Well, here is something I certainly wouldn't have thought Lavrov would say as the representative of the russian government, essentially praising the WHO and saying that it is bad to criticize them and that Trumps moves and statements against the WHO are "unfair" and so on. Either they play it very safe and just praise and go along with the WHO for strategic reasons or they really believe it or something else altogether is going on. By the way, today in the mainstream radio it was announced that the numbers in Russia are exploding right now.

He made those statements yesterday. I couldn't find a English source of what he said yet. Here is the only article I could find that talks about it in german (translated via DeepL):

If this turns out to be true? RUSSIA has always played the long game! I love it!!! In (Québécois) french we say: "Avoir quelqu'un ou quelque chose à l'usure" meaning WE WILL WIN BY USING YOU TILL YOU BECOME USELESS - To me this is a very smart move and proves that patience is the golden rule in Diplomacy, and war. Even though it is a Mind War! Russia is winning although it may seem the opposite just now!
As I have been involved with the RSE group/sect for 10 years of my life I have some experience in prepping.
We were asked to have a UG stuffed with plenty of food and water for at least 2 years and everything we might need when later (whenever) we could crawl out of the UG's again.
It was always fear based but with spiritual teachings accompanying the requirements.

My family got together with 2 friendly couples and we managed to remodel 2 huge munition bunker structures left by the German military. We built rooms for storage, constructed a 2nd floor, a huge fire place, a cooking stove working with fire wood, a sauna, a bog, even put windows behind the huge steel gates so as to have daylight .
We put all our money, energy and focus into achieving this goal. In the end we had a huge food supply, 40 cubic metres of fire wood, lots of drinking water etc etc.
In the process I developed a more and more uneasy feeling....
To make a long story short: the friendships broke, my marriage failed, I left RSE. In the following years my ex-hubby and I still cared for the structures and he checked regulary if things were still in order.... I withdraw more and more because it just didn't feel right anymore.

My experience is that no matter what you do here in 3-D, it's never enough. If you stay in a mind set that is matter to matter there will always come the next thought, the next doubt about what you've probably forgotten in your elaborate plan. You become so immersed in this thinking that it becomes an endless loop with no satisfying solutions.
The C's say, 'It doesn't matter where you are, but who you are and what you see."
Today I live in my house, I will stay here as long as possible. I have a full pantry and that's it.
I even could join into the UG business again since one of the bunkers still belongs to our friends and there is still my investment in it but I feel no inclination to do so.
I do what I can, I try my best to develop a mind that fits these times to move on and if I shall perish in this then my inner work has not been sufficient. Period.
And I just know that posessing many things that could secure your safety do not necessarily make you feel better.

Don't lose heart. We are here for these times. It's our inner lining that counts, nothing else. That's what I believe.

After 67 years of failure and disappointments, the one thing that supports me today is that the universe has never let me down. There has always been enough to meet immediate necessities. At times it would require some juggling but the fact remains that things always managed to work out.

Based on this, there is never a need to panic. No matter what this life brings, it is gratefully accepted. Disappointed, but never panicked.

Today, while the panicky people fuel the fire despair, I feel no panic, no despair. ( Well possibly a bit of discouragement ) I turn to the Universe, the STO beings therein, for shelter, food and support during the trying times ahead. I can do nothing, except help those who ask.
Hello to you
I want to share this day with you
I've been to my homeopath. What a joy for me
A warm welcome: say hello by holding hands, no mask, no product for the hands.
Conversation for an hour, my health, the covid, the 5G, the earth shift to the 4D, the Cassiopeans and other guides.
Thank you for having this doctor.
Besides, he told me about Double Helix Water.
Here's the first site I found:
Double Helix Water (15ml)
Double Helix Water
It is a water allowing cellular regulation.
But also, according to this doctor, to activate and improve DNA.
That's why I'm telling you about this, despite the unhealthy containment.
Tenderness for all
This is why the kind of people you are talking about is said to be psychopaths.
As you said, it can be freaky and pretty disturbing sometimes to see their behaviour and their lack of open mind, at least a respect for your point of view.
If you allow me, just be careful with the person you live with. As you seem to be afraid of, this is the exact attitude you're talking about?

Not everybody taken over by the mainstream mind control qualifies as a psychopath, imho.
They may be authoritarian followers or organic portals sucking other people's energies...
The lack of an open mind to me seems just not enough to make a psychopath.

(Sorry, I see this topic has been addressed later on in the thread)
Finally, Primary Health Care is re-opening a more normal schedule again, at least in my center. By now, with all the tension built up and so much research done, I'm able to just talk openly with whoever has an ear to listen. I'm the one that has to deal with the aftermath of this madness, so bureaucrats and administrators better not mess up with me. I'm the one who has the temperament, patience, discipline, skills and can and will deal with people's nerves and sickness, not them. And what I've witnessed is a clear disregard of even most basic human rights.

I told my boss that people were doing fatally and to this day, I haven't physically seen anyone with a confirmed test of coronavirus. Someone committed suicide by throwing himself from a bridge from the stress prompted by economic difficulties. And while the more lazy colleagues are ravenous with this situation where they don't have to see patients, I'm up in arms and saying, not in my name. You can't abandon palliative care patients nor resolve problems by phone. Completely reckless to just tell patients to not even come into the medical office. How many times a patient told me that, "and that doctor didn't even want to see me, touch me or come close to me". One of these patients actually had a cancer.

On the other hand, those of us who are hard working, are asking patients to just come to the clinic when they described stuff by the phone. We tell them to just come, we need to examine it. One of these patients, a diabetic man finally came today and when I saw him, I was shocked to discover the biggest abscess I've ever saw. Not even described in the literature! The nurse didn't even recognize it. I just exclaimed that "you should have come earlier!!!" I think that in the following weeks, we'll see record things of various things that were left unattended. And it's going to be massively chaotic.

I also called one of my worst hit patients prior to the lockdown for a follow up. He came down with a pneumonia, a pulmonary thromboembolism, and severe heart failure of dubious origin. Prior to that, he was healthy. We suspect it could be related with the coronavirus, only that he got sick at the end of January. He was sent to the big city and its biggest hospital, and he told me how he met several patients who had similar issues. None were sick before. All of these people were hospitalized before the lockdown. It's possible that we might have had the worst of COVID back in February (?).

For now, I'm glad my center hasn't bought the virtual consulting B.S. where you attend patients through a camera. Knock on wood!! And the government has announced a plan to end the lockdown. We'll see how that goes. At least people and children were crowded at the coast on the first day they were allowed to go out.
I feel you, Mari. My son, who btw studies in Bonn:-) , visited for the weekend and told me that they have no university on campus scheduled at least until the next semester starts (October). Inwardly I totally freaked out. My daughter who went back to school for her Abitur will be allowed to go to school again starting next monday with a very weird schedule.
Since the rule for our family weekend was, "No Virus", I pulled myself up and apart of some minor slips I managed to not let my kids stand in the storm of my anger about this evil farce.
Instead we watched the LOTR part 1 and 2 (extended version, of course;-D) and got into the spirit of valour, honour, unconditional love and heroism. I can say that it has turned out to be a great antidote.
To find ways to balance this rubbish is mandatory.

Something else.
An american friend of mine just posted the following. She removed the name of the friend who wrote this on her FB for privacy reasons:

View attachment 35885

So there are a lot of ways in which they manipulate the numbers.
Maybe she should hang on to that hospital statement as proof on immunity for them!
I have an appointment to see a dentist in person in 2 days. I called and a person picked up and made the appointment. The dentist told me the local hospitals are not overrun at all and the numbers of the virus don't correlate. He says he's not afraid.

I work in a government building and don't wear a mask, and no one has hassled me about wearing a mask. I only have to wear a mask to go shopping in stores that require it, but at least one grocery store has never required a mask.
As I have been involved with the RSE group/sect for 10 years of my life I have some experience in prepping.
We were asked to have a UG stuffed with plenty of food and water for at least 2 years and everything we might need when later (whenever) we could crawl out of the UG's again.
It was always fear based but with spiritual teachings accompanying the requirements.

My family got together with 2 friendly couples and we managed to remodel 2 huge munition bunker structures left by the German military. We built rooms for storage, constructed a 2nd floor, a huge fire place, a cooking stove working with fire wood, a sauna, a bog, even put windows behind the huge steel gates so as to have daylight .
We put all our money, energy and focus into achieving this goal. In the end we had a huge food supply, 40 cubic metres of fire wood, lots of drinking water etc etc.
In the process I developed a more and more uneasy feeling....
To make a long story short: the friendships broke, my marriage failed, I left RSE. In the following years my ex-hubby and I still cared for the structures and he checked regulary if things were still in order.... I withdraw more and more because it just didn't feel right anymore.

My experience is that no matter what you do here in 3-D, it's never enough. If you stay in a mind set that is matter to matter there will always come the next thought, the next doubt about what you've probably forgotten in your elaborate plan. You become so immersed in this thinking that it becomes an endless loop with no satisfying solutions.
The C's say, 'It doesn't matter where you are, but who you are and what you see."
Today I live in my house, I will stay here as long as possible. I have a full pantry and that's it.
I even could join into the UG business again since one of the bunkers still belongs to our friends and there is still my investment in it but I feel no inclination to do so.
I do what I can, I try my best to develop a mind that fits these times to move on and if I shall perish in this then my inner work has not been sufficient. Period.
And I just know that posessing many things that could secure your safety do not necessarily make you feel better.

Don't lose heart. We are here for these times. It's our inner lining that counts, nothing else. That's what I believe.

Excellent observations! I think the best attitude to take is to acknowledge that this is a fluid reality and to prepare for the future in a practical common sense way and then leave it and let the universe be;... to creatively express itself through ourselves and everything else. If we lock ourselves into the future with wishful thinking, fear, and expectations of predetermined outcomes then we are prey to what Mouravieff called "the game of the crafty one."
First you tell them that if everyone were to go vegan, then you have to dramatically increase the production of vegetables exponentially. You have to produce tons and tons of vegetables, cereals, legumes etc. To do that, of course, you have to expand the cultivable land. If you do that, you have no choice but to deforest. And if you deforest to increase your crops (which must be intensive because it also increases the demand and amount of nutrients that must be replaced when you no longer consume meat) you are unfortunately displacing and killing literally thousands of animal species and driving them to extinction. On the other hand, because of deforestation, and destruction of habitats, the soil loses its nutrients, you break the balance and in a few years the land becomes a desert. You have no more cultivable land and you have a total famine. Veganism killed the human species.
Great one!!!

I use the same anologies when my kids ask me about vegans.... Of course not in this termes :-D
My son´s teacher is a vegetarian and also he is in a mixed religion class so this questions pop-up....

So, I tell them exactly that; what would happen if all people went vegetarian/vegan? Then tell them about deforest and how that means that there is no more forests and animals are dying, etc....
And then I tell them what happens if you leave the same land with fields and forests and put there cows, sheeps, etc....
...you get the picture....

In the end - EVEN KIDS see that veganism isn´t right path!!!
(he is diagnosed with reading-writing disorder - dyslexia, so we have to do also special hearing tests).
In connection with a training I did some 30 years ago, I learned about something called brain gym and how it was used for dyslexia. The pioneer in that work as far as I know was a man called Paul Dennison who wrote a book about it. It is about activating the whole brain using cross lateral movement and we did several things such as cross crawling on the floor like toddlers do and learning to juggle etc. It was apparently discovered that a number of people with dyslexia for what ever reason skipped the phase of crawling or didn't do it 'right'. The way is for right knee and left hand to move in unison and for left knee and right hand to move together. Just a minute or two can switch on the whole brain and help to relieve the problem.

A quick search on the net brought this link, but there are others.
Here are just some of the benefits of learning Circus Skills with Poi Passion:

According to scientific research, Circus Skills allow students to increase their concentration, coordination, information retention and reaction times as well as actually increasing grey and white matter in the brain. It’s also been linked to improved academic scores.

It boosts positive learning, self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-esteem while encouraging cooperation, performance and risk management skills.

It reinforces patience, persistence, poise and helps you learn to break down problems into manageable chunks.

Dr. Hannaford Ph.D. has said “Cross-lateral movements actually improve the nerve communication between the two sides of the brain” and that “Studies show that movement and stimulation of balance help attention disorders and improves reading.”

As a matter of fact, I think I am going to start doing it myself again to help switch on the brain after being in front of the computer for hours. A few minutes is enough and one can do it standing up though the crawling also shows if there is a problem. I discovered afterwards to my surprise in workshops that some people did find it hard to crawl.

You might already be aware of it, but if not it might be worth trying it out.
The study showing how cholesterol was protective in Wuhan was also shared on social media, but can't recall seeing it in this thread. And it's supremely important! Careful with the vegetable oils and sugars, they can literally wreck your health!

From one of my favorite physicians:

Lower cholesterol predicts worse infection in two studies

Share this one! People taking stating drugs will be interested.
This is very interesting, coming on the heels of the studies showing smokers having lower risks of infection to corona.

The thought came to me, why study these two conditions, big sacred cows for the PTB, now, 🤔 and it seemed to me that they sort of fit into the 'exposure' category that the C's talked about.

Like how the tampered virus had unexpected effects, so this seems to be an effect counter what would be expected from those of the hubris camp. Just a thought...
Is there indeed some resistence from the German msm dawning on the horizon or is this just a stunt to display some alleged plurality of opinions?

Auffälliges Ausfransen bei den Unterstützern des Merkel-Kurses

The article is in German.

Albrecht Müller
April 28, 2020 at 7:38 A article by: Albrecht Müller

Yesterday we had already pointed out in the notices and in a separate article that Wolfgang Schäuble is breaking away, here in the Berlin Tagesspiegel of 26 April. Even more remarkable is a new move at the Bild-Zeitung. See here the comment by Julian Reichelt: "No more stubbornness in Corona politics! On April 27th, the Tagesspiegel follows up late in the evening with the question of what health damage the lockdown would cause. There is already speculation that this is part of a central attack on the Chancellor's power. I do not (yet) share this assessment. Albrecht Müller.

This article is also available as an audio podcast.

Here is an excerpt from the commentary in the Bild-Zeitung:

No more stubbornness in Corona politics!

Only two things are certain in the Corona crisis:

First, whether the measures are right or wrong, moderate or excessive, we will only learn from the history books. Whether we will look back on Corona as a health disaster or the collapse of our economy is completely open. It is possible, but by no means certain, that what vast majorities believe to be right is right. There is no herd immunity against being historically catastrophically wrong.

Secondly, almost all the experts we (must) confide in in this crisis have been so wrong in almost every assessment that our faith in them can only be explained by despair.

They have almost mocked the wearing of masks. Now it is duty. They have warned against closing schools and daycare centres. Now millions of children have been at home for weeks. You've dismissed as useless the idea of sealing the borders. Now nobody comes into the country. Despite all the measures you have taken, you have repeatedly warned of the imminent collapse of our health system. Now there is spooky silence and fear of unemployment on hospital corridors.

The Robert Koch Institute advised against autopsies of Corona deaths. Now it is happening anyway and forensic doctors say that by far not all the dead have actually died of corona. Sports facilities had to be closed. Now tennis is forbidden in some federal states, in others it is allowed, although it is actually life-threatening.

What worries me the most: Our economy is already so massively and partially irreparably damaged that our government can hardly allow itself to admit that it has overreached.

The experts must be right, because they cannot be wrong. To have ruined the German economy prematurely would not be survivable for any party, perhaps not even for democracy. That is why we are increasingly experiencing stubbornness, obstinacy and dogmatism - "reminds me of the refugee crisis," a member of Merkel's government tells me.

The Chancellor accuses every sceptic of "opening discussion orgy", murmuring that some people are acting too brashly without saying what she means exactly. CDU faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus makes fun of the dissident Armin Laschet in a cheerful and high-ranking wine round, and everyone laughs.

The Berliner Tagesspiegel argues in a similar vein, which is of great importance for the formation of opinion among journalists working in Berlin:

27.04.2020, 21:42

Risks and side effects of the corona crisis

What health damage the lockdown causes

The restrictions on public life are intended to prevent the spread of the virus. But what are the consequences? A fact-check.


tagesspiegel.en/knowledge/risks-and-adverse effects-of the coronary crisis-what-health-damage-of-the-lockdown-caused/25778410.html

As the author and publisher of a medium that has been pointing out these consequences for some time now and advocating a more differentiated strategy, one can only be surprised that the established media, the Bild-Zeitung, Berliner Tagesspiegel and a number of others, are now also thinking about what "risks and side effects" the policies of the federal and state governments, and especially those of Chancellor Merkel, might have on containing the Corona crisis.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I just found this video, and it blew my mind. This shows how this entire "plandemic" was first conceived of fifty years ago.

The guy who narrates it gets a little unhinged as he shows you what he found, but given the circumstances it's understandable. The heart of the video starts around minute 14, and what he is showing can be found here:

...and the specific section of the above forum he narrates can be found on this page by scrolling down:

In order to access that information you have to give your personal information, but if you just look at the video you can get a good enough feel for what it is all about.

All of what we are seeing has been in planning for a very long time, and the depth and breadth of it all is simply mind-blowing.

Having said that: now that we see it, is it just cover for something even MORE sinister?

(BTW I will work on a Sabian Symbol post as I do feel it could be helpful, and timely. I may do it in a modular fashion. Where would be the proper sub-forum to post it?)
Hi everybody, I haven't been posting anything for awhile, because I was very busy with work, house and garden chores and taking are of baby and family, and also doing a lot of reading. I found that I had to take a step back from the corona madness and look more closely at my life because I feel that this is one of those semitones on the octave where it's possible to change the course by outside shocks conscious effort.
Conscious effort and intentional suffering, super-efforts and practicing self-observation and critical thinking is going to bring huge dividends at this time, I feel. This thread is a testament to that.
But also I feel that there's a bit of a negative (in terms of the Work) undercurrent here of anticipating, despair, and even fear of letting go of the world we used to live in. Guys, it's gone. We're not going back and that's good. We've been preparing for this time for years, decades, most of our lives for some. Embrace it. Whatever comes next is what was always supposed to happen. The universe has its own itinerary to follow and we will be a part of it, no matter what free will choice we make. So let's make the right choice for us and stand with the forces of light and not despair for there is still Work to be done.
Let's bring our knowledge to the forefront now and make use of it. Let's stalk these petty tyrants that keep cropping up around us and wait for the opportune time to strike. Let's excise the predator's mind from our own once and for all. This is our time. There is a reality split taking place at the moment and the only way for us to take the right side is to let go of the other, completely and utterly. We must be merciless with ourselves. This is our chance to truly die to this world. All of the negative emotions that are coming out of us at the moment can be easily seen to be the result of our unwillingness to let go of everything that we have acquired in this life, all of the interpersonal connections that we still hold so dear, but that seem to be falling asunder in the wake of this unstoppable wave that is ripping reality itself apart. Don't be sorry for yourself, for the people close to you, for the world at large. We've all made our bed and now we must sleep in it. Or rather, wake up in it.
Let them do what they will do, but nothing can touch someone who has made peace with himself, someone who is in touch with his essence, someone who has already died once before. When I get glimpses of this state of being, my reaction is pitiful laughter at the faces of those who wish to control others and bend them to their will. It's a pathetic state of being, which has its purpose, and that is to give us all a good lesson in existence. If we don't learn it now, we're bound to repeat the grade once more.
So I say, let them have their little lockdown and let's see how far they can take it. I have a feeling that they will have to go so far that everything will come out for all to see. We just need to stalk. We need forbearance and timing more than anything at this time.

<rant over>
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