There were costs involved in switching over to online classes, too. Undoubtedly, lots of jobs to be lost and perhaps all the struggling colleges, too. Plus, the stress of it all - for a nothingburger virus.

Same thing at my university: they're down tens of millions of dollars for the year, not expecting to allow students back on campus until 2021, and have instituted a hiring freeze for faculty. This is happening at every Western university, I expect. So, a lot of the smaller liberal arts colleges are going to go bankrupt, while the institutes that survive won't be hiring new faculty for some time - probably a couple of years.

The academic job market is going to be massively backed up, as a result of which a large number of early-career scientists are going to be forced to leave science. I'd be lying if I said this didn't make me apprehensive about my own professional future.

It also makes me think about the part of the Rockefeller 'Lockstep' scenario saying 'a world of reduced innovation'. Most technological and scientific innovation happens at universities, and it's mostly done by creative young scientists and engineers. If the bulk of them are forced out onto the streets, innovation slows down. This manufactured crisis could stall scientific progress for a generation.
I've been trying to 'connect some dots' and I'm desperately trying to find an article I remember reading, but I can't find it in my browser history and I can't remember the title or even the author. The main point of the article was how the WHO guidelines relating to COVID-19 were 'fed' to each European country through 'expert panels' or was it 'covid response groups' in each country. I'm pretty sure I've see such an article, I even thought of translating it. Does anyone remember where it was?
Maybe one of these:
This great article over at SOTT deals also with the British response to covid1984. Via direct policy influencer Neil Ferguson the trail leads to.... Bill Gates. Of course.
Interesting article from the Telegraph (04 Apr 20): science clash imperial vs oxford sex smear created rival covid which I don't think has been mentioned here before.

Gives a little controversial history of Prof. Roy Anderson: Roy M. Anderson - Wikipedia who's protégé is the now rather notorious Neil Ferguson. Both of them are working at Imperial College advising the UK government on pandemic measures. He was accused of smearing another Professor and was suspended and eventually forced out by other colleagues.

Prof. Anderson seems to have links to a couple of Gates funded programs and is closely involved with GSK.

Earlier during the plandemic Oxford studies suggested 50% of Britons had already had the virus (resulting in the loose social distancing measures) - while the Imperial College models resulted in the 500,000 dead scenario that sent us into lockdown.
James Mccanney and Pierre in their books do talk about alignments and some kind of correlation between Earth Change type events. From what i recall, Mccanney talks about the first 3 days following the new moon as being most volatile, and Pierre talks about Jupiter being a significant influence. From Pierre & Laura's book, Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection - here's what i found from a quick look, there may be more:

"However there is at least one exception. Ganymede (see picture below), Jupiter’s 3rd moon, and the biggest moon in the solar system, does show the presence of a plasmasphere1, i.e. a DL. This might be due to the fact that Ganymede is a recently captured electrically active body that interacts with Jupiter, the most electrically active planet in the Solar system."

Sorry for an off-topic in this thread, but FWIW, it is interesting that Chiron is included among bodies observed in astrology. It could be a recent addition to the Solar System too. I can't see why astrologist would count such a small body (so distant from Earth and impossible to spot without telescope) into their calculations unless it was originally moving on a different, comet-like orbit and showing in our skies while exhibiting some interesting electrical/plasma properties:

From Wiki:

2060 Chiron /ˈkaɪərɒn/ is a small Solar System body in the outer Solar System, orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal, it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs—bodies orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt.[a]

Although it was initially called an asteroid and classified only as a minor planet with the designation "2060 Chiron", it was later found to exhibit behavior typical of a comet. Today it is classified as both a minor planet and a comet, and is accordingly also known by the cometary designation 95P/Chiron.

Chiron is named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology.

Michael Brown lists it as possibly a dwarf planet with a measured diameter of 206 km[16] (128 miles) which is near the lower limit for an icy dwarf planet (around 200 km, or 124 miles).

@Ketone Cop : I believe what you suggest would be a very interesting undertaking. I am just not sure we have time for it with so much on our plate. Perhaps the most important thing to focus on is tuning into and anchoring our FRV. It seems to me that if we could incorporate all the knowledge already accumulated here on the forum into our daily lives, it would basically be sufficient for us to become strong and ready for the battle that is unfolding through us in our reality. But if you think you could investigate the mentioned topic to actually dig out some practical knowledge and tools for that battle without loosing valuable time for your own development, then I would definitely enjoy reading of and networking about what you found.
Here in Ohio, Gov. Mikey apparently didn't see the Dr. Erickson video or anything from Dr. Judy Mikovits. So reopening is going to take place, but with lots of conditions:

Complete and total BS. And that does not include all businesses:

So no date even looming for getting a haircut or dog grooming. And if I want to shop at a retail store, I won't be given entry without a mask even though no masks required for grocery shopping before this? And where's the scientific validation for these preventative measures? What if I believe as Dr. Mikovits has said that a mask is detrimental to my health? Do I just forego doing any shopping from this point until who knows when? Should I challenge this at the store - risk the wrath of other shoppers? Tell them the science doesn't support the measures we're being forced to follow?

I'm really not physically up to confrontation with anybody even though I'm seething inside at this whole absurd, criminal, insane clown circus being perpetrated upon us all. What I really thinks needs to be done is a legal challenge and an injunction, but that's not something I can make happen. Three bridal shop owners sued the Ohio Health Dept. Director over the stay-at-home order but:

"other forms of political pressure"? Like what? Anybody gotta an extra $100,000 or two to bribe persuade a judge or the speaker of the house of representatives like the nuclear energy lobby did?

I'm hoping the next session we can get a little more insight about how to endure this situation.
Ending statement from above:
"I'm hoping the next session we can get a little more insight about how to endure this situation."

Sunday's Columbus Dispatch headline:

My spouse came out of retirement as an Interim CFO for one of Ohio's public colleges beginning in January. An article about that school was picked up by USA TODAY NETWORK.

There were costs involved in switching over to online classes, too. Undoubtedly, lots of jobs to be lost and perhaps all the struggling colleges, too. Plus, the stress of it all - for a nothingburger virus.

Hubby has been working from home since the stay-at-home order was given but may be returning to Akron on Monday. Which will leave me on my own again during the week. Daughter is afraid to come over for fear she'll pass on Covid as I'm in the susceptible demographic. Don't know if I could get a sort of "exemption" from wearing a mask from my alternative health care provider; would it be honored? And if pork and chicken keep getting culled, what happens when the shelves go empty? One can stock the freezer, but will I continue to have electricity if I don't get the vax? I really wouldn't mind the group maybe asking for that "basket" provision from ancient times via the Cs if things really go south. What once was unimaginable is no more.

So things are more than dire, right? Here's what was smack dab in the middle of the Dispatch front page today - can't copy Dispatch photos but if you go to 1:16 in the vid, that's the image that appeared.

Grappling with stardom
Andrew Levitt, also known as Nina West, has the final touches applied by makeup artists Aurora Sexton, left, and Kalyd Sebastian Odeh during a recent photo shoot. Sexton and Odeh are both from Los Angeles.

Well there you go - people are desperate about lost jobs, losing their apartments or homes, feeding their children, but really, Drag Queens are just soo important and worthy of attention!

Beyond any sense of belief that ever existed before!
Quote from above:
"Hubby has been working from home since the stay-at-home order was given but may be returning to Akron on Monday. Which will leave me on my own again during the week. Daughter is afraid to come over for fear she'll pass on Covid as I'm in the susceptible demographic. Don't know if I could get a sort of "exemption" from wearing a mask from my alternative health care provider; would it be honored? And if pork and chicken keep getting culled, what happens when the shelves go empty? One can stock the freezer, but will I continue to have electricity if I don't get the vax? I really wouldn't mind the group maybe asking for that "basket" provision from ancient times via the Cs if things really go south. What once was unimaginable is no more."

Hi Jeep. I'm not singling you out but rather using your posts as a springboard to address all, or those who need to hear the following.

We can see that our inglorious leaders and hidden controllers are herding humanity into a corner. Their actions are creating any number of undesirable conditions and many future scenarios which could be down right horrific for humanity. Just the thought of a german 1920s style level of hyperinflation is enough to cause fearful thoughts of lack in all areas of subsidence. And speaking of Germany, a looming replay of what happened there lurks at the fringes of our thoughts. Add to that the knowledge of cyclic cataclysmic events waiting to happen, and one could find oneself frozen in a state of a panicky feeling of trepidation.

Everyone of us is here because at some point our eternal beings choose this period of time to hold down the fort.

I remember, many years ago...pre 2012....when I realized what our future held, and that included a lot of death and destruction, maybe mine too. That shock was so great that I'll never experience it again. I've also lived a life that could cause many to end it suckin' on the end of a gun. Over the last 30 + years, I've lost my career as a microbiolgist, my home, my car (s), my youth and beauty, my good health, my friends...everything.

I was abandoned by my son's father, and raised him under hard economic conditions. But I tell you, we never really lacked what we needed. I learned to trust that the universe has never let me fall flat on my butt. When little, my son once asked if we were poor, and I told him, "No son," opening the refrigerator, "see, we just transfered our wealth into a full fridge."

I tried to create a life where I would be self sufficient, to the point of raising chickens and rabbits, learned herbalism, gardening and all manner of such things. I tried to create my own businesses so as not to have to depend on any but myself. All that came crashing down due to violence down to me where I spent years pulling myself out of ptsd and central pain syndrome....a hellish existance....I have not recovered completely but I can think and interact with others and offer hope.

The point is, and you will find this message interwoven through out the C's transmissions and Laura's wonderful writings, is that we were never really preparing for this day thru any 3D materialistic way. I learned this by seemingly being stymied at every turn, where I tried to prepare that way.

What I have come to understand is that we have been prepared through our minds. All those years of reading! We have been honed to become like Don Juan's spiritual warrior's, tempered in the fire of life, ready to stand and face the unknown, without flinching.

I put off, and have been put off joining here for so long until I realized that this is exactly where I need to be...with you guys (yinz in Pittsburgheese) to help form the real 'Spear of Destiny' which will pierce the veil of reality into 4D, allowing as much of humanity as possible to follow behind.

Borrowing Ben's line from SuspiciousObservers, "Eyes open, no fear!"
This is just incredibly tragic. Retired police sergeant, by al accounts a very kind and generous man, couldn't take the solitary confinement forced by the lockdown, and took his own life.

A lot more like him out there, I suspect.

4D STS is feasting right now.

Ex-policeman takes his life after struggling to cope with isolation
yesterday, my neighbor was complaining about the insanity. His father has cancer, he is dying , but no hospital wants to take him. he doesn't even know where to take him ( cemetery) if he dies as many are closed. No body thought, humans are so stupid to completely destroy every thing they struggled to create for hundred's of years.
Hungary, ~90 miles West of the Ukrainian border, small city of 17000:

+ First teenage groups arrived for soccer training to the grassy soccer field. There even was a mother and child playing badminton / shuttlecock on the grass 40 feet from them. Nobody wore any stupid face mask.
+ Our open grocery market this Saturday was full with a closely packed crowd of masked people brushing up against each other on the 4 feet wide walkway left free by flower-merchants: where constantly walked a 'three bee-line' of people, because only three people could fit to walk beside each other on that small space. Nobody cared anything about the US Psychopaths' idea of "Maintain Your Distance" at all.grocery_market.jpg
+ I'm baffled by the media news of 'Big City poor unfortunates' still fermenting in their mind-controlled LockDown Human Jail / Containers and liking it with Famed Celebs posting various videos how they MANAGE their LockDown Isolation. :shock: Lets give a Big Applause to them!
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I don’t know if eras ever end with one incident. Comet, war, plagues and so forth. But this time it appears to be all together, like an orchestra playing up to the crescendo. I think the Cs said something like a little bit of everything.

Most of us here “I think” have come to the conclusion of hunker down, study, learn, wait for this part of the show to abate, then re-assess the situation.

As far as the 3D PTB part of the orchestra goes, all the boxes have been ticked and they are in full swing. (oh, except the “beast” the man/leader. But who knows maybe this time they will run the program without that position being filled) On the cosmos side, although it is warming up, there is still a show to put on. Maybe that’s the crescendo?

If this 3D pin-down stretches out too long, I don’t know how well hunkering down is going to work for anybody. The zombies will react, the governments will react, and everyone (us included) could get caught in the scatter effect.

When facing an impossible situation, what can you do to “win” or at least have a few wins before the end?

Expect the un-expected:

There is a great movie about some poor Mexican kids, and their washed-up manager, apparently made from a true story. (2009 “The perfect game”) These kids, and their washed-up manager, shocked everyone by, pulled themselves together and “walked” up to the US and won the world series for little league baseball in 1957.

What I took away from the movie was the manager telling the kids to wait for the “unexpected moments” and make something out of them. The kids held that idea in their heads and used it on the field. The manager eventually used it in his personal life.

Pay attention to the game (and we are--this thread is). And wait on the unexpected situations, and when they happen and while everyone is in re-direction mode…act. This will work for our personal lives as well as the world seen.

Btw: It appears to be a tactic of TPTB, and also one that Lenin used in the Russian Revolution.

It could be as easy as seeing a mistake and back step on the PTB part and putting out a call for everyone to pray, anchor frequency etc. to affect the dimensional battle. But I have a feeling it may cost more of a personal risk taking than that…

Thanks again forum for all of your vigilance, and assistance!
I am willing to dig much deeper into this subject and share it on these forums (but in its own thread!), if people are interested. But I won't if others think it would just further increase the noise.

I don't know much about this topic so I would be interested in what you can share. 😊
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Sorry for an off-topic in this thread, but FWIW, it is interesting that Chiron is included among bodies observed in astrology. It could be a recent addition to the Solar System too. I can't see why astrologist would count such a small body (so distant from Earth and impossible to spot without telescope) into their calculations unless it was originally moving on a different, comet-like orbit and showing in our skies while exhibiting some interesting electrical/plasma properties:

Shortly after the advent of the telescope, astrologers started incorporating newly discovered solar system bodies. The planets were expanded to include Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto, while minor solar system bodies such as Ceres and Chiron (and many others) were also included. The archetypal meanings were based on a mixture of the names chosen for the objects, and significant historical events occurring near the time of their discovery.

So it's very much not the case that Chiron is included because it used to be visible or something.
Thats the moment you maybe realise with what kind of "people" youre surrounded in a "civilized" society...
I must say that I really dont see myself as a part of said society as it is now. If there will be no cardinal changes in the city I live I AM OUT, searching for a place where I will be my own boss..... at the price of life!
Question is where do you go?
Not exactly. I don't think it's specifically about Islam, but about the cult. I mean all the elements of mind programming that are part of the cult. Formal religions are cults. From the semantics of the words used to the orders of compliance and other rules, they are cultist impositions that aim to achieve a herd mentality. If you add to that the constant media bombardment of fear and death (which is just like the Reverend, telling you that if you don't do God's will, you go to hell) you have the perfect instrument to achieve the scientific dictatorship.
I also believe it has nothing to do with Islam, but with the wearing of masks and keeping people apart, more like at the edge of each person's field so that there will be lower chance of cohesion. They are probably attempting to transform everybody into automatons, ruled by fear, feeling anxious and lonely and trusting only what the experts are telling them is safe.
Interesting article from the Telegraph (04 Apr 20): science clash imperial vs oxford sex smear created rival covid which I don't think has been mentioned here before.

Gives a little controversial history of Prof. Roy Anderson: Roy M. Anderson - Wikipedia who's protégé is the now rather notorious Neil Ferguson. Both of them are working at Imperial College advising the UK government on pandemic measures. He was accused of smearing another Professor and was suspended and eventually forced out by other colleagues.

Prof. Anderson seems to have links to a couple of Gates funded programs and is closely involved with GSK.

Earlier during the plandemic Oxford studies suggested 50% of Britons had already had the virus (resulting in the loose social distancing measures) - while the Imperial College models resulted in the 500,000 dead scenario that sent us into lockdown.

I should also note that it is the Department of Infectious Disease at Imperial College, that is currently developing an saRNA vaccine for Covid-19 in record time. I think this is very much the vaccine being referenced in the daily UK government updates, so certainly worth keeping an eye on.
And if pork and chicken keep getting culled, what happens when the shelves go empty? One can stock the freezer, but will I continue to have electricity if I don't get the vax? I really wouldn't mind the group maybe asking for that "basket" provision from ancient times via the Cs if things really go south. What once was unimaginable is no more.

As I have been involved with the RSE group/sect for 10 years of my life I have some experience in prepping.
We were asked to have a UG stuffed with plenty of food and water for at least 2 years and everything we might need when later (whenever) we could crawl out of the UG's again.
It was always fear based but with spiritual teachings accompanying the requirements.

My family got together with 2 friendly couples and we managed to remodel 2 huge munition bunker structures left by the German military. We built rooms for storage, constructed a 2nd floor, a huge fire place, a cooking stove working with fire wood, a sauna, a bog, even put windows behind the huge steel gates so as to have daylight .
We put all our money, energy and focus into achieving this goal. In the end we had a huge food supply, 40 cubic metres of fire wood, lots of drinking water etc etc.
In the process I developed a more and more uneasy feeling....
To make a long story short: the friendships broke, my marriage failed, I left RSE. In the following years my ex-hubby and I still cared for the structures and he checked regulary if things were still in order.... I withdraw more and more because it just didn't feel right anymore.

My experience is that no matter what you do here in 3-D, it's never enough. If you stay in a mind set that is matter to matter there will always come the next thought, the next doubt about what you've probably forgotten in your elaborate plan. You become so immersed in this thinking that it becomes an endless loop with no satisfying solutions.
The C's say, 'It doesn't matter where you are, but who you are and what you see."
Today I live in my house, I will stay here as long as possible. I have a full pantry and that's it.
I even could join into the UG business again since one of the bunkers still belongs to our friends and there is still my investment in it but I feel no inclination to do so.
I do what I can, I try my best to develop a mind that fits these times to move on and if I shall perish in this then my inner work has not been sufficient. Period.
And I just know that posessing many things that could secure your safety do not necessarily make you feel better.

Don't lose heart. We are here for these times. It's our inner lining that counts, nothing else. That's what I believe.
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