They are using mandatory masks to test the waters on mandatory vaccines.

Probably the vaccines won't be mandatory to begin with but with time and spikes, they'll make it mandatory utilizing the authoritarian followers as the enforcers.
I think that is a very good possibility @SOTTREADER , and, most likely, there has to be something also on a symbolic level when it comes to this "muzzling" of the masses, could also be linked to the kneeling...
I keep thinking of the pic that was on Sott with the people giving the Nazi salute save for one individual. A great image for a t-shirt perhaps with a few notations of similarities between then and now with creeping fascism and acquiescence by the peeps. Trouble is, people are so psycho now that one might be physically attacked wearing it. Still, a brave person might chance it in an effort to initiate critical thinking or just as a civil disobedience meme.
Definitely not a good idea to wear a shirt with a nazi salute.
I have a collection of 6 "standard" facial masks. I don't know other's opinion but to me - they all look like infant baby diapers?

President Trump has called many things hoaxes over the years — the investigation into his 2016 campaign’s dealings with Russia, his impeachment, global warming — but on Monday he called into question the existence of an epidemic that has killed more than 135,000 Americans.

Trump identifies another hoax: The coronavirus
President Trump at a National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's Schools event in the White House on July 7. (Alex Brandon/AP)

President Trump at a "National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's Schools" event in the White House on July 7. (Alex Brandon/AP

July 13, 2020 - During a flurry of activity on his Twitter account, Trump retweeted a message from game show host Chuck Woolery that claimed “everyone is lying” about the coronavirus as part of a plot to sabotage the economy and hurt Trump’s reelection campaign.

“The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19,” wrote Woolery in the message promoted by Trump. “Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.”

Asked about the retweet at a briefing later Monday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that the “notion of the tweet was to point out the fact that when we use science, we have to use it in a way that is not political.”

Mask resistance during a pandemic isn't new – in 1918 many Americans were 'slackers'
<span class=caption>Policemen in Seattle, Washington, wearing masks made by the Red Cross, during the influenza pandemic, December 1918</span> <span class=attribution><a class=link rapid-noclick-resp href= rel=nofollow noopener target=_blank data-ylk=slk:National Archives>National Archives</a></span>

Policemen in Seattle, Washington, wearing masks made by the Red Cross, during the influenza pandemic, December 1918 National Archives

There’s a clear consensus that Americans should wear masks in public and continue to practice proper social distancing. While a majority of Americans support wearing masks, widespread and consistent compliance has proven difficult to maintain in communities across the country. Demonstrators gathered outside city halls in Scottsdale, Arizona; Austin, Texas; and other cities to protest local mask mandates. Several South Carolina sheriffs have announced they will not enforce their state’s mask order.

I’ve researched the history of the 1918 pandemic extensively. At that time, with no effective vaccine or drug therapies, communities across the country instituted a host of public health measures to slow the spread of a deadly influenza epidemic: They closed schools and businesses, banned public gatherings and isolated and quarantined those who were infected. Many communities recommended or required that citizens wear face masks in public – and this, not the onerous lockdowns, drew the most ire.

Nationwide, posters presented mask-wearing as a civic duty – social responsibility had been embedded into the social fabric by a massive wartime federal propaganda campaign launched in early 1917 when the U.S. entered the Great War. San Francisco Mayor James Rolph announced that “conscience, patriotism and self-protection demand immediate and rigid compliance” with mask wearing. In nearby Oakland, Mayor John Davie stated that “it is sensible and patriotic, no matter what our personal beliefs may be, to safeguard our fellow citizens by joining in this practice” of wearing a mask.

Health officials understood that radically changing public behavior was a difficult undertaking, especially since many found masks uncomfortable to wear. Appeals to patriotism could go only so far. As one Sacramento official noted, people “must be forced to do the things that are for their best interests.” The Red Cross bluntly stated that “the man or woman or child who will not wear a mask now is a dangerous slacker.” Numerous communities, particularly across the West, imposed mandatory ordinances. Some sentenced scofflaws to short jail terms, and fines ranged from US$5 to $200.

Passing these ordinances was frequently a contentious affair. For example, it took several attempts for Sacramento’s health officer to convince city officials to enact the order. In Los Angeles, it was scuttled. A draft resolution in Portland, Oregon led to heated city council debate, with one official declaring the measure “autocratic and unconstitutional,” adding that “under no circumstances will I be muzzled like a hydrophobic dog.” It was voted down.

Utah’s board of health considered issuing a mandatory statewide mask order but decided against it, arguing that citizens would take false security in the effectiveness of masks and relax their vigilance. As the epidemic resurged, Oakland tabled its debate over a second mask order after the mayor angrily recounted his arrest in Sacramento for not wearing a mask. A prominent physician in attendance commented that “if a cave man should appear…he would think the masked citizens all lunatics.”

In places where mask orders were successfully implemented, noncompliance and outright defiance quickly became a problem. Many businesses, unwilling to turn away shoppers, wouldn’t bar unmasked customers from their stores. Workers complained that masks were too uncomfortable to wear all day. One Denver salesperson refused because she said her “nose went to sleep” every time she put one on. Another said she believed that “an authority higher than the Denver Department of Health was looking after her well-being.” As one local newspaper put it, the order to wear masks “was almost totally ignored by the people; in fact, the order was cause of mirth.” The rule was amended to apply only to streetcar conductors – who then threatened to strike. A walkout was averted when the city watered down the order yet again. Denver endured the remainder of the epidemic without any measures protecting public health.

In Seattle, streetcar conductors refused to turn away unmasked passengers. Noncompliance was so widespread in Oakland that officials deputized 300 War Service civilian volunteers to secure the names and addresses of violators so they could be charged. When a mask order went into effect in Sacramento, the police chief instructed officers to “Go out on the streets, and whenever you see a man without a mask, bring him in or send for the wagon.” Within 20 minutes, police stations were flooded with offenders. In San Francisco, there were so many arrests that the police chief warned city officials he was running out of jail cells. Judges and officers were forced to work late nights and weekends to clear the backlog of cases.

Many who were caught without masks thought they might get away with running an errand or commuting to work without being nabbed. In San Francisco, however, initial noncompliance turned to large-scale defiance when the city enacted a second mask ordinance in January 1919 as the epidemic spiked anew. Many decried what they viewed as an unconstitutional infringement of their civil liberties. On January 25, 1919, approximately 2,000 members of the “Anti-Mask League” packed the city’s old Dreamland Rink for a rally denouncing the mask ordinance and proposing ways to defeat it. Attendees included several prominent physicians and a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

It is difficult to ascertain the effectiveness of the masks used in 1918. Today, we have a growing body of evidence that well-constructed cloth face coverings are an effective tool in slowing the spread of COVID-19. It remains to be seen, however, whether Americans will maintain the widespread use of face masks as our current pandemic continues to unfold. Deeply entrenched ideals of individual freedom, the lack of cohesive messaging and leadership on mask wearing, and pervasive misinformation have proven to be major hindrances thus far, precisely when the crisis demands consensus and widespread compliance. This was certainly the case in many communities during the fall of 1918. That pandemic ultimately killed about 675,000 people in the U.S. Hopefully, history is not in the process of repeating itself today.
Short nature break from CV madness:
  • On Monday, July 7, while strolling through a local garden center, I spotted a Monarch butterfly flitting among the flowers.
  • Same day, heard my first locust. Folklore says 90 days till first frost after first locust is heard.
  • Japanese beetles have arrived though not enmasse just yet. They devastate my double white rose-a-sharon blooms every year.
  • Getting a pretty good show of daylillies despite previous deer browsing.
  • A smaller than usual black and white striped butterfly visited a cone flower, a purple butterfly bush bloom, and spent minutes with yellow/white lantana blooms of a patio pot.
  • Spotted an electric teal colored dragonfly with black wings - haven't seen electric turquoise ones yet, only those with just a spot of turquoise.
Very pleasant today, warm but not humid, slight breeze, and mostly sunny. Had good rain but temps are heading back up into the 90s on Wednesday. Thought I had my squirrel/bird feeder problem licked by using Hot Pepper Bird Seed - the chipmunks and grey squirrels won't eat it, but we have smaller brown squirrels who feast on it! A baffle worked at first - one squirrel took numerous tries to comprehend why he couldn't go up the pole as before! But, he successfully leaped from a nearby tree trunk onto the top of the shepherd hook array. Unfortunately for him, only one weighted feeder still had seed and it totally thwarted his efforts. He tried at least 20 times to get that seed before finally giving up. Haven't seen him/them since and hope they've completely given up. Wait and see.

Back to CV:
but on Monday he called into question the existence of an epidemic that has killed more than 135,000 Americans.
Yes, and I heard on Fox News that Trump was soundly criticizing Dr. Fauci. Hope it's the start of a trend that gets results! However, remembering the last session regarding Putin, I hope Trump's pushback doesn't get him satellite heart attacked! Would fit the 'they always go too far as usual'. Let's pray not!
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Hi everyone,
So I don't know if anyone has seen this doing the rounds on the internet and around facebook, for which I suppose there is no refutation and which heaps guilt and shame onto anyone who doesn't blindly agree with the 'facts' from the anonymous commenter which I cannot find online, not that's important I suppose but strange that such an 'amazing' missive would be so anonymous. Red flags all around.
Sounds like they are cowering in fear and need to live in a bubble. This is not how reality works. People can't live like that and if they do, will viruses (and other forms of micro-organisms) become more virulent, or less virulent?

My guess is on the former, rather than the latter because whenever we seek to 'interfere' with nature - for example many of the vaccines (i.e. Chickenpox and MMR) the burden of disease ends up shifting, causing more problems instead of less. An example of this would be Shingles at a younger and younger age, and measles affecting infants and mumps affecting mature males.

If we'd just left well enough alone, I'm thinking we wouldn't have such a readily accessible platform for the PTB to do whatever they want. Amazing what fear will do! Perfect control mechanism.
I remember the C's saying that there would be a worse pandemic in the fall, and now this Gates of hell jerk smugly implies that it will be so. And the MSM has been harping about a "second wave" and lock down before the first "wave" even peaked, because of something called "history" of pandemics.

I see this coming too, but for different reasons. But first, even though COVID-1984 was an escaped virus and was basically the flu, the PTB still got a lot of mileage out of this. Their plans to incite fear and panic worked flawlessly, even to the point of brainwashing people to do hideously insane things (e.g. wearing masks when swimming etc.) and get the masses to shame anyone not wearing a mask in public, even though there have never been any bodies piling up in the streets like they said there would be. I am sure they watched what worked and what didn't, and where they could push a few more buttons to make their *next* "wave" far more effective towards furthering their plans.

It won't help that there are now at least several hundred millions, if not billions, of people who have been told over and over again multiple times daily for six months that there is this serious disease and if you get it you might die - and it is SO serious that we have to take all these insane "protective measures" just to stay alive, and if you don't wear a mask or get the vaccine when it comes out, YOU are the problem!

After reading Pierre's book ("Cosmic Connection"), I can't help but think how primed all these people are to actually manifest a REAL killer disease since that's all they've been thinking about all this time - and it might actually catch next time, if the economic crash speeds up and people can't get enough food and the weather gets even worse, weakening people's resolve even more...especially if there is a second wave and we are all locked down again. And are still breathing through masks, and not getting enough Vitamin D,...etc.

So, what will be the reaction of people if this does happen, and then we actually DO see bodies piling up? Will people put the blame on those creating these diseases and the broken state of the world that has made them especially lethal? Oh, I'm sure that there will be a large backlash against Gates et. al., but after seeing how so many supposedly intelligent people fell hard for this HOAX, I'm thinking that a far larger majority will double down on anyone not wearing a mask, or who doesn't get the vaccine that is surely coming. There could even be jail time and forced vaccinations under such conditions, when the public stands up and demands them.

So right now I am really taking what the C's said about "Strategic Enclosure To The Max!!" very, very seriously. If what I just shared comes to pass, I will already be remembered as one of those who called out this HOAX as "nothing but the flu"; who refused to wear a mask until it was mandated; and who is on record as not ever getting any forced vaccination, ever. And I would think that those who have been sharing this information, whether personally or on SOTT, should be cognizant of this possibility.

I'm not saying to stop sharing TRUTH, but be ready if the winds begin to shift again soon. Prepare for the backlash. And just maybe my sharing this stuff now can help to raise awareness of this potential, and thus we can prepare for it or even negate it before it happens.

You know, I wonder if the worse outbreak in the fall predicted by the C's will be due to people ruining their health by wearing masks for the past several months.
Somewhere I was exposed to something that interacted with the chickenpox virus and caused a shingles reaction, but no one else picked up that agent from me or the environment that I would have potentially gotten it from and had a reaction. I mean I was exposed to at least 3-400 people between school and practice, albeit with a wrapped up arm. It's all very intriguing, but the most intriguing is that no one batted an eye.😅

I think it's a case of non-exposure from what I've heard! Once upon a time :lol: only older people developed shingles. Why? Because re-exposure to the chickenpox virus in the wild 'reminded' peoples immune systems to mount an immune response and not let that virus 'out to play' again in the different form of Shingles. Chickenpox was a very common minor childhood ailment. Older people had less exposure to chickenpox in the wild, so their immune systems didn't get a boost. Also, doctors seem to be the most protected for obvious reason - their immune systems were getting challenged all the time.

Then pharma produced a vaccine for Chickenpox. Industry loved it because it meant that parents didn't have to take any time off work to look after their sick children (and give their immune systems a boost). Chickenpox in the wild became a thing of the past.

That's why younger and younger people are getting Shingles. It's no longer a problem for the elderly. Here's Del talking about the Chickenpox: begins @ 15.25 minutes approximately. I can't find the conversation he had with the CDC researcher who was stopped from looking into the increase of Shingles because of the Chickenpox vaccine.

President Trump at a "National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's Schools" event in the White House on July 7.
Regarding schools at US, saw this on FB, is not going to be easy with this kind of histeria... funny the introduction, being "so smart" and, had not got it yet.

I almost commented in his wall about being tested of Covid (PCR, asymthomatic, etc) but, it would had been useless. Is the type of people that use the mask as a virtue 🙄

I do have a question, though... Does this happend every time an school teacher got sick and, have to stay at home with a similar illness like influenza and, everything that develops?

Got this from a friends post. Smart questions from a smart dude. Enjoy and pass it on.

• If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine for 2-3 weeks? Is their sick leave covered, paid?

• If that teacher has 5 classes a day with 30 students each, do all 150 of those students need to then stay home and quarantine for 14 days?

• Do all 150 of those students now have to get tested? Who pays for those tests? Are they happening at school? How are the parents being notified? Does everyone in each of those kids' families need to get tested? Who pays for that?

• What if someone who lives in the same house as a teacher tests positive? Does that teacher now need to take 14 days off of work to quarantine? Is that time off covered? Paid?

• Where is the district going to find a substitute teacher who will work in a classroom full of exposed, possibly infected students for substitute pay?

• Substitutes teach in multiple schools. What if they are diagnosed with COVID-19? Do all the kids in each school now have to quarantine and get tested? Who is going to pay for that?

• What if a student in your kid's class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher they have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when? Or because of HIPAA regulations are parents and teachers just going to get mysterious “may have been in contact” emails all year long?

• What is this stress going to do to our teachers? How does it affect their health and well-being? How does it affect their ability to teach? How does it affect the quality of education they are able to provide? What is it going to do to our kids? What are the long-term effects of consistently being stressed out?

• How will it affect students and faculty when the first teacher in their school dies from this? The first parent of a student who brought it home? The first kid?

• How many more people are going to die, that otherwise would not have if we had stayed home longer?

30% of the teachers in the US are over 50. About 16% of the total deaths in the US are people between the ages of 45-65.

We are choosing to put our teachers in grave danger!
This is going to be a hard post to write. I thought at first I should share this in the swamp, and maybe moderators will want to move it there, but my intuition tells me that this might be helpful for many.

Today while at work I started thinking about how great it would be if this whole COVID scam became busted and actually shared on the MSM. And I mean, totally busted, with guys like Gates and Fauci going to jail and the WHO and CDC completely eliminated, and all the politicians pushing for lock downs arrested etc. and COVID is confirmed to be no worse than a flu; and all measures that had been put into place are proven to have been far in excess of what should have ever been done. And add to that the fact this whole mess has been used to deliberately destroy the world economy and push medical tyranny on the population.

Also, what if the entire BLM movement is also proven to have been fronted by George Soros and politicians and bankers who wanted desperately to destroy this country? And then also if Pizzagate was simultaneously shown to have merit and the entire scope of the child trafficking and rape and killing is revealed? May as well throw onto the pile the truth of 9/11 and all the false-flags that have happened also thrown into the mix.

I ask: what would happen if this were to occur? All of this would certainly be rewarding to members of this forum who have known for a long time about what's really going on in the world. It would, for us, be a big sigh of relief and restore our hope in this world.

But: think of all the people out there who are exposed to this information, via news sources they have relied on for all their lives - all these "conspiracy theories" being proven true, with more than enough documented evidence and confessions etc. How would those people react? Certainly a great many would be incredibly angry and demand justice. And most of that anger would be justified. However, many who took part in these deceptions did not do so with malice or knowledge of what they were really doing, like nurses who used ventilators on old people that ended up killing them; or doctors who sent cancer patients home to die because they were told to keep beds open for COVID patients etc. There will be many, many people wrongly accused who will pay a price they never should have. Others may react in such extreme rage that they start shooting people in retaliation.

It won't be just anger, though. There will be a great many people who are so overwhelmed by the information that they can't process it, or deny it, or dissociate from it entirely and possibly even undergo extreme mental breakdown. Some people, like nurses with pure hearts who are shown that what they actually did may have contributed to deaths will be completely ruined emotionally. Some may commit suicide. There is nothing so cruel as seeing otherwise beautiful people used so maliciously to spread pain and ruin while thinking that they are doing the opposite...and for them to live long enough to see the truth of what they were doing - that is evil incarnate, but probably the greatest food for STS forces ever.

There will be a great many people who are so disheartened and saddened by what they hear that they may never completely recover. Some, such as mothers who have had children stolen and killed, may have their hearts and souls shattered. For many, trust in anything or anyone may be hard to ever attain again. Children who have been part of these trafficking networks, though now free, may have seen horrors that no amount of therapy may ever heal. Other children who are very young, having gone through this COVID thing being forced to wear masks and take in the fear of COVID may also be harmed for a very long time. And many other children seeing what their parents and families are undergoing in the face of these revelations may also be stressed.

It was while thinking about this that I realized that all of this has been baked into the cake for a very long time. Even if all this evil ended overnight, hell will still get paid - and will collect benefits - for decades afterwards when all is finally said and done. In fact, the "food" after the revelations may even be greater for them than what they received during these times.

When I started to grasp the magnitude of these atrocities, for the first time in a very long time I broke down and cried. I shared on another thread that over the 4th I had problems clearing my drains in my house, and at that time I was worrying about the upcoming fireworks and people breaking in etc. and how I finally reached a point where I was OK with it and let it go energetically, and I felt a shift. I think that doing so allowed me to open my heart. And I still feel a heaviness in my heart right now. But for me, it is a healing, because as I shared in the swamp I have had a very hard time letting myself feel grief and sorrow. It took something of this magnitude to finally hit home and open my heart. But it is open now, and just in time...

...because I'm gonna need it.

I am very, very grateful for these forums. Being able to share this information with people who really care has been so helpful, I can't give words. I see and appreciate all the likes and loves that I have received for sharing here, and it is not lost on me that unlike other message boards, each one of those shares is meant to be supportive and loving, not just done to validate someone for sharing an opinion they agree with like so many other places.

The work we do here, though, is so necessary...we are in the vanguard in sharing truth and knowledge, and I am so thankful that we are able to get ahead of things here and figure out and process what is truly going on in the world. I thank my stars for letting me be a part of this group and for the path that I have followed that has helped put me in the position to view events instead of react to them, and process what comes up as needed with love and care.

...but there is also a tremendous burden that comes along with this gift. And I believe that we will all share this burden in the coming months.

The C's recently said, "be prepared to give the help that is needed."

That help will certainly include sharing knowledge and truth. In some cases it might involve sharing food and sustenance, or even saving someone from a cruel fate.

But mainly I believe the help that will be needed will be emotional support.

People will be shocked and stunned, many with their hearts and souls shattered.

Relatives and friends may need more than just a simple hug.

Many will need silent witnessing by someone who knows and cares for them.

Many will need more than just a little care at one time, and possibly for quite some time.

It is for these reasons that I am so glad that I have been able to do such heavy lifting before all this hits the fan. We are all blessed in this way. We WILL be needed, and I pray that our presence will be adequate to that need. And as always, I pray that spirit will lead me in the best possible ways to be of service to others to the best of my ability. Thank you all for what you do, and for what you may be about to do.
My fellow brothers and sisters, i dont want to dwell much in this topic of Corona Virus because its heartbreaking and painful . But my personal advice is that, create thought forms of healing and the rest will fellow .Sometimes we need to connect the dots by looking backward. This world is not a friendly place. And yes, there is another alternative at hand.
Today while at work I started thinking about how great it would be if this whole COVID scam became busted and actually shared on the MSM. And I mean, totally busted, with guys like Gates and Fauci going to jail and the WHO and CDC completely eliminated, and all the politicians pushing for lock downs arrested etc. and COVID is confirmed to be no worse than a flu; and all measures that had been put into place are proven to have been far in excess of what should have ever been done. And add to that the fact this whole mess has been used to deliberately destroy the world economy and push medical tyranny on the population.

It will not happen!

First because they are in save the face mode, they will invent new lies to justify their decisions.

Second because "ordinary" peoples prefer to keep head in sand as a defense mechanism to avoid being confronted to the much complicated real world.
Today while at work I started thinking about how great it would be if this whole COVID scam became busted and actually shared on the MSM. And I mean, totally busted, with guys like Gates and Fauci going to jail and the WHO and CDC completely eliminated, and all the politicians pushing for lock downs arrested etc. and COVID is confirmed to be no worse than a flu; and all measures that had been put into place are proven to have been far in excess of what should have ever been done. And add to that the fact this whole mess has been used to deliberately destroy the world economy and push medical tyranny on the population.

Also, what if the entire BLM movement is also proven to have been fronted by George Soros and politicians and bankers who wanted desperately to destroy this country? And then also if Pizzagate was simultaneously shown to have merit and the entire scope of the child trafficking and rape and killing is revealed? May as well throw onto the pile the truth of 9/11 and all the false-flags that have happened also thrown into the mix

Just you wait and see, eventually the person behind the curtain will be “Reveal” in right time.
Because the universe energy is constantly balancing like pendulum.

January 18, 2003

A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

Date: July 4th 2020

A: They will go too far as usual and all will come crashing down. But it will take some time. Be patient and circumspect.
This is quite long winded. Taking out all of the Biblical references may help with readability. There is a lot about the mask wearing. How that relates to the occult. Like the author is trying to convince skeptics or people of lower intelligence.

I would think many people here may get tired of the drool, rather quickly.

Nevertheless, the main theme of the read worth paying attention to is the four things of significance dealing with occult rituals. Whether the initiates are aware or not makes little difference with the end result.

I must say that I practiced speed reading for the read.

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