Really? What are these clowns saying now? This seems more likely to be a commercial enterprise than a government one, unless some government agency is trying to set up another government.
Yeah, also featured in the UK MSM. Kit Knightly rightly sees the modern techniques of propagandists at work:
First the lack of evidence. Observe the Guardian article, note the complete absence of sources or references. There’s not a link in sight. There’s no content there beyond the parroted words of UK government officials, whose honesty and/or competence is never interrogated.
Second, the lies by omission. They don’t mention, for example, the Vault 7 revelations from Wikileaks that the CIA/Pentagon have developed technology to make one of their own cyber-attacks appear to come from anywhere in the world, Russia obviously included. This is clearly vital information.
Third, the multitasking. When you splash a huge red lie on your front pages, it’s always best to make it serve several agendas at once. In fact, an unsupported statement which serves multiple state-backed narratives at the same time is one of the telltale signs of propaganda.

Plus, get the mindsets of people even more ready for the (mandatory) vaccine.

Meanwhile, in the UK there is an interesting new study, not yet peer reviewed, The impact of host resistance on cumulative mortality and the threshold of herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2, indicating that levels of herd immunity in the UK may already be high enough to prevent a second wave. Modeling suggests that the threshold needed to prevent resurgence may be as low as 20%.

Interesting to see how the peers and subsequently the evil meanies in charge in the UK will handle this one
Where I live, everybody will have to wear a mask in ALL public spaces(streets, parks included) starring from midnight. Small children under 6 are excluded from this idiotic rule. The reason the politicians gave was that we have to do the same as the other regions. If the others implemented this rule, we should follow suit, no reasoning required. It sounds like a childish argument. They don't need a reason for any stupid rule anymore. Nobody is questioning anything anymore. 99% were already wearing a mask all the time, including inside their own cars
Enforcing the mask mandates will fall to state and local officials, not individual establishments.

"It's not up to the business to enforce it," clarified Lt. Gov. Jon Husted. "We want businesses to be cooperative, we want businesses to advise, we want them to share the rules, but we don't expect a grocery store clerk to enforce the rules."

Like other coronavirus restrictions, violating the order is considered a misdemeanor, although DeWine says the state isn't looking to arrest people. However, he issued a warning to Ohio legislators who are considering a bill to remove the Health Department's ability to enforce public health orders.
Is resistance futile? I think not. The government has no right to compel me to endanger my own health especially as it's a well-established scientific fact that masks do not inhibit viral transmission. I cannot be legally forced to become a panic-stricken lemming running furiously for the nearest cliff just because "everyone else is doing it!" As all of our mother's warned, if everyone else jumps off a bridge (cliff), are you going to do it too?! As to businesses requiring masks, are they OK with the "I'm just following orders" just as Nazi concentration camp guards used as their justification? If my constitutional rights are not being respected, what about my moral conscious and religious beliefs that prohibit me from inflicting self-harm or to symbolically signal to the anti-Christ that I have submitted to his power? And yes, I will whip out my FOTCM membership card as necessary! Finally, I cannot condone by my personal actions the official gaslighting of the public.

I have no doubt all of this BS has caused my blood pressure to rise from anger and anxiety over this situation. But, I simply cannot actively promote a lie by my personal actions. I will resist.
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Joe will like this article:
UK 'overestimates' coronavirus death toll: study

Britain has suffered the deadliest outbreak of coronavirus in Europe but a new study suggests the health authorities are overestimating the toll by including people who died long after they recovered.

More than 45,000 deaths have been recorded in patients who tested positive for coronavirus, a grim figure that has sparked accusations that Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government bungled its response.

But an article for the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine published Thursday reveals a statistical anomaly in the way data is gathered by the public health agency in England.

Every time a patient dies, the central register of the state-run National Health Service (NHS) is notified, authors Yoon K Loke and Carl Heneghan note.

They say that in compiling its daily coronavirus toll, Public Health England (PHE) simply checks its list of lab-confirmed cases to see whether they are still alive.

"A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later," they write.

They suggest this could explain variations in the English daily toll, and why deaths there have not fallen in the same way they have in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which collect their own data.

Under this approach, "no one with COVID in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness"
, the article says—and the ultimate death toll will include every one of the 292,000 people who has had the virus.

"It's time to fix this statistical flaw that leads to an over-exaggeration of COVID-associated deaths
," it says.

"One reasonable approach would be to define community COVID-related deaths as those that occurred within 21 days of a COVID positive test result."

However, the daily-updated coronavirus toll is only one way of measuring deaths and was already known to have limitations because it does not include people who did not have access to a virus test.

Some analysts suggest the so-called "excess deaths" figure is the best way of assessing the true figure.

The Office for National Statistics says 54,000 more people died in the year to July 3 in England and Wales than the five-year average for that period.

Just saw that I wrote conscious instead of conscience - so easy to make mistakes like that! I'm printing out the WHO statement regarding fabric masks for the public along with my official objections. If I get any static at the eye doctor's after stating that I cannot wear a mask, I will hand them a copy. And yes it's interesting that the increase in cases is being shouted but no hard facts on deaths from covid by week seem to be available - just overall total from March.
Today I have been to four large pharmacies looking for nicotine transdermal patches. None. In one pharmacy I found some gum by miracle I believe. The only brand available in South Africa is Nicorette, produced by Jhonson&Jhonson, however the pathes are imported from Germany. On Monday I am going to start emailing J&J South Africa to find out why in conditions of a tobacco ban you can hardly find any Nicotine Replacement Therapy products.
Really now, my dear smokers, for any unforeseen and possible circumstances produced by high level evil stupidity ruling you still have time to take some action.
Ah yes, now we come to "the root" of all our current day problems and the curse of "the Original Sin of Mankind"!

Adam and Eve disobeyed their Gatekeepers, no longer wanting to masked themselves in a fig leaf and broke out of their prison den ... and went out into the World.

The Tree of Knowledge morphed into the Tree of Life and they began to populate the World. (Social distancing wasn't invented, yet.) That created a major problem for the Gatekeeper's, who had formed the first monopoly on Earth. They claimed the whole Planet as their exclusive playground and pathological paradise.

Adam and Eve's second Sin - trespassing - for now dens were multiplying everywhere and forming like minded groups and communities. The problem for the Gatekeeper's - just got "out of hand". They had to eradicate and reduce the numbers of the Adam's and Eve's, so they manufactured Crusades and War's, destroying Life and Earth's Paradise in the process.

After numerous failures, accumulating into decades and centuries of time, the Gatekeeper's are back at "square ONE" trying to isolate us in a den and using a different version of the fig leaf. I sense, their efforts will fail again - using the Original Tactics - that failed them in the first place?
I believe, that smoking was a no-no in Eden either. I’m sorry but I’m overun by a smoking obsession at the moment.
I believe, that smoking was a no-no in Eden either. I’m sorry but I’m overun by a smoking obsession at the moment.
I was trying to imagine what would happen in the psychiatric hospitals if they'd be a tobacco ban. Cigarettes are the most important thing there. We even have smoking rooms on the psychwards cause a lot of people are not allowed to go outside. Probably the last indoor smoking possibility in a public space.
We already experience the biggest dramas constantly because a lot of patients have no money and no cigarettes. The notion of a tobacco ban would really make me consider changing my job.

As for myself I've started piling up a supply after you shared what is going on in SA.
Bombard pointed out paralysis on one side of Melinda Gates face as well. Vaccine injuries?
She also says a kinda cryptic"not gonna go there" comments, regarding her looks, and the changes and difference of Melinda Gates features.
Pictures of the two of them together DO seem to show some rather strange morphing facial features, in my opinion.
I can see why there are so many rumors of "Clones" and/or that people are being replaced with Look alikes and actors.

I saw those announcements, too, and reacted as you did. But really it seems they have not really changed anything. The mainstream publications all pushed the "requirement" narrative. But in reading the Walmart website, it has the same double talk as the state declarations do, in that, you MUST wear a mask, with these exceptions, blah, blah, blah, including all the ones we've mentioned before in this thread. Then on a show I listen to, Robert Scott Bell, someone had sent in a copy of the employee manual regarding the covid Health Ambassador positition. It is a little blurry since it was a picture. But as you can see, they are not "requiring" anything. The media was spreading the propaganda to induce more compliance it seems.

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Thanks for further details. So religious beliefs are an exemption. Hmm, how would they verify if I said wearing a mask is against my religious belief of common sense and good health? :halo:
Another mask story. Since I am working most of the time, my poor husband goes to the store most often. Today, he approached the young mask nazi at the grocery store and asked quietly, "If I walk into the store without a mask, is someone going to give me a hard time?" She immediately said, "I don't like your attitude!" What attitude? he replied and then up comes another woman, older, black. She said to the younger girl, you want me to call the police? Husband to her, I am not talking to you, I am trying to have a conversation here. Black woman: I heard your berating this girl, being disruptive!!! You have to wear a mask, it's the LAW! (which it is not, but OK). Husband says "Hmmm. Yes, and I remember when Governor Wallace and Governor Maddox enforced LAWS in the 50's and 60's that restricted YOUR people." Woman: uh, uh. Wearing a mask is the law!

My husband just said, thank you for your opinion. He then left. I live vicariously through his mask adventures.
It's important to begin to address this issue and meet it head on. This is pretty definitely where this is all headed as many of you have rightly surmised. I don't think too many of us will get the vaccine under any circumstances, so how will we deal with these issues? Will we be able to claim exemption?

Well, it was expected by me on a post a couple of weeks ago, Broward County just instituted an”curfew” starting tonight until August 1. That on top of closing all bars and taking restaurants that serve indoors down to 25% capacity, as well as limiting others to take out only. All small businesses are closed. Walmart and the large grocery store chains are still open, guess C19 doesn’t go there! Straight out of 1984 with more drama! Glad I keep to myself and not give this too much energy except for checking the little local news once a day, here it is.
Another mask story. Since I am working most of the time, my poor husband goes to the store most often. Today, he approached the young mask nazi at the grocery store and asked quietly, "If I walk into the store without a mask, is someone going to give me a hard time?" She immediately said, "I don't like your attitude!" What attitude? he replied and then up comes another woman, older, black. She said to the younger girl, you want me to call the police? Husband to her, I am not talking to you, I am trying to have a conversation here. Black woman: I heard your berating this girl, being disruptive!!! You have to wear a mask, it's the LAW! (which it is not, but OK). Husband says "Hmmm. Yes, and I remember when Governor Wallace and Governor Maddox enforced LAWS in the 50's and 60's that restricted YOUR people." Woman: uh, uh. Wearing a mask is the law!

My husband just said, thank you for your opinion. He then left. I live vicariously through his mask adventures.
People are really nuts.
Max Igan might loose his youtube chanell real soon too.

But hes still doing his thing!

Selling The Second Wave to Extend (Keep) the Lockdowns

He did lose his main channel a couple of weeks back.

On another note, Jane Goodall says we should all be vegan, because coronavirus of course...

I was thinking about the soap that they put everywhere, at each store, and how they oblige every one on this planet to clean, and clean and clean the hands, the brain-washing idea that it is super important to clean our hands to protect ourselves but also others, and the blabla bla concerning all this idiotie. This, for me, is a sign that the PTB are making us with a compulsive disorder. You bet that before giving orders concerning this damn soap they consulted with psychologues. Our politicians are too moron to decide anything at all for themselves ...

The obsession of cleanness is a sign of the compulsory disorder that now people have.Because it is an obsession, no doubt about it. People are obsess with this soap, they put this soap each time they go to a store without asking themselves if is this ok. They even ask you,in some stores, to put the soap THEN the gloves. People go mechanically to the soap in the bus!!!! And They put people in the stores to monitor that everyone clean their hands with the soap.

Looking for a sense of this compulsory relation with the soap I found this:

Concern for excessive cleanliness is also an aggressiveness turned against oneself: thus, one attacks the dust or one's "self-skin" rather than the person who made us angry.

It is very interesting the relation between people and the soap. The PTB are making people with a compulsory disorder.
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