Lord of the Rings comes to mind. The part where Frodo and Sam put on Orc masks and clothes to blend in. Strategic to the max. It did get them closer to ending their quest.
A quest indeed. :-D It also feels like an SF adventure journey too... Altho without much travelling :rotfl:
Another example of "you cannot stop this virus". For other examples you can check my previous posts in this thread.

57 sailors onboard fishing ship in Ushuaia test positive for Covid-19

Argentine fishing boat docks in Ushuaia after 35 days at sea, after crew begin showing signs of coronavirus. Reports say 57 of the 61 crew-members onboard the 'Echizen Maru' – who all isolated for 14 days before setting sail – have tested positive for coronavirus, puzzling experts.

An Argentine fishing boat that had been at sea for 35 days returned to land when some of its 61 crew showed symptoms of the new coronavirus, Tierra del Fuego Province's Health Ministry reported on Monday.

Reports later that evening from local outlets said that 57 of the crew members had tested positive for Covid-19. The Ushuaia 24 news portal said that all of them remain isolated on the ship, the Etchizen Maru, and that they would not be allowed to disembark. Only medical personnel would be allowed to board, it added.

The incident has attracted attention since prior to setting sail the 60 crew members had completed 14 days of mandatory quarantine in a hotel in Ushuaia, and before that they had been swabbed with a negative result, according to a statement from the Tierra del Fuego health portfolio, in the southern tip.

"It is difficult to establish how the contagion of this crew was, since in these 35 days they have not had contact with land and the supply is made only when leaving the port of Ushuaia," said Alejandra Alfaro, the director of the province's Atención Temprana de Salud centre.

He explained that they are studying "what the chronology of symptoms has been like within the crew to establish the contagion timeline."

Leandro Ballatore, chief of infectology at the Ushuaia Regional Hospital, warned that "it is a case that escapes all the description that appears in the publications, because such a long incubation period is not described anywhere."

The Etchizen Maru returned to the port of Ushuaia when the first crew-members began showing symptoms of Covid-19 onboard, so the emergency protocol was activated and the crew was placed in mandatory isolation on board the vessel.

"We cannot yet explain how the symptoms appear. It is somewhat striking, but we are handling five hypotheses that we have to finish evaluating to establish what happened," said Ballatore, a member of the province's Emergency Operations Committee.

The Argentine Naval Prefecture maintains a security cordon around the boat to prevent "nobody getting on or off without permission," said Alfaro.

The Etchizen Maru belongs to a firm called Pesantar, a part of the New San group, one of the main manufacturers of electronic products in the province.

Argentina exceeded 100,000 coronavirus cases on Sunday, with fatalities totalling 1,859 to date. Around 95 percent of infections have occured in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, with a population of 14 million out of 44 million Argentines.

Domestic tourism re-opened in Tierra del Fuego in late June, after more than a month of no new cases. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been only 141 cases and one death in the province. Of those infected, only five still have the virus, as of Friday.

Nevertheless, the main theme of the read worth paying attention to is the four things of significance dealing with occult rituals

This ties in with what the C's said at one time re apparitions in the past. By doing what they ask e.g. build a church or some such, you do their bidding and as a result you are become psychically attached.

Best we can do is lie low wherever possible, for however long that's possible, and maintain a conscious awareness of who and what we are. Maybe the day will come when we will have to stand up for what we believe.
That's what scares me.
Posting this while being a few pages behind, but no more time today.

However, many who took part in these deceptions did not do so with malice or knowledge of what they were really doing, like nurses who used ventilators on old people that ended up killing them; or doctors who sent cancer patients home to die because they were told to keep beds open for COVID patients etc. There will be many, many people wrongly accused who will pay a price they never should have.
That is questionable. Being "good" may be one thing to learn, but sooner or later people need to learn other lessons as well. And among those are learning to think for yourself and to understand responsibility for your actions even if you're following orders. "I was just following orders" is a crappy excuse, if you ask me, because it's just a different way of saying "I refuse to accept any responsibility for what I do as long as there's someone else I can blame".

And if we've learned anything from this mess, we've learned that unless people get punched in the face with full force, literally or metaphorically, they don't learn much of anything. So it could very well be that they do need to be 'wrongly' accused and pay the price, if that's what it takes to understand that just doing what they're told and thinking they have no responsibility and can avoid the consequences doesn't really create the best world for everyone.

In fact, I would say that learning to accept personal responsibility may be one of the most important lessons there are. What good is the excuse that "they're basically good people" when their actions cause suffering not just individually but on the level of the whole society? These are the people who create fascism. It takes one douche at the top and millions who go along with it for it to work. Hitler could do no harm if nobody listened to him. It is exactly these people who create such systems. The fact that they don't do it intentionally is of little value when they do it over and over and the results are disastrous.

Children are understood to bear limited responsibility because they're learning the basics, but they will become adults, and somewhere in between they need to learn more about this responsibility. And some hard lessons are needed for them to grow up. And it's the same with the people you are talking about. This year has shown that these people are unable to learn their lessons just by thinking and listening to people who are telling them what's going on and where it's going to lead (like us). So they'll have to learn their lessons some other way. And I'm sure the universe will give them exactly the lessons they need, sooner or later.

There will be a great many people who are so overwhelmed by the information that they can't process it, or deny it, or dissociate from it entirely and possibly even undergo extreme mental breakdown. Some people, like nurses with pure hearts who are shown that what they actually did may have contributed to deaths will be completely ruined emotionally. Some may commit suicide.
Yes, all of that may very well happen. Why have we learned certain lessons while they haven't? Could it be because such of things have happened to us in the past?

Some, such as mothers who have had children stolen and killed, may have their hearts and souls shattered.
Yes, but everything has a reason. Do you think people are given lessons they don't need, or don't deserve, or can't possibly handle?

Now, I don't disagree with anything you said, and I started writing this response as I was reading yours, paragraph by paragraph, and your post then took a bit different turn. So this isn't really aimed at you. It's just a different perspective on the things you've described. And this perspective may be useful for us if we don't want to be crushed by what we might soon see.

Whatever will happen has its purpose. Everything has a reason, everything has a meaning. New things can only arise out of destruction of old things. Destruction just tends to be a bit messy.
I live in the UK and for some reason the recent declarations around masks in shops has shaken me up a bit. Maybe it’s just because it’s a stark reminder of the reality we are living in, as I don’t spend much time in a store environment. Considering the reference to a ‘particularly evil clique in the UK’ in the last session (Session 4 July 2020) it is more surprising in how long it has taken to introduce this measure considering masks are already mandatory in some countries.

But reading all the stuff on the forum and Sott about the dangers of masks has just made me feel both angry and upset at the measures being taken and I suspect those in charge will attempt to try to intensify measures as much as they can. The thought of a skull wearing a mask with “I can’t breathe” on it came to mind while reflecting on the situation. People in ignorance are trying to protect themselves and others but instead only causing harm.
I guess this post is really just to vent a bit. I found some skull/mask art on google images.
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I don't buy the New York Times, and so I'm limited to receiving headlines and brief descriptions of articles. But this one looks promising:

Breaking News: The Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass the C.D.C. and send key virus information to a Washington database, alarming health officials.

"From now on, the Department of Health and Human Services will collect information on patients, available beds and more data."

"Critics fear the administration’s new system could be open to political distortion."

[end: quote]

I'd like to translate that last bit: "Political distortionists fear the administration's new system could be open to "real" data.

Vigilant Citizen on masks - excerpt (my comments in green):
The Face Mask: A Powerful Symbol of COVID Oppression
Published 2 months ago on May 18, 2020

A few weeks ago face masks were said to be useless and even dangerous against COVID-19. Now, people are urged to wear them and some cities are making them mandatory. Was this complete 180 made for health reasons? Or to create a specific social climate?

After two months of COVID-19 panic and terror, the world is now being ushered into a “new normal”. However, there is nothing “new” nor “normal” about an oppressive police state that haphazardly revokes rights and freedoms while citizens snitch on each other. Nope, such regimes have existed in the past. And, in societies that dare call themselves “free” and “democratic”, the “new normal” is an aberration – a slippery slope towards a global totalitarian regime.

Despite the fact that all viruses inevitably peak and phase-out from human circulation, profound and permanent changes are being made to society. And, to the elite, COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity to create a society that is rooted in fear, dehumanization, and widespread distrust of the “other”.

Since symbols rule the world, one symbol perfectly embodies this “new normal”: The face mask.

Did science make a last-minute, game-changing discovery about masks? No. However, those who are profiting from this crisis saw an opportunity: It can be instrumentalized to create a specific social climate. It is about keeping fear, anxiety, and paranoia going. It is about being constantly reminded that things are NOT going back to normal. In short, it is about social engineering.

In the early onset of the pandemic, nearly all organizations and specialists advised against wearing a mask. Here’s an infographic made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in late 2019.


In March 2020, the WHO was still advising against wearing masks.


Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program said at a media briefing:

“There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.”

Meanwhile, the US Surgeon General was also urging people to not wear masks.


In April, Dr. Brosseau, a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases at the University of Illinois at Chicago published an article titled “Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data”. She wrote:

“Sweeping mask recommendations—as many have proposed—will not reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission, as evidenced by the widespread practice of wearing such masks in Hubei province, China, before and during its mass COVID-19 transmission experience earlier this year. Our review of relevant studies indicates that cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as PPE. Surgical masks likely have some utility as source control (meaning the wearer limits virus dispersal to another person) from a symptomatic patient in a healthcare setting to stop the spread of large cough particles and limit the lateral dispersion of cough particles. They may also have very limited utility as source control or PPE in households. (…) If masks had been the solution in Asia, shouldn’t they have stopped the pandemic before it spread elsewhere?”

On the official website of the Canadian government, a page lists lots of reasons why homemade masks are practically useless while also hindering oxygen intake:
Homemade masks are not medical devices and are not regulated like medical masks and respirators. Their use poses a number of limitations:
    • they have not been tested to recognized standards
    • the fabrics are not the same as used in surgical masks or respirators
    • the edges are not designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth
    • they may not provide complete protection against virus-sized particles
    • they can be difficult to breathe through and can prevent you from getting the required amount of oxygen needed by your body
These types of masks may not be effective in blocking virus particles that may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or certain medical procedures. They do not provide complete protection from virus particles because of a potential loose fit and the materials used.
Fast forward a few weeks. Here’s a headline from the CBC (which is funded by the Canadian government):

What happened? The answer can be summed up in one word: Agenda.

After advising against the mask for weeks, the CDC made a complete 180 in early April.


This decision was not the result of new science. The world elite realized that the widespread usage of the mask creates the perfect fear-based social climate to advance its agenda. It can be used to justify longer lockdowns, intrusive contact tracing and all kinds of oppressive measures.

Although these people are outside and spread apart, these reporters are wearing masks for the cameras.
When the cameras stop, the fakery stops too:


White House reporters removed their masks after a press conference. Also, no social distancing.
Just an Event 201 "Flood the Message" show to push the compliance agenda - nothing here demonstrates "we're concerned about safety". Pure BS!

This media mask-arade has a specific goal: To normalize the widespread use of the mask in public places. And governments around the world are being pressured to make the mask mandatory.
Do not be fooled. The elite is not enforcing the mask because it cares about your health. It is all about the agenda. As COVID infections and deaths drop around the world, the masses are looking to go back to some kind of normalcy. They do NOT want that. The widespread use of the mask is the perfect tool to keep COVID-related fear and oppression going.

It does not take a Robert Langdon from DaVicinci Code to realize that the mask is a powerful symbol. A person wearing a mask is a startling sight that affects us on a visceral level. It instantly triggers our deeply-rooted fear of illness and death. It unconsciously raises our brain’s stress and anxiety levels while alerting us of impending danger. Each masked face is a reminder that things are not normal, that we should be afraid, and that we are still looking for outside forces to save us.

On a human level, the mask dehumanizes the people around us. How can we relate and associate with other people if we cannot tell if they’re smiling or not? How can we connect with other people if we can only communicate using muffled words through a piece of cloth? We can’t. Quite to the contrary, the mask says: Stay away from me, I don’t trust you.

What about the children who are growing up in this climate? They are being “groomed” into believing that this new normal is … normal.

This specific social climate is pure gold for social engineers who are looking to profoundly alter society. A society that is subjected to fear and panic becomes irrational and readily accepts any measure that promises some kind of safety. And this is what is happening now.

The most depressing thing is reading the comments on the BBC site. Talk about a bunch of brainwashed people.
Many/most comments on the internet are software robots trying to get you to believe the propaganda, not real people.

So they only need one vaccine to have some kind of efficacy, and then through "correlation of immunity" they will "bridge data" and give approval to all the rest of the vaccines that never went through later phases. And then they will say to the public, "of course they are safe because they are all thoroughly tested!" But not even the first one will be properly tested.
Not one vaccine in history was properly tested, ie double blind study against saline placebo.
I don't buy the New York Times, and so I'm limited to receiving headlines and brief descriptions of articles. But this one looks promising:

Breaking News: The Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass the C.D.C. and send key virus information to a Washington database, alarming health officials.

"From now on, the Department of Health and Human Services will collect information on patients, available beds and more data."

"Critics fear the administration’s new system could be open to political distortion."

[end: quote]

I'd like to translate that last bit: "Political distortionists fear the administration's new system could be open to "real" data.

I wonder if Trump has just realised that the so called 'Deep State' is everywhere? Especially in these agencies.
I wonder if Trump has just realised that the so called 'Deep State' is everywhere? Especially in these agencies.
Hi Ruth. Remember when the Surgeon General, Gerome Adams, announced in April that the Corona Virus Task Force was switching to "real" data, instead of predictive models? I was wondering where that would lead to, and why we haven't heard more about it. So, I think this new news item is somehow tied to that.

So, Trump seems to have been going at this problem steadily for quite some time. And his dumping WHO is a part of that also. Oh, and also: he publicly dumped Fauci just the other day. He hasn't been consulting with him since early June (according to Fauci), and just last week there was a Trump tweet along with a news item in the Washington Post, I think it was, about this development. In the tweet Trump claimed Fauci was "a nice guy" but that he made a lot of mistakes from the very beginning.

So, all these developments would seem to indicate that Trump is trying to get out from under the entrenched power and corruption of the existing public health institutions/practices.
Just heard the definition on the radio driving home from work. The term refers to people who refuse to wear a mask. Scientific studies, so she claimed, are linking people with low IQ's to people who refuse to wear a mask. So, if you want to look smart, wear a mask at all times. She went on about the other benefits like food stuck in teeth, bad breath, unshaven and etc. No mention of preventing the spread of Covid-19. It sounded like she was pushing for people to wear a mask permanently.

Typical main stream. Whatever the mainstream pushes, do the opposite. My formula for successfully navigating life in 2020. It's what you don't do that counts.
I live in the UK and for some reason the recent declarations around masks in shops has shaken me up a bit. Maybe it’s just because it’s a stark reminder of the reality we are living in, as I don’t spend much time in a store environment. Considering the reference to a ‘particularly evil clique in the UK’ in the last session (Session 4 July 2020) it is more surprising in how long it has taken to introduce this measure considering masks are already mandatory in some countries.

But reading all the stuff on the forum and Sott about the dangers of masks has just made me feel both angry and upset at the measures being taken and I suspect those in charge will attempt to try to intensify measures as much as they can. The thought of a skull wearing a mask with “I can’t breathe” on it came to mind while reflecting on the situation. People in ignorance are trying to protect themselves and others but instead only causing harm.
I guess this post is really just to vent a bit. I found some skull/mask art on google images.

Me too. It has been making me feel squashed by life the last couple of days. I am hopeful that I can navigate it without wearing a mask by way of 'medical exemption'. I am waiting for more details to come out. As I expect you know this is possible where public transport is concerned but I am yet to try it. If I can't then I shall just have to buy a freezer and stock up via online shopping although that is not straight forward as many supermarkets are fully booked and do not have many delivery slots available. As a last resort I shall ask my GP to write a letter saying that I should be exempt from mask wearing because of respiratory issues.

Chin up Seato. Let's do what we can to deal with it and try not to let it get us down too much. That just gives STS what it wants. We are most fortunate that we can discuss such concerns here. Just think of how many others in the UK feel like this and have no-one to turn to about it :-(.
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