Posting this while being a few pages behind, but no more time today.

That is questionable. Being "good" may be one thing to learn, but sooner or later people need to learn other lessons as well. And among those are learning to think for yourself and to understand responsibility for your actions even if you're following orders. "I was just following orders" is a crappy excuse, if you ask me, because it's just a different way of saying "I refuse to accept any responsibility for what I do as long as there's someone else I can blame".

And if we've learned anything from this mess, we've learned that unless people get punched in the face with full force, literally or metaphorically, they don't learn much of anything. So it could very well be that they do need to be 'wrongly' accused and pay the price, if that's what it takes to understand that just doing what they're told and thinking they have no responsibility and can avoid the consequences doesn't really create the best world for everyone.

In fact, I would say that learning to accept personal responsibility may be one of the most important lessons there are. What good is the excuse that "they're basically good people" when their actions cause suffering not just individually but on the level of the whole society? These are the people who create fascism. It takes one douche at the top and millions who go along with it for it to work. Hitler could do no harm if nobody listened to him. It is exactly these people who create such systems. The fact that they don't do it intentionally is of little value when they do it over and over and the results are disastrous.

Children are understood to bear limited responsibility because they're learning the basics, but they will become adults, and somewhere in between they need to learn more about this responsibility. And some hard lessons are needed for them to grow up. And it's the same with the people you are talking about. This year has shown that these people are unable to learn their lessons just by thinking and listening to people who are telling them what's going on and where it's going to lead (like us). So they'll have to learn their lessons some other way. And I'm sure the universe will give them exactly the lessons they need, sooner or later.

Yes, all of that may very well happen. Why have we learned certain lessons while they haven't? Could it be because such of things have happened to us in the past?

Yes, but everything has a reason. Do you think people are given lessons they don't need, or don't deserve, or can't possibly handle?

Now, I don't disagree with anything you said, and I started writing this response as I was reading yours, paragraph by paragraph, and your post then took a bit different turn. So this isn't really aimed at you. It's just a different perspective on the things you've described. And this perspective may be useful for us if we don't want to be crushed by what we might soon see.

Whatever will happen has its purpose. Everything has a reason, everything has a meaning. New things can only arise out of destruction of old things. Destruction just tends to be a bit messy.

Thanks MI, I always appreciate your perspective. You are quite good at sitting back and looking at situations logically, without letting emotions cloud your view. I agree, everyone has their lessons to learn. I guess I just have a lot of empathy and compassion for people who are following orders due to their programming, because I was once in their shoes until I awakened. I see where they are going, and that they are clueless victims of those who they followed like lemmings because they were raised to trust authority instead of learning to question for themselves.

I mean, I see examples of this every day at work, and trying to point out things to them is useless. They will need to fall before they can stand on their own. It's just hard to see this and know what's going to happen to them. That's where I need to do some serious work around practicing "strategic enclosure" of my own feelings. I don't want to be brought down because I took responsibility for THEIR feelings.

But your statement: "Do you think people are given lessons they don't need, or don't deserve, or can't possibly handle?"

I guess that depends on how reality really works. Are those born here only allowed to come in if they know in advance what is going to happen? Do some come in with certain soul lessons to learn, but then something happened in this reality to make it a much different ballgame from what they expected, and they then became clueless victims in a much larger game not of their soul's doing?

I guess what I'm wondering about this Earthly plane we now inhabit: what is the original intention of this place? Was it to learn simple lessons about love and life and 3D existence, and something went wrong and alien influences saw this place as an ideal harvesting ground due to the presence of inhabitants who were clueless about the existence of evil? How many have been trapped here for eons of time, when their original "contract" called for them to only be here for a short series of lifetimes?

We can't really know any of this from our current level of understanding. And, all there are, are lessons. I just wonder how many here have been subjected to far more lessons than they ever signed up for in the first place over the last few hundred thousand years; and if "us from the future" had to come back here in order to help set things right because those who are trapped here didn't have enough knowledge to be able to do it by themselves.

Ah, now I'm having stirrings of remembrances from C's sessions that had much of this information. Time to do some more reading. If only my memory wasn't made of Swiss cheese...

EDIT: almost called you "IM" again. Sigh.
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Well, this whole mandatory mask thing really has me rattled especially after reading the link to occult symbolism. My eye appt. is in Dublin that has also mandated masks. After reading the latest posts, including my own from Vigilant Citizen, my resolve NOT to wear a mask is stronger than ever. Annd - guess who else has flipped his position:
Coronavirus wrapup: Surgeon general now urges face coverings
Still, White House adviser says the situation is "not out of control." The latest from Sunday morning talk shows and from around the world.
Published Jul. 12

WASHINGTON — Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Sunday the Trump administration is “trying to correct” its guidance from earlier in the coronavirus epidemic that wearing face coverings was not necessary.

With virus cases surging and many states and cities now issuing orders to wear masks in public, Adams said he and other administration officials were wrong back in March. But he insists they were going with the scientific knowledge at the time, which suggested that people with COVID-19 who showed no symptoms were not likely to spread the virus.

Adams said on CBS’ Face the Nation that “once upon a time, we prescribed cigarettes for asthmatics and leeches and cocaine and heroin for people as medical treatments. When we learned better, we do better.” [Feel free to gag here]

Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University, told "Fox News Sunday" that he would have liked to have seen administration officials wear masks sooner. He says it should not be viewed as a "personal choice" but a public health imperative.

Trump was seen wearing a mask in public for the first time Saturday during a visit to a military hospital.

Pelosi sees Trump in mask as “a bridge”
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that President Donald Trump has "crossed a bridge" by wearing a face mask during a visit to a military hospital.

Pelosi told CNN’s `State of the Union”that she hopes it means the president “will change his attitude, which will be helpful in stopping the spread of the coronavirus.”

Trump wore a mask during a visit Saturday to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in suburban Maryland, where he met wounded servicemembers and health care providers.

It was the first time the president was seen in public with the type of facial covering recommended by health officials as a precaution against spreading or becoming infected by the virus.

Pelosi said she's "so glad that he obeyed the rules of the Walter Reed. You can't go see our veterans who are there without wearing a mask."

The only time Trump has been known to wear a mask was during a private part of a tour of a Ford plant in Michigan.

White House adviser: Virus “not out of control”
WASHINGTON — A member of the White House coronavirus task force said Sunday that despite a surge in cases across the country, the situation “is not out of control.‘'

Brett Giroir said it's going to take "a lot of effort and everybody's going to have to do their part'' to combat the pandemic.

And the assistant secretary at the Health and Human Services Department said that "we have to have people wearing a mask in public. It's absolutely essential.''

Giroir told ABC’s This Week that officials would like to see something like 90 percent of people wearing a mask in public in areas that are hot spots.

He said that "if we don't have that, we will not get control of the virus.'' Giroir says there's no downside to wearing a mask.

When Giroir was asked about whether states that are seeing a spike in cases should consider more stringent lockdowns, he said, "Everything should be on the table."

And looking ahead, Giroir said it’s possible that the situation “could be worse in the fall” and he thinks that in the fall “we’re going to need tens of millions of more tests a month.” He also said there’s some data that people can get both the flu and COVID-19 at the same time and “that’s not really good.”

U.S. surgeon general pleads with Americans to wear masks

July 12, 2020 | 3:56 PM EDT
Surgeon General Jerome Adams on June 30 urged Americans to wear a face mask in public to curb the spread of coronavirus, saying, "It is not a suppression of your freedom. It actually is a vehicle to achieve our goals." [That's what we're afraid of!!!]

Trump Finally Wears a Mask for Cameras During Visit to Military Hospital
President denied he was anti-masks, telling Fox Business last week that he was “all for masks,” adding “I think masks are good”
Trey Williams | July 11, 2020

President Donald Trump made a rare public appearance donning a mask on Saturday.

The president wore the mask while visiting wounded service members and COVID-19 health care providers at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. As he left the White House, Trump told reporters: “When you’re in a hospital, especially … I think it’s expected to wear a mask,” according to the Associated Press.

People on Twitter took the opportunity to poke fun of comments the president made earlier this month when he said he thought he looked like The Lone Ranger while wearing a mask. Some joked that he wasn’t wearing it properly, then, considering The Lone Ranger wears it over his eyes, not his mouth and nose.

“I sort of liked the way it looked,” Trump said. “It was a dark black mask, and I thought it looked OK. It looked like the Lone Ranger.”

The idea of wearing a mask in public places, which some states require and the CDC strongly recommends, has become a politically polarizing debate in the U.S. despite experts saying it significantly reduces the risk of spreading the virus.

Read more including critical remarks:

The Presidential Mask
The mother of all gaslighting bombs has gone off! That this mask mandating has been ramped up at this time in conjunction with orders in other countries, certainly appears to be a purposeful push to compel everyone into health order compliance along with reducing resistance to taking whatever CV vaccine gets rolled out. But, it could also be an attempt to drown out the Wayfair revelations blowing up as well - I wonder if that's the "exposure" the Cs were alluding to? And about Trump publicly wearing a mask for the first time and that he's "all for masks" - maybe a little Russian birdie told him about those heart attack satellites and strongly suggested practicing "strategic enclosure"?

Hmm - sure ups the ante regarding wearing a mask doesn't it? Rattled more than ever now. :-(
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It's clear as day that THESE BRAINWASHED LEMONS will demand vaccines be made mandatory. The ABSOLUTE COWS!

I'm sure I'm stating the bleedin' obvious here, but something I have never understood about mandatory vaccines (even prior to having done research into how very damaging vaccines are) is.... if vaccines are so brilliant and all protecting, when why on earth do we ALL have to get them in order to be protected? If they are so good, then you can just "protect" yourself and who cares what others do?

But of course I'm just a selfish idiot who is killing grandma...
I'm sure I'm stating the bleedin' obvious here, but something I have never understood about mandatory vaccines (even prior to having done research into how very damaging vaccines are) is.... if vaccines are so brilliant and all protecting, when why on earth do we ALL have to get them in order to be protected? If they are so good, then you can just "protect" yourself and who cares what others do?

But of course I'm just a selfish idiot who is killing grandma...

Well, according to Big Pharma propaganda the unvaccinated are the evil ones who keep these strains of disease circulating in the population. They are the selfish ones who don't care about others, and the programmed sheepish masses in a STASI-like manner rats on anyone who questions this gospel.

Actually, I think it's probably the vaccines that are the reason why some contagious diseases spread and stay lingering in societies. The not-complete and tweaked versions of the infectious microbes in the vaccines messes up the immune response, and causes a reaction called OAS (Original Antigenic Sin). You can read more about this in Suzanne Humphries book Dissolving Illusions, here's a quote:

The concept of original antigenic sin (OAS) was coined by Dr. Thomas Francis, who became well known during the Salk vaccine era when he oversaw and interpreted the results of the largest (and most controversial) vaccine trial in history. He explained the phenomenon of OAS using natural influenza virus as an example.

First, let’s define how the body responds to natural infection. When a person gets an infectious disease for the first time, the body’s immune system uses its innate powers, which mostly involve cellular immunity. In the process, it prepares for the future. The next time that same infectious agent comes around, the body will use its memory of the first experience so that it can react faster.

But after a vaccine, when the natural microorganism comes along later, the body will act according to how it was programmed by the vaccination—and that is what is meant by original antigenic sin (OAS)" (Humphries, 2013, pp. 324–325).
Australia is only just realising that the cold and flu season in the Southern Hemisphere happens at a different time of year to the Northern Hemisphere. I wonder if heads will roll over this?

"You hear it all the time. “Is this our second wave?”

But it turns out the question posed by reporters at press conferences and pondered by colleagues over zoom chats has been poorly worded. Because Australia didn’t have a first wave … until now.
Professor Nick Talley is the editor-in-chief of the Medical Journal of Australia and has been watching the curve carefully since the pandemic reached Australia.

He told Victoria and NSW are experiencing the real first wave of the virus and that it was a mistake to try for the suppression method when Australia should have been aiming to eliminate COVID-19 altogether."

Scott Morrison is already starting damage control, but he's not admitting that the first wave hasn't hit yet:

"Scott Morrison says the response to a second wave of Covid-19 infections cannot be shutting the country down to try to eliminate the virus, and he’s moved to reassure people his government will not be withdrawing income support “for those in need”.

With renewed debate around whether Australia should respond to the latest outbreak and a spike in community transmission with more forceful lockdowns, Morrison said on Wednesday elimination was impractical, but Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton told reporters it was an idea “worthy of consideration”.

Hello everybody,

mask will be mandatory in every public spaces on August 1st in France !! It's just horrible to see clearly what's going on and the next blow. The only way not to put on the mask will be to get vaccinated...

I can't believe we can put the whole world under torture like this and under the pretext of taking care of it. Today, I'm terrified to see what I see and how most of people seems to be agreed with that.
Where is humanity behind a mask ? If I want to do good job, I have to read the face of the person I'm looking at. How can one teach, accompany, psychologically help people, create a close relationship in such conditions? It's like being asked to swim the crawl with a straitjacket.

It's surreal and I don't how to do to live that
This is going to be a hard post to write. I thought at first I should share this in the swamp, and maybe moderators will want to move it there, but my intuition tells me that this might be helpful for many.

Today while at work I started thinking about how great it would be if this whole COVID scam became busted and actually shared on the MSM. And I mean, totally busted, with guys like Gates and Fauci going to jail and the WHO and CDC completely eliminated, and all the politicians pushing for lock downs arrested etc. and COVID is confirmed to be no worse than a flu; and all measures that had been put into place are proven to have been far in excess of what should have ever been done. And add to that the fact this whole mess has been used to deliberately destroy the world economy and push medical tyranny on the population.

Also, what if the entire BLM movement is also proven to have been fronted by George Soros and politicians and bankers who wanted desperately to destroy this country? And then also if Pizzagate was simultaneously shown to have merit and the entire scope of the child trafficking and rape and killing is revealed? May as well throw onto the pile the truth of 9/11 and all the false-flags that have happened also thrown into the mix.

I ask: what would happen if this were to occur? All of this would certainly be rewarding to members of this forum who have known for a long time about what's really going on in the world. It would, for us, be a big sigh of relief and restore our hope in this world.

But: think of all the people out there who are exposed to this information, via news sources they have relied on for all their lives - all these "conspiracy theories" being proven true, with more than enough documented evidence and confessions etc. How would those people react? Certainly a great many would be incredibly angry and demand justice. And most of that anger would be justified. However, many who took part in these deceptions did not do so with malice or knowledge of what they were really doing, like nurses who used ventilators on old people that ended up killing them; or doctors who sent cancer patients home to die because they were told to keep beds open for COVID patients etc. There will be many, many people wrongly accused who will pay a price they never should have. Others may react in such extreme rage that they start shooting people in retaliation.

It won't be just anger, though. There will be a great many people who are so overwhelmed by the information that they can't process it, or deny it, or dissociate from it entirely and possibly even undergo extreme mental breakdown. Some people, like nurses with pure hearts who are shown that what they actually did may have contributed to deaths will be completely ruined emotionally. Some may commit suicide. There is nothing so cruel as seeing otherwise beautiful people used so maliciously to spread pain and ruin while thinking that they are doing the opposite...and for them to live long enough to see the truth of what they were doing - that is evil incarnate, but probably the greatest food for STS forces ever.

There will be a great many people who are so disheartened and saddened by what they hear that they may never completely recover. Some, such as mothers who have had children stolen and killed, may have their hearts and souls shattered. For many, trust in anything or anyone may be hard to ever attain again. Children who have been part of these trafficking networks, though now free, may have seen horrors that no amount of therapy may ever heal. Other children who are very young, having gone through this COVID thing being forced to wear masks and take in the fear of COVID may also be harmed for a very long time. And many other children seeing what their parents and families are undergoing in the face of these revelations may also be stressed.

It was while thinking about this that I realized that all of this has been baked into the cake for a very long time. Even if all this evil ended overnight, hell will still get paid - and will collect benefits - for decades afterwards when all is finally said and done. In fact, the "food" after the revelations may even be greater for them than what they received during these times.

When I started to grasp the magnitude of these atrocities, for the first time in a very long time I broke down and cried. I shared on another thread that over the 4th I had problems clearing my drains in my house, and at that time I was worrying about the upcoming fireworks and people breaking in etc. and how I finally reached a point where I was OK with it and let it go energetically, and I felt a shift. I think that doing so allowed me to open my heart. And I still feel a heaviness in my heart right now. But for me, it is a healing, because as I shared in the swamp I have had a very hard time letting myself feel grief and sorrow. It took something of this magnitude to finally hit home and open my heart. But it is open now, and just in time...

...because I'm gonna need it.

I am very, very grateful for these forums. Being able to share this information with people who really care has been so helpful, I can't give words. I see and appreciate all the likes and loves that I have received for sharing here, and it is not lost on me that unlike other message boards, each one of those shares is meant to be supportive and loving, not just done to validate someone for sharing an opinion they agree with like so many other places.

The work we do here, though, is so necessary...we are in the vanguard in sharing truth and knowledge, and I am so thankful that we are able to get ahead of things here and figure out and process what is truly going on in the world. I thank my stars for letting me be a part of this group and for the path that I have followed that has helped put me in the position to view events instead of react to them, and process what comes up as needed with love and care.

...but there is also a tremendous burden that comes along with this gift. And I believe that we will all share this burden in the coming months.

The C's recently said, "be prepared to give the help that is needed."

That help will certainly include sharing knowledge and truth. In some cases it might involve sharing food and sustenance, or even saving someone from a cruel fate.

But mainly I believe the help that will be needed will be emotional support.

People will be shocked and stunned, many with their hearts and souls shattered.

Relatives and friends may need more than just a simple hug.

Many will need silent witnessing by someone who knows and cares for them.

Many will need more than just a little care at one time, and possibly for quite some time.

It is for these reasons that I am so glad that I have been able to do such heavy lifting before all this hits the fan. We are all blessed in this way. We WILL be needed, and I pray that our presence will be adequate to that need. And as always, I pray that spirit will lead me in the best possible ways to be of service to others to the best of my ability. Thank you all for what you do, and for what you may be about to do.

Thanks Keystone Cop for putting into words what I too was thinking about. I've been keeping in mind that empires fall and the domino's are set up but they may not be finished as of yet. Even though the C's said over the years that the future is open and more recently that we have passed the point of no return, I still think even within that framework the future has many possibilities. The outcome is still open as to the results but I, by no means believe that my suffering is finished or that I've done enough work to be a candidate to transition into 4D. With my basic understanding of empires, the fall will be extremely painful for ones with souls and many will lose more than their station in life. I am still trying to grasp the fact that so many couldn't see or feel that this world was so oppressive if not the fuller picture of the outright barbarism that has had a hold on so many over the years.

I may not have known the exact truth, especially the depth but it was evident in the everyday lives of the people around me and myself. I do now understand the effects of the programming and have realized that the suffering that some have gone through was the key to seeing the world with different eyes. Any suffering I went through was light compared to many but it seems as if it were enough to be distrustful of authorities and many people too even from a young age. For me at this time, what hurts the most is to see the younger people trying to make plans for families without even partially seeing through the madness that has become the norm. The disconnect from the reality is still present even if they are not completely programmed.

I don't know how pertinent it is to this topic but when I was between the ages of 16 to 18 I moved around a lot sometimes living in a car. For me, at that time, it was exhilarating, liberating and terrifying all at the same time. During that time, I found my strength to stand up for myself even with my ignorance at that age. I had an encounter with a woman who was slightly unstable who pulled a gun on me with her hand shaking because she was so angry that I dared call her out about her lies. When that happened I made a snap decision that impacted my life from there on out. I walked up to her holding the gun to where it was almost touching my chest and dared her to pull the trigger. For me I was willing to die if that should be the case than to put up with the misery that I had felt for such a long time. When she backed away and I was still here so many things came rushing through my heart and mind that it took years for me to fully understand that I had faced my fear of dying. The point to this was it seems as if so many others are afraid to face the fear of dying that they are also afraid to live.

As a side note shortly after that incident, I developed shingles which followed the nerve endings around my back. This was around 1989 and the treatment was expensive but I found a way to get it. Mom swore that I had never had chicken pox before when I was a child and she would know because she refused to let me bathe myself until I was about 9 or so. She had a real OCD about dirt and scrubbing everything was the norm.
For Ketone Cop

You wrote: "If only my memory wasn't made of Swiss cheese ..."

Re-read the session March 11, 1995
Laura asks about the Fall of Eden ...

Courage. The end of the discussion is :
Q: (L) Is this a repeating syndrome just for the human race or is it a syndrome that repeats itself throughout all of creation?
A: He is the last.

Tenderness for all
Melbourne airport CONvid1984 measures... I wonder what would be prescribed in the case of some real biological warfare?
Mandatory suicides?

View attachment 37684

Omg, l don't want to believe this! Is this really the airport and the protective gear is included in your ticket purchase? I just can't believe that these are the same folks that covet the Toyota land cruiser and bring us all the outback adventures.
But your statement: "Do you think people are given lessons they don't need, or don't deserve, or can't possibly handle?"

I guess that depends on how reality really works. Are those born here only allowed to come in if they know in advance what is going to happen? Do some come in with certain soul lessons to learn, but then something happened in this reality to make it a much different ballgame from what they expected, and they then became clueless victims in a much larger game not of their soul's doing?
Based on all I've learned, I think the design (of the whole Universe) is more sophisticated than we think. There are always variables, but I don't think things can go completely "wrong" and be "unexpected". They can sure be unexpected for 3D critters, but since time is an illusion and the Cs are looking at us from outside of our 3D sequential time illusion, I think they can 'see' all the options regarding where things can go, so there can't be anything unexpected for them. And for people about to be incarnated, I think they'd have a good idea of what they're getting into, which would include all the possibilities. Either they have someone like the Cs to assist them, or maybe in 5D we have clear enough vision ourselves.

So I don't think things can go 'not as expected' from the point of view of 6D. And even if they take the least likely route, I don't see why it would be a problem. All there is is lessons, and that statement pretty much explains everything. Why would it be a problem if you get harder lessons than you expected? Who ever promised you lessons of only a particular level of difficulty? If there's karma that balances things out in the long run, why would it matter that at any given point you're doing really well or suffering terribly? No experience is useless, and nothing gets lost.

And I suspect that outside of specific lessons, a certain amount of suffering in general is a lesson in and of itself and is needed for one to internalise certain understandings. If you go through years of suffering that seems pointless and leads to nothing specific, you will still learn some things because of that, especially things about yourself. And who knows, maybe sometimes that's just what people need.

I guess what I'm wondering about this Earthly plane we now inhabit: what is the original intention of this place? Was it to learn simple lessons about love and life and 3D existence, and something went wrong and alien influences saw this place as an ideal harvesting ground due to the presence of inhabitants who were clueless about the existence of evil?
If there are more or less endless possibilities, then nothing can "go wrong". What is it you even call "go wrong"? How do you know what's right and how things should go? What makes you think that such a notion objectively exists? In my opinion it doesn't. If there's free will, there's no "wrong". There's just an infinite number of consciousness units interacting in an infinite number of ways, thus anything is possible, and none of it can be "wrong" in any sense I can think of. "Wrong" seems like only a subjective, personal judgement.

4D STS are free to do whatever they want to us. And if we're stupid enough to let them, or worse, ask for it, then that's how it is. There's no "wrong" in that. Against what are you judging what's right or wrong? Isn't it just your personal sense of how you'd like things to be based on your personal inclinations? And if you identify with the STO view, isn't it presumptions to think or feel that STO is right and STS is wrong? I don't think that's how it works. In fact, what would even be the meaning in everything if STS disappeared? Seems like it's a necessary part of the game.

I just wonder how many here have been subjected to far more lessons than they ever signed up for in the first place over the last few hundred thousand years; and if "us from the future" had to come back here in order to help set things right because those who are trapped here didn't have enough knowledge to be able to do it by themselves.
I don't think this line of thinking makes much sense. "more lessons than they ever signed up for in the first place" - so what exactly did you or anyone else sign up for? And what would it mean in terms the development of your soul (or whatever you wanna call it) that you got more lessons than you 'signed up for'?

First of all, I don't think we sign up for 'this and no more than that'. If anything, we sign up for a range of possibilities because due to free will those are always in the cards. So incarnating into an unstable environment with a specific, fixed plan wouldn't make sense.

Secondly, so what if you get more lessons than you expected? If you sign up for some martial arts, you're not signing up for a broken arm, but it may very well happen. So what if it does? It's what reasonably can happen, and it's part of the experience. You can cry about it and call it unfair, but nobody ever said you couldn't break your arm. What sense is there in saying, "I didn't sign up for a broken arm!"?

In pretty much nothing you do you have any guarantee of how much experience or how many lessons you'll get and how everything's gonna work out. And that's kind of the point, imo. What kind of lessons would they be if you knew exactly what's coming? The uncertainty factor is a function of the model, not a bug.

Also, whatever happens in one incarnation on planet Earth is a negligible matter in the scope of things. You go through hundreds (millions?) of incarnations of all kinds. One of them being a bit harsher than the others only seems significant when you're in the middle of it. And everyone probably gets many lessons that they fail to learn from and have to repeat them many times. So any temporary ups and downs aren't all that important in the big picture.

I could also bring up the fact that whatever Americans will face in the coming years, the Palestinians and others have been dealing with all along. Why should Americans (or anyone else) be immune to such fate? There's sex trafficking, child slavery and torture going on now. If it comes on a larger scale, then I'd say it's just an inevitable result of the way this degenerated society has lived for decades (or longer). We've been screwing things up for a long time, and all those 'good people' have been contributing to it. I think it's time for the Universe to reflect it back and say, "well, guys, this is what it leads to".

There is also one difference between people like us and the clueless normals out there that may be worth mentioning. They may be totally unprepared for what's coming, but what matters is where it all will lead to karmically for everyone, rather than what happens just in this life time, and in that sense I think that if you and I failed, our karma would be worse than if these 'clueless' people fail. Our higher level of understanding brings a higher level of responsibility and thus more severe repercussions if we 'fail'. So in the long run, I don't think the clueless people will pay more than they're 'supposed to'.

Of course I cannot say any of the above with certainty, but that is my understanding based on everything I've learned and especially what I get from the Cs' messages. Have you ever seen a hint of something being 'worse than it was supposed to' in anything they've said? It's always like, it'll get bad for some, but that's just a matter of cycles, karma, free will, learning, etc.

I think all this "OMG this is going to be terrible!" is just 3D thinking that we should be leaving behind.

Do you think if any of these things you worry about happen, it will be unfair? If so, could you clearly define why it's unfair?

In practical terms, I think we need to acknowledge that our sphere of influence is limited. Do whatever you can in your sphere of influence, and let the Universe sort out the rest. If you're in the US, you probably can't do anything about what happens in France, so there's little point in worrying about it and being upset about it. If we'll see millions suffering, all we can do is help a few, and mostly only those who ask. Being depressed about the state of things doesn't help anyone, and certainly not you. Quite the opposite.

I wouldn't worry about what random people you don't know deserve. 1. You have no idea what they actually 'deserve'. 2. You can't do much about it anyway, save for a few in your sphere of influence.

EDIT: almost called you "IM" again. Sigh.
lol. Might as well make it a running joke.

Any suffering I went through was light compared to many but it seems as if it were enough to be distrustful of authorities and many people too even from a young age.
Might have something to do with where you are in the learning cycle. Probably you just needed only a little to 'remember', and you had had your share of suffering long before that already. We don't really know how much suffering anyone 'needs'.

Everyone's different, everyone has their role to play in what's coming, everyone has their own lessons to learn on their own level of understanding, and as far as I'm concerned, there's most likely nothing 'unfair' about any of it. We have no idea who deserves what and who signed up for what, and we can't say how things "should be", and thus we can't say if anything is "wrong". At least that's my take.
Well, I will no longer be shopping at Walmart but will instead support the local small grocery store chains.

Walmart to require all US customers to wear masks

Walmart announced on Wednesday it will require shoppers to wear a face covering starting on July 20 in all stores and clubs across the U.S.

The move by the nation's largest retailer comes as coronavirus cases have surged in various states including Texas, California and Florida.

Walmart noted that currently about 65 percent of its more than 5,000 stores and clubs are located in areas where there is some form of government mandate on face coverings. The new policy is in place to help bring consistency, the company said.
Good news. My President said that we will probably receive the vaccine by the end of this year.

Vucic: Anti-coronavirus vaccine in Serbia by end of year

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday an anti-coronavirus vaccine would be available to people in his country by the end of the year thanks to an agreement with a foreign country he refused to name, N1 reported.

Talking to reporters at the construction works on ‘Dedinje 2’ cardiovascular hospital in Belgrade, Vucic said Serbia would have an anti-coronavirus vaccine by the end of 2020, as among the first countries which would have access to it.

“All vaccines are still in various stages of development. We are in intensive communication with top companies making vaccines because the demand will certainly be huge once it is found… We are one of the countries which will get the vaccine once the all stages of testing are completed. I hope that will happen as soon as possible,” Serbian Public Health Institute deputy chief Darija Kisic Tepavcevic told the daily coronavirus news briefing.

"I want to share the good news with you. Thanks to one important country, which already started vaccinating people, we will have that vaccine by the end of the year. That will help Serbia immensely to survive the pandemic,” adding his country would economically be “better than any European country after the pandemic.”

He said he couldn't say which country that was since "I'm a serious man," but added that "we'll soon have a protocol about that."

Hmm... Russia? China? Maybe. We are certainly friends with them.
Good news. My President said that we will probably receive the vaccine by the end of this year.

Hmm... Russia? China? Maybe. We are certainly friends with them.
Don't you find it interesting that all the countries who talk about vaccinating their people never talk about the nature of the vaccine and how it is supposed to work? For me that alone is a crime against humanity. They act as if it was a vaccine like those we already know (and of them we already know some "weak spots").
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