers because that's about all we can have, given how the system is set up. (Unless I guess the PTB sabotage themselves by hubris and stupidity, but I'm not betting on that on a large scale.)
So the 'sit back and enjoy the show' or 'the programming is complete' feel like, as far as we are concerned, the die is cast, so to speak, and we're waiting for how things that aren't under our control will turn out. If people at least partially wake up, we'll be here to assist them. If not, well, they will suffer a lot more than us because knowledge protects and
they don't have it. We'll just make it through whatever we have to and emerge on the other side by whatever means available. It won't be
our loss. It will be
I still can't really imagine what things will look like when we get closer to the 'endgame', whatever that may be, and I have no idea what to expect when 4D starts becoming the 'real deal' for us, whatever that means. But basically, whatever happens, it's gonna be fine for us, so sit back and enjoy the show. It's up to the millions of people out there to decide where things will go from here. We're offering information every day and will keep doing that. If
they don't act on it, we alone won't be able to change much, I reckon.
So we now have a police state everywhere. Whatever. Talk about it as much you can, but don't put yourself in danger because that's probably not going to help anyone. Maybe the police state won't go away. Well, we know a lot more about how to deal with that than most people, so whatever. We'll adapt.
There has to be some balance between resisting and complying for the sake of safety. You have to look at the probable consequences of your decisions. If you do the 'right thing', get locked up, and nobody benefits, you won't be here later to benefit others when they need it. If by risking your safety you can set an example for others, though, then that's different, but you have to consider how much you should risk and weigh all the options. Maybe you can just say something loudly so that people know your position, and then back down to stay safe. You just have to weigh how much your actions will affect others and in what way, and how they'll affect you and in what way. Sometimes shouting is a good idea, sometimes it isn't. Often there's no right or wrong, just different paths with the same ultimate goal.
That's why I think we here need to be careful not to get sucked into the day to day 3D negativity 'noise' of this process. That actually suits the STS PTB because it makes us even more tasty! Rather we need to find some critical distance, 'sit back' and 'enjoy the show', use it as an opportunity to practice detachment without suppressing our emotions... we should use this time as an opportunity to really watch how our machine is responding and observe in real time our predators mind's efforts to always ground us back in this reality alone.
I think this ties well into what I'm saying here. We'll need some detachment if we want to stay sane and somewhat calm.
It's funny, but then again, I have been very depressed for the last couple of days. Don't know, maybe some energies working in the background or something, but it's also just too much at times witnessing what's going on. At this point I can't help but wish punishment and hell reign down on those authoritarian bastards, tearing them to pieces for all the lies and cruelty, including those idiots going full SS supporters.
And this is relevant too. My mood keeps going up and down depending on what I'm reading at the moment. Some news are dire. And I'm sure most of you here are experiencing something similar.
We have to accept that our influence is limited. We will inevitably see things that will be sad, depressing, or scary, and we'll feel desperate because we won't be
able to stop them despite knowing how they
could be stopped. But that's OK. Some things are just other people's lessons. We are here when needed, but we're not expected to 'fix' everything on this planet, or even to decide what 'fixed' means.
If the people of Earth don't want to fight for their rights and want to experience more suffering before they 'get it', who are we to stop them? Who are we to decide what's right for them? If they need more lessons, let them. It's up to them what they want to do with their planet. We're just here, watching and waiting, ready to
help if they ask, just like the Cs helped 'us' when 'we' asked.
So whenever you see things get really bad, horrible, insane, sad, and you can't do anything, remember you can't 'save' those who aren't ready to move forward. Be an observer.
Remember some lessons are for other people. And remember what Bill Hicks said: "It's just a ride."