Also, prolonging lockdowns as much as possible with silly narratives until they launch a vaccine. Its all about damage control and vaccine has a huge role to play in that.
This vaccine is all about uncontrolled damage. I think they know it too. Any 'damage control' seems more aimed at people's minds rather than their bodies. Can't have them thinking for themselves! They might rise up and lynch the PTB (with good cause).
But Aussies are really having some bad times. Heres a video from downunder and Im sure its authentic. Quite disturbing to see that you cant leave your building because of convid measures... Is this done because of forced testing or just to show the people who is boss?

"U Australiji nedaju ljudima da izađu iz zgrade - Drže ih zaključane kao štakore"
"In Australia they dont let people leave their building - Keeping them locked up like rats"

Yup. And we get paid if we test positive. Gotta ramp up those numbers somehow!

And coincidentally enough, this new incentive came into play a couple of weeks prior to our wonderful lockdown #2.
Stupid Corona virus joke.
Why did not Adam and Eve get corona virus? Because they were under lockdown in Eden.

Ah yes, now we come to "the root" of all our current day problems and the curse of "the Original Sin of Mankind"!

Adam and Eve disobeyed their Gatekeepers, no longer wanting to masked themselves in a fig leaf and broke out of their prison den ... and went out into the World.

The Tree of Knowledge morphed into the Tree of Life and they began to populate the World. (Social distancing wasn't invented, yet.) That created a major problem for the Gatekeeper's, who had formed the first monopoly on Earth. They claimed the whole Planet as their exclusive playground and pathological paradise.

Adam and Eve's second Sin - trespassing - for now dens were multiplying everywhere and forming like minded groups and communities. The problem for the Gatekeeper's - just got "out of hand". They had to eradicate and reduce the numbers of the Adam's and Eve's, so they manufactured Crusades and War's, destroying Life and Earth's Paradise in the process.

After numerous failures, accumulating into decades and centuries of time, the Gatekeeper's are back at "square ONE" trying to isolate us in a den and using a different version of the fig leaf. I sense, their efforts will fail again - using the Original Tactics - that failed them in the first place?
Well, I will no longer be shopping at Walmart but will instead support the local small grocery store chains.

Walmart to require all US customers to wear masks

I saw those announcements, too, and reacted as you did. But really it seems they have not really changed anything. The mainstream publications all pushed the "requirement" narrative. But in reading the Walmart website, it has the same double talk as the state declarations do, in that, you MUST wear a mask, with these exceptions, blah, blah, blah, including all the ones we've mentioned before in this thread. Then on a show I listen to, Robert Scott Bell, someone had sent in a copy of the employee manual regarding the covid Health Ambassador positition. It is a little blurry since it was a picture. But as you can see, they are not "requiring" anything. The media was spreading the propaganda to induce more compliance it seems.

Well, if there was any doubt that one aim of locking down was to target and reduce the success of small businesses and the self employed, then perhaps that doubt is diminishing. Apparently something similar laws were passed in California on January 1st, this year.

Dan Andrews (Victoria) declares war on small business – ‘destroy em’ they say!

Yesterday the Victorian Labor government released its report into the ‘gig economy.’ The 228-page report should be read as a declaration of war against self-employed, small business people across Victoria, and Australia. This is so because a key recommendation calls for laws that would effectively make self-employment illegal.

The recommendation (page 193 of the report) reads:
Recommendation 6
The Inquiry recommends that the FW Act be amended to
(a) codify work status on the face of relevant legislation (rather than relying on indistinct common law tests)
(b) clarify the work status test including by adopting the ‘entrepreneurial worker’ approach, so that those who work as part of another’s enterprise or business are ‘employees’ and autonomous, ’self-employed’ small business workers are covered by commercial laws.
This dumping of the common law definition of self-employment with the creation of a new test (called the ‘entrepreneurial test’) would smash small businesses in Victoria.

We know this because we’ve been following in detail exactly the same laws in California that came into operation on 1 January this year, just before Covid-19 hit. We can confirm reports out of California this week that this ‘kill self-employment law’ has smashed 4.5 million Californian jobs on top of the Covid-19 damage. The Californian law explains why 27.7 per cent of California’s workers are on the dole compared to the national US average of 15.7 per cent under Covid-19.

This is the damage that Premier Dan Andrews and his government now seek to inflict on Victorians. The reports calls for the Federal Government to change the law and, if not changed Federally, for the Victorian government to do this in Victoria.

This is vindictive madness. It displays a distinct hatred of self-employed people, that we are worthless, and of no value to society or the economy. That we must be supressed and eliminated in Victoria.

And to set a course in this direction just as everyone is being smashed by Covid-19 displays an ideological disconnect from reality.

We’ll be preparing a full analysis of the report, but here is our submission to the inquiry in 2019 and our statistical analysis of the gig economy.

We’ll be calling on the Morrison Government to defend self-employed small business people from the Dan Andrews’ attack. But first we’ll get our full analysis done.

Frankly. Good Grief!!!!

Dan Andrews (Victoria) declares war on small business – ‘destroy em’ they say!
Where I live, everybody will have to wear a mask in ALL public spaces(streets, parks included) starring from midnight. Small children under 6 are excluded from this idiotic rule. The reason the politicians gave was that we have to do the same as the other regions. If the others implemented this rule, we should follow suit, no reasoning required. It sounds like a childish argument. They don't need a reason for any stupid rule anymore. Nobody is questioning anything anymore. 99% were already wearing a mask all the time, including inside their own cars
One of the stupid rules that comes with this is the obligatority of the mask inside a private vehicle if people that share it don't live together. We are supposed to wear a mask inside private spaces(like our houses) if we meet with people we don't live with. Are they going to install cameras in our houses to check if we comply? How idiotic is that? What is really sad is that many people are already behaving like this. They meet with other family members, especially the old ones, and they wear a mask so they don't infect or get infected.
The politicians and their healthcare advisors are threatening for harsher measures if we enjoy our life too much. We must behave as responsible citizens, which means like robots that don't need human interaction and oxygen to breathe. It looks like the programming is complete. They can now download whatever they want on these empty containers. There is no intelligent life left in most of them.
I have been expecting these measures, but I cannot stop feeling a lot of dispair these past days. I really feel like in a rollercoaster right now(as the C's already warned). I hope it's temporary and I can find my balance. Luckily, I just got a message from Chu that they sent my Crystals. I am looking forward for them. A big hug to all
Hi All, I have not been on this thread for a while but have kept up reading all comments.

My partner and I have spent the last month or so trying to get out walking and hiking as much as possible, currently finding this the best antidote to the madness and the best way to re-charge, so to speak.

We had BBQ/party for my partners birthday a week ago and it was all good, all pretty normal even though many people buy into the danger. There were around 12 people there, mostly outside. There was definite sense of annoyance with the government response and the general confusion but also a bit of annoyance with people not following guidelines and acting normally… There was certainly very little will from anyone to oppose any of the new rules or follow anything other than the mainstream narrative, but at least some people are thinking about things more than I would have imagined. Obviously I did not try to dwell on the subject act the time, it was a party after all and just nice to be acting relatively 'normally'.

I spoke to my sister, a doctor who has been working in ICU's for the last few months. She had a few interesting observations: Their ICU only has 8 beds and they had over 20 patients, so it was pretty busy for a month or so. They did not put the very elderly patients in intensive care as most of the doctors had agreed there was no point - they were the kind of patients that would likely have died no matter what illness they caught. Not sure how many deaths they had here.

They had 17 deaths of large, well-built, slightly overweight men with slightly high blood pressure but otherwise, no other known conditions. These were, on average 55 years of age. The doctors at her hospital are pretty sure that this is something unusual that they have not seen before - but only due to these patients who are not typical for those who die with covid. She acknowledged (and actually brought up herself) that they had ventilated some people who should not have been and it may well have contributed to deaths.

The doctors seem to know the Covid tests are useless, they had many negative tests from people who had every known Covid symptom and plenty of positive tests from those who were not very ill at all. As far as my sister said, they are not relying on tests at all.

The doctors still have loads of PPE to wear, they were busy for about a month (around March/April) and since then have been pretty much back to normal. There was some 'cheering and applauding' of patients who were released who almost certainly had a different illness, thus my sister did not get involved. She (and other doctors she works with) are highly sceptical about any new vaccines, so I am hoping for a bit of push back against this from doctors - not holding my breath though!

Moving on to my workplace and things are getting worse. There is obvious mass hysteria still going on. Health and Safety were, to be fair on them, trying not to enforce masks and other measures, but many others have been calling for them… Now (from today) disposable masks are required in corridors outside of labs, despite the fact that actual face-fitted masks and powered respirators are already required in most labs…

So the current procedure when going into the lab buildings is: Go into lab (door handles disinfected every hour or so), change into boiler suit, put on gloves in corridors, put on a cloth mask in corridors, get to an actual lab room, change gloves, remove cloth mask, put on proper face-fitted/powered mask (as normal), do work, remove gloves, put on more gloves from the lab (used to be a big no-no, wearing lab gloves in other rooms…), put cloth mask back on… Utter madness and ignoring many of the PPE rules that have been in place for decades and everyone has had many hours of training for (never re-use cloth masks, cloth masks offer little to no protection from even dust, do not wear PPE from a lab outside that lab etc.).

Still, last night I managed to get 5 people round to our house for some games and general chat. They were all acting perfectly normally. There was no distancing or other weirdness and very little mention of any of this which was particularly nice. A couple of them had not really seen anyone for two months. I don't know how long this will last with the current propaganda bombardment from the UK MSM but there is a sense from a few people that has gone far enough though and that even if this virus is dangerous there are more common sense ways to deal with these things.
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