Part II: Some experiences

In Thuringia, where lockdown measures have been less grave, only contact restrictions were present. More stores - like home markets for example - were still open while in Saxony the restrictions were harsher. Over Easter it was not possible to leave one's city if residing in Saxony (at least where I live). Police was quite active there with drones; streets and highways were patrolled. That's what I heard at least, while spending Easter in Thuringia with my family (making it out in time). One tenant who lives at my parents' property even told me that her daughter who resides in the same city in Saxony as I do was not able to leave and come over. In Thuringia, families could at least go out walking and hiking in the countryside. Services were cancelled, like nationwide.

Also in Thuringia, when the lockdown started, the entrance of the supermarket nearby where my family has their property was guarded by a staunch security guy. On my first encounter with him I flinched back. He reacted: "Don't worry. I don't bite." I thought: 'You do well bite (with your whole authoritarian presence).' There was some threatening "flavor" upon him. He disinfected my trolley (each person had to take one - even if just accompanying someone else) and asked me if I wanted rubber gloves. I politely declined.

However, just last week, at that same store, I haven't seen security any more. Accompanying my mother who took a trolley, I didn't take one and nobody complained. The atmosphere was more relaxed. That was before last Friday, when masks became mandatory in Thuringia.

In Saxony, on the day the masks have become mandatory (Monday last week), I also helped my mother with the grocery shopping. We were in the mall in the city center and it was pretty silent. Not many stores had opened yet. My mother went into a drugstore and I waited on a bench inside the mall, with the bags (without having a mask on since not being in a store). Two security guys wearing face masks were suddenly approaching me: "Excuse me, but you cannot sit here." I looked somewhat puzzled, but then answered: "I am sorry, but I am just waiting for someone." They replied: "Well, then that's okay." And away they went.

Earlier on the same day, I have been to the tobacco shop. Talking was not easy with the mask on the face (being the first time when wearing the mask at all) and I just expressed that. The cashier answered: "I know." It made me realize that she has to wear the mask (muzzle) for the whole work day and can't just leave like the customers can. So the next day I bought a little flower arrangement, went into the tobacco shop and just gave it to her (not without leaving with tobacco again). She was so glad about it, and this made me joyous as well and having a rather good mood for much of that day.

This Monday, when I went to the grocery store, the clerck reminded one customer without a shopping cart to take one (or a basket). The customer became somewhat furious: "Well, what a madhouse is this!!!" The clerck just said: "I am sorry, I can't help it. It's not my fault." The customer then went to get one. But I felt a silent solidarity with him and even thought if I should approach him and thank him for expressing it that bluntly. But then I didn't.

Later that day I passed some women who were talking about how many shops will go under, due to losses in sales with just so few customers (if you think of the regulations which allow only a certain amount of people in there). I thought how right they are.

So, these have been some experiences. My impression over all this time and from the talks I had is, that people in the Eastern part of Germany in particular are quite fed up with all this theatre. I guess due to what they went through - Communism and being the children and grandchildren of people who experienced Hitler's "Reich" and the Second World War - they may be more sensitive to the rise of a pathocratic state (and an open one in particular). So I would say it is about the same as goes for populations living in Eastern and Southeastern Europe who had plenty of experiences with pathocratic regimes as well.
Following the train of thought, the game is to make all currencies worthless by devaluation. This morning Al Jazeera was reporting on riots against banks due to massive (50%) devaluation of the currency in Lebanon, and the fact that the population can only use local currency even if they have foreign currency in the bank. The chain starts with WHO models imposed via a state of disaster and creates artificial conditions for stopping the economy, then IMF or WB downgrade their expected economic growth expected values, then credit rating agencies downgrade the countries, then the ‘market’ moves to drop the currency value which sets the level for the next iteration. The result will be the ‘need’ for a financial reset and a global reconstruction for a new economy as per one of the Davos 2020 themes, unless.... anything comes up.
BTW, my gut tells me that the next president of Russia is going to be the ex-tax guy. But maybe I’m wrong. If I’m wrong I‘ll blame it on my IBS.
Went for some groceries today. Braced myself. At least almost everybody took a second glance at the weirdo. As much we can do...and of course ripping the mask off as soon as we leave the shop. ;-D It kinda softened the disgust I felt about wearing the thing in the first place.
I listened to the Dr. Judy Mikovits segment on the Richie Allen show (I posted that youtube earlier) and followed up with an even more explosive interview (long-got very late so haven't finished it all-40 min still to go) that is so complex/complicated and beyond mind boggling. Here's the written text from the site:
I came across another interview with Dr.Mikovits (33 mins):
He's already spotted as an ennemy of the system, look all the money he can make on gullible people, shame to him ! Thanks wikipedia to bring the truth :rolleyes:
At least we know already how they'll attack/discredit him back - let's also bet on the time the video will remain on youtube ? Maybe saving it could be worth it, dunno ?
Sure, you can do it. Just type "youtube downloader" in a search engine.
"WHERE'S THE BEEF?" is a catchphrase in the United States and Canada introduced in {1984}The phrase originated as a slogan for the fast food chain Wendy's. Since then it has become an all-purpose phrase questioning the substance of an idea, event or product.

Attach13516_20200429_104318.jpg COVID 1984 BEEF price, $6.07/lb

20200429_121826.jpg March beef price, $3.48/lb
The company I work for is closely linked with Big Pharma, for my sins I guess... but also other smaller pharma companies.

This week we were informed that we would receive no bonus/merit pay increase this year due to all the clinics being closed and not generating any profit. Convenient timing as those at a management level and up already received their bonuses in March...

I think around 70% of staff have been working from home for the past 6 weeks, my partner included (she may be developing a mild case of cabin fever).

There are now thermometers at the doors to each building for 'voluntary self-testing' should you feel ill (guess no one has a thermometer at home anymore?)...

Every sink as far as I can tell has a sign with instructions as to how to wash your hands above it... bit like being 5 years old again...

There are even staff with nothing else to do who are going around disinfecting every hand rail and door handle all day long. Guess the place has never been cleaner...

I am aware that we will be involved in the testing of the Imperial College saRNA vaccine that is currently in development. During a meeting today, my partner says that one of the higher-ups stated that the clinics would be re-opening very soon, with PCR testing of everyone going in and presumably testing of the new vaccine among other things. Maybe some higher level business leaders in touch with government officials know more about coming out of lock down than they are letting on?
Sorry if that video has been put, it is about one part of the Olympic Opening Ceremonie 2012 in London where they presented a pandemic and everything is there: beds, nurses, virus, even Saint-Greta and the devilish Bill Gates. A very disturbing ceremony.

That is bizarre and chilling. I don't watch TV so I missed it all in 2012, but it's difficult to believe there wasn't a lot of media response questioning why that topic for a sport event. It's just too weird for words and--yes it does look like the PTB having a massive in-your-face joke at the rest of the world. It's a good reminder how nothing in our world was ever "normal" we just maintained the appearance for as long as we could. Thanks for posting.
Every sink as far as I can tell has a sign with instructions as to how to wash your hands above it... bit like being 5 years old again...

A number of people I've talked to have noticed that we're being treated like children. "Don't forget to wash your hands! Here's how!" "Now, don't cough on people, that isn't polite." "Play time's over, children! Time to go inside like good boys and girls!"

It's only reasonable. Rights and responsibilities are reciprocal. The populace has been infantilized, trained to reject responsibility. Therefore, they lose their rights. It's the inevitable outcome of following Peter Pan to Never Never Land.
"WHERE'S THE BEEF?" is a catchphrase in the United States and Canada introduced in {1984}The phrase originated as a slogan for the fast food chain Wendy's. Since then it has become an all-purpose phrase questioning the substance of an idea, event or product.

View attachment 35906 COVID 1984 BEEF price, $6.07/lb

View attachment 35907 March beef price, $3.48/lb
While I have no doubt the price of meat will be rapidly increasing as we type, the above comparison is of a retail price package of burger bought at a regular market with burger bought at a US govt. military commissary which has always sold at 2% over wholesale price since I have been shopping on various bases for over 45 years. Just to make the comparison clear.
This is totaly crazy....
I´m so down today, because this news and because of my son and all this stuff going on....
I went to the bookstore around the corner and saw people in tram all wearing masks (it´s mandatory as of yesterday, as other members from Germany already said in this thread).

I was watching this tram go by and like it was in slow motion....
I felt like I´m in a bad, baaad SF movie....

I don´t even have the word for what i`m feeling right now; some mix of disbeleive, sadness and anger..... It hit me hard today....
It really is insane as bizarre. And the disconnect between us and the 'normal' people is so huge. But it's really a gap in awareness, so while right now, they're feeling OK and we tend to get upset, the fact of the matter is that we are prepared and they have no clue where they're going. They will never know what hit them.

As Revolucionar said, this is what we've been waiting for. We knew it would be a mess, and here it is. We knew things would get 'interesting'. And so they are. Probably the greatest lesson for us right now is to not let it get to us. We know there are limits to what we can do, and we just have to wait out the things we cannot change.

But there's always something we can do, including how exactly we react to all the stupidity. They're making fun of us, and we can make fun of them back. One way to do it is to overreact. Like I mentioned earlier, if they want us to wear masks, we can wear Guy Fawkes masks, which instead of sending the message that we're obedient slaves, sends the opposite message.

Imagine that what you're seeing is like a movie. Like you're watching the beginnings of Nazi Germany, and you know where it's going, but you can't stop it. Things will get even more crazy, and we won't be able to stop that. But it's about how we approach it. If you look at it like a movie where you know bad things will happen, it will be less upsetting.

Always remember there are lessons here for all the people around us, and they're many lessons behind us, and they have to learn the hard way. Just let them have this shitfest for as long as they need until they finally get sick of it.

If you can, make fun of all this crap. If somebody tells you you have to stand behind that line, ask "What will happen if I don't?" You can act like you don't understand any of this and need an explanation. You can pretend to be dumb, or you can be sarcastic, or whatever feels fun. Just try to enjoy it instead of getting annoyed. Ask people uncomfortable questions and be amused by their reactions. When people tell you you must do something, do the opposite. Just troll the heck out of everyone. I mean, they're trolling us, so...

As for dealing with your kids, make them understand as much as they can handle at their age, educate them, prepare them, and to get through all the stupidity, turn it into fun and games.

Personally I would tell kids we have to wear masks because our government is mentally retarded, and I would explain the reasons why it makes no sense. But I would also explain that other people won't get it because they're kinda retarded too. We are some of the last remaining sane people on Earth, and we are in hiding and must pretend we're kinda retarded too, so that we aren't discovered. (This is so that the children don't start telling everyone that the government is retarded.) Pretend you're all secret agents infiltrating the world of stupid people (which actually isn't far from the truth).

As you watch society move towards higher levels of insanity every day, just say to yourself something like, "Oh, we're at stupidity level 84 today. Nice." I say such things out loud, as a bit of provocation for those who can hear it.

It's really like we're in the movie Idiocracy now. Everyone's retarded, and talking to them is pointless. So we just watch the train wreck and laugh. If people tell you something stupid about the situation, just nod, say "sure, sure, of course" and smile (or laugh for a better effect). You can turn people's ignorance against them, but don't expect anyone to understand anything. Just do it for your own amusement, so that you can stay sane. It's a great time for warriors and stalking.

Also, there is no getting back to 'normal', since the so-called normal was already broken beyond repair. Of course the 'new normal' they are selling us is the wrong kind, and we're not going there if we can help it, but we're not really going back either. Something new is ahead of us, and we need to face it calmly and without fear.

For the last few years, I thought this apocalypse was really slow and boring, so it's good that it's finally speeding up. I'll take a period of total madness if that's what has to happen before I can see what's on the other side. There isn't much to hold onto in this world anyway. Everything is broken, corrupt, and stupid. So let's get through whatever we have to and find out what's beyond the horizon. Maybe there will be fewer idiots there.
Very good catch Shellycheval, my daughter sent the 6.04 pic, then my sister sent the 3.49 pic, she's retired air force. My daughter pointed your point out to me also but after l already made the post. Two months ago the store where my wife purchases meat ran a special on pork chops @ .99/lb, those days are long gone I'm afraid.
Today I'm pissed,
That court case I mentioned few posts back of two real patriots challenging the lock down as unconstitutional. Yesterday they were back in court massive garda presence outside roads blocked. Armed garda stopping people attending, this is Ireland only emergency response units and some detectives are armed. So this was a VERY heavy handed approach and uncalled for. It was a peaceful protest outside the courts. A video of Gemma o doherty one of the two taking the case to court. In the video she is stopped by the garda on her way to court. She took no prisoners dealing with the garda, she is an investigative journalist who has exposed government/Garda corruption. Cover up of Murder, child kidnapping, child murder, paedophilia, etc. That go all the way to the top. Back To the video she could of handled it better she got emotional which I understand considering what she knows.

Well, all the little natzis are on social media slandering her most don't even know what she has exposed, they are just reacting like parrots monkey see monkey do no questions asked. This type of crap happened throughout the troubles in Ireland, patriots fighting for freedom from British rule were slandered by there own people. It's happening all over again. Zombies are everywhere. A friend on Facebook posted someone else's post about Gemma o doherty saying something along the lines of "the garda should slap her" I commented why what did she do?? And she replied by blocking me. I swear these mind less brain dead zombies would cheer and clap if she was locked up.. Absoluately Insane whats going on, this kinda thing boils my blood.The garda commissioner was chief of the RUC up north and has ties to M15. Things will not end well that's for sure, for who remains to be seen.
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