Just ranting here and stating the obvious: I miss times before this New Normal when people used to die only once. Back then the underlying cause of death was for example heart disease, cancer or diabetes. But now in the Covid-19 Clown World people don't anymore die once, but twice: first they die perhaps to a heart disease, cancer or diabetes, but then they also die "to" Covid-19 since vast majority of official Covid deaths are cases which add up other death statistics (like heart disease, cancer or diabetes).

So it's like a Schrödinger's virus; people die to cancer but also to Covid-19, and anyone can have it unless of course they're outside looting and tearing down statues. And so the media shouts how coronavirus "has killed" already 500 000 people.

It's absurd how stupid the whole premise is with these death statistics, yet majority seem to accept the numbers (at least for now). With the same "logic" we could take any virus, and fabricate statistics in similar way. 2,8 million people die annually in United States from all kinds of reasons - such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes. It's estimated that two third of global population carries herpes simplex 1 virus. Since we're living in a Covid-19 Clown World, we don't have to anymore separate do people die only carrying a certain virus or as a consequence of it. Therefore last year in US 1,87 million people died "to" herpes virus. Let's lockdown everything until herpes is vanished from Earth!
Just ranting here and stating the obvious: I miss times before this New Normal when people used to die only once. Back then the underlying cause of death was for example heart disease, cancer or diabetes. But now in the Covid-19 Clown World people don't anymore die once, but twice: first they die perhaps to a heart disease, cancer or diabetes, but then they also die "to" Covid-19 since vast majority of official Covid deaths are cases which add up other death statistics (like heart disease, cancer or diabetes).

So it's like a Schrödinger's virus; people die to cancer but also to Covid-19, and anyone can have it unless of course they're outside looting and tearing down statues. And so the media shouts how coronavirus "has killed" already 500 000 people.

It's absurd how stupid the whole premise is with these death statistics, yet majority seem to accept the numbers (at least for now). With the same "logic" we could take any virus, and fabricate statistics in similar way. 2,8 million people die annually in United States from all kinds of reasons - such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes. It's estimated that two third of global population carries herpes simplex 1 virus. Since we're living in a Covid-19 Clown World, we don't have to anymore separate do people die only carrying a certain virus or as a consequence of it. Therefore last year in US 1,87 million people died "to" herpes virus. Let's lockdown everything until herpes is vanished from Earth!
That's why I used the word "allegedly" a lot when I quote statistics, particularly Covid-1984 death statistics. This is to reinforce that these numbers most likely are fake and inflated.
It's weird to see how in many places things are getting worse now that it should be all over.

Here, the masks should finally end even in stores, buses, etc. next week (unless the gvt change their mind tomorrow again, which is quite possible). Not that I've been wearing it anywhere in the last few weeks, but it's nice that this madness might finally be over officially. I don't wear the mask in the small supermarket I mostly shop in, and I've gone through Tesco without it twice, without anyone saying anything. People aren't showing any signs of caring about whether I have a mask or not, despite the fact that I'm still the only one without it.

It looks like some restrictions will stay in the worst-hit areas, but that just means the gvt finally figured out there's no need to apply this nonsense to everyone everywhere, including areas that haven't had a new case in weeks, just because some other places have had dozens of new cases daily.

Checking two of the most prominent news websites here semi-regularly, I've noticed an interesting development. One of them doesn't have any corona story anywhere in the top 10 most of the time (so they've moved on), while the other one still has one in the top 3 pretty much all the time. They just don't wanna give up, lol.

It will be interesting to watch how it will play out when some countries are over this while others are going full Nazi. It was easy to maintain the narrative when almost everyone was on the same page, but this will probably not be the case in Autumn. People in the high-propagandemic countries will be able to see that their neighbours aren't doing much of anything against a 'second wave' or whatever, yet they're conspicuously still alive and not going extinct.

What's disturbing, though, is all the crap that's been installed everywhere. The plexiglass, signs and arrows on the floors, barriers, and other shit like that. What will happen to that? I kinda doubt anyone will be removing that anytime soon. They must have invested quite a bit of money into it, so nobody will be eager to throw it away. It will probably stay for now, 'just in case'. So will it always be there to remind us not to get used to 'normality' too much? Seems likely right now.

Ragarding Fakebook and their censorship, it's pretty amazing how in-your-face it is. So I thought maybe it would be fun to share things like these, just to annoy them a little, if nothing else:
Levels of being wrong:

lvl 1: regular stupid people
lvl 2: very stupid people who watch too much TV
lvl 3: politicians & heads of corporations (professional liars)
lvl 4: CNN fake news and other clueless media (likely involves brain damage)
lvl 5: Fakebook 'fact checkers' with their fake 'experts'
How do Facebook 'fact checkers' work? It's simple. They check whether something is a fact, and if they find it is, they block others from seeing it.
Also it'll be kinda funny when these get censored. Sorry, I mean 'fact checked'.

And while I know nothing about how Fakebook works, that thing Evan said here made sense, so it might be worth exploring.
Spoiler Alert: Bill Gates leaked the pandemic script and reveals that the coronavirus is coming back in October-November.

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