An explosion of knowledge this morning. My housekeeping came and unwantedly gave me a completely different mindset. She comes from Tunisia, is a Muslim and has studied teaching and literature in Tunisia. She has been in Germany since 2014 and speaks perfect German. Since she has 3 children and a man who does not want to work, she currently has to earn her money from domestic help. When she came this morning I was putting on my mask and swearing because I don't like her. She said: It is normal for us and now we can hardly be distinguished now . Your minimum distance is also normal for us. Our headgear and facegear, as well as the distance, are used to protect you from men. It would also be very pleasant in business now.
I guess I'd be wondering something completely different. Like how a person copes in a foreign country, with a different religion, different climate, doing a job she is completely overqualified for, in a country that's hostile to her, working for a person who doesn't like her, having to support a husband who's lazy.... :-O

Maybe she's just saying: "Well, now you know how I feel". It certainly brings up a lot of issues. It's like many of us feel we are living in a completely different reality, now.
As I see it, the major issue with Zaphod's thinking is that he sees 'this entire discussion' as if it started with him.
You know, it's funny, as I noticed Zaphod started a thread, basically saying that he was OK with the lockdown measures, that it made his life easier, to paraphrase, but then his thread was merged with this one.

That kind of threw him in the middle of this discussion, and his arguments then showed themselves as counter, or at least uninformed, to this thread.

And the rest, as they say.... is history. :whistle:
I highlighted and underlined the word that caught my eye. It made me think of Ark's annual I-Ching reading that we post every year in the FOTCM forum. This year, it was "Abundance". And then all hell broke loose. Well now, it makes sense! And abundance of petty tyrants!

There is more to hexagram 55 "Abundance" - from Hilary Barett's website: OnlineClarity UK

As the Zagua says, Abundance means ‘many causes’ or ‘much incident’. All roads lead here; everything led up to this; everything is centred here, ready for you to act. Here and now, this is the crux.
Looking through my own ‘Abundance’ readings, there are several about having to act as the leader in complicated group situation (whether I wanted the role or not). There’s an intriguing one about someone rethinking and rewriting their memories to support a healthier sense of self in the present moment. And there are two about all-in-one organiser apps – the kind where you gather all your emails, projects, to-dos, files and so forth in one place. All the readings have in common that sense of being at the centre, where you connect everything together and make it meaningful.

Abundance as being the culmination of previous efforts.
The story of King Wen (scroll down to the pink "Oracle" picture) is also interesting.
Did you get any changing lines?
Would it be useful for me to make a concerted effort to further outline what the Sabian Symbols are, and how they may be being used to determine the timing of when STS forces implement their plans or seed their intentions?

I think that this idea may be an attempt to divert your attention away from more important things, and to encourage you to put the unnecessary effort in the less important one. At least in my opinion, you have a lot to share on other topics, regarding health and science, that I think are more important at the moment and probably could bring other forum members more benefits than sabian symbols.

In regard to determining the timing of when STS forces implement their plans , I think that it's important to keep in mind that:

A: The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures.
I don’t know if eras ever end with one incident. Comet, war, plagues and so forth. But this time it appears to be all together, like an orchestra playing up to the crescendo. I think the Cs said something like a little bit of everything.
Sadly, I think the PTB have 'chosen' the music and locked up the audience to force us to listen to it. Perhaps they intend to burn down the theater? This is what gets me so mad. They are either incompetent or deliberately malefic. They have chosen to make a challenging situation, bad.
I'm sure many of you also thought about the following more often recently too. The C's told us on more than one occasion that there is already a world government in place. In the last session they again talked about "the consortium" which is a term they used on a number of occasions in the past as well, apparently at least partially referring to the movers and shakers within this secret "world government"? If what is going on doesn't strike one as the actions of a world government, I don't know what is! The astounding cadence and swift implementation of measures in pretty much every country (with very few exceptions) in just a matter of days/weeks is kinda scary and sounds a lot like a global coordination is going on and/or in place already (and has been for a long time?).

Before Corona one could still argue with that claim of the C's, after Corona though, their statement seems to take on a whole different proportion and possible likelihood I would say. I also often thought about Laura's article "Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World" from 2014 recently and that what we are seeing could in fact be exactly that global Pathocracy in action (this time) MINUS the hope of the world. At least it appears that way at the moment. Just putting it out there for consideration while I'm not really invested in that idea being true or all there is or might be to it, because I still think quite a lot of what is going on can be explained by an incredibly dumbed down Civilization.

There's another thread running through all of that too that indicates other tensions created between those that are for a multipolar world, like Putin, and those that are for a one world government. There are articles on SOTT about Trump being a threat to the 'World Order'.

One of the things that I've noticed here in Australia since the beginning of this year is that where Australia used to follow on the heals of the US fairly closely, there seems to be some odd differences that lead me to think that the puppet masters behind the Australian govt want to disentangle themselves from US on the World Government issue. For example, Australia has shut down parliament, and the prime minister has started referring to the 'Australian National Cabinet' that was apparently set up on Friday 13th of March:

Australia's first national cabinet is finally doing what countless reviews, academics and government watches have pleaded for. Governments of all colours, and their agencies, working as one, in a form of co-operative federalism many officials had only dreamed of.

Formed at the Friday Council of Australian Government (COAG) meeting, the "wartime" national cabinet is made up of the nation's first ministers – the Prime Minister, premiers and territory leaders – to co-ordinate and deliver a consistent national response to COVID-19.
He says the national cabinet has "the status of a cabinet meeting" that would exist at a federal level, meaning it has the same confidentiality and Freedom of Information protections and protocols as the federal cabinet.

Two key co-ordinating arrangements – the chief medical officers group, known as the Australian Health Protection Principals Committee (AHPPC), and what is known as the National Co-ordinating Measure (NCM) – have also been given cabinet status.

The NCM operationalises the National Communicable Disease Plan and is managed through the Department of Home Affairs' Crisis Coordination Centre (CCC).

The CCC is co-ordinating the federal, states and territory whole-of-government responses to non-health issues related to COVID-19.

The CCC is leading the engagement with individual sectors such as education, banking, transport, food and agriculture to manage the many issues that need to be addressed, and to assess the range of capabilities available to meet those challenges within government, industry and the community.

This is the group that federal and state portfolios are co-ordinating with as they seek to work with business and community service providers across a range of issues. These include ensuring supply chains and critical infrastructure are being fortified, public facilities are being regularly cleaned and borders and travel are being consistently managed.

While to outsiders this may seem administrative humdrum, standing up a sophisticated new legal and managerial federal infrastructure is critical to making the national cabinet a workable government entity.
Strictly, cabinet decisions do not of themselves have legal authority. This comes from the executive council (or Chapter II of the Constitution) which endorses and gives legal force to decisions already made by the cabinet.
According to the federal cabinet handbook, "this means members of the Cabinet must publicly support all Government decisions made in the Cabinet, even if they do not agree with them. Cabinet ministers cannot dissociate themselves from, or repudiate the decisions of their Cabinet colleagues unless they resign from the Cabinet."
"While the participants might agree that confidentiality should apply, the principle of collective ministerial responsibility could not apply, as they are not collectively responsible to one Parliament."

Others are less sanguine and suspect the wrapping of the term cabinet around the COAG first ministers group removes it from FOI review and more generally accountability.

As one former COAG leader observed, with no parliament to be directly accountable to, it gives the national cabinet enormous power to execute what are going to be highly invasive actions for citizens, business and community groups.

Alternatively, Trump has spoken in favour of protestors and allowed states to manage their own approach as per the constitution.
Now that I ranted a bit, I want to share with you some of the interesting stuff I came across through my job. I'm a musician and audio engineer and I mostly produce podcasts for clients for a living. I will not mention the names of the podcasts I refer to because I would most certainly lose those clients if they found these posts although the probability of google listing this forum anywhere near the top when queried for those titles is next to nothing.
One of my clients is the CEO of a large international digital health organisation. (for those who haven't heard of the term, digital health is basically everything that involves health and digital tech. So electronic records, remote doctor's appointments, fitbit, health apps, robotics in surgery, patient compliance tracking, using voice recognition for diagnosis of mental health issues, and Wild Bill Gates's nano tattoos)
I asked her when this was just starting was this really such a big crisis as it was made out to be. She answered that it was a huge economic crisis. Nothing further than that. After that I haven't heard much from her. She seems to be very busy with this whole circus.

Another client I have hosts one of the most popular podcasts in this category. He's a really decent guy and working dozens of intervoews he did, I can say that most if not all of his guests are, too. They actually believe that what they're doing is for everyone's benefit. They could never even begin to fathom that their tech could and would be used for nefarious purposes. Anyhow, these people are jubilant right now. The obligatory heartthrob of respect for our health workers and compassion with the patients and their families notwithstanding, they see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to get widespread public acceptance of their tech and to steamroll it into our health systems. They rightly see how people are accepting things now that they have worked on trying to push through for years. Of course they can't see that they've been working for the devil himself all along. It's all just a very fortuitous coincidence to them. I have heard the phrase "new normal" at least 50 times in the last few weeks just from this source. And it's always seen as something very exciting and an opning of great new possibilities. Basically they already have all the tech, they were just waiting for the stupid proles to realise what's good for them.
This client also produces podcasts for other companies, and I helped him do a short series for a large publishing company in the health sector. They've been talking to handpicked people from across the world about different aspects of the pandemic and although there were plenty of nuggets in there where if you translated the doublespeak you'd find the naked truth this thread so deftly exposed, there was one thing that really stuck out. Today, I got back notes from the publishing company on what to edit out of the latest interview with a Spanish doctor "on the frontlines (another one of those predetermined catchphrases) of the COVID pandemic. In the raw interview that I edited she clearly said that, for reasons she doesn't understand, the Spanish pathological society explicitly forbid autopsies on the victims of the virus. She actually redid this answer because the lines dropped a bit later on, so I had two versions of it. I knew that they wouldn't like the way she said that so I sort of cut out the part "for reasons she doesn't understand", but left in the part where she says that they forbid autopsies. Today I got the notes and they want that entire bit cut out. Now, the people in charge of this aren't some high flying execs that rub shoulders with the likes of Soros and Billy the Gatekeeper, at least I don't think so. I wonder though. Either regular people instinctively know what should be censored or they are at least in part in on it.
Another interesting thing that I noticed her say is that they give people with low oxygenation masks (she doesn't mention how low) for 15 mins and if there's no significant improvement, they get intubated. Now, this doesn't sound like standard practice at all. There's no explanation for this. These people can breathe, obviously, otherwise they'd get intubated right away. What are they doing to poor people? I mean, these doctors aren't evil and I know they're not doing harm on purpose, but how is it possible that they all collectively stop working in line with established standards of care and all of a sudden decide to go with these newfangled standards that have no basis in science or practice.

Anyway, when I get the time, I'll try to give a bit more detailed account of all the different tech these guys have been coming up with for years now. Almost all of it is useful to those who wish to create a global surveillance state which will probably have a decidedly health based slant. It's all for our own good, didn't you know?
Guys, I'll tell you why the situation with @Zaphod is truly disturbing. It's not to do with the actual poster but what he represents Vs what we represent.

His views is that of someone who has fallen for a lie and has thus joined the other side (the side ruled by lies). These are the men and women the PTB will use to usher in the reality they envision. It worries me that in interacting with this other side (as represented by @Zaphod we can't reach a decent enough resolution).

The thing that is worrying is that 'there' view involves controlling us a long with everything else. They will want us ALL to be vaccinated, not just themselves. They want us ALL in lockdown, not just themselves.

How can you reach a resolution with such people? This is my worry!! How can you just tell them to go do whatever they want to themselves but leave the rest of us alone? They are all about control and power. This is the scary thing.

Whenever I interact with someone from that side, I try to come across as amicable, as reasonable... I try not to dismiss everything they say as that will rile them up... My end game is I'm trying to get them to accept that there views is there's, they can do whatever they want to themselves but not the rest of us who may not see things as they do. But they are fanatical... They want to 'change' the world... They want to 'rescue' or 'save' the world. That usually involves dealing with 'heretics' such as ourselves.

It's frightening.
Yes. And in times of plague, or war or revolution people like them are possessed.

"War and Peace" it's a good novel to read now, if you have time and need to read something splendid that will give you solace and and make you think at the same time. Because the subject is war, Tolstoy makes us see those who are"possessed" during a battle, possessed by ignorance, manipulated by propaganda and how war is making people become crazy, literally. How the battle is food for them. Tolstoy teach us also how this ignorance transform people as demons, beings without conscience, dangerous puppets.

We can see this and will see more and more in our situation of Corona. We are in the middle of a battle. It is not fun at all!
I feel that this is one of those semitones on the octave where it's possible to change the course by outside shocks conscious effort.
Conscious effort and intentional suffering, super-efforts and practicing self-observation and critical thinking is going to bring huge dividends at this time, I feel. This thread is a testament to that.

This is absolutely correct. I know I've been feeling that in my life ... a much stronger impetus to push through, a strengthening of the will, a resonance with the stoic advice to accept what comes, for it is the will of nature.

That said....

But also I feel that there's a bit of a negative (in terms of the Work) undercurrent here of anticipating, despair, and even fear of letting go of the world we used to live in. Guys, it's gone. We're not going back and that's good.

This is what I struggle with more than anything. Besides sloth, my personal sin is wrath. It's incredibly difficult for me to not get frustrated, and therefore angry at the petty impositions upon and disruptions to my personal life ... and when I look out at all the suffering that this is causing, my sorrow quickly turns to rage.

There's a bit of anxiety, for sure. But really for me it's the anger. And this is not productive. It accomplishes nothing to be angry at the psychopaths causing this, or the AFs and OPs happily going along with it ... as well be angry at crocodiles for being crocodiles.

This was a really important reminder, @Revolucionar. Thank you.
We went to a local H Mart, which is a large Korean supermarket. When we walked in the door, I saw that they had wrapped all the fruits and vegetables in plastic. Not only a big job, but that is a lot of plastic. All the staff had not only the face masks, but also the plastic visors, and of course the gloves.

Here's some pics:

Yep. I'm hearing sounds as of lately (sometimes high frequency, sometimes low pitch) and last night a discernable vibration of my eardrums for about one minute, pretty inconvenient.
A week ago, my son was picking up a strange tone and pulse when he held his Iphone close to the concrete floor in his workshop.
That was on the evening of April 18th. Over that evening and into April 19th, the strange massacre and the murder of 22 people in Nova Scotia took place.
I listened to this interview a few days ago, and be darned if the guy, James True, wasn't talking about the Symbolism and Zionist use of numbers and sacrifices on certain days.
He mentions to watch out for some Symbolic clue on April 19th.
That is when the murders happened.
I do wonder if those who fully and eagerly embrace the lockdown will feel differently when they realize that not only may normality never come back, but the economy is pretty much ruined and eventually that is going to affect everyone including them.
I'm wondering if the people who eagerly embrace this lockdown aren't in some kind of alternative reality. If so, will they ever get their heads out of it? You know how stubborn people can be when they DON'T want to know something, or confront something. It seems like we are constantly walking on egg shells around people like that. Treating them like children. They make up our friends, family and neighbors.
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