Lockdowns "flattened the curve" i.e. delayed the spread of this virus among those to whom it posed no significant risk, hence mostly empty hospitals and staff making tik tok videos.

But lockdown clearly created a spike in deaths among those most vulnerable by denying them primary health care when they needed it.

This spike in deaths is now being used to justify mandatory mask-wearing in order to 'stop the spread of the virus' among the same group on whom lockdown was imposed to 'stop the spread of the virus'.

Clearly, someone really doesn't want this virus to spread among people to whom it poses no risk. Very strange.
Did anyone already mention this news?
China bubonic plague: Inner Mongolia takes precautions after case
it is from the sixth of July.
And then, when checking on the first, i found this:
Squirrel in Colorado tests positive for the bubonic plague
and this is from today.
And of course there is also something like this:
You Do Not Need to Worry About the Bubonic Plague Squirrel in Colorado
Hahaha... this is priceless (from the article):

But here’s the good news: Most people who have fever, chills, headache, and nausea are not suffering from bubonic plague. And even if by a 1 in a lot less than a million chance you are down with the disease that helped bring down empires, that’s still OK: We have a cure.
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes, “Plague is a very serious illness, but is treatable with commonly available antibiotics,” which includes streptomycin, gentamicin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline moxifloxacin, and chloramphenicol. If you think you might have been bitten by a plague-infected flea, you can take some of these drugs before any symptoms emerge [my emphasis], and that will stop the painful buboes appearing in the first place. In addition, CNN has helpfully reported that, last year, a couple died from plague after eating the raw kidney of a marmot. That suggests part of any household safety plan you develop in response to bubonic squirrel concerns should probably include “don’t eat raw squirrel innards.”

What wonderful advices we get here, so nice people there. I didn't check those "commonly available antibiotics" but they all sound like they will all alone wreck havoc on your health when taken lightly in some amounts because you "think you might have been bitten"...
The "spike" in deaths is interesting. We don't trust the CDC for many reasons, and one is that they almost certainly are inflating the death stats (ignoring the the possibility that they're actually zero). The current US stats — incomplete for this week — show 272 deaths vs. 643 for last week, 1674 for the week before, 2892 for the week before that, etc. The last time the stats were lower than present is listed as the week of March 14 (52 deaths). The peak was the week of April 18 (16,909 deaths). Alleged deaths been going down every week since. If there's a spike, it has not shown up yet in these stats.

While alleged infections are being hyped hysterically, the media doesn't seem to want to discuss — or even disclose — the alleged deaths. The deaths seem to indicate that this is all but over. But let's cancel the rest of 2020 anyhow, and 2021 for good measure.

Don't you find it interesting that all the countries who talk about vaccinating their people never talk about the nature of the vaccine and how it is supposed to work? For me that alone is a crime against humanity. They act as if it was a vaccine like those we already know (and of them we already know some "weak spots").

I am sure that we will get all the details and explanations about why this vaccine will be so good for us when it arrives.
Session Date: July 4th 2020

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, the Lunar Module, Noko the Wonderdog

Q: (L) Today is the 4th of July 2020. [Review of those present] So, hello.

A: Hello good people. Much turmoil ahead yet. Dark forces do not give up so easily.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Paikiaea!

Q: (L) Is that turmoil going to affect us directly here?

A: Very little as you are. But do not let your guard down. Strategic enclosure to the max.

Q: (Joe) In what way?

(Artemis) Don't kick the hornet's nest.

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Do things calmly, serenely, or just walk away. Be very gentle, because crazy forces are acting through people.

A: Reduce agitation. It is mostly useless at this point.
In Spain it is already "starting".
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Lockdowns "flattened the curve" i.e. delayed the spread of this virus among those to whom it posed no significant risk, hence mostly empty hospitals and staff making tik tok videos.

But lockdown clearly created a spike in deaths among those most vulnerable by denying them primary health care when they needed it.

This spike in deaths is now being used to justify mandatory mask-wearing in order to 'stop the spread of the virus' among the same group on whom lockdown was imposed to 'stop the spread of the virus'.

Clearly, someone really doesn't want this virus to spread among people to whom it poses no risk. Very strange.
Also, prolonging lockdowns as much as possible with silly narratives until they launch a vaccine. Its all about damage control and vaccine has a huge role to play in that.
Quick snapshot what they are babbling on about today. Haven't we heard this before ad nauseam from these donkeys.
Victorian Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton has warned Victoria may not have yet hit its peak of coronavirus infections.
"It's a big number, it needs to turn around," he said.
Professor Sutton said if the state did not drive virus figures down, Victoria could see "hundreds or thousands of deaths" like overseas.
Victoria will pause all category three elective surgeries across Melbourne's hospital system amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Elective surgery will also be reduced to no more than 50 per cent of usual activity across all public hospitals and 75 per cent in private hospitals.
This means private hospitals can continue to take on public category one and urgent category two surgeries.
There will be no changes to elective surgery in regional Victoria.
Dr Chant said the pandemic is still in its early stages.
"We are nowhere way through the challenge of COVID-19 and the world is nowhere through it and there is a long way to go," she said.
"Until there is a vaccine, we will continue to see COVID spread widely and the impact I think in countries across the world is evident for you to see.
"Some countries have managed to control it, other countries are in much more challenging circumstances."
I can't help it but to chuckle when they say in the news how we're doomed and we're the ones to blame for this for spreading it and not taking the suggested measures. UNLESS you're a good boy, wear your mask, wash your hands, social distance, tell the cops who's not following the quarentine, etc, etc, etc. They say it with such a straight face, it cracks me up. I feel like I'm watching a movie.

For the most part, I can't really antagonize with anyone. I must wear a mask, although I do it very lightly and I remove it asap when I can. Otherwise I'd face juicy fines and even jail time. You need a permission that must be given by the government itself by sending your information through a govt site. It expires on every extension of said quarentine so you gotta keep it up to do date. There are phone apps that ask you for your sympthoms, and you got to fill your address and personal info.

My mother is friends with a doctor from a local hospital, and she told my mother (They are good friends) that the director himself asked them to label as "covid-19" the cause of death for some patients, even if it doesn't really apply. The intention of inflating the numbers is beyond obvious. Who knows what they were told by the men behind the curtains and their pawns.

This is a circus, a macabre one no less. "We must accept this new reality" they say. "Our suggested measures and the potential vaccine are our only hope". People accept this. Critical thinkers I know joined the covid-19 train and they are making fun of people saying "it's fake", posting cute infographics explaining the "threat". People became an extension of their original enforcers. The economy is crumbling and people are more worried about a flu. Good job, media. You've done it well. Scarely well.

I don't know how long this will be extended and what's going to be their next step, as they don't plan to give up. Surprisingly, I'm not scared or anxious at all. Just curious and expectant.
Melbourne airport CONvid1984 measures... I wonder what would be prescribed in the case of some real biological warfare?
Mandatory suicides?

If a real pandemic strikes, I doubt the government will inform the public about what is really going on, I think the opposite will happen, the media will remain silent and the governments of the countries with their helpers will bury themselves in underground bunkers.

When people start to die, they will blame the part of society that did not follow the rules, did not wear masks, did not keep the required distance and did not vaccinate themselves and of course did not believe what the government said.
But lockdown clearly created a spike in deaths among those most vulnerable by denying them primary health care when they needed it.
Clearly, someone really doesn't want this virus to spread among people to whom it poses no risk. Very strange.
Surely we need a reformation of public health-care system right? If only everyone would submit to getting electronic chips into their bodies and plugged into the system so that the medical establishment has the ability to react faster and save everyones lives more efficiently and on time... LOLZ

Regardless of the possible STO nature of the "viruses" that are out and about one huge reason for halting the spread could be subsequent failure to get herd immunity on a large scale so that the need for mass-vaccination would be greater. The other one would be 100% fearfull state of mind which is a result of the way this is all being done. Insecurity and fear on a large scale allow for implementation of ANYTHING that the government and its corporate big industry military complex overlords want.

Among other goals of these insane measures, one of the obvious ones would be to have much less pensioners demanding pensions. Other very important reason would be to re-instate the perception that humanity REALLY needs big pharma to survive. Third reason would be the fortification of the government sector which is now properly married to religious manipulation hubs and perverted corporate monopoly sector. Fourth would be the move towards new technologies and digitalisation of government and corporate services.

Which all leads into technological transhumanisation with inception of global AI as the only possible way to control it all. This can only work if enough population is connected into the cloud/super computer network. And it seems that the PTBs are sure that they already have enough people with the needed mindset to go through with all of it.

But Im not that sure that they can manage it and be successfull. Because they are all SO incredibly incompetent and are actually also driven by insane amounts of fear. And that road inevitably leads to a drop off the cliff.
Also it seems that the Creation and the Universe are allowing for completely different energies to take over humanity and this planet and our reality. Complete digital feudalism seems like a total opposite to that so to my mind it has very poor chances. Rather it could be the reason for the death of the PTBs and "rulling" classes as we know them. Which is what I am rooting for :clap:
It's just a mask... that video somehow gave me a weird idea.

ash mask durbatulûk,
ash mask gimbatul,
ash mask thrakatulûk,
agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

The creepy thing is that it makes so much sense right now.

one mask to rule them all,
one mask to find them,
one mask to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them
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