Oooh! I wonder if Bill Gates is a vegetarian??? Anybody know?
Pretty sure he drinks the blood of small children, so probably not.

Spain is finally letting its children play outside. No more than 1 km at home. In a maximum group of 3. Under adult supervision. For a maximum of 1 hour.

And if they exceed those limitations, the parents get fined.
This is sick. It's hard to understand why people aren't constantly throwing stones into the windows of all government buildings.

I was watching a documentary the other night where a guy was saying these evil people reveal their plans before they implement them as it let’s them off the karmic hook or something
They may wishfully think it does, but it won't. Lessons must be learned. No cheating.

It is disappointing to check up on it only to find that he has been exclusively focusing on Trump and his supporters as 'authoritarians' while completely glazing over the dramatic rise in authoritarianism and fascism of/from the left post-2016.

Uh, the book was written in 2006, long before Trump was relevant. I don't remember anything about Trump being in the book. I think you read something else.

In other words the entire lock-down mechanism will not be removed until there is a vaccine and all citizens are vaccinated.

There is the longer term plan. Everybody gets really hacked off at the restrictions. Solution, have a vaccine and it all goes away.
Given the fact that during all pandemics in the last 10 years I read that 90-99% of the infected people had been fully vaccinated, this sounds like a really shitty plan. Then again, it's not like the people bringing this plan actually believe in it. It's just bullshit to tell people who are clearly dumb enough to buy it. I feel like all of New Zealand has been laser-beamed by HAARP or something.

So maybe the lockdown has indeed "flattened the curve" a bit, but has it led/will it lead to fewer overall infections? In fact, there seems to be hardly a correlation between the various lockdown measures and the numbers (which might be misleading because the numbers are cooked anyway). Or maybe they just needed the lockdown until 1st of May, because flu-like viruses always vanish at this point anyway? Or maybe there are many strains going around and the "STO virus" was very short lived and has now disappeared, and the PTB knew this - and right now it's just other agendas and general tyranny? Any ideas?
1. Probably a lot of wishful thinking, along the lines that they think they can do things that they can't, like stop the (relevant version of the) virus.

2. Possibly they first thought they could stop it, then found that nope, so now they're just playing a fascist police state because that's fun.

3. If the effects of the strain they want to stop is some kind of resistance to propaganda or whatever, then what better way to fight it than with more propaganda, brainwashing, and programming. Maybe this is their way to counter the potential positive effects.

Also, somebody should collect dozens of clips of the MSM talking about 'saving lives' and dozens of clips of the same people supporting wars and bombing countries, and make one video out of it.

Also, after reassurances that the emergency state here would almost certainly end at the end of the month, our retarded government just prolonged it by two weeks. (Despite data showing there's no reason for it.) Plus they talk about masks being mandatory probably 'for a long time', so I'm not really sure what exactly will be ending anyway. People can go out now for any reason, I think, just not in large numbers (10+). Opening of businesses seems to be on its own schedule, so...? Anyway, as others have pointed out, things keep changing every day, so I think the idiots in charge really have no damn clue what they're doing and who knows what's driving their decisions. I think I'll start ignoring this mask bullshit completely. This farce has gone on long enough.
Well, here is something I certainly wouldn't have thought Lavrov would say as the representative of the russian government, essentially praising the WHO and saying that it is bad to criticize them and that Trumps moves and statements against the WHO are "unfair" and so on. Either they play it very safe and just praise and go along with the WHO for strategic reasons or they really believe it or something else altogether is going on. By the way, today in the mainstream radio it was announced that the numbers in Russia are exploding right now.

He made those statements yesterday. I couldn't find a English source of what he said yet. Here is the only article I could find that talks about it in german (translated via DeepL):
Lavrov defends WHO against US accusations
Lawrow verteidigt WHO gegen US-Vorwürfe

On 14th April US President Donald Trump declared that Washington would stop funding the World Health Organisation (WHO) and accused it of mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov contradicted the US accusations.The accusations against the World Health Organization (WHO) of having withheld information on the spread of the coronavirus were unfair, he said. This was declared by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday.
"The UN specialized agencies remain a mechanism for multilateral cooperation in relevant areas, and there is no alternative to them," he said during a videoconference lecture for students at a university. "This applies fully to the activities of the WHO. We believe that a flood of criticism of this organization, attempts to blame it for what has happened, are absolutely counterproductive and unfair."
According to the Russian Government, and in the opinion of most states, the organization has acted professionally at all stages of the crisis, taking proactive steps in good time and disseminating information and its recommendations to all states.

Lavrov also called on all countries to put aside their differences and combine their efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
"The situation calls for joint efforts by humanity. I hope that the crisis will encourage all global political actors, especially the world's leading countries, to put aside their short-term differences and work together to secure a peaceful and prosperous future for all," he stressed.
According to the Russian top diplomat, even in the current situation, some countries continue to try to achieve their selfish goals and settle accounts with their political rivals rather than cooperate with others for the benefit of all.
"At the same time, some countries are setting positive examples by expressing their willingness to overcome differences in order to achieve a common goal," added Lavrov.
In this context, he referred to a joint statement by Presidents Putin and Trump, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the so-called Elbe Day - the day on which Soviet and US troops met near Torgau in 1945, just before the victory over fascism.
"It was then that the Soviet Union and the United States managed to overcome their differences and join forces in a decisive fight against a common enemy. Indeed, today we are facing a similar task," stressed Lavrov.
Even before the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, Russia had called for pragmatic joint efforts and cooperation.
"These calls were important then, and they are important today," stressed Lavrov.
On April 14, US President Donald Trump declared that Washington would stop funding the World Health Organization. He accused the organization of mishandling the coronavirus pandemic.
I haven´t read this therad for cca 2 days and I´m almost 20 pages behind.... :-O How can a person prepare for next reading workshop, do home ofs and teach chindren AND keep up with this forum!? 🤷‍♀️ :flowers: ;-)

First, I want to thank you all for all your efforts in debunking this! :flowers:

I´ve been in my small world/apartment for weeks now, doing things above and only going for a walk to nearby forrest.
So, not much going to the city, except to the hospital and doctors for some hearing tests with my younger kid (he is diagnosed with reading-writing disorder - dyslexia, so we have to do also special hearing tests).
Hospital (big UNI-Klinik here in Bonn) works normally, btw.

So exept for this, I don´t go to the store, as my partner do all the shopping and cooking, while I work and teach the kids.

Since my older kid is in 4th grade, he is starting again with school on Monday.
With masks and all this social distancing (to say politely) mumbo-jumbo.
I saw that comming weeks ago when Merkel had her speech, so I´ve ordered a couple of cotton masks from Croatia that my mother sent to me.

The plan for the school is:
In ground schools only 4th classes will have to go to school.
They will put them in separate classes up to cca 15 kids and on safe distance and with masks.
Can you imagine that!!?? I still cannot!!!!
What will they do on the break between the classes? Talk politely on safe distance?
I mean, to me that don´t look like the school, that looks like a prison - solitary prison!
I´m so sad right now.... I can´t beleive what is going on....

Further; I work for international consultant IT company. Today they announced that no person will be fired BUT they will cut salary to some of the people and put some people on shorter working week. Some will get 20 or 40 or 60% less salary.
I mean, my project manager tells me that he beleives it won´t happen for our team, at least not just jet (we actually have a lot to do from now, until cca end of summer) but then what?
This restrictions will go on until March next jear! So, if I´ll have less projects, I might be choosen in this less working pool and receive less money. And that´s not even up to me, will I or won´t I have more or less projects; we work for a customer and if customer orders some development we do that, if not - we do our normal maintenance stuff in variable amount.....

This is totaly crazy....
I´m so down today, because this news and because of my son and all this stuff going on....
I went to the bookstore around the corner and saw people in tram all wearing masks (it´s mandatory as of yesterday, as other members from Germany already said in this thread).

I was watching this tram go by and like it was in slow motion....
I felt like I´m in a bad, baaad SF movie....

I don´t even have the word for what i`m feeling right now; some mix of disbeleive, sadness and anger..... It hit me hard today....

But: I still enjoj time with my kids, learning with them, I finally have a project that makes me think (so not some usuall stuff), I feel sooo thankfull for the people organising the reading workshop so I have a push to do and think harder.
And all that stuff keeps me so occupied in a positive way.

Tnx to ya all! :-)
I let go of all expectations that I had of him coming on board with the line of thinking here. His name is the biblical name of the 1st man. He has so longed to live in the woods and on his own merit that I believe if any could do it, it might be him....and perhaps this was the reasoning for me as his parent. If and when SHTF, I have no thoughts of following him to the mountains that surround us and will watch him leave with my blessings.
Since you appear to have similar plans, I offer the following for you to study. And goodwill to you:
Thank you @Zzartemis 👍
Its funny that you mention you son's name and where it comes from. Because my name comes from "Božji Dar". Translated it means Gift Of God 😃
And I bet you and my Mom would have a nice conversation hahah... Im sure you would find more than one thing in common 😁

Godwill to you and yours too.


In my local supermarket there's now been implemented a one way system, where you have to follow arrows to walk down every aisle one by one. It's completely crazy, and I saw many people lingering in the middle, looking lost, before being directed by members of staff.
Honestly I cannot wait for this to end.😟
They are doing that here as well.
Wide directional Arrows, everyone walks the same direction.
You don't see anyone face to face, no eye contact.
Single file, pushing a cart, walking behind each other, keeping that magical "6 Feet apart" space.
I keep thinking of Cattle corrals and chutes:

Well, here is something I certainly wouldn't have thought Lavrov would say as the representative of the russian government, essentially praising the WHO and saying that it is bad to criticize them and that Trumps moves and statements against the WHO are "unfair" and so on. Either they play it very safe and just praise and go along with the WHO for strategic reasons or they really believe it or something else altogether is going on. By the way, today in the mainstream radio it was announced that the numbers in Russia are exploding right now.

Yeah I found it odd too. I think they are going ''along'' with the game in a strategic way for some reason. Its the only thing that comes to my mind because they really know how everything works in the deep levels.
Well, here is something I certainly wouldn't have thought Lavrov would say as the representative of the russian government, essentially praising the WHO and saying that it is bad to criticize them and that Trumps moves and statements against the WHO are "unfair" and so on. Either they play it very safe and just praise and go along with the WHO for strategic reasons or they really believe it or something else altogether is going on. By the way, today in the mainstream radio it was announced that the numbers in Russia are exploding right now.

He made those statements yesterday. I couldn't find a English source of what he said yet. Here is the only article I could find that talks about it in german (translated via DeepL):

In the recent C's transcript , the question of "beaming" was introduced. Is this a possibility, is this reality, there are many examples in the form of releases of information from such nefarious sites as DARPA. Affiliated with many prestigious Universities of learning in the US, some writers have connected to the CIA.

The airwaves in which we live are filled with these nefarious mind control activities. The news we listen to the streaming movie services, all to create the human mind into some sort of Borg collective. Are we all immune, I am not so sure, I guess it depends on our inner being and how strong we deny such impulses.

Is Lavrove immune to such influences, or is this just another hint, after all each and everyone are not immune to the EM influences bombarding our world at this time.

When this whole lock down first started (for my age, I think my hearing very good). I started hearing varying impulses, sometimes, they caused a discernible vibration in my eardrum, causing, almost an earache.

OK maybe I am a tinfoil hatter, but I would go into the hallway of my apartment building, had my head against the window, the vibrations were audibly present, to me. But strangely, when I walk outside, into the open air, breathe in the air, look at the sunlight, it was no longer present.

So my thought is with all the changes in communication, technology advances in recent years. Is this a reality, am I alone are these, thoughts, forgive me if this is just noise in this thread.
I'm sure many of you also thought about the following more often recently too. The C's told us on more than one occasion that there is already a world government in place. In the last session they again talked about "the consortium" which is a term they used on a number of occasions in the past as well, apparently at least partially referring to the movers and shakers within this secret "world government"? If what is going on doesn't strike one as the actions of a world government, I don't know what is! The astounding cadence and swift implementation of measures in pretty much every country (with very few exceptions) in just a matter of days/weeks is kinda scary and sounds a lot like a global coordination is going on and/or in place already (and has been for a long time?).

Before Corona one could still argue with that claim of the C's, after Corona though, their statement seems to take on a whole different proportion and possible likelihood I would say. I also often thought about Laura's article "Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World" from 2014 recently and that what we are seeing could in fact be exactly that global Pathocracy in action (this time) MINUS the hope of the world. At least it appears that way at the moment. Just putting it out there for consideration while I'm not really invested in that idea being true or all there is or might be to it, because I still think quite a lot of what is going on can be explained by an incredibly dumbed down Civilization.
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More people seem to be venturing out even if only for walks and short trips, and right on cue, all these polls came out saying how the majority support the lockdowns and don't support reopening yet.

As trustworthy as the polls predicting landslide wins for Hillary and the Stay campaign in Brexit, I expect.

Meanwhile, looking at the comment sections (of those sites that still allow comments), ot seems to me that a very large number of people see right through this and want their damn lives back.

The ruling class can try to create their own reality through wishful thinking, but reality doesn't work that way.
I was watching this tram go by and like it was in slow motion....
I felt like I´m in a bad, baaad SF movie....

I don´t even have the word for what i`m feeling right now; some mix of disbeleive, sadness and anger..... It hit me hard today....

I feel you, Mari. My son, who btw studies in Bonn:-) , visited for the weekend and told me that they have no university on campus scheduled at least until the next semester starts (October). Inwardly I totally freaked out. My daughter who went back to school for her Abitur will be allowed to go to school again starting next monday with a very weird schedule.
Since the rule for our family weekend was, "No Virus", I pulled myself up and apart of some minor slips I managed to not let my kids stand in the storm of my anger about this evil farce.
Instead we watched the LOTR part 1 and 2 (extended version, of course;-D) and got into the spirit of valour, honour, unconditional love and heroism. I can say that it has turned out to be a great antidote.
To find ways to balance this rubbish is mandatory.

Something else.
An american friend of mine just posted the following. She removed the name of the friend who wrote this on her FB for privacy reasons:


So there are a lot of ways in which they manipulate the numbers.
I Survived Covid | RT Documentary [2020]
Svetlana from Spain, Alexander from Russia, Tiffany from the US and Karen from Great Britain share their stories of battling COVID-19. They've been recording their struggles - from being diagnosed, through treatment and recovery, - and decided to share their ordeals in a film shot by RT Documentary's correspondent Marina Kosareva, while locked down in Moscow.
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When this whole lock down first started (for my age, I think my hearing very good). I started hearing varying impulses, sometimes, they caused a discernible vibration in my eardrum, causing, almost an earache.
Yep. I'm hearing sounds as of lately (sometimes high frequency, sometimes low pitch) and last night a discernable vibration of my eardrums for about one minute, pretty inconvenient.
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