It seems there is no part of the dark agenda that they're not trying to sneak in under the cover of this "crisis."
Question is where do you go?
Thats on my mind for last 2-3 weeks ...and I dont think there will be a LOT of time to do it. If some cosmological forces dont show their benevolent teeth Im under the impression that this fall we could be in a sticky situation indeed. And as I mentioned before when TSHTF big cities will be hit the worst. But as wee see the sheeple comprise majority of society so this bullshit has a pass everywhere where there is infrastructure. Thats TV and radio influence for ya. And the minority of smart people are all bought and payed for or are under immense attacks from all sides. But Im sure there will be ample numbers of people wanting to get the f out. And communities will be formed everywhere. Hopefully they want go all Terminator on these communities (thats hollywood hypnosis for ya lolz). Its better to work for the best and be prepared for the worst is what I say.

Btw. Im hoping and working for a miracle and an evolution of society too but I cant count on the success of it. :lol:

Im currently developing my own contingency plan so I wont have to yell at myself I TOLD YOU SO. It happened to me before and I wont allow it again.
Where to go? In my case the best bet are some mountains and Im lucky to live where there are some. They have always been the refuge for those that were under attack from the "civilized" society. Life can be moderately easy or hard in the "wild", depends on your level of skill in relationship with nature. And your ability to network and find options. I imagine just waiting with a prepared survival rucksack and running to anywhere can be done only by Bear Grills types hahah, for me that would be playing with the devil.
In my case Im confident I can make it. Luckily I dont have kids at this point so Im free to do as I please and I want it to get better, not the other way around. But with these satanistic pedo dopeheads as our rullers my freedom to do as I please is under attack, nevermind this digital feudalism we are already in, and since I see Im surrounded by complete sheep I just wont allow myself to be forced into anything they will have to allow to continue being sheep. .
I know that we cannot make any conclusions from this limited amount of data, but FWIW:
Between 30 and 40 percent of all Covid-19 patients, who are transferred to intensive care units and are put on ventilators in France, are dying, a new study by the European Research Network on Artificial Ventilation (REVA) suggests. This figure is several times higher than the data revealed by Jerome Salomon, the director general for health, a high-ranking official within the French interior ministry.

Back in mid-April, Salomon said that the mortality rate in French intensive care units is only ten percent. Now, these estimates are disputed by a collaborative clinical research network uniting up to 200 intensive care centers across France and financed under the health ministry’s own hospital clinical research program (PHRC). (...)

The government figures were based on data received from March 16 to April 12, the French media reported. At that time, the Covid-19 death rate in French intensive care units was indeed close to ten percent. Yet, only slightly more than a half of all intensive care patients were put on ventilators then. By the time of the REVA study this figure had grown to 80 percent.

More ventilators = more deaths?
So, it looks like these consulting firms are proxies used by the 'men behind the curtain' to steer the decision making around the globe, and both McKinsey and BCG are heavily promoting globalism and a 'digital society'.

Researching these firms, their history and various 'health projects' is a real can of worms, and a deep rabbit hole, and it would take a long time to get to know it all. However, for starters, below is a pretty good overview (on Vox, of all places!). It's a long article (haven't yet completed it), but it offers many very interesting clues:

Thanks aragorn for posting,I had some burning questions that this article answers perfectly. I will include below some very interesting facts that came out of this article. We all need to be aware of the actions of these powerful players in global health.

, The US government and American NGOs ramped up their spending on global health — so did American philanthropists, most notably Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett. Together, the trio formed the Gates Foundation, based on the belief that improvements in health (as well as education and development) could happen in low- and middle-income countries, with the help of science and technology. Since its inception in 2000, the foundation has given out more than $50 billion

“WHO is faced with budget constraints,” McGoey said. “They’re under-resourced, and they need financing from somewhere. But they may have been a little naive in accepting a lot of Gates money, because it does come with strings attached.”

Those strings can involve hiring consultants, an ex-McKinsey consultant who worked on global health projects, said. As Gates began regularly paying for consultants on behalf of institutions like the WHO, it created a “reliance” on the firms. Then, the person said, “it became more of the norm to pull these same consultants in for strategy.”

During 2005-2006, global health activities at McKinsey consisted of 10 to 15 projects per year, according to the documents, and McKinsey hoped this would turn into 30 projects annually by 2009. Today, the firm’s “social sector” practice, however, includes among others, the Global Public Health group, focused on advising “foundations, governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies, and healthcare companies” with projects in 35 countries.
Global health’s consulting dilemmas

The contributions of McKinsey and other consulting groups to global health are now being questioned, and they’re part of a larger conversation, mainstreamed by ex-McKinsey consultant and author Anand Giridharadas, about doing right by the world’s poor, trying to reduce wealth disparities, and saving lives efficiently and effectively.
In conversations with more than 80 people who’ve worked in global health, including a dozen current and former consultants, these questions and concerns came up again and again:

This murkiness has frustrated the University of Edinburgh’s Sridhar, who has been trying to track the investments in management consultants for global health by international and philanthropic organizations.

“It’s an open secret in global health that all of this is happening,” she said. “[But] a lot of the information is not public or transparent. And it matters for accountability, transparency, and to ensure we can follow that the money is going to where it’s most needed.”

The fragments of public data we do have suggest it’s a staggering amount. In total, the Gates Foundation spent more than $300 million on McKinsey and BCG between 2006 and 2017, according to the foundation’s tax returns. That’s more than the domestic health budget for an entire low-income country, like Haiti. It’s also roughly half of what the US government spent on McKinsey and BCG in the last decade.

When consultants’ advice flops in global public health, who is accountable?

The hundreds of millions spent on consultants, and lack of systematic evidence to support hiring them, is more concerning when you consider one feature that makes global health different from other areas: When consultants’ advice fails, it’s the lives of the poor and marginalized on the line. Or, in the case of McKinsey’s work with UNITAID, an organization funded mainly by public money, it was a high-profile fundraising initiative for tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and malaria in developing countries that failed.

Can consultants take credit for solving global health problems while also working for the industries that exacerbate them?

There’s an even deeper conflict between consultants’ private sector experiences and their public sector global health work: Their advice has been linked to some of the most urgent health crises of the last half-century.

Consider McKinsey’s role in the opioid epidemic, which has taken the lives of nearly a million Americans since 1999. Court documents that surfaced in litigation included allegations that McKinsey advised two companies on how to increase sales of prescription opioids, from the early 2000s until at least 2014 — when the overdose epidemic was already well-known. One lawsuit alleged that McKinsey advised Johnson & Johnson to “get more patients on higher doses of opioids” and study techniques “for keeping patients on opioids longer,” the New York Times reported.

Adam Kamradt-Scott, a professor in global health at the University of Sydney who studies the WHO, applauded its conflict-of-interest policies around tobacco. But he said despite “calls for the WHO to take a similar tough stand on the alcohol and sugar industries, we haven’t seen much progress in that yet.” He added, “There is an inherent tension and conflict of interest if WHO is engaging consultancy firms that also work with companies whose products harm health outcomes.” (The WHO declined to comment.)

These conflicts are more apparent in a time when there’s greater scrutiny of how the winners of global capitalism are taking credit for reputedly solving the problems of the losers.
Just got back from a visit to my pharmacy to pick up my meds. No one was allowed inside unless they had to make a purchase. We had to queue outside, observing social distancing. So, just standing outside in the rain for 20-25 mins. I needed to pay exact cash for a purchase of paracetamol for my mum. So tedious, but needs must when paranoia rules. I've got to admit this lockdown is really winding me up big time.

In my local supermarket there's now been implemented a one way system, where you have to follow arrows to walk down every aisle one by one. It's completely crazy, and I saw many people lingering in the middle, looking lost, before being directed by members of staff.

Honestly I cannot wait for this to end.😟
I have to take a Corana break - a lot of information and my memory is overloaded with information and I notice that my brain needs a break. I have rarely been so fascinated by a topic, but my structured thinking has just fled. Log down :cool2: :cry:;-D
It seems there is no part of the dark agenda that they're not trying to sneak in under the cover of this "crisis."

Saw this too.

So: using COVID-1984, it looks like they are going to a) restrict the meat supply, thus ramming through their vegan agenda; b) normalize the idea that high estrogen levels are protective against the doomsday virus.

Note that plant-based foods lower androgen levels.

Note further that low t men are much, much more docile.

Coincidence I'm sure 🧐

Edit: also occurs to me that the gyms are closed. Thus, those guys who were motivated to boost their t in iron temple, thereby at least partially mitigating the hormonal attacks from the toxic environment, are prevented from doing so.
I've been looking into the mechanisms of how the various orders and 'recommendations' are finding their ways into governments' decisions makings, and a one of the most influential players/manipulators are the consulting firms. The two largest with their tentacles reaching almost every part of the world are McKinsey and the Boston Consulting Group. As you look into those, and their role in this whole thing, you'll pretty soon find out how the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has financed many of the projects these firms have done – like for instance, giving advice to the WHO. And, BCG is on the same time into developing 'covid smartphone apps' and other 'great solutions', and producing Covid models and predictions. That's convenient!

So, it looks like these consulting firms are proxies used by the 'men behind the curtain' to steer the decision making around the globe, and both McKinsey and BCG are heavily
just Googled McKinsey and Pedro Sanchez(Spanish PM) and this is one of the articles that it shows
It states that he met with McKinsey, Soros Fund Management, Morgan Stanley etc in Davos this January. He wanted to convince them that his extreme left wing government will do anything possible to please them(that's me reading between the lines).
It looks like all the important players, or people representing them, were in Davos this January.
And it's all in the newspapers. I think that for most people it is impossible to connect the dots.(and they take us for stupid). I used to be one of them, but thanks to this forum, my brain is starting working. Thank you all
Just got back from a visit to my pharmacy to pick up my meds. No one was allowed inside unless they had to make a purchase. We had to queue outside, observing social distancing. So, just standing outside in the rain for 20-25 mins. I needed to pay exact cash for a purchase of paracetamol for my mum. So tedious, but needs must when paranoia rules. I've got to admit this lockdown is really winding me up big time.

In my local supermarket there's now been implemented a one way system, where you have to follow arrows to walk down every aisle one by one. It's completely crazy, and I saw many people lingering in the middle, looking lost, before being directed by members of staff.

Honestly I cannot wait for this to end.😟
Yeah, it is mind boggling and tiresome the hoops you have to go through to buy anything. I was at the grocery store today and it was similar, although most people weren't wearing masks, (they are not mandatory at the moment), some of the staff were wearing these strange spacesuit type plastic masks, and yet other staff wore nothing. I also noticed that about half the people were very careful about keeping their distance, and the other half really didn't seem bothered at all and even had a laugh when their shopping carts got into a traffic jam and they were dangerously close to another human being!

More people seem to be venturing out even if only for walks and short trips, and right on cue, all these polls came out saying how the majority support the lockdowns and don't support reopening yet. I noticed on the TV today they kept repeating over and over again that we have to stay the course, stay home, save lives etc, and constant reminders that we will all have to get used to the new normal.

I do wonder if those who fully and eagerly embrace the lockdown will feel differently when they realize that not only may normality never come back, but the economy is pretty much ruined and eventually that is going to affect everyone including them.
Thats on my mind for last 2-3 weeks ...and I dont think there will be a LOT of time to do it. If some cosmological forces dont show their benevolent teeth Im under the impression that this fall we could be in a sticky situation indeed. And as I mentioned before when TSHTF big cities will be hit the worst. But as wee see the sheeple comprise majority of society so this bullshit has a pass everywhere where there is infrastructure. Thats TV and radio influence for ya. And the minority of smart people are all bought and payed for or are under immense attacks from all sides. But Im sure there will be ample numbers of people wanting to get the f out. And communities will be formed everywhere. Hopefully they want go all Terminator on these communities (thats hollywood hypnosis for ya lolz). Its better to work for the best and be prepared for the worst is what I say.

Btw. Im hoping and working for a miracle and an evolution of society too but I cant count on the success of it. :lol:

Im currently developing my own contingency plan so I wont have to yell at myself I TOLD YOU SO. It happened to me before and I wont allow it again.
Where to go? In my case the best bet are some mountains and Im lucky to live where there are some. They have always been the refuge for those that were under attack from the "civilized" society. Life can be moderately easy or hard in the "wild", depends on your level of skill in relationship with nature. And your ability to network and find options. I imagine just waiting with a prepared survival rucksack and running to anywhere can be done only by Bear Grills types hahah, for me that would be playing with the devil.
In my case Im confident I can make it. Luckily I dont have kids at this point so Im free to do as I please and I want it to get better, not the other way around. But with these satanistic pedo dopeheads as our rullers my freedom to do as I please is under attack, nevermind this digital feudalism we are already in, and since I see Im surrounded by complete sheep I just wont allow myself to be forced into anything they will have to allow to continue being sheep. .
Agron, you remind me somewhat of my son. When pregnant, I felt it my mission to raise and put a good male out into society. I thought that he would naturally end up with the same drive as me...spiritually that is. Hee hee, once again the unniverse has other plans than what I thought.

I ended up homeschooling, not so much because I wanted to but because he was one who thinks and learns differently from what schools expect. History became alive thru much involvement with Civil War and French and Indian War actor and demonstrator friends. Son learned flint knapping, making primative weaponry, primative living and so on. I taught him gathering and herbalism.

Anyway, he became so much of an anarchist that I sometimes thought, "What have I done?!" :cry::lol:

I let go of all expectations that I had of him coming on board with the line of thinking here. His name is the biblical name of the 1st man. He has so longed to live in the woods and on his own merit that I believe if any could do it, it might be him....and perhaps this was the reasoning for me as his parent. If and when SHTF, I have no thoughts of following him to the mountains that surround us and will watch him leave with my blessings.

Since you appear to have similar plans, I offer the following for you to study. And goodwill to you:

My son swears by Dave Canterbury. He recommended the following.

KNOWLEDGE OF TREES IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PLANTS!..... Dave Canterbury tree identification - YouTube
Very good point, Argos. And please don't forget to use an automatic translator for your posts:

Here's another article to have in mind:

Azithromycin and doxycycline are always in my medical stock They have their good track record in terms of results in various conditions.

The original study mentions other ones, such as quercetin:

sorry for the french version, it was an error from google translate (which automatically translated back into french), thanks to Gaby for pointing it out to me
More people seem to be venturing out even if only for walks and short trips, and right on cue, all these polls came out saying how the majority support the lockdowns and don't support reopening yet. I noticed on the TV today they kept repeating over and over again that we have to stay the course, stay home, save lives etc, and constant reminders that we will all have to get used to the new normal.

I go out two or three times a day, and I've seen no cops. Good, because I'm doing no harm and spreading nothing. The fear of death is all pervasive however, I'd never realised how cowardly my fellow people were until now. Death is the only thing in life you're destined to experience, but these people think otherwise, the bloody fools.

I do wonder if those who fully and eagerly embrace the lockdown will feel differently when they realize that not only may normality never come back, but the economy is pretty much ruined and eventually that is going to affect everyone including them.

If things don't return to normal you'll eventually begin to see the hardier souls emerge and say their piece, and I'll be among them when that happens. Hell, I'm already there doing that now.
A short update from Russia.

So, the month of the so called self-isolation is ending, and today President Putin addressed the nation to announce the details of gradual return to normal life.

Traditionally, the first half of May in Russia is a holiday season when the majority of people don't work. According to the annual national calendar published last year, we have public holidays from May 1 to May 5 and from May 9 to May 11 scheduled for this year. So there are only 3 business days between the two holidays. Usually many people take a leave between the holidays to prolong their vacations. So, many people usually don't work in the first half of May in Russia.

Therefore the President announced that the self-isolation will be extended for May holidays until May 11, since the majority of people won't work during this period anyway.

Starting from May 12 Russia will begin to lift the restrictions. That's the general plan for the entire country.

Like I mentioned previously, some regions already started lifting their restrictions weeks ago.

In my region, the number of daily identified cases is still growing, so we haven't reached the peak yet, but we have no new restrictions so far except for the new recommendation to wear masks in shops and transport, which is not obligatory. About 78% of people are already back to work here by now.
:thup:This article is very explainfull (if this is a word🙃)
The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing o2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue.


Your red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all your organs and the rest of your body. Red blood cells can do this thanks to hemoglobin, which is a protein consisting of four “hemes”. Hemes have a special kind of iron ion, which is normally quite toxic in its free form, locked away in its center

Here’s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is “disassociated” (released). It’s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own. This is bad for two reasons:

1) Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once all the hemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially turned into a Freightliner truck cab with no trailer and no ability to store its cargo.


2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage.


How does chloroquine work? Same way as it does for malaria. You see, malaria is this little parasite that enters the red blood cells and starts eating hemoglobin as its food source. The reason chloroquine works for malaria is the same reason it works for COVID-19 — while not fully understood, it is suspected to bind to DNA and interfere with the ability to work magic on hemoglobin. The same mechanism that stops malaria from getting its hands on hemoglobin and gobbling it up seems to do the same to COVID-19 (essentially little snippets of DNA in an envelope) from binding to it. On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (an advanced descendant of regular old chloroquine) lowers the pH which can interfere with the replication of the virus. Again, while the full details are not known, the entire premise of this potentially ‘game changing’ treatment is to prevent hemoglobin from being interfered with, whether due to malaria or COVID-19.

No longer can the media and armchair pseudo-physicians sit in their little ivory towers, proclaiming “DUR so stoopid, malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on virus!”. They never got the memo that a drug doesn’t need to directly act on the pathogen to be effective. Sometimes it’s enough just to stop it from doing what it does to hemoglobin, regardless of the means it uses to do so.
I've just watched 15 minutes so far and it looks like it is another very interesting interview video by Valuetainment with a well know doctor who is totally against general agenda and speaks it loud and clear.
I started to wonder who this Patrick Bet David is, he covers very interestin materials from time to time.
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