April 27, 2020
Coronavirus, Phase Two: arbitrarily expand the definition of the disease
by Jon Rappoport

As I’ve described in previous articles, the CDC and WHO deploy several strategies to pump up the number of COVID cases. For example, the diagnostic test, which spits out many, many false-positive results.

After all, the authorities must somehow convince the dumbed-down public that the “epidemic” is alive and spreading.

Next up: we will see new symptoms added to the list of COVID indicators. In 1987, I watched the shameless manufacture of so-called AIDS-related diseases. The CDC definition of AIDS, which I printed in my book, AIDS INC., took up 15 pages. The only non-AIDS-related disease left after the CDC got through was infection by aliens from the Orion Belt.

So here we go again.

The Washington Post, April 25, “Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying from strokes.”

This is a bald attempt to counter the flood of data, from several countries, that indicates the people dying from the purported virus are, overwhelmingly, the elderly, who already have multiple, long-term, serious health conditions, for which they’ve been treated with toxic drugs. In other words, these elderly patients aren’t dying FROM the purported virus at all.

So according to the Post: “Doctors sound alarm about patients in their 30s and 40s left debilitated or dead. Some didn’t even know they were infected.”

“…Many doctors expressed worry that as the New York City Fire Department was picking up four times as many people who died at home as normal during the peak of infection that some of the dead had suffered sudden strokes. The truth may never be known because few autopsies were conducted.”

“…Jabbour said many cases he has treated have unusual characteristics. Brain clots usually appear in the arteries, which carry blood away from the heart. But in covid-19 patients, he is also seeing them in the veins, which carry blood in the opposite direction and are trickier to treat. Some patients are also developing more than one large clot in their heads, which is highly unusual.”

Of course, the Post says nothing about the worthless diagnostic tests on these unusual patients. The article assumes they are “infected with COVID-19.”

And the further assumption is, somehow the virus is attacking the heart, or the arteries, or the brain, or the blood.

This sets the stage for expanding the definition of the epidemic disease.

It reminds me a bit of so-called AIDS dementia, a fanciful add-on back in the 1980s. In that instance, a lunatic doctor could tell a patient, “I see you informed the nurse you’re feeling better. You’re recovering. But you see, the virus is lethal. You only imagine you’re getting better. Looks like you have AIDS dementia…”

These days, the public reaction to “unusual cases of stroke among the young,” will be: THE VIRUS MUST BE CAUSING IT. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?”

Newsflash: It could be any number of things, none of which is connected to a virus. The medical literature of the past hundred years is filled with reports of patients falling ill and dying in odd ways.

For official propagandists (professional liars), it doesn’t matter how many people are now perishing of “unusual strokes.” It only matters that reports of their dying can stoke fear and find their way into new sprouting branches of the definitional COVID tree.

Young people, teens, babies, pregnant mothers, exhumed bodies from decades ago—whatever the WHO/CDC need to do, to expand the meaning of COVID, whatever they need to invent, they’ll be there with “alarming findings.”

Don’t fall for it.

Yes. And in times of plague, or war or revolution people like them are possessed.

"War and Peace" it's a good novel to read now, if you have time and need to read something splendid that will give you solace and and make you think at the same time. Because the subject is war, Tolstoy makes us see those who are"possessed" during a battle, possessed by ignorance, manipulated by propaganda and how war is making people become crazy, literally. How the battle is food for them. Tolstoy teach us also how this ignorance transform people as demons, beings without conscience, dangerous puppets.

We can see this and will see more and more in our situation of Corona. We are in the middle of a battle. It is not fun at all!
I was thinking about War and Peace. At the same time there is one extraordinary character, the principal one, Pierre Bezukhov, that wanted absolutely to know what war is, means, and he goes to see, without fear, and stay in the middle of a battle. Because if you want to know what really happens you need to be in the middle, and see and try to understand and live it. it is the only way to understand everything. It is dangerous but at the same time liberating.
We all saw this coming:
Coronavirus vaccine likely by September, says Pune's Serum Institute

Vaccine major Serum Institute of India today said it plans to start production of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Oxford University in the next two to three weeks and hopes to bring it to the market by October if the human clinical trials are successful.

The Pune-based company has partnered with Oxford University as one of the seven global institutions manufacturing the vaccine.
"Our team has been working closely with Dr Hill from Oxford University, and we are expecting to initiate production of the vaccine in 2-3 weeks and produce 5 million doses per month for the first 6 months, following which, we hope to scale up production to 10 million doses per month," Serum Institute India (SII) CEO Adar Poonawalla said.

SII has collaborated with scientists at Oxford University for a malaria vaccine project in the past and can say with certainty that they are some of the best scientists, he added.

"We expect the (COVID-19) vaccine to be out in the market by September - October, only if the trials are successful with the requisite safety and assured efficacy. We will be starting trials in India for this vaccine hopefully over the next 2-3 weeks' time," Poonawalla said.
SII will be manufacturing the vaccine in anticipation of clinical trials succeeding by September-October in the UK, he added.

"Following that, we have undertaken the decision to initiate manufacturing at our own risk. The decision has been solely taken to have a jump-start on manufacturing, to have enough doses available, if the clinical trials prove successful," Poonawalla said.

The company plans to initiate the trials in India for the vaccine with necessary regulatory approvals, which are underway presently.
"Keeping the current situation in mind, we have funded this endeavour at a personal capacity and hopefully will be able to enlist the support of other partners to further scale-up the vaccine production," Poonawalla said.

The vaccines will be manufactured at the company's facility in Pune. Building a new facility for COVID-19 vaccine would have taken around 2-3 years, he added.

The Indian regulatory authorities are working with the company to ensure smooth procedural functioning. "We are in touch with the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and ICMR," Poonawalla said.

The company had earlier said it will not patent any COVID-19 vaccine which it develops.

Asked about the decision, Poonawalla reiterated, "We will not patent Serum's vaccine for COVID-19 and will make it available for all to produce and sell, not just in India but across the world."

Whosoever makes and develops the vaccine will need multiple partners to manufacture the vaccine, he added.

"I hope that whichever company develops the vaccine does not get it patented and makes it available based on royalties or a commercial understanding to as many manufacturers across the world to make billions of dosages at a fast pace," Poonawalla said.

Death toll due to COVID-19 has crossed 200,000 globally, with the number of infections at over 2.8 million.
In India, the coronavirus has claimed over 800 lives and the number of cases has crossed the 26,000-mark.

The current population of India is 1,377,603,926 as of Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - and holy sh*t, 800 people have died because coronavirus! OMG - can't make the vaccine fast enough! The terror! :-O
About Russia, Putin and Lavrov..

I recently saw an interesting interview with Mikhail Khazin. I am not an expert in politics and macroeconomics, but if I understand everything correctly, the situation is as follows: ALL key positions in official institutions in Russia are occupied by agents of influence, that is, people recruited by financial globalists. Putin's orders are often sabotaged by these officials. In fact, they follow instructions written in the West. They carried out such projects: education reform, pension reform, currency devaluation in 2014….

And apparently all these measures of self-isolation due to Covid-19 are also the work of financial globalists. I don't know what Putin really thinks about the coronavirus, but it seems that he can't act independently here and stop all this bacchanalia. At least not yet. Putin is really playing a long game. Khazin says that his slightest mistake can lead to complete defeat.

Khazin also mentioned that Putin, Trump and XI Jinping are together opposing financial globalists. This is their common enemy.

Here is a video, but it is in Russian:
Indeed, how far will the people let these imbecils in control go. Maybe just maybe this will help people in Spain starting to get two neurons firing and turning against the moronic petty tyrants in their community:

'Officials Sorry for Spraying Beach With Bleach
They said it was done to protect children
'Environmentalists in Spain hoped wildlife would benefit from the beach in Zahara de los Atunes being closed for six weeks. Then authorities sprayed it with bleach. Officials in the Andalusia fishing village have apologized for the spraying, which they said was done to protect children from the coronavirus, the Guardian reports.'
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
Here you go: Coronavirus: Why BA announcement will send a chill through government
News that British Airways may make up to 12,000 of its employees redundant, out of a total workforce of 42,000, has understandably come as a shock to unions.
Lufthansa, the German national carrier, is in talks to lay off 10,000 employees.

SAS, the Scandinavian carrier, is preparing to make half of its workforce redundant.
Everything is falling apart. We need to be prepared for huge ticket prices if PTB mercifully will allow us to travel.
I don't know if you've seen this, but I just found out that there's a website called Lockdown Sceptics that looks promising. The site was set up by Toby Young, of whom I don't know much about, but according to Wikipedia he's a journalist and an author. Maybe you British members can give your take on him – is he a 'good guy' or a 'bad guy'?

I haven't yet had the time to look it through in depth, but what led me there was when someone mentioned a study made by Mikko Paunio M.D., M.H.S., an adjunct professor in general epidemiology at the University of Helsinki, Department of Public Health. In his papers he seriously questions the WHO:s judgement of the situation, amongst other things.

Here's the website:

Here's Paunio's paper called 'Has SARS-Cov-2 fooled the whole world?':

Here's a snippet of Toby Young's introduction:

On Friday, April 3rd I wrote an article for the Telegraph about the tsunami of criticism I’d received after publishing a sceptical piece earlier that week about the Government’s lockdown strategy. That piece appeared in the Critic and shortly after it was published I started trending on Twitter, with thousands of people denouncing me, often using intemperate language. In the Telegraph article I expressed my disappointment about this reaction and said people shouldn’t feel shy about criticising the lockdown even if those views put them at odds with the majority. Our leaders are making decisions every day that will affect all our lives for years to come and it’s right that we should debate their options in the public square.

In the days that followed the publication of the Telegraph article I was contacted by dozens of people, most of whom shared my reservations and were frustrated that the Government’s decision to lock down the country wasn’t being adequately challenged. Some had tried to get their views published in newspapers, either as letters or articles, but without success. That’s why I’ve decided to set up this website. The idea is for it to serve as a hub for sceptical articles, papers and interviews that have appeared elsewhere, as well as a platform for lockdown sceptics to air their views in the form of comments. (I also welcome rebuttals of those views. You can see a thoughtful response to my piece in the Critic by Sam Bowman here, as well as my reply to Sam’s critique here.) Although I believe the lockdown needs to be dialled back, I’m not absolutely certain of that and am open to having my mind changed. The critical thing is that we should have an informed public debate about it. This isn’t a decision that should be “left to the experts”, as some people believe. To invoke David Hume’s famous distinction, scientific knowledge can tell you what is; it cannot tell you what you ought to do.
I guess I'd be wondering something completely different. Like how a person copes in a foreign country, with a different religion, different climate, doing a job she is completely overqualified for, in a country that's hostile to her, working for a person who doesn't like her, having to support a husband who's lazy....

Ruth, Nachtweide never said she didn't like her housekeeper, it's her mask she doesn't like. The word Mask must be feminine in German, thus the confusion.

An explosion of knowledge this morning. My housekeeping came and unwantedly gave me a completely different mindset. She comes from Tunisia, is a Muslim and has studied teaching and literature in Tunisia. She has been in Germany since 2014 and speaks perfect German. Since she has 3 children and a man who does not want to work, she currently has to earn her money from domestic help. When she came this morning I was putting on my mask and swearing because I don't like her. She said: It is normal for us and now we can hardly be distinguished now . Your minimum distance is also normal for us. Our headgear and facegear, as well as the distance, are used to protect you from men. It would also be very pleasant in business now.
Sorry if that video has been put, it is about one part of the Olympic Opening Ceremonie 2012 in London where they presented a pandemic and everything is there: beds, nurses, virus, even Saint-Greta and the devilish Bill Gates. A very disturbing ceremony.

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy. In this response, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes off the gloves, and exposes Shiva's shady behavior and connections. I never really felt good about that "Inventor of e-mail" thing that Shiva keeps pushing on every platform. Reading Kennedy's response, you'll learn that that was proven in a court to be false. And, as I read this, it reminded me of how I was curious that Shiva got so much publicity, and so fast, without any(?) censoring by YouTube etc. There's certainly something fishy about the guy.

WoW - Shiva is like a Trojan horse, isn't he?!

Only last night I saw him on RT German. I thought he was very clever and I was glad that he said all these things.
I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy.
Wow aragorn, just read the article and I have to say it's a very loaded statement against Dr Shiva. The connections Kennedy has tied to this "Dr" damns him in no uncertain terms. This octopus and it's tentacles are woven in to the fabric of this reality. There are so many people like Kennedy out there fighting an uphill battle. Can they maintain their energy and stamina and will more "decent" people join their cause,. We can only hope so.
Sorry if that video has been put, it is about one part of the Olympic Opening Ceremonie 2012 in London where they presented a pandemic and everything is there: beds, nurses, virus, even Saint-Greta and the devilish Bill Gates. A very disturbing ceremony.

That was truly sick... Who even thought it up as the opening celebrations for a sport's event? Who thought it up, period?!

I don't know what they were trying to depict. I doubt that we can foretell our global future from past Olympic ceremonies or Madonna's performances at Eurovision, some of the symbology, however, is just too much to be coincidental. Perhaps what all these communicate is the "spiritual affiliations" of our rulers, what entities they sold/fed their souls to?

Having recently watched the documentary Out of the Shadows, this Olympics video could fit in the Pizzagate thread as well. :barf:
"Exposure" seems to be in full swing.

First, there's this article from Austria (MSM) which caught a lot of attention and talks about a leak that Austria's chancellor had a meeting with scientists and media where they came up with a strategy on how to spread panic, for example by saying people will "kill their grandparents" if the don't follow the rules, among other things. Incredible! Even the other parties who all went along with the narrative are up in arms about this.

Then there is the astonishing article in Germany's biggest tabloid (BILD) from 2 days ago, which has been briefly mentioned before and which is worth quoting in full:

No more stubbornness in Corona politics!

Only two things are certain in the Corona crisis:

First, whether the measures are right or wrong, moderate or excessive, we will only learn from the history books. Whether we will look back on Corona as a health disaster or the collapse of our economy is completely open. It is possible, but by no means certain, that what vast majorities believe to be right is right. There is no herd immunity against being historically catastrophically wrong.

Secondly, almost all the experts we (must) confide in during this crisis have been so wrong in almost every assessment that our faith in them can only be explained by despair.

They have almost mocked the wearing of masks. Now it is duty. They have warned against closing schools and daycare centres. Now millions of children have been at home for weeks. You've dismissed as useless the idea of sealing the borders. Now nobody comes into the country. Despite all the measures you have taken, you have repeatedly warned of the imminent collapse of our health system. Now there is spooky silence and fear of unemployment on hospital corridors.

The Robert Koch Institute advised against autopsies of Corona deaths. Now it is happening anyway and forensic doctors say that by far not all the dead have actually died of corona. Sports facilities had to be closed. Now tennis is forbidden in some federal states, in others it is allowed, although it is actually life-threatening.

What worries me the most: Our economy is already so massively and partially irreparably damaged that our government can hardly allow itself to admit that it has overreached.

The experts must be right, because they cannot be wrong. To have ruined the German economy prematurely would not be survivable for any party, perhaps not even for democracy. That is why we are increasingly experiencing stubbornness, obstinacy and dogmatism - "reminds me of the refugee crisis," a member of Merkel's government tells me.

The Chancellor accuses every sceptic of "opening discussion orgy", murmuring that some people are acting too brashly without saying what she means exactly. CDU faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus makes fun of the dissident Armin Laschet in a cheerful and high-ranking wine round, and everyone laughs.

Is it a good idea in our country to make fun of dissenters in difficult times and to rise above them?

I fear that the interests of many people and those who represent them are rapidly diverging:

- For any politician who advocates easing restrictions, any Corona Death could become a high risk, along the lines of: "This is your Death, Mr. /Mrs. Anyway."

- For millions of people, on the other hand, it is devastating if their economic livelihoods are destroyed, although there are still hardly any corona deaths.

Politicians are refusing to take part in this bitter but unfortunately necessary debate, which the uncontrollable Corona event is forcing on us. That the state should never weigh human life against another good is a noble idea that unfortunately does not always stand up to reality. Chancellor Schmidt decided against Schleyer. Chancellor Merkel sacrificed German soldiers in Afghanistan for non-negotiable values of our country.

"When I hear that everything else has to take a back seat to the protection of life, then I have to say: this is not right in this absoluteness", says Wolfgang Schäuble, President of the Bundestag ("Tagesspiegel"). "If there is an absolute value in our Basic Law at all, then it is the dignity of the human being. That is inviolable. But it does not exclude the possibility that we must die."

Only ideologies know absolutisms. The strength of democracy is that it can withstand even the most uncomfortable debates. But if it prevents them, democracy becomes superfluous. The only thing without alternative in democracy is debate.

The concentrated stubbornness is evident in what is happening with the Bundesliga. The Bundesliga is prepared to do everything in its power to ensure that its employees do not pose any danger to themselves or others.

We are talking here about the freedom to exercise their profession, which does not endanger anyone else, even less than before Corona - when "high-risk games" of hundreds of police officers had to be protected. Nevertheless, some right-wing politicians are prepared to sacrifice a valuable industry and massively restrict basic rights, even though every risk from ghost games is a fairy tale.

Because there are also millionaires involved, the Bundesliga is a grateful target of this destructive furore. I predict that the next thing we will hear is that the "rich pilots" of Lufthansa really don't need to be rescued with taxpayers' money. What madness!

I don't want to imagine how we will look back on these weeks and months in three or four years' time, when the average age of the dead should be higher than the average life expectancy, when millions of unemployed are sitting on the streets, when the middle classes that finance Hartz IV are destroyed. When many restaurants are closed forever, but the soup kitchens are open. The Chancellor should also think about that when she makes her next government statement.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The author, if I remember correctly, was one of the chief war propagandists in the past, aggressively peddling every PTB narrative about Syria etc. Strange times indeed!

Or perhaps they are trying to bring in critical voices in order to retreat from their narrative? Or the newspapers are seeing their ad revenues drying up and some MSM people are waking up? Or maybe even some politicians who are not complete psychopaths have had enough of this BS? Or maybe some are feeling public opinion shift and want to save their skins?

Needless to say, should the narrative be officially abandoned, I will go on a totally self-righteous social media spree LOL - Told you so, ya goddamn morons! Now next time you read something in the MSM, think twice! (Not really like that, but you get the point.)

But I still don't hold my breath...
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