It's funny, but then again, I have been very depressed for the last couple of days. Don't know, maybe some energies working in the background or something, but it's also just too much at times witnessing what's going on. At this point I can't help but wish punishment and hell reign down on those authoritarian bastards, tearing them to pieces for all the lies and cruelty, including those idiots going full SS supporters. I know that's not very evolved thinking, but I don't know, we had all that crap in Germany before, and the patterns are so similar :-( Sorry for the self-pity, I'm actually in a decent situation compared to so many others, but there are better and worse days, and sometimes it's hard to get into an "enjoy the show" mindset. It's just so damn infuriating, tragic and appalling. I hope that perhaps we who feel that way somehow won't fit into the current reality at some point, creating a new branch of the universe, but maybe that's wishful thinking? I guess we have to hold out some more, and I'm sure we can.

The whole situation is making me angry, sadly I'm angry at many of the victims of the whole manipulation as well.
I feel some kind of aversion against those who are so ostentatiously wearing their masks and lecturing others about distances. I know I shouldn't.

What's puzzling me though is the growing tendency on the forum of wishing instant cometary bombardment of the psychopathic elites, knowing that it would be bombardment of everybody else as well...

Are there no lessons to be learned in 3-D anymore? Is everybody at the top or end of his/her learning curve?

Ironically, many of the PTB crowd seem to have their nuclear strike-proof bunkers, probably connected to giant underground installations.

So while leaning back and watching the show we might actually be the first to go.
It looks like there is a new spin in the narrative. On queue from Trump, now the Canadian conservatives are saying the same thing.

Conservative leader Andrew Scheer said his party has “serious concerns” regarding the accuracy of COVID-19 data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the influence China has over the global health authority.

So the West is going to blame China. China has already blamed the US. They both point to each other in terms of the origination of the virus. They both say the virus might not be of natural origins.

If it is not of natural origins, it means it is man made, therefore someone should have the cure.

The WHO is being pushed to the fore front. Exposure?

Given what we read about the Globalist 3.0 agenda, it seems that the WHO will also be a target for destruction. All of the Globalist 2.0 institutions such as the UN, IMF, WHO, WTO should be destroyed, in order to make way initially to some fake multi polarity that will eventually usher in the big One World Government.

Is this what we start to witness here?

The move against the WHO definitely serves more than one purpose.

1. It shifts any blame that the democrats might try to pin on Trump in terms of the handling of the crisis: he will say the WHO gave him false information so he only did what he could based on the information he received.
2. By linking the WHO to China they also put blame on China and turn the public opinion against China, therefore pushing back on China's trade, weakening its position
3. Internally it might give Trump some leverage against the likes of Fauci, Gates, etc.
4. It would allow Trump to not take WHOs advice into consideration in terms of reopening the economy, and if he does it boldly, and not too many deaths will occur, he will be a hero, election guaranteed

I think what is happening is that they noticed people started to look more critically at the numbers, they did achieve quite a bit in terms of control, but the momentum is not yet there for full sweep, so they will ease the chokehold a bit, as they can always raise the alarm about a second or third wave later, and return to more pressure.
SouthAfrica is not far from the self censoring / self criticism / neighbor policing etc mentality due to the apartheid and post-apartheid programming. So the early April succession of Gates interview and vaccine related videos caused quite a stir and brought serious consequences (police custody). The social media reaction was made an example of in the category fake news and the government issued an apology letter to Bill Gates.
Below is the chronologic account of the social media reaction.

FACT CHECK: How a lie about Bill Gates and a vaccine for the coronavirus exploded on Twitter

Don’t let their scare tactics intimidate you. I’m from SA and I blast those bastards on social media. If you’re worried create an anonymous account.
As to the why we have come to this state of such grotesque and obvious complicity with the great lie, 'The programming is complete' from the C's always meant to me, watch closely now because its a done deal and you're about to see a whole new level of mindless conformity, with from here on in as the programmed and the faithful split into 2 totally different realities (i.e. essentially the game is done - all that's left are the final moves ahead of checkmate for most of humankind)......

Though the past say 100 years has seen an accelerating stage of final completion - the last prerequisite topping up - the cream atop the milk - really we are talking about a multi-millennia process. At the foundations of this lies the total, willing, desired suppression and continual re-denial of the collective traumas that have occurred on this planet from circa 11,000BC, up to and including say the plague of the 13th century AD. This process of repeated mass species terrorisation and suppression of this most fundamental of truths - that we are regularly to be culled as beasts of the field by the most implacable of all cosmic forces - has so deeply corrupted our ability to deal with truth - any form of objective truth, left and right - that the final act (since say the 17th century AD on) hs merely been a case of how long it was necessary to take for the psychopaths to gain unopposed the 100 degree mark in the collective water of our minds; for by that stage our natural, collective ability to jump out of the water was in effect long gone and essentially a passive acceptance of the inevitable unconsciously normalized.....

That's why I think we here need to be careful not to get sucked into the day to day 3D negativity 'noise' of this process. That actually suits the STS PTB because it makes us even more tasty! Rather we need to find some critical distance, 'sit back' and 'enjoy the show', use it as an opportunity to practice detachment without suppressing our emotions... we should use this time as an opportunity to really watch how our machine is responding and observe in real time our predators mind's efforts to always ground us back in this reality alone.

From day one I suspected this event was fundamentally about incoming. How much they know I don't know - but the signs are they think something is about to happen... all on a 'need to know' basis of course... and that obviously extends from 4thD handlers to their 'Consortium' puppets... but I just feel it in my bones; this way something evil comes!

Considering the multi-millenia process, it's hard not to think that right here, right now, it is choreographed and on cue. If the current scenario was too early by 10, 15 years it could have been wasted "for them" - in the 2000s and '90s, the internet was increasing in scale and accessibility but was still a long way from where it is right now. Accessible to many, connectivity with smartphones, smart TVs, digital radio, social media - the present technology coupled with the present situation has literally captured the planet.

While some people despair at our current predicament, I think it's still an understandable response because we have incarnated as humans with the associated emotions, thoughts, feelings. With the purest and highest intentions of overcoming these, we are still human at the end of the day and need to live and interact physically, particularly now. The theoretical way of living versus the applied way of living in an ideal world would be identical. However, I sympathize with those who cannot enjoy the show. Everyone is at a different stage of their development, even if we are heading towards the same goal. Cosmic interruptions might influence the progress, but I think some people are at the front of the pack, some are in the middle and some are bringing up the rear - everyone is walking in the same direction but not everyone has passed the same landmark yet.
Considering the multi-millenia process, it's hard not to think that right here, right now, it is choreographed and on cue. If the current scenario was too early by 10, 15 years it could have been wasted "for them" - in the 2000s and '90s, the internet was increasing in scale and accessibility but was still a long way from where it is right now. Accessible to many, connectivity with smartphones, smart TVs, digital radio, social media - the present technology coupled with the present situation has literally captured the planet.

While some people despair at our current predicament, I think it's still an understandable response because we have incarnated as humans with the associated emotions, thoughts, feelings. With the purest and highest intentions of overcoming these, we are still human at the end of the day and need to live and interact physically, particularly now. The theoretical way of living versus the applied way of living in an ideal world would be identical. However, I sympathize with those who cannot enjoy the show. Everyone is at a different stage of their development, even if we are heading towards the same goal. Cosmic interruptions might influence the progress, but I think some people are at the front of the pack, some are in the middle and some are bringing up the rear - everyone is walking in the same direction but not everyone has passed the same landmark yet.
I think what is relevant is the fact that the elites that are controlling our reality have clearly prepared and worked and spent resources on these scenarios and now we see them implemented. If people don't wake up to this reality (and I don't think it is possible anymore, unless some major event takes them out of their fear induced stupor) we'll be slowly corralled into this new reality. It almost feels like whomever controls this has a longer life span, just like we can control the life of bacteria or mice in the lab...
I had an incident on the job on the field. First things first we started working on checkpoints here at my home station about two weeks ago. Worked one shift till recently where we were checking if there are passes, and it is not strict control to check every vehicle.

At first I did not know how serious will it be, where are other checkpoints and how much free hands will I have, so first ones who were without it were older couple in their 70-ies who where going to their weekend house and said they were going to check if their chimney was damaged in earthquake but the place was far away then the place I live and there was nothing damaged so doubt anything was damaged, but then the woman said they have all the stuff inside their car so they probably planned to stay.

The problem was that I did not know if there will be another checkpoint at another municipality because you can not go from municipality to municipality so I turned them around and said I am sorry and to try to get a pass because they could say at other checkpoint why do you not let us those other did and I ll get fired. We have to write down who did not had a pass and then the Inspectorate of Civil Protection sends them fines that are draconic by country paycheck and pension standards(about a year ago they introduced new traffic fines that are also draconic in the same way, the fines went up by 200 per cent up, they have to fill up the budget and there is no economy and the banks want credit money back as usual so plebs has to pay as always, I am not saint in a way because I like fast driving and cameras caught me more then once and when there is patrol they let you go most of the times if you re officer but there is no way you can escape camera fines, and I had once because of thight road accident with patrol car while working where other guy and I hit side mirrors, so there was traffic investigation and we are both guilty no matter you did not have nowhere to go on the hill, the point being the fine is 200 euros and half if you pay in three days while the price of that broken glass is 20 euros), but I did not write them or anyone else down but the guy who I was working with was also not to eager to write anything so it was ok, but there are those who are straghtforward authoritarians and want to write down to get a pat on the back and saying you re a good little girl/boy, like a 12 year old kids while the paycheck is same if you work or work little, so there is no lack of idiots there.

Latter I did not check at all and let people who had only ID or no documents but there came deputy chief and asked me where are the gloves and mask but I said I have bandana and I am not affraid of corona, and he got mad on that college told me latter, and if i had to write report I would write mask does not stop getting anything and that he also did not have gloves or mask, he is the typical case of simp and being nowhere when needed until he did not get to higher position.

Then I went to field, and then we were working also on the checkpoint to see if there are passes, althought we were sent for migrants so I was working with a one older guy from station and one girl that was from other smaller town in the vicinity of capital city and two other younger guys from other city in country. From the moment I started driving van from central station in capital city to field town she was jumping over me, because this woman was recently married and because I know most police woman here are sluts and this was no different and by the talks of guy who worked in her station she uses her p.... to get favors and positions I was not interested, and she worked with other two guys from her station but this shift she wanted to work with these other guy from mine station and me, and she wanted to work with me a shift later and I said I work with my collegue from same station.

But this time as I was driving and there where enough of them outside, and I did not want to do control she changed her tactics and came to me and said I am going to control till 3 pm and then you are going to do it and I stayed silent but that did not stop her from talking so I said "Excuse me? If you want to do it do it and mind your own buisness, and give a damn of what I will be doing", she was not my superior or anything, on which she said she will call leader of a group that is superior and she probably did because later they came, and I remember her talking that she got a number from some leader of group for barbecue and that she even called deputy chief of her station.

Later came the deputy chief of field town station and some other guys and she directly attacked me in front of them that I do not want to work, I felt like being in primary school, and shocked that someone will actually do that and mine tone of voice changed because I got nervous now and felt backed in a corner, there are snitches but that someone will do that like in the open that was a suprise. So I had to do control now and the chief of field town station called through walkie talkie so that all other can hear and to make example.

Later I came to her and said not a nice thing to her in raised voice so 2 min later(after probably getting this young guy to testify for her) she came out and said apologise to me or you are going home and do you want to go home, that this other officer will back her up as witness, on which I said call whoever you want, then she called and just before calling she started crying so after seeing that my jaw dropped seeing what an actor she was and what it all was probably planned by her. Not that it was suprise but suprise that someone would do it over stupid thing like that and at which lenght is ready to go. So they came for me and said you are going home.

In station where I am stationed I had to give a statment and that giving false testimony is a felony, and that those two guys plus this guy that was from mine station backed her up and deputy chief mentioned above(probably was glad and telling me if I am conscious what I ve done, to better find another job like two guys that recently went if I can, and I was thinking who is talking here, did he see himself in the mirror and probably think i am retarded like I do not know how things work here and how you if having backing higher up can do whatever you want and if not getting flushed for a single thing, and does not even know what I am capable of doing, especially to him and like himself) said that he could ve said that he did not see anything. (I said I want to remain silent, you are guilty no matter what on disciplinary court not mentioning this clean case against me). That suprised me because he was half drunk controling vehicles and was sleeping in our van, because day and night before on Easter he was drinking from morning till evening, was even droping from bed in room and I was helping to put him up and he was thanking me for it saying well done, guy having 50 years but actually acting like 12 year old, now like these other collegue said he is affraid of his own shadow.

Now I am still working, but have to wait for disciplinary court, I ll get 15-20 per cent from paycheck for the duration of one to three months or a warning before being fired. It is all ridiculous, others went 3 to 4 times and nothing happened if they even went because having backing from higher up, like for example one retard in full sense of word having 40 complaints against him and still working because having friends in high places is all that counts.
So they started to take our temperature before entering the food store. It is just the beginning. Little by little, like the frog. People laugh to this new measure, how funny jajajaja, ji ji ji... maybe they are nervous, surely they are. We are all nervous, different ways to express our nervousness but nervous. I said to the guy who put the thermometer to my forehead: "you are not 1 meter and 1/2 from me my dear."
A few more graphics that may be useful in presenting some of the numbers to those that prefer visuals.

deaths_jobless.jpg covidvscchildrendeaths.jpg covidvsalcohol.jpg covidvscancer.jpg

The first one compares the USA covid deaths to jobless claims since introduction of containment measures. The other three compare world covid deaths to deaths from cancer, alcohol and deaths of children under 5 years old. I used the comparison to the population of some cities to make numbers easier to imagine.
I feel the same. Yesterday one thing makes my mood a little better. There was an interview on a national Tv with one Doctor infectologist and he told the hard truth what all other professionals are speaking of that it is nothing more serious than a regular flue and that all these measures are very exaggerated because there is absolutely no need for that. Something very opposite of the mainstream narrative.
The host of the show who interviewed him was so confused and was always trying to interrupt him when he was not speaking what was expected. She had a huge mask on her face, and the doctor was without a mask or gloves.
One thing I have noticed over the last few days is the pressure that certain expert professionals at high levels of decision-making are under. It seems that they are partly aware of the reality but are afraid to give a message contrary to the official line. Yesterday on the national television news here in Spain they interviewed the "President of the Spanish Association of Epidemiology" in a clear move to make it seem that government decisions are made on the advice of the "experts".
The man had to go into contradiction with himself in order not to contravene the official line. He was talking about need of carrying out generalised infection tests to find out the percentage of real infection in the population. And in that context he said that it would be very good news if there was already a high percentage of population that had passed the virus because it would be an indication that herd immunity is being built. The speaker-presenter then asked him about the confinement measures and the man had to agree that the social distancing measures should continue (without expressly saying the word confinement), which is in direct contradiction with his previous words.
I immediately thought of the cases of the Swiss doctor and the German dissident lawyer with the official line indicated here who were arrested and taken to the mental hospital. And I understood that, more than the beginning of a generalised witch-hunt, this was done on purpose (without going too far to avoid sowing doubt) to send all these professionals a strong message to sow fear. It is like: -look what can happen to you if you start saying inappropriate things - and so try to keep the narrative within channels.
The most recent update on the situation of the German medical lawyer Beate Bahner i can find is on the below sites and they state that she was released from the psych ward of the Heidelberg University Hospital yesterday evening, but they can't provide any information due to protection of privacy laws (:lol:) and she was summoned for questioning today (April 15th) by the Heidelberg Police Department.

Beate Bahner considers the corona rules to be excessive and advocates for them to be abolished. In her opinion, these measures endanger "the preservation of the rule of law, the protection of fundamental and human rights and the preservation of the free and democratic basic order of the Federal Republic of Germany". She argues that the infection is harmless for 95 percent of the population. "I am really horrified and do not want to reproach myself for not acting as a lawyer and for not defending the rule of law with all the means at my disposal!", she wrote in a statement.
In her lawsuit she had asked that the resistance to corona protection no longer be observed as a resistance under Article 20 paragraph 4 of the Basic Law. In addition, she had called for a nationwide demonstration on Easter Saturday and the registration of her own demonstrations.

The State does not want any demonstrations and they do not want to give up their lock-up policy, so that is why they picked her up after chasing her in a car, getting her scared and confused, at least that is what i'm reading in the reports. She resisted arrest, kicking and screaming and put in the psych ward in Heidelberg. Because of her resisting arrest, she has also been under investigation on suspicion of assault and resistance to law enforcement officers. Apparently she was bruised.

Supporters of Beate Bahner got wind of the questioning of today and gathered in front of the building and chanted “We are the people”. The Heidelberg police warned the crowd several times over loudspeakers to clear the space in front of the police building, but refrained from dissolving and recording personal data. Then at 1 p.m. Beate Bahner appears and talks briefly to her supporters and then enters the police station. After her hearing, Beate Bahner brings a surprise: she steps in front of the crowd and explains that 'she apologized to the police. The head and knee injuries are from a bicycle fall that she had “drunk” and not from the police officers. But you have to go right now because you would still go to a café with friends.'

Hmm this does not make much sense. I am not a German speaker and can't really understand what the people say in the Youtube vid, but i get the impression from the comments below that Beate and her followers are categorized as conspiracy-theorists.
Am curious where this case will lead next.

Aside from this whole corona-charade-drama being played out in the world and sad as i am, mourning the end of deep friendships as most of my friends have emotionally bought into the lies and are giving their power away so willingly, i do feel such gratitude that we are all together in this Lighthouse at this time, preparing for whatever comes our way, getting as ready as we possibly can. Bless you all wonderful people😘
Apparently, Germany will keep this lock-down until 3. May:
In the corona crisis, the federal government is striving to extend existing contact restrictions for citizens until at least May 3.
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will then go to the video conference with the prime ministers in the afternoon, with the final decision on the further measures.
However, the current contact restrictions should be extended until May 3, so it is "still crucial that citizens keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters in public and only there alone, with another person who is not in the household or stay in the circle of relatives of your own household ".
But the federal government is also talking about easing, for example by opening stores and companies. In the first step of a tiered model, stores such as the car and bicycle trade, book and furniture trade, and telecommunications companies are mentioned, and all shops with a sales area of up to 800 square meters should be able to reopen.

The key points paper goes on to say that hairdressing companies could reopen from May 4 - "with hygiene requirements, to control access and to avoid queues and with the use of personal protective equipment". In addition, libraries, zoos and botanical gardens were to become accessible again, also subject to conditions. Large cultural events remain prohibited for the time being.

It is also controversial whether there should be a mask requirement. The key point paper only refers to the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute, "according to which the wearing of so-called (non-medical) everyday masks or community masks in public spaces, in which the minimum distance cannot be guaranteed regularly (e.g. public transport), the risk of infections can reduce ".

Citizens continue to be asked to "generally refrain from private trips and visits - including from relatives". This also applies in Germany and for national day trips. The global travel warning should be maintained.

According to dpa information in the Bund-Länder-switch on Tuesday, the ban on religious services of all religions was said to be easiest to imagine. The cornerstone paper, on the other hand, states that "meetings in churches, mosques, synagogues, as well as religious celebrations and events and the gatherings of other religious communities" continue to be prohibited.


The controversial question of when and how daycare centers, schools and universities can gradually be reopened will continue to be coordinated. We are currently discussing a task for the Conference of Ministers of Education to develop a framework for the gradual opening of schools and universities by the end of April.


the planned app for tracking infection chains was described as an important tool for combating the pandemic. The stock of protective masks and clothing should be increased further, primarily to equip the health and care sector. Companies where the prescribed distance cannot be maintained should also be provided with masks.

Also, here is the masks story:
According to SPIEGEL information, the federal and state governments want to "urgently" recommend that citizens wear so-called everyday masks in future retail and public transport.

As a result, the participants in the consultations were apparently unable to agree on a further mask requirement in shops, authorities, buses and trains. Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) recently called for such a duty.

Major events are to be banned until August 31 because of the corona pandemic - football games are also affected.

I was today at the Otolaryngologist with my son; the drive was a couple of kilometers and on the way I saw only 3 people wearing masks. Bus drivers, public workers, delivery guys, postmen, etc. - none with a mask on....
When we came to the (one of the) city center, I saw another 4 people actually wearing masks, one was having it in his hand and some just left it hanging - so not on their face.
Pretty relaxed, I would say....
We´ll see how it will go on....

At the doctor´s practice was of course another story - all doctors and personnel had double masks, hair caps, glases and glows - I could barely hear and hardly understand what they were saying....

On the other side; my son´s speech therapist called me today and told me that she is closing her practice; she can´t afford it financially any more and cannot keep up and implement all this new health restrictions. :-(
I was very sorry to hear that; she is a beautiful person and my son loved to come to the therapies.


Reading all those instructions from the government, I expect that the kids will have to wear masks in the school, so I´ve ordered a couple of cotton masks just in case my kids will have to wear them.... I cannot help to feel sorry for them and how this all situation will affect them mentally and their social life.

I´m used to do home office and I like staying at home. I can´t sit in one place for 8h - at home I can stretch, go out to the balcony and work from there when is nice weather, work AND smoke :cool2: :-D ...
But for kids that is devastating....
Luckily, the neighbors don´t (jet) call the police about children playing outside + here are not so strict measures as i.e. in Macedonia I read about from Konstantin.
My kids still go out every day at least for 2h (some kids are allowed to be out for only 2h), coming home all wet and muddy + I´ve managed to agree with my older one to take the younger one out to play and younger one promised he won´t tease "big" boys :-D .

Somehow I still can´t shake that feeling when I wake up, when for a second I kinda forget about this new world unfolding, that today I´ll read some good news that will roll-back and put things back to default - until I open some news portal or forum and see things are not getting better, but quite contrary. Yeah, wishful thinking much....

I feel so helpless when I i.e. talk to my mother; we talk every day on the phone and she "understands" that people are old and dying not because of corona directly, but there is always "BUT bla bla bla"... It´s always the same story.... and I can´t listen to that any more.... :-(

What an interesting time we live in....
There was discussion earlier about how to communicate with "ordinary people", in Facebook or work place etc. where being strategic about what to say may be important.

With authoritarians one common trigger is when mentioning coronavirus and flu season in the same sentence, no matter what data you are equipped with.

Perhaps good defence is to highlight (beforehand or when replying) how flu can be detrimental to people in risk group and no one should minimize the concequences it can have for elderly and sick; that these deaths matter as well. And that it's our current untested measures which are irresponsible.

"With these numbers it seems that coronavirus mortality is more aligned with flu season death rate of 0,1 percent. So the main response should be also similar, and something that's well researched and tested, instead of irresponsible lock down measures that'll have dire consequences to public health and economy. It's also important to remember that influenza can be very lethal to risk groups, so it's threat should not be downplayed or ridiculed."

So then you turn the moral argument back where it came from and hopefully those scared authoritarians will flee back to their caves! :phaser:
The whole situation is making me angry, sadly I'm angry at many of the victims of the whole manipulation as well.
I feel some kind of aversion against those who are so ostentatiously wearing their masks and lecturing others about distances. I know I shouldn't.

What's puzzling me though is the growing tendency on the forum of wishing instant cometary bombardment of the psychopathic elites, knowing that it would be bombardment of everybody else as well...

Are there no lessons to be learned in 3-D anymore? Is everybody at the top or end of his/her learning curve?

Ironically, many of the PTB crowd seem to have their nuclear strike-proof bunkers, probably connected to giant underground installations.

So while leaning back and watching the show we might actually be the first to go.
Yeah, I think you're right. We shouldn't get carried away with feelings of anger, or the temptation to "put out fire with fire".
But I also think:
If a fake pandemic like this is capable of wreaking such havoc on the very system that serves the PTB, imagine what just a couple of asteroids can do, without the need for great destruction and death. If only the multiple control systems, AI and disinformation channels were to be cut off from the power supply, everything could be turned upside down. In other words, the control system is actually something fragile and very vulnerable to the uncontrolled effects of nature. So I think you have to think about those effects rather than mass deaths or feelings of revenge.
This just in:

In Croatia, 37 newly infected coronaviruses have been confirmed since yesterday, 58 have recovered and three died, the National Civil Protection Headquarters reported on Wednesday.

Also this: I got my bill for water yesterday and in it there was a flyer which was aimed at older people. It said that they will have 3 months to catch up on all the bills. There will be no interest added to their possible debts and no enforcement to pay immediately will be issued.

It also said that they could ask for help from their younger neighbors, but keep a distance and no touching :lol:

Keep your chins up everybody and work for a better reality in any way you know how. This might seem harsh but you can hardly expect to get good news if you dont work for them at all. Fear makes you stuck.

The change starts from within and the revolution wont be televised.

We must seed the new reality if we want it. No one else can do it for us.
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