It will not happen!

First because they are in save the face mode, they will invent new lies to justify their decisions.

Second because "ordinary" peoples prefer to keep head in sand as a defense mechanism to avoid being confronted to the much complicated real world.

I agree. If people's lives are not directly affected by the terrible revelations, they will – as always – create convenient and comfortable narratives in their mind, to deal with the cognitive dissonance. Although past revelations have been of lesser magnitude than what you describe would be, there still has been many (e.g. false alarms of past pandemics, false flags to start wars, animal fats, vaccines, 'Clinton body count', Epstein, human trafficking, pedophiles in high places, constant lies by politicians, to name a few), at least I don't see those having entered the consciousness of my relatives, acquaintances, and friends outside of this forum in any way or form.

Just think of the news of Epstein (or e.g. Jimmy Saville) during the recent years. Although the MSM has only scratched the surface of what's been going on, the topic still has been widely on the news => anyone with two firing neurons should know what 'child sex trafficking' actually means on a practical level: abuse, torture, raping of innocent children. If the masses would really and actually 'take in' this information, that surely should cause wide spread protests and even riots, but we don't see that. It's more relieving to create the narrative in your mind (that the MSM gladly assist with) that "Yeah, these guys were a bit pervert, preferring sex with teenagers. Well, life is life...moving on."
This is going to be a hard post to write. I thought at first I should share this in the swamp, and maybe moderators will want to move it there, but my intuition tells me that this might be helpful for many.

Today while at work I started thinking about how great it would be if this whole COVID scam became busted and actually shared on the MSM. And I mean, totally busted, with guys like Gates and Fauci going to jail and the WHO and CDC completely eliminated, and all the politicians pushing for lock downs arrested etc. and COVID is confirmed to be no worse than a flu; and all measures that had been put into place are proven to have been far in excess of what should have ever been done. And add to that the fact this whole mess has been used to deliberately destroy the world economy and push medical tyranny on the population.

Also, what if the entire BLM movement is also proven to have been fronted by George Soros and politicians and bankers who wanted desperately to destroy this country? And then also if Pizzagate was simultaneously shown to have merit and the entire scope of the child trafficking and rape and killing is revealed? May as well throw onto the pile the truth of 9/11 and all the false-flags that have happened also thrown into the mix.

I ask: what would happen if this were to occur? All of this would certainly be rewarding to members of this forum who have known for a long time about what's really going on in the world. It would, for us, be a big sigh of relief and restore our hope in this world.

But: think of all the people out there who are exposed to this information, via news sources they have relied on for all their lives - all these "conspiracy theories" being proven true, with more than enough documented evidence and confessions etc. How would those people react? Certainly a great many would be incredibly angry and demand justice. And most of that anger would be justified. However, many who took part in these deceptions did not do so with malice or knowledge of what they were really doing, like nurses who used ventilators on old people that ended up killing them; or doctors who sent cancer patients home to die because they were told to keep beds open for COVID patients etc. There will be many, many people wrongly accused who will pay a price they never should have. Others may react in such extreme rage that they start shooting people in retaliation.

It won't be just anger, though. There will be a great many people who are so overwhelmed by the information that they can't process it, or deny it, or dissociate from it entirely and possibly even undergo extreme mental breakdown. Some people, like nurses with pure hearts who are shown that what they actually did may have contributed to deaths will be completely ruined emotionally. Some may commit suicide. There is nothing so cruel as seeing otherwise beautiful people used so maliciously to spread pain and ruin while thinking that they are doing the opposite...and for them to live long enough to see the truth of what they were doing - that is evil incarnate, but probably the greatest food for STS forces ever.

There will be a great many people who are so disheartened and saddened by what they hear that they may never completely recover. Some, such as mothers who have had children stolen and killed, may have their hearts and souls shattered. For many, trust in anything or anyone may be hard to ever attain again. Children who have been part of these trafficking networks, though now free, may have seen horrors that no amount of therapy may ever heal. Other children who are very young, having gone through this COVID thing being forced to wear masks and take in the fear of COVID may also be harmed for a very long time. And many other children seeing what their parents and families are undergoing in the face of these revelations may also be stressed.

It was while thinking about this that I realized that all of this has been baked into the cake for a very long time. Even if all this evil ended overnight, hell will still get paid - and will collect benefits - for decades afterwards when all is finally said and done. In fact, the "food" after the revelations may even be greater for them than what they received during these times.

When I started to grasp the magnitude of these atrocities, for the first time in a very long time I broke down and cried. I shared on another thread that over the 4th I had problems clearing my drains in my house, and at that time I was worrying about the upcoming fireworks and people breaking in etc. and how I finally reached a point where I was OK with it and let it go energetically, and I felt a shift. I think that doing so allowed me to open my heart. And I still feel a heaviness in my heart right now. But for me, it is a healing, because as I shared in the swamp I have had a very hard time letting myself feel grief and sorrow. It took something of this magnitude to finally hit home and open my heart. But it is open now, and just in time...

...because I'm gonna need it.

I am very, very grateful for these forums. Being able to share this information with people who really care has been so helpful, I can't give words. I see and appreciate all the likes and loves that I have received for sharing here, and it is not lost on me that unlike other message boards, each one of those shares is meant to be supportive and loving, not just done to validate someone for sharing an opinion they agree with like so many other places.

The work we do here, though, is so necessary...we are in the vanguard in sharing truth and knowledge, and I am so thankful that we are able to get ahead of things here and figure out and process what is truly going on in the world. I thank my stars for letting me be a part of this group and for the path that I have followed that has helped put me in the position to view events instead of react to them, and process what comes up as needed with love and care.

...but there is also a tremendous burden that comes along with this gift. And I believe that we will all share this burden in the coming months.

The C's recently said, "be prepared to give the help that is needed."

That help will certainly include sharing knowledge and truth. In some cases it might involve sharing food and sustenance, or even saving someone from a cruel fate.

But mainly I believe the help that will be needed will be emotional support.

People will be shocked and stunned, many with their hearts and souls shattered.

Relatives and friends may need more than just a simple hug.

Many will need silent witnessing by someone who knows and cares for them.

Many will need more than just a little care at one time, and possibly for quite some time.

It is for these reasons that I am so glad that I have been able to do such heavy lifting before all this hits the fan. We are all blessed in this way. We WILL be needed, and I pray that our presence will be adequate to that need. And as always, I pray that spirit will lead me in the best possible ways to be of service to others to the best of my ability. Thank you all for what you do, and for what you may be about to do.

More and more I realize that we're essentially hamsters living in a huge hamster cage. And there's plenty to learn! There's that cool wheel, and there's trying to work out which corner to pee in and which to sleep in... Then there's all that figuring out about how to get along with the other critters in here with us. Who cares about the goings on outside the cage, or what thoughts run through the mind of the Man With The Gloves (who fills the feed bowl and water thingy)? There's already too much to deal with just being a hamster, you know?

-But then.., some of us who have been around for a while are now butting up against the limitations of hamster life, the boundaries of hamster lessons. For those hamsters, the greater questions are becoming interesting. We are seeing how mysterious patterns beyond the woodchips and food dish are affecting our lives in direct and powerful ways; there's a whole other world on the other side of the glass!

For some, it is coming time to graduate to bodies and societies which offer a greater range of lessons. And the job of some of the really old hamsters among us is to collectively lay down options and threads toward those greater lessons.

Of course, it would be nice to perhaps foil the python watching us hungrily from the corner. All hamster lessons halt when certain tipping points are reached.

But in general..?

Most hamsters still really just need to keep on being hamsters. It would be cruel to advance them too quickly. Imagine being yanked out of your hamster body and plunged into the body of a race car driver, -in the middle of a race! Disaster! Horror! -I mean, sure, that driver wouldn't fall prey to all the basic manipulations hamsters are vulnerable to. He'd have tremendous advantages! But... His soul is also ready to handle that extra stuff, and he's got problems of his own. Hamsters don't have to worry about insurance premiums and mortgage payments. The cost of only having to worry about simple problems is paid for by being used, abused and eaten. At least it doesn't happen all at once.

There was a little book written from the perspective of a seagull which I think I understand better today. -At the time I read it, I remember being angry with all the other seagulls for being stupid when perhaps I should have focused more on Jonathan's journey.
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Old man in a chair, Dr Vernon Coleman, blasts doctors and nurses who he feels must now know the virus is a sham in this video.

Many of those who know it's a sham and who do not speak up will probably suffer. I'm reminded of this passage from Lobaczewski:

At that time, I knew not only that up to 1/5 of all secret police officials wind up in psychiatric hospitals, I also knew that their “occupational disease” is the congestive dementia formerly encountered only among old prostitutes. Man cannot violate the natural human feelings inside him with impunity, no matter what kind of profession he performs.

The Amnesty International Report on Torture addresses this in a discussion on the Milgram Experiment where volunteers (teacher-volunteers in the below quote) were recruited to deliver an electric shock to people (learner-victims) who got the answers to questions wrong. For the purposes of the experiment, the electric shock was fake. The experiment was a set up to see how far those delivering the shock would go when asked to increase the voltage of the shock with incorrect answers. Those receiving the ‘shock’ were acting out pain and distress:

Dr Milgram states that contrary to all expectation 26 of the 40 subjects completed the series, finally administering 520 volts to the now silent ‘victim’. Only 5 refused to carry on after the victim’s first protest when 300 volts were apparently administered. Many continued, even though they experienced considerable emotional disturbances, as clearly shown by their spoken comments, profuse sweating, tremor, stuttering and bizarre nervous laughter and smiling. Three subjects had uncontrollable seizures. The teacher-volunteers who continued the shock frequently voiced their concern for the learner-victim but the majority overcame their humane reactions and continued as ordered right up to the maximum punishment.

One observer related: ‘I observed a mature and initially poised businessman enter the laboratory smiling and confident. Within 20 minutes he was reduced to a twitching, stuttering wreck, who was rapidly approaching a point of nervous collapse. He constantly pulled on his earlobe and twisted his hands. At one point he pushed his fist into his forehead and muttered: ‘Oh God, lets stop it.’ And yet he continued to respond to every word of the experimenter and obeyed to the end.’

So the patchy application of the directives issued by the authorities may not necessarily come from those who see the virus as a scam, it could just come from those who don't see it, but cannot go against their own human compassion or empathy specifically where there is not an authority figure in proximity observing or directing them.

Lobaczewki goes on to say:

All these transformations of human consciousness and unconsciousness result in individual and collective adaptation to living under such a system. Under altered conditions of both material and moral limitations, an existential resourcefulness emerges which is prepared to overcome many difficulties. A new network of the society of normal people is also created for self-help and mutual assistance.

This society acts in concert and is aware of the true state of affairs; it begins to develop ways of influencing various elements of authority and achieving goals which are socially useful. Patiently instructing and convincing the rulership’s mediocre representatives takes considerable time and requires pedagogical skills. Therefore, the most even-tempered people are selected for this job, people with sufficient familiarity with their psychology and a specific talent for influencing pathocrats. The opinion that society is totally deprived of any influence upon government in such a country is thus inaccurate. In reality, society does co-govern to a certain extent, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing in its attempt to create more tolerable living conditions.

These cognitive processes, psychological immunization, and adaption, permit the creation of new interpersonal and societal links, which operate within the scope of the large majority we have already called the “society of normal people”. These links extend discretely into the world of the regime’s middle class, among people who can be trusted to a certain extent. In time, the social links created are significantly more effective than those active in societies governed by normal human systems. Exchange of information, warnings, and assistance encompass the entire society. Whoever is able to do so offers aid to anyone who finds himself in trouble, often in such a way that the person helped does not even know who rendered assistance. However, if he caused his misfortune by his own lack of circumspection with regard to the authorities, he meets with reproach, but never the withholding of assistance.

It is possible to create such links because this new division of society gives only limited consideration to factors such as the level of talent, education or traditions attached to the former social layers. Neither do reduced prosperity differences dissolve these links.

Back to the Amnesty International Report:

“Who is the non-human here?” asks Angela Davis in her Lectures on Liberation. “I would go so far as to say that he is even more profoundly affected than the slave….by a tendency towards unconscious self-annihilation.”

This tendency may also account in part for the refusal or inability of the torturer to recognise himself in the agony of his victim. If there is any threat that the victim might, for an instant, touch the torturer’s humanity, a black bag is thrown over his head or he is strapped to the other end of a machine. Usually, however, social or military conditioning brings about the required dehumanising. Talking of the field tortures witnessed in Vietnam an American veteran put it this way: “It wasn’t like they were humans. We were conditioned to believe this was for the good of the nation, the good of our country and anything we did was okay. And when you shot someone you didn’t think you were shooting at a human. They were a Gook or a Commie and it was okay’ (Vietnam Veterans Against The War).

Fauci's statement that the wearing of masks is symbolic could connect to the use of the black bag to dehumanise those receiving the torture for the comfort of those delivering it - they don't have to see the humanity in the other.

For a period of time, of course, a man can cut himself off from the atrocities he commits or condones. But recent research reveals the longer-term difficulty of living a life which denies the recognition of the humanity of his victims. Soldiers, secret police and torturers build up elaborate defences for themselves, usually based on group spirit, rivalry and rituals.

This whole process of mystification suggests that most torturers must build up defences in order to carry on their work. In the recent wave of torture in Greece, the torturers at the Bouboulina Street Asphalia headquarters went so far as to call themselves ‘doctors’. The atmosphere surrounding the torture operation seems to rely on this kind of perverted irony, an esprit de corps like forced bravado in wartime, is necessary to sustain the belief that somewhere a higher authority will take responsibility for crimes committed in the name of the state.

This kind of postponed accountability or elaborate personal defence cannot always be idefinitely guaranteed. Franz Fanon, in his capacity as a physician in Algeria during the Liberation War, encountered many cases of torturers who were unable to escape their own guilt.

It is interesting to note that the actual act of torturing is normally not a ruling-class activity. The task itself is left to someone of lower station, as it has never been particularly reputable work. In the military it is ‘sergeant’s work’. This is not to say that those of higher station are not above ordering it and witnessing it and above all gaining from it.

This could be part of the aim of crashing the economy where small businesses and organisations are most likely to suffer and go broke. The larger the business and organisations, the more distance between those enforcing the lockdown/social distancing measures and those lower in the hierarchy who are under threat of losing their job if they don't follow through with enforcing the measures on the public.

One major difference lies in the fact that the modern use of torture is hidden. A third character has been added to the drama of torturer and victim: the state official who denies it. The debate in the past was an open one between those advocating abolition and those advocating legalisation. The debate today is between, it has been said, ‘abolitionists and liars’.

I remember reading somewhere once that the fundamental choice that is made after experiencing trauma is between love and power. Maybe it's an idealistic notion, but given the above it seems that more and more people will wake up with time and the longer the scam goes on, the harder it will be to keep the minds of people of conscience trapped in the narrative. So, I haven't lost hope of more people realising what is really going on, but perhaps things are going to have to get a whole lot worse before they do.

Until then, the Australian government has initiated a new task force to target dissenting thinkers. So perhaps it is time to ease up on social media and hope that enough seeds have already been planted.

Earlier, Scott Morrison had indicated that Australia was under cyber attack from China. It seems from the article above that might have been a cover for the implementation of the new task force to quash conspiracies.
i dont want to dwell much in this topic of Corona Virus because its heartbreaking and painful
Hi heartmosiya
It is indeed painful, but we need to see our reality as It is, otherwise we are not be able to identify the evil. When you look away, ignoring the problem, you could become easy pray for those who want to impose their reality, leading us to chaos. Knowledge protects ;-)

This world is not a friendly place. And yes, there is another alternative at hand.
I don't know what you mean by this, could you elaborate on this another alternative?
Some interesting connections there @Jones between PP and Amnesty report. I have seen some live examples of such individuals and have strived to develop some of these skills myself.
Patiently instructing and convincing the rulership’s mediocre representatives takes considerable time and requires pedagogical skills. Therefore, the most even-tempered people are selected for this job, people with sufficient familiarity with their psychology and a specific talent for influencing pathocrats.

Further below, I see this forming already in few places that I am able to observe.
These cognitive processes, psychological immunization, and adaption, permit the creation of new interpersonal and societal links, which operate within the scope of the large majority we have already called the “society of normal people”. These links extend discretely into the world of the regime’s middle class, among people who can be trusted to a certain extent. In time, the social links created are significantly more effective than those active in societies governed by normal human systems.
On this whole situation in VIC, Australia, a day after stage 3 lockdown, there were no coppers on the road and some shopping centers were full of people flouting all distancing rules and going about their business. It made me think that perhaps, there is some compassion still within some govt departments. Some of them are just following orders as best as they can to save their jobs and trying not to be over-zealous in their enforcement. And some might just be trying to be as in-efficient as possible under the guise of avoiding human contact due to Covid-19. Its still getting worse overall though as there is now talk of introducing Stage 4 restrictions in VIC ala NZ and lock down NSW too which could bring a death knell to current AU economy.

This could be part of the aim of crashing the economy where small businesses and organisations are most likely to suffer and go broke. The larger the business and organisations, the more distance between those enforcing the lockdown/social distancing measures and those lower in the hierarchy who are under threat of losing their job if they don't follow through with enforcing the measures on the public.
That's one of the main reasons why they are drumming up hysteria over newly discovered cases, in addition to waiting for vaccines to launch. Bigger businesses react more favourably to govt restrictions in order to avoid being in the news due to unsavory reasons. Same reason why these businesses utilise all social movements as virtue signalling opportunities, Bushfires, Covid-19, and BLM being case in point. Its really getting a bit sad and beyond silliness now.

Few people I have spoken to are getting anxiety attacks and becoming a bit discombobulated by this turn of events. Its certainly echoing what C's stated in the last session - PTB is really getting desparate here in AU and I am seeing a bit of repulsion and disgust at the whole affair which could cause a banding effect amongst the populace. Either that or it will cause a complete submission of all liberties from the populace and subsequently a dreadful reaction from the cosmic forces.
Hi heartmosiya
It is indeed painful, but we need to see our reality as It is, otherwise we are not be able to identify the evil. When you look away, ignoring the problem, you could become easy pray for those who want to impose their reality, leading us to chaos. Knowledge protects ;-)

I don't know what you mean by this, could you elaborate on this another alternative?

So. Corona virus. Novel Corona Virus. CoVID 19. SARS Covid 19. Big basket of symptoms. Everyone eventually slips into seeing the unseen ‘virus‘ everywhere. In my mind I hear again Black Eyed Peas, like I’ve been doing for the past 10 years.
People killin' people dyin'
Children hurtin', I hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preachin'?
Would you turn the other cheek again?
Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin' on
Can't we all just get along?
Father, father, father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me
(Where's the love)
Yo what's going on with the world, momma
(Where's the love)
Yo people living like they ain't got no mommas
(Where's the love)
I think they all distracted by the drama and
Attracted to the trauma, mamma
(Where's the love)
I think they don't understand the concept or
The meaning of karma.

Healing thoughtforms. Beautiful concept but not everyone can create healing pieces of art. The last person in my own understanding that could create healing behavior was Ghandi, and I do not see much potential of mass replication of his example. So what’s left for alternatives? A substantial dose of F-itol for the unknown ahead of us for which the SA government has created the Comittee for Behavioral Change even, as if baning tobacco and alcohol, puting curfews and preventing people to see their families, tending their sick and burying their dead was not enough.

I agree we nead healing thought forms but in my rebel opinion the healing starts when you decide to stand even if it hurts, when you stick your focussed gaze into the layers of information fog, created for you to not realize what you’re dealing with. And you do that because you love more than you hate. And you wear stupid masks although you forget you have to. Tere’s a big battle going on with and within people’s minds. No time for cumbaya.
Texas hospital says man, 30, died after attending 'COVID party'

“Just before the person died they looked at the nurse and they said, ‘I think I made a mistake. I thought it was a hoax but it's not,” she said, according to the station."

Seems rather similar to this narrative I just got emailed by the "NZ lockdown would have saved us all" crew. (Apologies for the language)

A lot of people are so emotionally committed to the narrative, so utterly hypnotized, that no amount of factual information or logical argumentation can get through to them.

This is unfortunately my experience also. I feel that over time most people seem to be falling into an even deeper stupor. They've all "evolved" some kind of coating like ducks feathers but repelling facts instead of water.
So. Corona virus. Novel Corona Virus. CoVID 19. SARS Covid 19. Big basket of symptoms. Everyone eventually slips into seeing the unseen ‘virus‘ everywhere. In my mind I hear again Black Eyed Peas, like I’ve been doing for the past 10 years.
People killin' people dyin'
Children hurtin', I hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preachin'?
Would you turn the other cheek again?
Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin' on
Can't we all just get along?
Father, father, father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me
(Where's the love)
Yo what's going on with the world, momma
(Where's the love)
Yo people living like they ain't got no mommas
(Where's the love)
I think they all distracted by the drama and
Attracted to the trauma, mamma
(Where's the love)
I think they don't understand the concept or
The meaning of karma.

Healing thoughtforms. Beautiful concept but not everyone can create healing pieces of art. The last person in my own understanding that could create healing behavior was Ghandi, and I do not see much potential of mass replication of his example. So what’s left for alternatives? A substantial dose of F-itol for the unknown ahead of us for which the SA government has created the Comittee for Behavioral Change even, as if baning tobacco and alcohol, puting curfews and preventing people to see their families, tending their sick and burying their dead was not enough.

I agree we nead healing thought forms but in my rebel opinion the healing starts when you decide to stand even if it hurts, when you stick your focussed gaze into the layers of information fog, created for you to not realize what you’re dealing with. And you do that because you love more than you hate. And you wear stupid masks although you forget you have to. Tere’s a big battle going on with and within people’s minds. No time for cumbaya.
Today while at work I started thinking about how great it would be if this whole COVID scam became busted and actually shared on the MSM. And I mean, totally busted, with guys like Gates and Fauci going to jail and the WHO and CDC completely eliminated, and all the politicians pushing for lock downs arrested etc. and COVID is confirmed to be no worse than a flu; and all measures that had been put into place are proven to have been far in excess of what should have ever been done. And add to that the fact this whole mess has been used to deliberately destroy the world economy and push medical tyranny on the population.
Yesterday this thought hit me! Maybe its actually good that all these measures are so useless and that many the details of the scam are so obvious. Because if/when it gets busted by majority of populations it will mean that the PTBs will loose ALL their manipulative powers and they wont be able to continue having this chokehold on society and we could actually see radical changes towards good things.

I have a story from yesterday too. Since I dont read newspapers and watch tv or listen to radio I didnt know that masks are now "mandatory" in all grocery stores and places of public business here in Croatia (I still didnt see that it is actually a law but only a recommendation from our national health division retards) so I went un-prepared to my local supermarket. When I got there I saw that everyone inside wore a mask and was like, damn, another time when I accidentally went out and had the priviliege of seeing only msm zombies, but then an elderly "gentleman" asked me with a sneer: Young sir, and where is your muzzle? Surprised I brushed it off and continued shopping but I kept my gaze before me and didnt want to make eye contact with anyone cause I sensed something changed. I managed to get all that I needed and successfully payed on a self-serving cash-register and got out without anyone saying anything more to me, but I felt the scolding looks. When I got home I called up my mom to ask her has there been any changes to measure circus and she informed me that now it is the law (I think it still is not). Sadly it seems that she got slightly brainwashed in last week or two because she is still hooked to watching tv and listens to radio and probably reads some newspapers here and there and she said it is now mandatory by law.
Today I have seen one article that states that it is still JUST a recommendation but it seems this time the msm have raised the urgency in their rhetoric and people are now scared again because the msm is pumping tham with "new" cases and projections. So even with me informing my mom about all the scams they have been caught in and all the lies they serve to the public and all the telling videos I sent her in last few months she now decided she is not sure in my information anymore and is now afraid because of the new cases msm is bombarding the population with ... Im so sorry for her but I cant do much if she decides to believe in msm and the lies except let her believe it. She doesnt read English so she cant check if what Im saying is true and her memory is not good because of the stroke she had in the past.

Btw I completely changed my set of reactions to all of this because I finally understand that all this is what society, as it is, needs to either break free from the manipulation or to go down in flames. And I have to let people do what they want to do cause it is their choice and their lives are at stake. I can only try and protect myself.
It is such a relief from my old perspective where I wanted to help the society with some kind of action. Phew!
Im not even planning on running to the mountains as I thought I will cause I accepted that it is better to flow with whats happening than try and run from it. Ofcourse I will be prepared for anything but its not a cringe thing for me anymore. And I know that I can handle almost anything that comes my way so Im finally at peace and am not worried about possible future crap. Even mandatory vaccinations dont scare me anymore!
Hi Ina

My other alternative is not quite simple to be digested by masses because of soul contracts. Hance not all soul are not from immortal realm and we have soulless beings around us who are on duty.

Neither the less, as far as i am concerned, the Primodial / Eternal Essence manifests its self in one of these three forms and thus:

1. Through a Genius
2. Through a Prophet
3. Through when all your bodily senses becoming Christed.

Well, in this case, he contacted me through a Prophecy in a vision about what to do when others needs help. As you know , any Government will silince you as soon as you raise your nose. But i will bite the bullet even thou its hot. Its about time now to give a helping hand individually. And don't forget that this planet is a library for everything manifested
Hi Ina

My other alternative is not quite simple to be digested by masses because of soul contracts. Hance not all soul are not from immortal realm and we have soulless beings around us who are on duty.

Neither the less, as far as i am concerned, the Primodial / Eternal Essence manifests its self in one of these three forms and thus:

1. Through a Genius
2. Through a Prophet
3. Through when all your bodily senses becoming Christed.

Well, in this case, he contacted me through a Prophecy in a vision about what to do when others needs help. As you know , any Government will silince you as soon as you raise your nose. But i will bite the bullet even thou its hot. Its about time now to give a helping hand individually. And don't forget that this planet is a library for everything manifested

We all do what we can, I hope it will prove enough.
Me I changed also a little bit. For example, now I feel moments of joy just looking at my dogs. Or coloring beautiful drawings, that give me a sensation of "flow". Doing the meals also give me joy. Being in the forum, participating. when I go outside instead of concentrate with the rats that have a muzzle I concentrate with my breath and how good it is to breath.

I was thinking: what is very interesting to see is how they use any kind of lie to make humanity suffer, any kind of law, anything to put this planet upside down with a lot, a lot of pain for humans beings. They study us in their laboratory; what we do now is study them like they were rats also, us becoming the scientific, looking how they go there and there, how crazy they become sometimes, etc. They are in our laboratory. It is another way to take perspective and space. It can be fun but always thinking about this planet that is fighting.

Very soon in all Spain masks every where no matter what will be mandatory. They are saying that the culprits of the second wave of corona are the tourists. How funny they are, when we think about. Completely nuts and at the same time so clear, so nude. They are so previsible.
But mainly I believe the help that will be needed will be emotional support.

People will be shocked and stunned, many with their hearts and souls shattered.

Relatives and friends may need more than just a simple hug.

Many will need silent witnessing by someone who knows and cares for them.

Many will need more than just a little care at one time, and possibly for quite some time.
It's like going through a war, really. Only there's no weapons.
This is an absolute sinking ship...

The UK has now made face masks mandatory in shops from 24 July.

The most depressing thing is reading the comments on the BBC site. Talk about a bunch of brainwashed people. This is essentially a summary of what these people think

  • Masks should be mandatory
  • Nobody should travel
  • Nobody should see any other person in-person
  • Everybody should be VERY afraid of the virus
  • No social places should be open
  • The government isn't doing enough, they can take away even more freedoms.

It's clear as day that THESE BRAINWASHED LEMONS will demand vaccines be made mandatory. The ABSOLUTE COWS!

This is a sinking ship. It can't be any more clear.

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