or travel. or transact money, or anything. yes, you are right.

Yep. That seems to be the plan.

Question is whether everyone goes along with it.

The recent Canadian poll indicating 60% of Canadians support mandatory vaccination may actually be cause for optimism. That's 40% opposing, even with the massive propaganda push. I bet a considerable fraction of the 60% will change their minds once the economic pain starts to bite and they realize it was all for nothing.

I could very easily see mass protests arising if they try to make the vaccine mandatory even by the sneaky means I described. Yellow Vests on steroids all over the planet.
- Psychiatric emergencies are on the rise, according to him there are 5 times more consultations in connection with domestic violence as well as on children.
That does not sound good. After 3 weeks of garden vacation where I could grap the popcorn I will return to work tomorrow.
They shut down half of the hospital, cleared one psychward to be a mostly empty psychiatric-corona-ward and overloaded the other emergency ward with all the hardcore patients. Many people who usually 'check in' at night as an emergency were suddenly bundled off. Not to mention the almost empty psychotherapeutic wards. This will not end as in a fairy tale. There are a lot of people out there who cannot cope with life even without a lockdown and fear of a virus.
Looks as if in the months to come I will have a first-team place to observe disintegration. :-(
Well, here is something I certainly wouldn't have thought Lavrov would say as the representative of the russian government, essentially praising the WHO and saying that it is bad to criticize them and that Trumps moves and statements against the WHO are "unfair" and so on. Either they play it very safe and just praise and go along with the WHO for strategic reasons or they really believe it or something else altogether is going on. By the way, today in the mainstream radio it was announced that the numbers in Russia are exploding right now.

He made those statements yesterday. I couldn't find a English source of what he said yet. Here is the only article I could find that talks about it in german (translated via DeepL):
I'm starting to think differently about this:
It's quite possible that the Russians are also aware that the virus can cause mutations in people that make them more likely to contradict and fight for their principles. In the end, even if they are not nefarious as PTB, they are also politicians, and as such may equally interpret this as a threat to them inside their country. In other words, just as the Western powers do not want "yellow jackets" on the streets, Lavrov will not want to see their opposition people in Russia out of control either. Let us remember that the virus would emphasize any tendency of the individual, whether negative or positive, to have beliefs based on truth or lies ...
Have you heard about this press conference deleted from YouTube for violating platform guidelines? Ben Swann's video referring to in has been deleted too for the same vague reason.

Videos are approximately 1 hr long. Doctors are pulling out statistic on COVID-19 and flu cases as well as mortality rate. Giving their professional opinion on special measures such as shelter at home, social distancing, masks, gloves.

From the video...
Dr. Dan Erickson said:
Something else is going on here. It's not about science and it's not even about COVID. When they use the word "safe". If you listen to the word "safe", that's about controlling you.
Who says what's safe. Are you smart enough to know what's safe for you or government is gonna tell what's safe for you? ... as soon as they use word "safe" that means control. "We know what's safe for you. You are too dumb to understand disease. We know what's safe..." And so they gonna use this model for different things ... They are using this to see how much of the freedom they can take from you. And will you roll over and stay at house. And it's working
I wouldn't be surprised if there was no law, but rather an interlocking network of corporate policy directives. Thus: you will be free not to get the shot; and corporations will be free to deny you entry to their property if you don't.
I think I'd rather be free to not get the shot, and find or set up businesses that will accept people without shots.

There's an analogy to the way freedom of speech is being squelched in the US. The first amendment is still nominally in place, but the government looks the other way when Big Tech censors people, the argument being that it's their platform and they can decide what is acceptable speech. The dissident right has been dealing with that ever since 2016; more recently anti-vaxxers have fallen prey; and as we're seeing now, it's being applied to lockdown skeptics who merely question the scientific justification for the lockdown.
Have you heard about this press conference deleted from YouTube for violating platform guidelines? Ben Swann's video referring to in has been deleted too for the same vague reason.
People need to rid themselves of relying on big tech. That's big tech's house, and everyone going to big tech's house is subject to big tech's whims as long as they are in big tech's house.

The recent Canadian poll indicating 60% of Canadians support mandatory vaccination
I don't believe any of these polls. They're just more disinformation, as was shown by Trump and Brexit.
After 67 years of failure and disappointments, the one thing that supports me today is that the universe has never let me down. There has always been enough to meet immediate necessities. At times it would require some juggling but the fact remains that things always managed to work out.

Based on this, there is never a need to panic. No matter what this life brings, it is gratefully accepted. Disappointed, but never panicked.

Today, while the panicky people fuel the fire despair, I feel no panic, no despair. ( Well possibly a bit of discouragement ) I turn to the Universe, the STO beings therein, for shelter, food and support during the trying times ahead. I can do nothing, except help those who ask.
Since writing this, my son and I have work booked through June.

The job we do is our advertising and as long as we continue to get calls from past customers and referrals, we continue to pay the bills and eat. It's been like this for 6 years now, and counting. Living in the present with not much long term financial planning as there is not much left at the end of the month or year.

As a child while spending the day with my Grandpa, he would customarily have a snooze after eating lunch. As we lay in the 1952 Buick after lunch, I asked him why we needed to have a snooze because I didn't feel like sleeping. He said if you don't feel like sleeping, just lay there reflecting on what we accomplished this morning and what we need to do this afternoon in order to make a living. Life was a lot simpler in 1957.
UK today retrospectively added deaths from care homes:

Asked whether deaths might have been avoided with better testing in care homes, Mr Raab said there was "always learning in an unprecedented crisis like this".

"The key thing above all is to manage the ebb and flow of people into those care homes that might carry the virus," he said.

PHE's medical director, Prof Yvonne Doyle, said there had always been intervention where there have been outbreaks in care homes.

She said officials had "learned a lot about how the virus is behaving in different populations", including how coronavirus affects people over 75.

"One of the reasons that the deaths are high there is that they demise quite quickly if they get the dose of this virus," Prof Doyle said.

She explained that it may not have been possible for them to get to the test by the time the event happened.

Prof Doyle added: "Whether testing would have made a huge difference or not is impossible to say at the moment, and that's one thing we want to learn.

"I think there are possibly more fundamental and structural issues about how care homes are run in an epidemic."

Of course there are, and this doctor explained it very well: The Anti-lockdown Strategy

He also wrote another great article:

I have found, I suspect like almost everyone else, that it is almost impossible to keep track of what is going on with COVID. Stories swirl and multiply, and almost everyone seems to be trying to get something out of it. People are claiming miracle cures and success – but it is difficult to verify any such claims.

The normal rules of research (flawed though they often are) have completely flown out of the window. It is like the wild west, with snake oil salesmen announcing wonderful products that not only cure COVID, but every other disease… I mean every other disease, known to man.

‘You sir, you look like an intelligent man, a man who understands science. A man who can see that my wonderful potion can cure almost every ailment that befalls man. Baldness, wrinkled skin, impotence, COVID…

‘A vaccine you say sir, of course, I shall have one ready and done in four months, start to finish … safety sir, did you mention safety? No need for such things, vaccines are always safe, never caused anyone any harm. Never a single case of any problems.’

‘Narcolepsy sir… sounds like nonsense, never heard it. Guillain-Barré sir. My, we have been at the medical dictionary haven’t we? In my opinion, if you can’t spell it, you don’t need to worry about it. Sounds French to me anyway – and you can’t trust the French, can you?:-D

‘The WHO sir… what’s that you say? It may be that you can get infected twice. So how is any vaccine going to work. Well, I must say sir that vaccines are far more effective at creating immunity than getting the actual infection. Everyone knows that sir… what do you mean utter bollocks. I can tell you that a vaccine will always work, every time, guaranteed one hundred per cent effective, or your money back.’

‘Bill Gates is behind it all sir you say, pushing for mandatory vaccines for all diseases. You think it’s like something out of 1984. Well, Mr Gates is an expert in viruses sir, is he not…His operating system did allow a massive attack on IT systems in the NHS in 2017 sir. Now, if you will excuse me, I have more snake oil to sell… tatty bye sir, and good luck to you.’

‘Roll up, roll up.’

Which takes me to vitamin D. Which is my miracle cure for COVID. (...)

So, what do we know?
  1. Dark skinned people are more likely to die from COVID
  2. Dark skinned people are more likely to have low vitamin D levels
  3. Vitamin D supplements protect against colds and flu – and hopefully COVID
  4. Higher levels of Vitamin D should be able to mitigate the damage caused by COVID
The increased risks of low vitamin D levels on COVID seem dramatic, and the benefits of supplementation with vitamin D could be just as dramatic. I have been going out into the sun wherever possible in the last month. I take Vitamin D3 supplements 4,000 units a day. I strongly advise everyone else to do the same. It is snake oil, and it is free (if provided by the sun).

The only problem I see is that I cannot make any money out of this at all. Oh well. Perhaps I should claim to be making a vaccine, that could earn me billions.

Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine is also French, and as this doctor said, we cannot trust the French. But we can trust Bill Gates and his vaccine. He is an expert in viruses. It's just that people don't like him for some reason.

The hate of Bill Gates around the world is growing faster than the Agendavirus

Have you heard about this press conference deleted from YouTube for violating platform guidelines? Ben Swann's video referring to in has been deleted too for the same vague reason.

It was on the Tucker Carlson show last night. He was asking about it. He was questioning the issue with a puzzled look. (Possibly a good job of acting, but his line of questioning is similar to forum posts. )
In any case, my assumption is that They have already thought of that, and in most countries will not make the vaccine mandatory in the sense of sending armed men to your house to stick a needle in your arm, but instead it will simply be the case that if you aren't vaccinated you won't be allowed to participate in civil society. I wouldn't be surprised if there was no law, but rather an interlocking network of corporate policy directives. Thus: you will be free not to get the shot; and corporations will be free to deny you entry to their property if you don't.
or travel. or transact money, or anything. yes, you are right.
Yep. That seems to be the plan.
Question is whether everyone goes along with it.
I doubt they could successfully achieved that, I mean, until we are not under a crisis like now.
Many among the ones who will accept the vaccine will be opposed to a mandatory vaccine. One reason will be, for many, because at family level, these people do not want to break their couple with their partner who is against, or break relation with parents/children/cousin/colleague just for that. Still among the one that will accept the vaccination there's a lot of people who don't care, and the rest are kind of extremists - im not sure they represent much people. Their strenght is that they have the media and many powerfull people on their side.

Still remain the posibility of such a new "pandemy", but this time a real one, and a known virus of course, because they have to justify the fact that they have a vaccine ready. In this scenario, among the vaccinated, all the ones who don't care will become histerical, even if they are vaccinated, they'll say "yes yes" to the loop information "we all need to be vaccinated if we want to win this war". That could lead to difficult times.

Or maybe, my preferred output : all this vaccine plan is going to collapse, as many of their recent initiatives, a big collapse and many exposures.
Definitively, I prefer to bet on this last one :)
This is a terrible situation. To see people sick and to know that there is a solution but they are unable to listen, to see, to understand... How come? How come people are so blind? Not just a little minority but a HUGE majority! I just know people here, in this group, that are conscious. Around me nobody is taking care of themselves nor listen nor wanted to change anything. So they are blind but me I am becoming mute. This is a strange situation, don't you think?

Fear, indifference, idiocy, that's where humans beings are now. I will read the article about this new strain. Thanks...
I agree a lot with what your saying. I've worked in a hospital , I saw things i probably shouldn't have. i volunteered for things somewhat dangerous. It was just in my soul to do. So many people just do not pay attention or listen. They just are very naive. I hope more can wake and not wait for a solution to be directed to them research , pay attention. Defintely stay away from News Media, and stay away from Vaccines.
Sorry if that video has been put, it is about one part of the Olympic Opening Ceremonie 2012 in London where they presented a pandemic and everything is there: beds, nurses, virus, even Saint-Greta and the devilish Bill Gates. A very disturbing ceremony.

Yes, I remember that ceremony. In fact, Vigilant Citizen wrote an article about it back in 2012. It is here:

The entire ceremony is basically a "spell", where the elites expose people to what they wish to occur using symbology, music, dance, and ritual. It makes for pretty entertaining TV, as long as you don't pay attention to the fact that by silently accepting this you take it into your subconscious mind and in some way integrate it into your being.


These people *always* tell you what their plans are before they carry them out. This is one of the ways that they do it. And with this ceremony they explicitly present vivid imagery that is now in our faces daily via the corona virus hoax. But it isn't the most worrying part of the ceremony.

There is a part where they show a large orange ball that looks like the sun. There is a child standing there who looks lost and confused. A man then shows up and steals something from him, apparently his soul. The boy can't get it back, but eventually gives in and hugs the man because he can save him from the great orange ball of fire.

Is this what will happen when the comets hit? You agree to THEIR terms, probably involving a loss of your personal freedom, in order to be "saved" when they start raining down?

But the most insidious part is the closing ceremony.

They start with this part of John Lennon's song, "Imagine":
"Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world"

A quote from the article:

"In the context of the Olympics, where people come from all countries and all religions, this verse was a little out of place. More importantly, no countries, no religions, no possessions and “a world as one” is a good way to describe the global system the elite is trying to create with the New World Order. Was Lennon envisioning a secretive group of politicians and bankers creating his perfect world? Probably not. But when you get killed by an MK-Ultra patsy, the elite can pretty do what it wants with your work and image."

It ends with a massive phoenix emerging from a world on fire, followed by the playing of the song, "Rule the World".


This is a mural on the wall of the United Nations council chambers, showing a phoenix rising from the ashes of the United Nations council chambers.

(Note to self: don't work at the UN building, or even drive within one hundred miles of the thing, EVER.)

It's about as blatant as they come, isn't it?


The Olympics started on July 27th 2012 at 9 p.m. British summer time, and ended on August 12, 2012. I did the charts for both days and looked up the Sabian symbols for the major planets, Chiron, and Lilith (the black moon, where Tiamat/Maldek once was). The program I used doesn't show the Eris point, which after Chiron is their most important planet for making their plans.

These jerks cast a spell, all right - especially with the closing ceremonies. I won't list the symbols here, but I can summarize what they are trying to do (I will post this eventually on the thread I am preparing):

They realized that they are running out of time, so this ceremony marked their naked announcement of their plans to the world. They see themselves as "maestros" who are "illuminated" and can view the future, where they see a massive calamity occurring. They will protect us, but at the cost of giving up our ability to fly.

Now Sweden has officially done a good job with no lockdown. So why was a lockdown anywhere necessary?
The WHO initially opposed, then embraced lockdowns, and now it's apparently back to opposing them again. Unlike other European states like Italy, Sweden implemented swift and early testing regimes to weed out infected patients. This allowed it to avoid lockdowns and border closures, relying instead on social distancing guidance. The country never closed its schools, and although mortality rates have been markedly higher than its neighbors, the virus never overwhelmed its hospital system. The Swedish government's approach is widely popular within Sweden.

The director of the WHO's health emergencies program said the notion that Sweden hadn't done much to combat the virus is simply not true.

Sweden has put in place a "very strong public health policy", said Dr. Mike Ryan. Unlike many other countries, Sweden chose to rely on its "relationship with its citizenry" and trust them to self-regulate. Its healthcare system has not been overwhelmed, he said, adding that its approach could be a "model" for other countries when lockdowns begin to relax. "There are lessons to be learnt by our colleagues in Sweden."
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