The thing again is that it doesn't matter if this is all a disaster and is found out to be later.

They'll all just pat each other on the back, say well... We weren't to know and you know just move on.

Don't mind all the lives that'd be ruined from all these crap.

It's an absolute sh*tshow. Absolute mayhem. The ship is sinking and we're all watching it happen whilst still being on the bloody ship... We're watching as it approaches the iceberg and hoping for a last minute miracle. The whole place is coming down because of some STUPID people who refuse to change course.

It's so F'ing ridiculous, it's unbelievable!

Did anyone also notice that the US is probably gearing up for an altercation with China just to make sure we are well and truly F'ed up.

Huawei is now going to get kicked out the UK.

Tiktok (never used it) is now banned in India and the US will soon follow.

There's also all the stuff coming out of Hong Kong.

I tell you what the world economy needs right now.... A good old fashioned war, preferably with a big country that has resources to burn so that we can pillage it and sack it to prop up our failing economies.

How wonderful... Millions dead? Screw it, probably be worth paying!

I have a story from yesterday too. Since I dont read newspapers and watch tv or listen to radio I didnt know that masks are now "mandatory" in all grocery stores and places of public business here in Croatia (I still didnt see that it is actually a law but only a recommendation

When I got home I called up my mom to ask her has there been any changes to measure circus and she informed me that now it is the law (I think it still is not). Sadly it seems that she got slightly brainwashed in last week or two because she is still hooked to watching tv and listens to radio and probably reads some newspapers here and there and she said it is now mandatory by law.

It's mandatory by law.


  • Odluka - maske.pdf
    59.6 KB · Views: 5
It's clear as day that THESE BRAINWASHED LEMONS will demand vaccines be made mandatory. The ABSOLUTE COWS!

Speaking about vaccines, I am not a doctor, but this just doesn't sound right:

If one vaccine proves efficacy in a clinical trial and another vaccine is behind it but it’s getting the same correlate of immunity you could bridge data and facilitate the approval of the second and the third one based on the efficacy of the first one.

So they only need one vaccine to have some kind of efficacy, and then through "correlation of immunity" they will "bridge data" and give approval to all the rest of the vaccines that never went through later phases. And then they will say to the public, "of course they are safe because they are all thoroughly tested!" But not even the first one will be properly tested.

You know, I wonder if the worse outbreak in the fall predicted by the C's will be due to people ruining their health by wearing masks for the past several months.

They are planning to use the first batches of corona vaccine from this year. Plus many countries, mine included, plan to vaccinate millions of people with the flu vaccine.

More than two million vaccinations

Vucic said that more than two million people will need to get vaccinated before fall to be prepared for possible second wave of the outbreak.

"We will have to avoid the collision of the corona and the flu, which means that we will have to vaccinate more than two million people against the flu.

"The vaccine will have to be received by the army, police, counter officers, pensioners, children aged 3 to 12, and all chronically ill people. We expect the heaviest wave of the corona around November 1. Before that, the flu will start and we must avoid that at all costs," said Vucic.

The thing again is that it doesn't matter if this is all a disaster and is found out to be later.

They'll all just pat each other on the back, say well... We weren't to know and you know just move on.

Don't mind all the lives that'd be ruined from all these crap.

It's an absolute sh*tshow. Absolute mayhem. The ship is sinking and we're all watching it happen whilst still being on the bloody ship... We're watching as it approaches the iceberg and hoping for a last minute miracle. The whole place is coming down because of some STUPID people who refuse to change course.

It's so F'ing ridiculous, it's unbelievable!

Did anyone also notice that the US is probably gearing up for an altercation with China just to make sure we are well and truly F'ed up.

Huawei is now going to get kicked out the UK.

Tiktok (never used it) is now banned in India and the US will soon follow.

There's also all the stuff coming out of Hong Kong.

I tell you what the world economy needs right now.... A good old fashioned war, preferably with a big country that has resources to burn so that we can pillage it and sack it to prop up our failing economies.

How wonderful... Millions dead? Screw it, probably be worth paying!


Sottreader, I have a suggestion. You look in a mirror and repeat, the ship is not sinking, until you ask yourself laughing, what am I doing?
You are the ship, and you are not sinking.
It's mandatory by law.
So its law. Then I was lucky some supermarket sucurity chief didnt throw me out or called the police on my insubordinate arse :lol:

Well, its just an ultra stupid law that just joined other stupid laws. I will have to wear a mask with 100 holes every time I decide to buy food or whatever... Its a good thing I dont waste my time in cafes. And Im weirdly glad that turbo folk fans will have to wear face diapers when they go to night clubs to snort cocaine and swim in alcoholic beverages.... and molest young girls that are there by their own choice (such high culture in Zagreb these days, all thanks to legitimised narco cartels and scum that is "rulling" this land).
So its law. Then I was lucky some supermarket sucurity chief didnt throw me out or called the police on my insubordinate arse :lol:

Well, its just an ultra stupid law that just joined other stupid laws. I will have to wear a mask with 100 holes every time I decide to buy food or whatever...

There's another document I searched for immediately, after learning about mandatory masks, for exceptions of the rule (I put it in the attachment) and you may find it being a better solution than cutting holes in your mask. Put the mask on your mouth, don't cover your nose and if anyone points out you're not wearing it properly- just say you have asthma plus allergies and therefor you're not obligated BY THE LAW to wear it over your nose. You can have this document saved on your phone to show if necessary, to 'tilt' the aggressive attacker or a tyrannic employee. It works like a charm! :halo: If one wants to argue, then you can go and not wear the mask at all with the same excuse, but I wouldn't recommend it, people are so easily triggered these days, it's basically asking for troubles. I see it this way - Ok, I'll wear the mask in shops but not because the government said so, or cause of the virus; I'm doing it as an external consideration for all of this people scared out of their mind. Cause I DO CARE about them, so if I put a mask on my mouth, leaving my nose free to breathe, for few minutes while in the shop and that makes them less scared- I can live with that.

Its a good thing I dont waste my time in cafes. And Im weirdly glad that turbo folk fans will have to wear face diapers when they go to night clubs to snort cocaine and swim in alcoholic beverages.... and molest young girls that are there by their own choice (such high culture in Zagreb these days, all thanks to legitimised narco cartels and scum that is "rulling" this land).

Well, sorry to burst your bubble but only the staff is mandatory to wear masks in bars, restaurants and night clubs. Yep, I know, it makes the perfect sense. :umm:


  • Tko-ne-treba-nositi-masku-izuzeće-od-obveze-nošenja-maske.pdf
    170.4 KB · Views: 12
Does anyone remember the old classic "conspiracy theory" that the US income tax is voluntary? It took a tumble when several high profile people got busted for evasion. But this whole "mandatory but not mandatory" mask requirement is ringing a bell with a similar vibe. If I were a toying man, like say the KEK-loving pranksters of the dark web, I think now is the proper time for a meme-injection to revive the "mandatory but not mandatory" nature of the income tax and revive how distinctly unconstitutional its ratification was. Get a few more of the slumbering Americans to question the nature of who rules them and how. A sort of cascade of authoritarian doubt.
Can't help but evoking an image of Laura throwing the book across the room, after reading some shocking info at the very beginning of her adventures. Only, that info was actually useful, nothing like what we've been served through the main media recently. This kind of 'info' makes me cry out loud for old newspaper format, so that I can throw it across the room too, for the garbage that it serves!

Beware, this article doesn't fall into the category of just plain lunacy and stupidity, it's actually very well written, considering it's agenda. I dare you however, to read it fully in one take, or to get through it completely. I dare you. Took me 3 tries. I had a sudden urge to grab my monitor and throw it across the room :cool2:

It's about attacking the 'anti-vaxxer movement'. As much as it upsets me, I am impressed with the effort put in it to cover the wide ground as possible, all in one take. Good job STS. Finally something that will play on the intellect of the masses as well as on the emotions of the population. Cause, let's be honest, recently we mostly encounter either pure emotional manipulation with no facts in order to trigger one's rightesness, or just dry 'facts' listings without emotions to trigger one's 'intellectual ego'. I guess we are indeed witnessing a new turn of heavy propaganda (attempt) for mandatory vaccination...

sorry to burst your bubble ... only the staff is mandatory to wear masks in bars, restaurants and night clubs.
My bubble is destroyed hahah... no worries! Only the staff? But thats ridicilously idiotic :rotfl:

And thanks for the tips on how to wear face diapers. My tactic is to have it around the neck and put it on the mouth for few seconds if someone is butthurt.
My bubble is destroyed hahah... no worries! Only the staff? But thats ridicilously idiotic :rotfl:

No, no, nooooo. You don't get it. 'How can we go along with the world government agenda and appear as if we care about our citizens and this whole virus mess BUT without completely destroying our last chance to grab some money from the tourism?!?' And there you are..
Newest from Twitter (I have mixed feelings about sharing this posts cause we are already drowning in it all but still, I can't help it, I want to know what people are consuming, so here it is.. )

I saw infowars just picked up this one, this is the original post:

From New York Post:

Catch a break with this one:

and this one:

and back to demise...
Yesterday this thought hit me! Maybe its actually good that all these measures are so useless and that many the details of the scam are so obvious. Because if/when it gets busted by majority of populations it will mean that the PTBs will loose ALL their manipulative powers and they wont be able to continue having this chokehold on society and we could actually see radical changes towards good things.

I have a story from yesterday too. Since I dont read newspapers and watch tv or listen to radio I didnt know that masks are now "mandatory" in all grocery stores and places of public business here in Croatia (I still didnt see that it is actually a law but only a recommendation from our national health division retards) so I went un-prepared to my local supermarket. When I got there I saw that everyone inside wore a mask and was like, damn, another time when I accidentally went out and had the priviliege of seeing only msm zombies, but then an elderly "gentleman" asked me with a sneer: Young sir, and where is your muzzle? Surprised I brushed it off and continued shopping but I kept my gaze before me and didnt want to make eye contact with anyone cause I sensed something changed. I managed to get all that I needed and successfully payed on a self-serving cash-register and got out without anyone saying anything more to me, but I felt the scolding looks. When I got home I called up my mom to ask her has there been any changes to measure circus and she informed me that now it is the law (I think it still is not). Sadly it seems that she got slightly brainwashed in last week or two because she is still hooked to watching tv and listens to radio and probably reads some newspapers here and there and she said it is now mandatory by law.
Today I have seen one article that states that it is still JUST a recommendation but it seems this time the msm have raised the urgency in their rhetoric and people are now scared again because the msm is pumping tham with "new" cases and projections. So even with me informing my mom about all the scams they have been caught in and all the lies they serve to the public and all the telling videos I sent her in last few months she now decided she is not sure in my information anymore and is now afraid because of the new cases msm is bombarding the population with ... Im so sorry for her but I cant do much if she decides to believe in msm and the lies except let her believe it. She doesnt read English so she cant check if what Im saying is true and her memory is not good because of the stroke she had in the past.

Btw I completely changed my set of reactions to all of this because I finally understand that all this is what society, as it is, needs to either break free from the manipulation or to go down in flames. And I have to let people do what they want to do cause it is their choice and their lives are at stake. I can only try and protect myself.
It is such a relief from my old perspective where I wanted to help the society with some kind of action. Phew!
Im not even planning on running to the mountains as I thought I will cause I accepted that it is better to flow with whats happening than try and run from it. Ofcourse I will be prepared for anything but its not a cringe thing for me anymore. And I know that I can handle almost anything that comes my way so Im finally at peace and am not worried about possible future crap. Even mandatory vaccinations dont scare me anymore!
Lord of the Rings comes to mind. The part where Frodo and Sam put on Orc masks and clothes to blend in. Strategic to the max. It did get them closer to ending their quest.
Can't help but evoking an image of Laura throwing the book across the room, after reading some shocking info at the very beginning of her adventures. Only, that info was actually useful, nothing like what we've been served through the main media recently. This kind of 'info' makes me cry out loud for old newspaper format, so that I can throw it across the room too, for the garbage that it serves!

Beware, this article doesn't fall into the category of just plain lunacy and stupidity, it's actually very well written, considering it's agenda. I dare you however, to read it fully in one take, or to get through it completely. I dare you. Took me 3 tries. I had a sudden urge to grab my monitor and throw it across the room :cool2:

It's about attacking the 'anti-vaxxer movement'. As much as it upsets me, I am impressed with the effort put in it to cover the wide ground as possible, all in one take. Good job STS. Finally something that will play on the intellect of the masses as well as on the emotions of the population. Cause, let's be honest, recently we mostly encounter either pure emotional manipulation with no facts in order to trigger one's rightesness, or just dry 'facts' listings without emotions to trigger one's 'intellectual ego'. I guess we are indeed witnessing a new turn of heavy propaganda (attempt) for mandatory vaccination...

Yeah, the article is upsetting but the comments under it bring some hope. The pro-choicers/antivaxxers are giving the vaxxers a run for their money. I notice that the up votes/down votes on the comments seem to be favouring the pro-choicers/antivaxxers as well!
TheIconicPodcast is spreading like crazy around all platforms, equally fast admins are deleting all of their videos. Not sure where to put this post since it's not only about Corona virus, but hope this will do. Here's a link to the latest video which started all the fuss and is currently available on youtube, but their main platform is Instagram for now, where you have 26 videos to watch. For now. They say they are working on creating a website and putting out the whole new podcasts, not just split parts you can watch on instagram. This video is also the last one posted, I recommend watching all of them on instagram, if interested, to get the whole picture.

I must admit, I have mixed feelings after observing sudden surge of shares of that video and people commenting how 'goodlooking' and 'elaborated' Jeremy Elliott (the ONLY guy speaking in all podcasts) is. They refer to TheIconicPodcast in all of their comments as 'we' so it's a group of people, as they represent themselves, not just him, but he's certainly one of the main points of the attraction, obviously charismatic. That being said, I DO like the material they put online. It's basically the mosaic of 'truth movement' research over the last few decades (they've been using lots of material gathered and posted by a youtube channel A Call For An Uprising) and some go even further, but it's all spoken through Jeremy, he seems to be able to just blab out all the names, years, all of it, without an effort. Just smooth talk, clear message, summarized in few minutes videos. I am on guard for what follows. I like it so far, but can't help the feeling of being too good to be true. Let them prove me wrong. I wish.
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