White House Takes Over COVID Reporting, Bypassing CDC Amid Suspicion of Inflated Numbers

The White House has issued new guidance for how COVID-19 data is reported to the Government. Hospitals and clinics are now instructed to submit their data directly to the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This change is designed to improve accuracy of tracking data to monitor the coronavirus pandemic.

Various states have had to amend their previous filings on death counts from the virus. Colorado recently revised reporting down by about 25% after they were caught counting deaths of people who tested positive but died from other causes. An example of a 35 year old man in Montezuma County, Colorado was used when he died from alcohol poisoning but was counted as a virus death.

Many clinics in Florida are being reviewed after they were caught submitting suspicious data. Countless labs say they’ve had 100% positive test results. That means every single person who was tested came back positive, an almost impossible anomaly. Other labs had excessively high rates. Centra Care reported 100% of the 83 people they tested were positive and Alachua reported 88% of all tests came back positive.

Before this change, the reports were send to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) but now that data will go directly to HHS. Reporting accuracy has been a looming problem for agencies who’ve pressure the country to shut down. The White House’s own task force coordinator, Dr Deborah Birx says “there is nothing from the CDC that I can trust.” Birx reportedly suspected that deaths might be inflated by as much as 25 percent, given the problem of hospitals and health agencies classifying “COVID-19 deaths.”

The USA has dropped it’s membership from the World Health Organization (WHO) because of Chinese influence. The White House says the WHO has been corrupted by Chinese influence. It delivers evidence that the organization has become useless and even hurts the cause. The USA remains a leader of global health initiatives and will retain that position by reallocation of funds previously sent to the WHO.
Joe Biden is running an ad in NC about Covid, importance of masks, social distancing, etc. Then in the last 1/3 of the ad it shows him tightly hugging a variety of people, with neither he nor the others wearing masks. I looked for it on youtube but could not find it. Probably it is running everywhere, just with the state name changed. The irony is lost on them?
Joe Biden is running an ad in NC about Covid, importance of masks, social distancing, etc. Then in the last 1/3 of the ad it shows him tightly hugging a variety of people, with neither he nor the others wearing masks. I looked for it on youtube but could not find it. Probably it is running everywhere, just with the state name changed. The irony is lost on them?

This one has him hugging people.

Before I went to the appointment, it occurred to me that TRUTH is the ultimate manifestation of God and lies are of the devil as are those who knowingly promote them. We are in a spiritual war of good vs evil and I have taken up the mantle of Christian warrior which would have been undreamed of only six months ago.

And that's what it all comes down to. To move closer to Truth is to move closer to God, because God is Truth; to abandon Truth is to serve Satan.

A couple sessions ago, Ark suggested the possibility of a movement against all these damnable lies. Something like the international Green parties, but organized around the desire for Truth. I had a vision of crowds gathered around banners emblazoned with a giant golden T, demonstrating against the sewer of endless falsehood that our society has become, while enthusiastically communicating amongst one another the myriad of suppressed truths.
Nothing good can come of all this. What a mess.

From the WHO, the CDC, and other alphabet organizations:

Fact 1: Covid 19 is a pandemic that poses a serious threat to the world's populations.

Fact 2: The only way to achieve "herd immunity" safely is through vaccination.

Neither of those two premises are actually true and several qualified people like Judy Mikovits have refuted them. However, the PTB have marginalized and thwarted the efforts to bring the light of truth to these issues. So now we are being drawn into a legalistic, moralistic battle over individual rights and personal autonomy that shouldn't be happening in the first place and doesn't look too promising to win.

What a mess indeed.
So now we are being drawn into a legalistic, moralistic battle over individual rights and personal autonomy that shouldn't be happening in the first place

Yes, because it is all based on a faulty premise. In criminal courts, judges throw out evidence obtained from "the fruit of the poisonous tree". Here, they took the tainted premise and ran with it, with no checks and balances.
What kind of faux mask do you have in mind?
Someone mentioned a mask made from a mesh bag. I couldn't picture that at first, but then remembered the mesh lingerie bag to launder delicate items. I have one with small mesh but don't want to convert it to a mask. I'll look to buy a new one. Wonder if that will fly at the doctor's office? If challenged, I could accurately state it's as effective as any that are being worn by staff. :rolleyes:
My wife made a couple of those masks and so far so good. The chiro even said that it was the first time that she saw that kind of mask and she said that it was OK. My wife used that kind of fabric:

However, if you think making one like that, try to use a black fabric.
It's important to begin to address this issue and meet it head on. This is pretty definitely where this is all headed as many of you have rightly surmised. I don't think too many of us will get the vaccine under any circumstances, so how will we deal with these issues? Will we be able to claim exemption?

Wow - so here it is all laid out that the plan to impose mandatory CV vaccination is already in motion under the guise of containing CV by the specific measures we are already being subjected to. Here's a screenshot from the vid at 35:37 and please note use media in 2,3,4:

Screenshot (2).png

So, in other words, FLOOD THE MESSAGE. Hmm - where have we heard that before . . . And no, I don't think there will be any exemptions because vaccination herd immunity must be achieved! :evil:
Rosemary Frei has a good talk at 1:05:50 in front of the Board of Health (you can also see it on YT here), so good for her!
She got a whole five minutes to talk. My city council only allows three minutes. Just another way to suppress that which the controllers don't want people to hear or know.
Dave Cullen makes the provocative suggestion that the Covid Cult is modeled on Islam. He points out that traditional communism is a secular perversion of Christianity: promising heaven on Earth, and removing God in favor of mankind.

The oligarchs seem to be putting together a new form of global communism using the Covid cult. This iteration involves face coverings (veils); endless hand washing (ritual cleanliness); suppression of 'misinformation' (heresy); slavish obedience to arbitrary rules (nuff said); and is resulting in the immiseration of the many and the spectacular enrichment of the few (nuff said).

It's a provocative suggestion. The one big difference is that 'veils' are required of everyone, not just women; but, with the ongoing attack on masculinity and effeminization of the modern man, arguably males aren't really intended to be men in any meaningful sense under this new system.

Dunno where this one is but I doubt its staged. CovIDIOTISM is the new norm and if you want to use aeroplanes you have to agree with it. Do you think these people are feeling bad because all the bio-warfare gear they have to wear or are they happy that they can travel regardless of any idiotic hoax measures?

View attachment 37762

Sickening! :barf:
A new hazmat suit for air travel.
Same thing occurred to me. PTB priming the populace to feel suffocated, as part of their general effort to suffocate society.
I suffocate myself just looking people that have health problems like obesity, asma, etc. They have difficulty to walk, they are pathetic. But it is their lives, what can we do? absolutely nothing. But it takes out my breath when I see them.
When my younger sister was in her accident, after she came out of ICU she had to spend 2 weeks in an isolation ward because there was a problem with golden staff infections in the operating theatre and ICU, or so the official story goes. So isolation was used to ensure that patients weren't taking the infection into the general wards. We were still allowed to visit her in isolation, but we had to put on a set of scrubs including mask, cap and paper booties/overshoes and also wash our hands at the door to the isolation ward. Everything was provided by the hospital and was collected for hospital grade washing when leaving the isolation ward.

It occurred to me this morning that this same system could have been used for family to visit older relatives in nursing homes if there is any worry about spreading viruses. The infuriating thing about it is that these protocols are already known, yet no medical authority has suggested them to protect the health of the elderly and still allow them contact with their family.

So ignoring these protocols are either signs that the authorities are without compassion or an acknowledgement that the protocols have limited protective abilities - or some combination of both.
The infuriating thing about it is that these protocols are already known, yet no medical authority has suggested them to protect the health of the elderly and still allow them contact with their family.

So ignoring these protocols are either signs that the authorities are without compassion or an acknowledgement that the protocols have limited protective abilities - or some combination of both.
Or it was actually intentional so as to boost deaths for the scamdemic in order to strike fear into the public and ensure approval and cooperation for the draconian measures to be subsequently inflicted.
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