I'm wondering if the people who eagerly embrace this lockdown aren't in some kind of alternative reality.

Realities are splitting for sure. Those of us here are fairly used to living in (or at least perceiving) a different reality from the majority of those around us. As mass society embraces delusions on an ever deeper level and in more comprehensive ways, that reality split is starting to get to the point where it really feels like it's going to start manifesting in very concrete ways.

Was watching a video by Bjorn Bull-Hansen recently. He thinks the mandatory vaccinations - and the refusal of those vaccinations by a significant part of the population, and their consequent excommunication from civil society - is going to lead to the development of parallel societies. On the one hand, the chipped and tracked; on the other hand, free humanity.

Not sure he's right about the exact scenario, but certainly something like that doesn't seem totally impossible to me. DCM knows, I'm getting mighty fed up with all the nonsense in this sad excuse for a civilization, and am getting to the point of "Imma take my toys and go play a better game with friends who are more fun to be around."

Act - Surprised?

America's Super-Rich See Their Wealth Rise by $282 Billion in Three Weeks of Pandemic

America’s billionaires have accrued more wealth in the past three weeks alone than they made in total prior to 1980.

April 27th, 2020 - A new report from the Institute for Policy Studies found that, while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days. This is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by 40 percent this quarter. The report also noted that between 1980 and 2020 the tax obligations of America’s billionaires, measured as a percentage of their wealth, decreased by 79 percent. In the last 30 years, U.S. billionaire wealth soared by over 1100 percent while median household wealth increased by barely five percent. In 1990, the total wealth held by America’s billionaire class was $240 billion; today that number stands at $2.95 trillion. Thus, America’s billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980. As a result, just three people – Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffet – own as much wealth as the bottom half of all U.S. households combined.

The Institute for Policy Studies’ report paints a picture of a modern day oligarchy, where the super-rich have captured legislative and executive power, controlling what laws are passed. The report discusses what it labels a new “wealth defense industry” – where “billionaires are paying millions to dodge billions in taxes,” with teams of accountants, lawyers, lobbyists and asset managers helping them conceal their vast fortunes in tax havens and so-called charitable trusts. The result has been crippled social programs and a decrease in living standards and even a sustained drop in life expectancy – something rarely seen in history outside of major wars or famines. Few Americans believe their children will be better off than they were. Statistics suggest they are right.

Billionaires very theatrically donate a fraction of what they used to give back in taxes, making sure to generate maximum publicity for their actions. And they secure positive coverage of themselves by stepping in to keep influential news organizations afloat. A December investigation by MintPress found that Gates had donated over $9 million to The Guardian, over $3 million to NBC Universal, over $4.5 million to NPR, $1 million to Al-Jazeera, and a staggering $49 million to the BBC’s Media Action program. Some, like Bezos, prefer to simply outright purchase news organizations themselves, changing the editorial stance to unquestioning loyalty to their new owners.

The spike in billionaire wealth comes amid an unprecedented economic crash; 26.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the last five weeks, and that number is expected to continue to rise dramatically. While the super-rich are holed up in their mansions and yachts, the 49-62 million Americans designated as “essential workers” must continue to risk their lives to keep society functioning, even as many of them do not even earn as much as the $600 weekly increase in unemployment benefits the CARES act stipulates. Many low paid workers, such as grocery store employees, have already fallen sick and died. The mother of one 27-year-old Maryland worker who contracted COVID-19 and died received her daughter’s last paycheck. It amounted to $20.64.

Amazon staff, directly employed by Bezos, also risk their lives for measly pay. One third of all Amazon workers in Arizona, for example, are enrolled in the food stamps program, their wages so low that they cannot afford to pay for food. The vast contrast in the effect that COVID-19 has had on the super wealthy versus the rest of us has many concluding that billionaires’ wealth and the poverty of the rest of the world are two sides of the same coin: that the reason people working full-time still cannot afford a house or even to eat is the same reason people like Bezos control more wealth than many countries. Bezos’ solution to his employees’ hunger has been to set up a charity and ask for public donations to help his desperate workers.

The majority of millennials, most of them shut out from attaining the American dream, already prefer socialism to capitalism, taking a dim view of the latter. The latest news that the billionaire class is laughing all the way to the bank during a period of intense economic suffering is unlikely to improve their disposition.
JEEP said:
"I'm hoping the next session we can get a little more insight about how to endure this situation."
raising chickens and rabbits, learned herbalism, gardening and all manner of such things
face the unknown, without flinching
Most of us here “I think” have come to the conclusion of hunker down, study, learn, wait for this part of the show to abate, then re-assess the situation.
If this 3D pin-down stretches out too long, I don’t know how well hunkering down is going to work for anybody. The zombies will react, the governments will react, and everyone (us included) could get caught in the scatter effect.

When facing an impossible situation, what can you do to “win” or at least have a few wins before the end?

Expect the un-expected
In the end we had a huge food supply, 40 cubic metres of fire wood, lots of drinking water etc etc.
this lockdown is really winding me up big time.
I have to take a Corana break
So: using COVID-1984, it looks like they are going to a) restrict the meat supply, thus ramming through their vegan agenda; b) normalize the idea that high estrogen levels are protective against the doomsday virus.

Note that plant-based foods lower androgen levels.

Note further that low t men are much, much more docile.
Wow - that's a lot of Network input!

Zzartemis and Tauriel - your great responses to my post were right on - reemphasizing "We are here for these times". Earlier in the thread I had tried to recall the exact wording of "do not flinch", even failing with the search feature to root it out. "face the unknown, without flinching" - we are facing that challenge now and the challenge has only begun.

As for moving/prepping, the Cs were explicit that that is useless:
Q: (L) If we were to move...
Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.

Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc...

A: Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.

The agenda to diminish males is obviously still ongoing. So many factors that have been introduced over the years - stop smoking/reduce cholesterol/annual flu shot - corruption of our food especially with soy and other estrogen mimicking elements producing soy boys. Our able-bodied men have been sacrificed to never ending wars either thru death or broken bodies, broken minds. And male children are being directed to embrace that they might really be girls. So many tactics being employed.

And yes, we're being rounded up like cattle - an interesting name for an herbicide, Roundup i.e. glyphosate that mimics glycine and replaces it in our bodies. It's in our rain so how can any food be organic any more?
the universe has never let me down
I'm aware of true STO endeavors undertaken that were absolutely leaps of faith. And amazingly, or not, the universe came through when any logical, sensible person would have said it's hopeless/impossible.

So this is our test of faith. This crazy, infuriating show is giving us a workout for sure. One can decrease the assault by turning off the TV/radio, ignoring news whether hard copy or internet and eliminate some of the nauseating effects of the oft repeated taglines being droned into heads over and over. Does all this crazy make my blood pressure rise - no doubt which doesn't bode well for me as a very susceptible way over 60 person. But when the decree goes out to wear a mask, keep distance, stagger entry, etc. - you can't turn that off. You're forced to participate while your inner self wants to scream how ridiculous it is and how idiotic the sheep are for going along with it.

So endure we must. As the Cs have said, don't get mired in 3rd density thinking. A new world - and not a New World Order - is coming for us to explore. Patience and faith - and plenty of walks in nature to relieve the anxiety, the worry, the depression. Anticipation a no-no.

Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for our team, throwing us energy or something?

A: Who do you think you have been communicating with?

Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?

A: All you have to do is ask.

What else do we need to know.
I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy. In this response, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes off the gloves, and exposes Shiva's shady behavior and connections. I never really felt good about that "Inventor of e-mail" thing that Shiva keeps pushing on every platform. Reading Kennedy's response, you'll learn that that was proven in a court to be false. And, as I read this, it reminded me of how I was curious that Shiva got so much publicity, and so fast, without any(?) censoring by YouTube etc. There's certainly something fishy about the guy.

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy. In this response, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes off the gloves, and exposes Shiva's shady behavior and connections. I never really felt good about that "Inventor of e-mail" thing that Shiva keeps pushing on every platform. Reading Kennedy's response, you'll learn that that was proven in a court to be false. And, as I read this, it reminded me of how I was curious that Shiva got so much publicity, and so fast, without any(?) censoring by YouTube etc. There's certainly something fishy about the guy.

@aragorn I had read that before joining here. I've become suspicious of many who are in the same type of limelight. Two words:

Controlled Oposition.
I think that this idea may be an attempt to divert your attention away from more important things, and to encourage you to put the unnecessary effort in the less important one. At least in my opinion, you have a lot to share on other topics, regarding health and science, that I think are more important at the moment and probably could bring other forum members more benefits than sabian symbols.

In regard to determining the timing of when STS forces implement their plans , I think that it's important to keep in mind that:

Thanks for your reply, and to Itellsya and anka and others as well. I already regret derailing this thread for this subject. But I did so because I found it to be personally valuable in application, especially in concert with the C's transmissions, as the themes often coincide and complement each other. As well, there were some who predicted almost the exact dates that something like the corona virus hoax would ensue using astrology and the symbols (e.g. after the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn). Many wars and plagues have happened during such conjunctions and hard aspects between these two planets before, especially when the sign of Capricorn is involved.

I won't post on this any more here. I will still write a post on it later for another sub-forum, but only a short introduction with a couple of examples to show how the symbols can be used to potentially anticipate events. The posts I will analyze using the symbols are predictive in nature, and would show within themselves if they are of any value.

I will say that one of them, by Laura Walker, implied that next month could be quite - um, "explosive"...but then that wouldn't really be much of a surprise given the nature of these times. And I will have the time. I still have to go to work every day, even though our workload is greatly reduced. I need something to do for the four to six hours that I am sitting there with nothing to do!! One can only do EE for so long...

And thank you for that quote of the C's. I agree that it is impossible to ever predict exactly what these psychopaths and their masters will do. But I think it is possible to see the incoming energetics and to prepare oneself in that way, and to use them to benefit positively.

An update on what is going on here Californiastan. Where I work we now MUST wear masks when working around other people. And they have shut down all the work-out facilities and walking trails, and have a one-person-per-table rule for the lunchrooms. That is making people stagger their lunch times or find some other place to eat, so many are now eating in their cars. Pure insanity.

I was going to wear that WWII gas mask I posted a picture of earlier in this thread, but it doesn't work well without the proper canister applied. It fogs up too much and I keep re-breathing the same air. But I have yet to actually wear *any* mask. I resist. I just can't force myself to live a lie. When my supervisor told me I had to wear one, I told her: "Just wear yours and stay six feet away. Why worry about me?" She didn't like it, but at present there isn't any real punishment for not wearing it (beyond angry, condemning stares).

I am sure if I continue to work here I will eventually have to wear a mask. When that time comes I will just write "HOAX" on it as many are already doing. The statement must be made. I can't do otherwise.

I will at least say my supervisor is open to my views. I think she sees this for what it is too, and she has to do what she does because she is told to do it from above. Remember this because there are MANY who are doing similar things, who if they lost their jobs they would share the truth.

If the world economy does completely erode to nothing, then a whole lot of people who know things will have nothing left to lose. I think then you will see TRUTH spread like wild-fire as people fed up with the system and the lies share everything that they know. And it will be far too much to ever shut down without taking down the entire internet. If that actually happens and all dissent is immediately removed, I believe you will see a "wave" of recognition sweep the world about the actual state of "life" that we are living in. And any further steps to stomp us down will just strengthen the resolve of the rest. I truly believe this.

And a humorous aside to finish: I have a friend who is finally fed up with the lock down, and he decided to go to the beach with a few friends and sink an American flag in the sand, using the same pose American Army men used during the conquest of Iwo Jima. FREEDOM!! I hope they take a picture!!
I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy.
A fine example of expect the unexpected. So he's out, but she's still in - Vandana Shiva:
Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-famous environmental activist from India. Her latest book is entitled "One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1%". She tell us about more her opposition to big multinationals such as Monsanto for their nefarious influence on agriculture. But Shiva also singles out billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for criticism. "When Bill Gates pours money into Africa for feeding the poor in Africa and preventing famine, he’s pushing the failed Green Revolution, he’s pushing chemicals, pushing GMOs, pushing patterns", she tells FRANCE 24's Marc Perelman.

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy. In this response, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes off the gloves, and exposes Shiva's shady behavior and connections. I never really felt good about that "Inventor of e-mail" thing that Shiva keeps pushing on every platform. Reading Kennedy's response, you'll le
He has some good info in his videos to help in the awakening,but i was somehow not fully able to accept him as he is on a mission to drum up votes.
So endure we must. As the Cs have said, don't get mired in 3rd density thinking. A new world - and not a New World Order - is coming for us to explore. Patience and faith - and plenty of walks in nature to relieve the anxiety, the worry, the depression. Anticipation a no-no.

The biblical text have some interesting information which is of great relevance to this current time and also pertaining to coming EARTH CHANGES. As you mention FAITH AND PATIENCE is the key along with good health to maintain proper balance in this final stretch.
Thessalonians 5 New International Version

<< 1 Thessalonians 4 | 1 Thessalonians 5 | 2 Thessalonians 1 >>
5 1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our KNOWLEDGE.
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

These are very comforting words in these times of total chaos and confusion.
Didn't work in Ohio, but did in Illinois:
Judge Rules Illinois Governor Exceeded Authority, Violated Civil Rights with Coronavirus Stay-at-Home Order

A judge on Monday ruled Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Coronavirus stay-at-home order exceeded his emergency authority and violated civil rights, the Washington Times reported.
Republican Rep. Darren Bailey sought a restraining order against Governor Pritzker and Clay County Circuit Judge Michael McHaney sided with him.
Since Bailey is the plaintiff, he is currently the only Illinois citizen released from the stay-at-home order, however others may join in his lawsuit or file their own.

Democrat Governor Pritzker on April 2nd issued an authoritarian lockdown order shutting down schools, non-essential businesses and severely limited individuals from moving about the state.
Pritzker was furious after the judge ruled against him and lashed out at the Republican lawmaker as being someone who is “blindly devoted to ideology and the pursuit of personal celebrity.”
Via The Washington Times:
A judge in southern Illinois ruled Monday that Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order to stem the spread of the coronavirus exceeds his emergency authority and violates individual civil rights.
Pritzker promised “swift” action to overturn the judge’s order, which applies only to Bailey but allows other individuals and groups to challenge the movement restrictions while the highly contagious illness circulates.
The ruling came the same day House Republicans attacked Pritzker on another front, renewing demands for details on state prison inmates released early because of COVID-19 fears.
Pritzker signed an order earlier this month allowing furloughs for elderly inmates or those with health conditions, who are considered “medically vulnerable” to contracting and spreading COVID-19. Roughly 36,000 people are incarcerated in Illinois facilities and civil rights advocates have raised concerns about inmate welfare.
“It’s insulting. It’s dangerous and people’s safety and health have now been put at risk,” Pritzker said. “There may be people who contract coronavirus as a result of what Darren Bailey has done.”
The judge blasted Pritzker’s stay-at-home order for violating the Constitution and shredding the Bill of Rights.
“How in the world does me not being allowed to fish the lake promote COVID-19 but panic-buying at Wal-Mart doesn’t?” Judge McHaney said.

Pritzker is appealing the ruling and the status hearing is scheduled for next week.
Oh yeah - that GD piece of paper! It's about time someone in authority gave it some traction!
Another thought that occurred to me, going about my daily life. Many years ago as a healthcare worker. I came across the works of Kubler Ross and the 5 stages of grief, in relation to the dying. But this is not just about dying, it also describes the thought processes of those that are living and have also suffered a catastrophic loss in their lives. Loss of a employment, the loss of a loved one, child or adult, the loss of the life path we thought was destined for us. Any number of things that are coveted by us on this life journey. All of a sudden comes to an abrupt halt by forces unseen.

When I hear the term flattening the curve, used by these so called experts on our health and wellbeing, talk about flattening the curve. This is not in relation to the disease process, in my personal opinion, after reading this humongous thread, and the information gathered.

It is in relation to the 5 steps of grieving and loss. The last step being acceptance, the acceptance of a new reality and a new way of living, a new way of being in the world.

This is a webpage describing the concept, (btw, Kubler Ross was denigrated for this model, of human understanding).

Note the wave pattern in the example. This is what I mean by flattening the curve. When this curve is flattened, it means to my mind that we have indeed accepted again to give up our rights and freedoms, through terror, and the thought of impending death and destruction as life as we know it, for anyone with eyes to see, this was the plan all along for the past 75 years or more.

I am also reminded by a SOTT reader or forum member when I was a lurker (eternally grateful for the link) can't remember. Nina Simone in 1968 from a live performance in London, Aint Got No Life! I play it of and on as a reminder, that I do have life.

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but it looks like Dr Shiva is not that trustworthy. In this response, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes off the gloves, and exposes Shiva's shady behavior and connections. I never really felt good about that "Inventor of e-mail" thing that Shiva keeps pushing on every platform. Reading Kennedy's response, you'll learn that that was proven in a court to be false. And, as I read this, it reminded me of how I was curious that Shiva got so much publicity, and so fast, without any(?) censoring by YouTube etc. There's certainly something fishy about the guy.

Yikes. This would seem to answer why Shiva appears to hate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. so much. I only just starting to watch some of his videos. I thought his criticisms of Fauci, the WHO, etc., seemed legitimate. Still, there was something about the man himself I didn't feel very attuned to, although I was trying to keep an open mind (against my better judgement perhaps?). I particularly liked his idea of incorporating alternative health choices, such as the purchasing of supplements, into his own vision for healthcare/health insurance.

Interesting, Kennedy's stating that Trump donated a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in 2009 (!). Kennedy's point was that, given that donation, Trump never held his own support for Hillary against him. Meanwhile, Shiva really does harp on Kennedy's past support for Hillary. In fact, it seems to be his main criticism of the man. Maybe I'll listen to his talk on Kennedy again, now with fresh eyes.

The tyrants of the world are finally admitting that if we all stand up, there’s nothing they can do about it. Authoritarian Andrew Cuomo even said so during a press conference about the plandemic.

The mainstream media tried desperately to hide this little gem of a clip, but a few liberty-lovers took the time to listen to the tyrant Cuomo speak in order to find it. Please remember, it is not in any of the videos of this online. I was able to find this in a Dollar Vigilante video done by Jeff Berwick. This video needs to get out. The tyrants know we have the power, and the people need to realize it!

Go to 23:28 in the video below. Berwick went through a lot to find this video clip, and he explains why the mainstream media is desperately trying to prevent this slip from getting out:

At 26:06, the clip of Cuomo begins. The tyrant says, “Everything we’re doing is basically voluntary on behalf of the people, right? Ah, state government, local government, federal government, can’t really doesn’t have the power to enforce stay at home orders if 19 million people said ‘I’m going out today,’ ah, they would go out.”

Berwick says, “I went, I looked at it, I saw with my own eyes, I was like ‘holy cow! I gotta put that in my video the next day! But it took us hours to find it!'” Berwick explains that this is just more evidence that what information we get from the mainstream media is manipulated and done to manufacture consent to the tyrannical ruling class. They DO NOT want us to know our true power!

Read more:
Unfortunately, it'd be easier to get 19 million covidiots to rat out the people and businesses not following the official directives - petty tyrants unite!

BTW - regarding the viral Dr. Dan Erickson video that youtube has taken down, he does make a point of associating "safe" with control and then goes on to mention he visited three ammo shops that were completely sold out of ammo. Not surprising it went bye-bye.
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