I'm going to try for a medical exemption, but if forced to wear a muzzle I think I'll have to write something on it. 'Covid-1984' does seem an obvious choice. I do like 'Ignorance is Strength', but that may be hard to fit. 'Psyop' perhaps? Or just something simple like 'FEAR'. Anyone have any suggestions? 🤔
I've got a few:
  • WHY?!
  • Slave
  • Slavery
  • Obey
  • Duped
  • Covidiocy
  • Stupidemic
  • Oppression
  • No Freedom
  • I hate this
  • Can't breathe
  • Slow Suicide
  • What a Joke
  • Masks don't work
  • CO2 Overload
  • Oxygen Limiter
  • I'm suffocating
  • Mandatory Suffocation
  • Mandatory Muzzle
  • Mandatory Stupidity
  • Mandatory Insanity
  • Who needs oxygen?
  • Ruining my health
  • Police State 2020
  • Government is the Virus
I think Oxygen Limiter is pretty clear and accurate. In fact, it's another good name for the masks in general.
"Put on your Oxygen Limiter and stand 2 metres away in Paranoid Isolation!"

Is this just poking the bear unnecessarily?
Depends on where you are. I can pull it off here safely, but some places are clearly more dangerous, so you have to judge for yourself.

BTW, you could also write "Mandatory Intellectomy" on your mask. Not that I need the promotion - I have already conquered the world, apparently - but it does make sense.
It's over, the common thought seems to be "wear your mask, its just for now until we beat it" and "whats the big deal" and "how Dare you kill people" the C's were right, just sit back and enjoy the show, be circumspect and don't engage, I believe, and just share the truth as you can see it. I dunno when the exposure might occur, but we will all be wearing masks when it eventually occurs :( It's definitely Nazi Germany part II: World Edition and the rollout is total. Until they massively overreach in a hyper obvious way to catch the awareness of the masses it is swim with the tide, or drown. Look at what they are telling people in this latest article quoting our Health Minister !!!

It is like kids in kindergarden and primary school, but it is not far from that point.
My major concern is mandatory vaccinations if and when they’ll be enforced. I have no idea how to escape that other than laying low and saying I’ll come back later as I’m not well - don’t know if that will work though. :-(
I wouldn't worry about it all that much, if I were you. They can't drag you to get vaccinated by physical force. As we've said here, it will most likely be about making many things impossible or difficult without getting vaccinated, but they can't force-vaccinate you. So as long as you can do without those things that will require the vaccine, you'll be fine.

Your profile says you're 67, so I guess you don't have to worry about getting a job, and you can probably survive without other crap they'll require vaccination for. If you don't need to travel outside the country, don't need to get a job, and just want to live a quiet life without participating in things that might require vaccination, I'm pretty sure nobody will be able to vaccinate you against your will.

Given that many people are against vaccines based on religious grounds, and religion is not going to disappear any time soon, I think there will still be plenty of resistance, in any country. Just refuse. There's no way they could get away with brute forcing elderly ladies to get vaccinated if they don't want to. If you're healthy enough, stay away from the doctor's office.

The best you can probably do is to look into the actual laws regarding the issue, and what exemptions may be available. What they tell you on TV is not necessarily the truth or the law. And every country has a few sane doctors and lawyers who can tell you what your options are. (I don't keep track which of the videos that have been posted here were from Australia, but other forum members from down there can probably tell you who to follow if you want to be informed about your options.)

Again, this push for mandatory vaccination has been here many times before, and they never managed to implement it for everyone. It's largely a scare tactic. They're trying to convince as many people as possible (programming) that they have to get vaccinated, and many people will be convinced by fear etc. There seem to be many things going on where they say it's mandatory (and most people are too stupid to question it) but there's no actual law to enforce it. Like the masks in many places. Just because the 'leader' says you must doesn't mean there's a law for it.

Also, one thing I noticed in this regard - the talk about herd immunity has brought the notion that much less is needed for herd immunity against corona than was thought. I think I've read that only about 10-20% of the population needs to be infected for herd immunity to be achieved. But then that would mean that (if vaccines actually worked,) only 10-20% of the population would need to be vaccinated. And even if herd immunity required 90%, we can safely be in the last 10%, or even 1%.

All the covidiots will line up voluntarily, so the authorities will be busy vaccinating those (an operation on this scale requires money, time, and some logistics), and we can just refuse or postpone as long as possible. And there isn't and never will be any evidence that herd immunity requires 100% of the population to be vaccinated. It's just made up bullshit with no science behind it. Plus even official sources admit that some people can't be vaccinated because it would kill them, so they can't have 100% anyway.

So they'll get most people vaccinated through fear and threats and coercion (which I think is largely the goal), and in the end it will come down to needing vaccination for travel and other things, but if you don't surrender to that bullshit, nobody can really 'force' you.

Besides, nobody has ever made a working vaccine against any coronavirus, and the 'pandemic' is largely over. Nobody will be able to show that a new vaccine is safe. So you can tell the doctor, "I'll take the vaccine when you show me a study that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the vaccine is safe. Otherwise I'm not taking the risk with a rushed vaccine." And they'll never be able to show you such a study.

And then there's the thing where all this circus will come crashing down when the PTB 'go too far'. At that point, they will have bigger problems to deal with, like maybe how to not get crucified by an angry mob.

Don't let this issue keep you too worried. Be aware but not afraid. We'll ride this out, and things will change. Wanting to vaccinate everyone and achieving that goal are two very different things. They want you to believe that you will have to get vaccinated. But forced vaccination is still against most countries' constitutions.
My major concern is mandatory vaccinations if and when they’ll be enforced. I have no idea how to escape that other than laying low and saying I’ll come back later as I’m not well - don’t know if that will work though. :-(

It has been stated by people such as Celeste Solum and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny that the vaccine will not be legally mandatory, BUT, it will be connected to every thing in life: work, shopping, school, etc, that if you don't have the vaccine, you won't be able to do most things. So are you prepared/able to stay home with no work, no shopping, etc.? Those are things we must consider.
I think what is important in a mask is the tissue: that he is made of a piece of cloth that you can breath better. If you wear a mask with words written on it it is a mask, no matter what. Lace is a good tissue for a mask. It is still a mask, again. But you can breath a little better. Like this one:
For now I wont bother with special materials that would be better for breathing because I have to put it on for 5-10 minutes and Im wearing it beneath my nose. I also dont breathe through my mouth. I read a scientific explanation why it is wiser to breathe only through the nose so I started doing it 2-3 years ago. I also heard that it is better to breathe like that during exercise (meditation too unless through mouth is specified) and I can confirm it because I noticed I have a bit more stamina when I am doing it.
Dr. Mercola interview with Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.:
Conclusive Proof — Masks Do Not Inhibit Viral Spread

  • Not a single randomized controlled trial with verified outcome has been able to detect a statistically significant advantage of wearing a mask versus not wearing a mask, when it comes to preventing infectious viral illness
  • If there were any significant advantage to wearing a mask to reduce infection risk to either the wearer or others in the vicinity, then it would have been detected in at least one of these trials, yet there's no sign of such a benefit
  • There is no evidence that masks are of any utility for preventing infection by either stopping the aerosol particles from coming out, or from going in. You're not helping the people around you by wearing a mask, and you're not helping yourself avoid the disease by wearing a mask
  • Infectious viral respiratory diseases primarily spread via very fine aerosol particles that are in suspension in the air. Any mask that allows you to breathe therefore allows for transmission of aerosolized viruses
  • All-cause mortality data are not affected by reporting bias. A detailed study of the current data of all-cause mortality shows the all-cause mortality this past winter was no different, statistically, from previous decades. COVID-19 is not a killer disease, and this pandemic has not brought anything out of the ordinary in terms of death toll
[Mercola video of hour twenty minutes cannot be link copied but the interview transcript can be downloaded]
Government Lockdown Orders Fueled Death Toll
He published this data in the paper,3 “All-Cause Mortality During COVID-19: No Plague and a Likely Signature of Mass Homicide by Government Response.” Rancourt explains:
“It turns out that these curves, which show the winter burden deaths as humps every winter, some of them, in some jurisdictions, have an additional very sharp peak. It doesn't represent a … huge amount of deaths by comparison to the total winter burden because it's a very sharp peak, but it's an anomalous peak. It's not a natural peak.
And it happened in exact coincidence and time everywhere. In every jurisdiction that sees this anomalous, unnatural peak ... the peak started exactly when the pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization. And the World Health Organization at that time recommended states prepare their hospitals for a huge influx of people with critical conditions.
So, the government response to that World Health Organization recommendation is what killed people, what accelerated the deaths. You can see that in the data, and you can also understand it in terms of how immune-vulnerable people are affected by these kinds of diseases.
What they did is they closed people into their institutional places of residence, they didn't allow visitors. So, they isolated the most vulnerable parts of society that already had comorbidity conditions who were in a fragile state.
So, they ensured that many people that were locked into these institutions would die from this particular seasonal virus that causes the respiratory disease.
But the virus itself is not more virulent than other viruses. The total winter burden deaths is not greater, but there is a signature of a sharp feature that lasts the full width at half maximum. This feature is three or four or five weeks, which is extraordinarily rapid, never been seen before. And it happens very late in the winter burdens season.
A sharp peak like this has never been seen this late in the season before, and it's happening [synchronistically] everywhere, on every continent, at the same time in direct immediacy after the declaration of the pandemic. To my eye, there is no doubt that there was an acceleration of deaths of vulnerable people due to government responses ...
What really matters is the hard data, and the hard data is all-cause mortality in any jurisdiction that you want to look at. And it has not been anomalous, statistically speaking, no matter how you slice it.”
Why Government Response Was Ill Advised
Rancourt goes on to qualify some of this data based on the mechanism of viral transmission, which also helps explain why government responses have been ill advised, as they actually worsen transmission rather than inhibit it. Infectious respiratory diseases primarily spread via very fine aerosol particles that are in suspension in the air.

Read more:
I believe a Highwire video that includes a segment with Denis Rancourt is already posted on this thread and Del also went into this late season spike that occurred immediately after the pandemic was declared. There's this 18 minute Del video, too:
After A-lister, Matthew McConaughey, toured the media circuit with his “mandatory masks” message, many still question if wearing a mask helps stop Coronavirus. Top Microbiologist and Immunologist from Ireland, Dolores Cahill, PhD weighs in with some VERY definitive answers.

McConaughey's media blitz is just another example of legalized government FLOOD THE MESSAGE propaganda sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Yep, "we're all in this together" - this depopulation agenda going full-tilt globally!
Here's the latest from 'An old man in a chair' - Dr Vernon Coleman. This one gave me a few chuckles as he has substituted some words to avoid having his video pulled down, but he holds up signs in the beginning to give the heads up about what words he is replacing with what. At the end he acknowledges that more people are waking up and he thinks that things will work out OK because of that. He's certainly gaining some popularity, by the time I'd gotten notification of this new video, it had only been up for 7 minutes and had already logged close to 5000 viewers.

22 minutes.

I think Vernon Coleman has produced some very powerful videos regarding the plandemic. They are very clear and concise.

Now I have read a comment on another website which stated that because Vernon Coleman is a cross-dresser (transvestite), the person did not want to listen to Coleman's videos. A basic internet search confirmed that Coleman came out as a transvestite around 1995, and his own website has articles about the subject.

What anyone does in private is their own business, but Coleman went public with his activities. I am bringing this up to ask a question When a public person has something such as this in his/her history/public persona, is this something that the powers-that-be can/would use to control him? He could be "allowed" to put out all these great videos, then the info that he is a cross-dresser would be used to bring and down and discredit all he has said. It would cause disruption/division, and divert from the message. It's also interesting that he has not been banned from youtube. Any opinions?
It has been stated by people such as Celeste Solum and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny that the vaccine will not be legally mandatory, BUT, it will be connected to every thing in life: work, shopping, school, etc, that if you don't have the vaccine, you won't be able to do most things. So are you prepared/able to stay home with no work, no shopping, etc.? Those are things we must consider.

Shopping is now an excruciating experience. School actively promotes ignorance. Work is generally a waste of time.

Increasingly the system offers negative value for engagement. This is becoming very apparent to many. When it comes time to choose between becoming a genetically engineered posthuman, and being denied engagement with the system, many will conclude that it is not a good deal.

They can't stop us from organizing our own system outside of their control.
I think Vernon Coleman has produced some very powerful videos regarding the plandemic. They are very clear and concise.

Now I have read a comment on another website which stated that because Vernon Coleman is a cross-dresser (transvestite), the person did not want to listen to Coleman's videos. A basic internet search confirmed that Coleman came out as a transvestite around 1995, and his own website has articles about the subject.

What anyone does in private is their own business, but Coleman went public with his activities. I am bringing this up to ask a question When a public person has something such as this in his/her history/public persona, is this something that the powers-that-be can/would use to control him? He could be "allowed" to put out all these great videos, then the info that he is a cross-dresser would be used to bring and down and discredit all he has said. It would cause disruption/division, and divert from the message. It's also interesting that he has not been banned from youtube. Any opinions?

Hm. I'll admit to being immediately skeptical of him now.

In another video he was advocating veganism, fwiw.
I'm going to try for a medical exemption, but if forced to wear a muzzle I think I'll have to write something on it. 'Covid-1984' does seem an obvious choice. I do like 'Ignorance is Strength', but that may be hard to fit. 'Psyop' perhaps? Or just something simple like 'FEAR'. Anyone have any suggestions
I wrote “speak no evil” on mine. For me it changes the reason for wearing it to my own personal reason of reminding myself to practice strategic enclosure.
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