Not to quote your entire post, I´ll just say: @Mandatory Intellectomy THANK YOU a tousand for your answer! You´ve realy made my day! :)

I really do make fun of all of this situation.
Like when you open the portals and see: "Life after corona; when you try a dress in a store, that dress will go into a plastic bag for a 5-days quarantine..." I mean, what is a natural response for that level of stupidity!!!!??? :rotfl:

Today I went to the doctors for consultation about my kid and in that 15-20min drive, I heard "corona" word like at least 20 times on the radio (and remember, there are also tunes that last 3min in between)! If that´s not programming then I don´t know what it is.... Pavlov dogs came to my mind quite a few times...

I cursed and laught!!!

Personally I would tell kids we have to wear masks because our government is mentally retarded, and I would explain the reasons why it makes no sense. But I would also explain that other people won't get it because they're kinda retarded too.
Pretend you're all secret agents infiltrating the world of stupid people (which actually isn't far from the truth).
Well, I don´t use the word "retarded" per se :-D but yes, I tell them that people are scared for nothing.
And since kids don´t have filters and say what´s on their mind, one has to be quite a master on how to explain the kids the situation in a way that if in case they will talk in the school about that, I wouldn´t be put to looney-house as anti-corona-crazy-mother....
So secret agent idea is really a good one :-)
For the last few years, I thought this apocalypse was really slow and boring, so it's good that it's finally speeding up. I'll take a period of total madness if that's what has to happen before I can see what's on the other side. There isn't much to hold onto in this world anyway. Everything is broken, corrupt, and stupid. So let's get through whatever we have to and find out what's beyond the horizon. Maybe there will be fewer idiots there.
Can I 'triple- love' your post? Your words echoed with resonance all over. Danke dir.
In Poland, voluntary testing for SARS CoV-2 IgG and IgA antibodies in blood can be done. The test costs 60PLN. It seems that many people are interested in it.

People waiting for the test

My friend made such a test and her result for IgG antibodies was positive. She's very happy about it and told me that she's starting to realize the virus threat was exaggerated.

Our government announced the details of the next stage of lifting the restrictions:

From May 4th:
  • hotels can operate
  • all stores in shopping malls can be opened but restaurants and recreational spaces and cinemas will be closed. The rule of one customer per 15 sqm still applies,
  • it will be possible to participate in rehabilitation procedures, but massage salons will be closed,
  • some cultural institutions will be opened: libraries, museums, and art galleries.
From May 6th:
  • nurseries and kindergartens will be able to operate, albeit in the "new sanitary system"
    (however, it's not known what does it mean yet)

A social distance of at least two meters and covering the mouth and nose still applies.

So it seems it's getting better here slowly.

I'm very happy that the majority of sellers in my area ignore the command to cover their faces :-D They wear the masks but lower them, so basically, they cover their necks, not faces. When I go shopping I just look through the window first and check if the seller wears a mask. If not, I don't bother with putting on my bandana as well.

It's so great to go to the butcher and behave as usual. It's also nice to see how many people in my neighborhood wear bandanas instead of 'real' masks.
Briefly back from vacation and away again:cool2::lol:
@Alana @Learner @Ruth
oh this translator ... As Alana and Learner wrote, I don't like the mask. I like my cleaning lady very much. I don't judge people by headgear or origin, it has to fit humanly. I don't want my mask because after 1 minute I get dizzy because I constantly breathe my own air. Thank god none of my patients want to wear the mask themselves and they don't want me to put it on either. Basically my body is rebelling against something that feels wrong.

As for my cleaning lady: She explains me completely unemotionally about her culture and religion. Tunisians are very European and there are many similarities to my southern ex-husband. She earned her independence herself and is a very strong woman. Your view of the rapprochement of cultures was fascinating as I have not yet looked at it from this side. She was able to name exactly points that ns Germans are not so clear about. For example, it was an indication that there was basically a countable change of religions after the wave of refugees. Many German integration workers switched to Islam. We Germans do not know such things. The rejection of Muslims in Germany is not a reason for xenophobia, since we have had Turkish guest workers in the country for decades. The rejection came from the speed and violence with which Islam is associated today caming in Germany.
Went for some groceries today. Braced myself. At least almost everybody took a second glance at the weirdo. As much we can do...and of course ripping the mask off as soon as we leave the shop. ;-D It kinda softened the disgust I felt about wearing the thing in the first place.
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@Tauriel Good for you! My son's been wearing a bowler hat and a bandana. I laugh at the irony of him looking like Billy the Kid when he goes in the bank!
Here's a snippet of Toby Young's introduction:
"Some had tried to get their views published in newspapers, either as letters or articles, but without success."
When I was attempting to expose facts about smartmeters, I found out first hand just how controlled the local newspaper was. It used to have letters to editor every week but that's disappeared altogether now. Only time now is when voting for officials or tax levies are slated. They also limit amount of words and how often one can submit. Just like city council - you get three minutes to talk then stop. The system is totally rigged.
the children and grandchildren of people who experienced Hitler's "Reich" and the Second World War
It's been crossing my mind as to the high numbers of oldsters passing on because of this outbreak. Certainly, most of the surviving WWII generation is in their 90s and the baby boomer generation is the one that still retains the second-hand memories of that time. It's all being purposely wiped - alzheimers took care of some of it as well as seasonal flu - after all, as previously said, residents in assisted living and nursing homes are given flu shots every year. Does anyone doubt that probably 100% on statins? And the polio vaccines delivered cancer decades before. Targeted and taken out.

Coming to grips with life as we've known it is over - and thanks to psychopathic STS deservedly so - the massive evil has to stop and what has begun is the only way. Time to hang tough for an extremely tough time. As tempting as it is, maybe take it easy on the covidiots - appreciate how extremely they've been propagandized, programmed, and brainwashed and possibly directly mind-controlled. 'Forgive them for they know not what they do'. What would Jesus STO candidate do? Humor is good and a very effective and useful tool, but it should never be cruel. My 2 cents.
And since kids don´t have filters and say what´s on their mind, one has to be quite a master on how to explain the kids the situation in a way that if in case they will talk in the school about that, I wouldn´t be put to looney-house as anti-corona-crazy-mother....
I can illustrate that with a story from my childhood. When I was in kindergarten, during the time of communism, one day the teachers complained that it was cold and the heating was off. So I, 4-5 years old, said that the communists are refusing to turn the heating on again, because, you know, that's what I had heard at home. Later my parents explained to me we were lucky the teachers were reasonable people and didn't report us or something. They just warned my parents that they should probably talk to me about that. So yeah, gotta be careful how exactly you explain things to kids. Still, in retrospect, it's a good story.

As everyone here knows, I generally have a pretty straightforward and often even downright offensive approach to things (the rudeness of my responses is proportional to the stupidity of the situation), but one thing to keep in mind is that I don't have to worry about anybody but myself, since I have no family, and the other is that one needs to have a good idea about their particular circumstances. I can get away with a lot here that would probably be pretty risky in the US or other places. For example it's pretty safe to disagree with the police here (not that it really gets you anywhere, though), but I know in other countries people wouldn't dare.

So whenever I offer advice regarding how to react to certain things, people always have to judge for themselves whether it's appropriate in their particular situation. Bottom line is, be creative, do what feels right for you, but try to be light-hearted about it. Just because things are bad doesn't mean you can't laugh at them. You can't get too seriously upset about a situation that's completely idiotic.
It seems that the chief editor of the popular German mainstream pro propaganda outlet "Bildzeitung", had a sudden change of heart and decided to join the infamous critical opposition against the questionable corona politics. To me this is extremelly unexpected. I translated the article roughly with deepl. Here is the link to the original Schluss mit Starrsinn in der Corona-Politik - Kommentar von Julian Reichelt

No more stubbornness in Corona politics!

Only two things are certain in the Corona crisis:

First, whether the measures are right or wrong, moderate or excessive, we will only learn from the history books. Whether we will look back on Corona as a health disaster or the collapse of our economy is completely open. It is possible, but by no means certain, that what vast majorities believe to be right is right. There is no herd immunity against being historically catastrophically wrong.

Secondly, almost all the experts we (must) confide in in this crisis have been so wrong in almost every assessment that our faith in them can only be explained by despair.

They have almost mocked the wearing of masks. Now it is duty. They have warned against closing schools and daycare centres. Now millions of children have been at home for weeks. They' ve dismissed as useless the idea of sealing the borders. Now nobody comes into the country. Despite all the measures taken, they have repeatedly warned of the imminent collapse of our health system. Now there is spooky silence and fear of unemployment reigning on hospital corridors.

The Robert Koch Institute advised against autopsies of Corona deaths. Now it is happening anyway and forensic doctors say that by far not all the dead have actually died of corona. Sports facilities had to be closed. Now tennis is forbidden in some federal states, in others it is allowed, although it is supposed to be life-threatening.

What worries me the most: Our economy is already so massively and partially irreparably damaged that our government can hardly allow itself to admit that it has overreached.

The experts must be right, because they cannot be wrong. To have ruined the German economy prematurely would not be survivable for any party, perhaps not even for democracy. That is why we are increasingly experiencing stubbornness, obstinacy and dogmatism - "reminds me of the refugee crisis," a member of Merkel's government tells me.

The Chancellor accuses every sceptic of "opening discussion orgy", murmuring that some people are acting too brashly without saying what she means exactly. CDU faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus makes fun of the dissident Armin Laschet in a cheerful and high-ranking wine round, and everyone laughs.

Is it a good idea in our country to make fun of dissenters in difficult times and to rise above them?

I fear that the interests of many people and those who represent them are rapidly diverging:

  • For any politician who advocates easing restrictions, any Corona Death could become a high risk, along the lines of: "This is your Death, Mr. /Mrs. Anyway."
  • For millions of people, on the other hand, it is devastating if their economic livelihoods are destroyed, although there are still hardly any corona deaths.

Politicians are refusing to take part in this bitter but unfortunately necessary debate, which the uncontrollable Corona event is forcing on us. That the state should never weigh human life against another good is a noble idea that unfortunately does not always stand up to reality. Chancellor Schmidt decided against Schleyer. Chancellor Merkel sacrificed German soldiers in Afghanistan for non-negotiable values of our country.

"When I hear that everything else has to take a back seat to the protection of life, then I have to say: this is not right in this absoluteness", says Wolfgang Schäuble, President of the Bundestag ("Tagesspiegel"). "If there is an absolute value in our Basic Law at all, then it is the dignity of the human being. That is inviolable. But it does not exclude the possibility that we must die."

Only ideologies know absolutisms. The strength of democracy is that it can withstand even the most uncomfortable debates. But if it prevents them, democracy becomes superfluous. The only thing without alternative in democracy is debate.

The concentrated stubbornness is evident in what is happening with the Bundesliga. The Bundesliga is prepared to do everything in its power to ensure that its employees do not pose any danger to themselves or others.

We are talking here about the freedom to exercise their profession, which does not endanger anyone else, even less than before Corona - when "high-risk games" of hundreds of police officers had to be protected. Nevertheless, some right-wing politicians are prepared to sacrifice a valuable industry and massively restrict basic rights, even though every risk from ghost games is a fairy tale.

Because millionaires are at stake, the Bundesliga is a grateful target of this destructive furor. I predict that the next thing we will hear is that the "rich pilots" of Lufthansa really don't need to be repaid with taxpayers' money. What madness!

Because there are also millionaires involved, the Bundesliga is a grateful target of this destructive furore. I predict that the next thing we will hear is that the "rich pilots" of Lufthansa really don't need to be rescued with taxpayers' money. What madness!

I don't want to imagine how we will look back on these weeks and months in three or four years' time, when the average age of the dead should be higher than the average life expectancy, when millions of unemployed are sitting on the streets, when the middle classes that finance Hartz IV are destroyed. When many restaurants are closed forever, but the soup kitchens are open. The Chancellor should also think about that when she gives her next government statement.

Translated with DeepL (free version) and slightly adjusted
Act - Surprised?

America's Super-Rich See Their Wealth Rise by $282 Billion in Three Weeks of Pandemic

America’s billionaires have accrued more wealth in the past three weeks alone than they made in total prior to 1980.

Look - Surprised?

The new taxes coming to finance all that stimulus spending
‎April‎ ‎28‎, ‎2020‎ -
During the last two months, Congress has passed $3.6 trillion in stimulus spending, with more probably on the way. Washington’s annual deficit was likely to be around $1 trillion before the COVID-19 pandemic induced a recession. The deficit will now hit at least $3.7 trillion this year and $2.1 trillion next year, according to the Congressional Budget Office. As a percentage of the economy, federal debt this year will be the highest since World War II, and possibly higher if there’s more stimulus spending.

Budget hawks have typically called for a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts to lower Washington’s mushrooming debt load. But the federal deficit is now getting too big for conventional therapy, which could require a whole new form of taxation in the future. “When we look back at the changes COVID-19 made to society and the economy, we may think about this as the time when the U.S. began to look to sources of tax revenue that once seemed unthinkable,” Howard Gleckman of the Tax Policy Institute wrote recently.

The United States has been able to run up more debt than economists once thought possible without forcing interest rates or inflation higher. But tough choices were always inevitable, and they’re now likely to arrive within the next 5 years. It doesn’t make sense to raise taxes in a severe recession, but it may be necessary when the economy is back on track in a year or two or three. (Article continues.)

When I hear the term flattening the curve, used by these so called experts on our health and wellbeing, talk about flattening the curve. This is not in relation to the disease process, in my personal opinion, after reading this humongous thread, and the information gathered.

It is in relation to the 5 steps of grieving and loss. The last step being acceptance, the acceptance of a new reality and a new way of living, a new way of being in the world.

This is a webpage describing the concept, (btw, Kubler Ross was denigrated for this model, of human understanding).

Thanks for bringing up Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Joan. :-) She's a woman I deeply admire. I believe, she passed away in 2004? Kubler Ross did some amazing investigative work in "near death experiences" and recommended changes in Nursing Home care and more dignity in Hospice Care. She was very dedicated and remarkable!

About Russia, Putin and Lavrov..

I recently saw an interesting interview with Mikhail Khazin. I am not an expert in politics and macroeconomics, but if I understand everything correctly, the situation is as follows: ALL key positions in official institutions in Russia are occupied by agents of influence, that is, people recruited by financial globalists. Putin's orders are often sabotaged by these officials. In fact, they follow instructions written in the West. They carried out such projects: education reform, pension reform, currency devaluation in 2014….

And apparently all these measures of self-isolation due to Covid-19 are also the work of financial globalists. I don't know what Putin really thinks about the coronavirus, but it seems that he can't act independently here and stop all this bacchanalia. At least not yet. Putin is really playing a long game. Khazin says that his slightest mistake can lead to complete defeat.

Khazin also mentioned that Putin, Trump and XI Jinping are together opposing financial globalists. This is their common enemy.

Here is a video, but it is in Russian:

Here is the video with English sub-titles. He basically explains the Bretton Woods model of finance and Moody's rating system. and how it is connected to the Federal Reserve Bank and International valuation of the American Dollar. In short, from my understanding, the elite set up a banking system "for and by the elite" to use growth potential of workers to keep the system operational - to generate profits for themselves because they pull all the levers. Trump wants to make major changes in the Banking sector and with trading practices, which is one of the reasons - the elite hate him! It's been reported on several occasions, that Russia/Putin is moving away from the Dollar and was also working on a separate "rating" system to replace Moody's.

I feel, what Ina has written below, dovetails nicely - where all this liberal financing is leading us to - towards devaluation of currencies - so everyone has to use a digital platform?

Ever since the copy-paste roll-out of the ‘Covid-19 protocol’ started I have been trying to read between the lines and I noticed that the only untouched aspect of human civilization as we know it is the financial industry and global political institutions. Adding to that the recent photos of Putin, I tend to agree with the info.

Following the train of thought, the game is to make all currencies worthless by devaluation. This morning Al Jazeera was reporting on riots against banks due to massive (50%) devaluation of the currency in Lebanon, and the fact that the population can only use local currency even if they have foreign currency in the bank. The chain starts with WHO models imposed via a state of disaster and creates artificial conditions for stopping the economy, then IMF or WB downgrade their expected economic growth expected values, then credit rating agencies downgrade the countries, then the ‘market’ moves to drop the currency value which sets the level for the next iteration. The result will be the ‘need’ for a financial reset and a global reconstruction for a new economy as per one of the Davos 2020 themes, unless ... anything comes up.

Scientists are perplexed by the low rate of coronavirus hospitalizations among smokers. Nicotine may hold the answer.

April‎ ‎28‎, ‎2020 - No experts are remotely advocating for people to take up smoking to prevent COVID-19,but some researchers have theorized nicotine may be playing some role in keeping the virus at bay, Vice reports. That's because there's a surprisingly low rate of smokers among coronavirus hospitalizations.

Why Are Smokers Being Hospitalized Less Often From Coronavirus?
The Chinese smoke. Well over half the nation's men are smokers, and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one third of the planet's cigarettes are smoked in China. But earlier this year, Konstantinos Farsalinos noticed something odd: Very few of those hospitalized for the coronavirus in the country appeared to be smokers.
As everyone here knows, I generally have a pretty straightforward and often even downright offensive approach to things (the rudeness of my responses is proportional to the stupidity of the situation), but one thing to keep in mind is that I don't have to worry about anybody but myself, since I have no family, and the other is that one needs to have a good idea about their particular circumstances. I can get away with a lot here that would probably be pretty risky in the US or other places. For example it's pretty safe to disagree with the police here (not that it really gets you anywhere, though), but I know in other countries people wouldn't dare.
Good advice. Here's 2 woman politely speaking with and questioning officers:
"How to talk to Peace officers about the Law"
I am still not through all posts here, still way behind, sorry for that. I only have some loose thoughts and an anecdote.

We have to wear the *^#§° masks here in Germany, Bavaria, since monday, it is aweful, still, but we get new very thin handmade masks tomorrow (which are of course totally useless - like the others - but to couter our breathlessness this is nescessary). At the moment I wear a handsewn one, very loosely, just to match the official regulations and to avoid a 5000 Euro fine. It is aweful and I hate it - and nearly all of our cusomers do!

I had an encounter with an old aquaintance (this is the anecdote), she is very lefty, pro open borders, pro choice, pro vaccines and so on. We talked about the possibility of mandatory vaccination and she was absolutely pro. Well, I am not and so I said: You know the words, it was "your" campaign I heard it first: My body. My choice! For me vaccination on a mandatory level is interfering with my personal body rights. - - - She looked at me somehow estranged and said that it is impossible to compare the two, abortion and vaccination, it is completely different. True, I said. It IS completely different, for IN THIS CASE it is truely MY body and my choice only. Silence. She didn't know what to say. Yes, I felt great at that moment.

I talked several times before on this thread about Dr. Bodo Schiffmann and his YT channel "Schwindelambulanz Sinsheim" - he founded (with two others) a new party here in Germany, called Widerstand2020. It is gaining members so fast, that it now has more members than the AfD, more than 35000! I think this is a good sign for people waking up, although I personally do not think that partys will solve the problem.

All in all I think it won't take long till the mood swings. You can feel it already in the air. It is almost electric. People are more open to discussion (well, maybe not my old aquaintance from the anecdote above, but who knows...) and are getting more and more in contact over those distancing rules, it is really laughable how everything they do backfires at them somehow. In one german city, Leverkusen, they want to ban all alcohol sales for some days at beginning of may. Lol. Wait and see. I am not pro drinking or being an alcoholic, of course not, but I think that people should decide for themselves and not being formatted.

Last thing: I really have to do with anger issues. Not that I am at the brink of harming someone or going berserk, no, but I have a hard time keeping that at the back. I do EE and it helps for the moment, totally, but i keep getting back to being angry because of all this *^#§° that I see and hear. I am going though a detox/agaInst fungal infection protocol right now which I was told can hold some challenges for me. I was told that there probably will be night sweats - and there are! At the same time the whole protocol lifted me out of a brain foggy state, which was the original reason to consult my doc. I can concentrate now again, and maybe that is the reason I get so angry now and then.
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