I agree with this comment to the Sott article, A scientific look at the mask fallacy - and why we're told to wear them
Article after article distracts us as how best to rearrange the deck chairs while our sovereignty sinks like the Titanic. We need to focus our attention in order to understand how the knot is fashioned, on the ropes that bind us. The knot is their legal jurisdiction over us that separates us from our lawful God-given rights as free-born men and women on the land. Checkout this link where Christopher James shares his twenty years of research, start with the tab 'Foundational Knowledge' [Link]
On the website A Warrior Calls:



A Warrior Calls Website is now up Feb 27 2020 Welcome Video

The above directs one to view three additional videos under the Foundational Knowledge tab - I haven't viewed these yet.

All of this again brings to mind the 1905 Jacobson v Massachusetts ruling that has been used as legal justification for public health orders. We're no longer living in the early 1900s and our knowledge about vaccines is no longer primitive. Hard scientific fact can prove that vaccines are dangerous, contain extremely harmful substances, and have never been tested as required. The 1905 ruling needs to be nullified and eliminated as a credible justification for mandatory vaccines or any other health order by governments relying on fraudulent scientific data.
It has been stated by people such as Celeste Solum and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny that the vaccine will not be legally mandatory, BUT, it will be connected to every thing in life: work, shopping, school, etc, that if you don't have the vaccine, you won't be able to do most things. So are you prepared/able to stay home with no work, no shopping, etc.? Those are things we must consider.

The short answer is no. I think, at least for the majority of normal people, we need some form of employment and a regular income so the answer to if someone can survive being totally cut off from the system is no I think.

I think @Mandatory Intellectomy response is quite macho but I think it underestimates the power wielded by masses of people marching in ignorance.

Look at this mask fiasco now... How many are now wearing it and how quickly we got here.

I had to fly recently and the air stewardess was flat out saying you have to wear a mask. Everyone did!

Now that they are making masks mandatory, even in a shop you now have to wear it... In a taxi you have to wear it. Yes, you can choose not to wear it but in most instances the mindless sheep will attack you and physically remove you from that place.

Vaccines will be mandatory.... They've done the experiment with masks and I think they know they can get away with it, especially given they can control the narrative through mass media.

They'll probably start vaccines off as a "strong recommendation"... Then you'll have local spikes... Some local regions / states will then start mandating it in the name of public health.

I think this paints the picture quite well

And Spiro's one that was removed from YouTube but he's got an account on Bitchute which I've finally decided to download

I think one has to be in denial not to realise where we are going.

Yes, we're probably getting to the point where it'll be easier for them to PHYSICALLY compel you to be FORCED VACCINATED if the situation calls for it and the vaccine is there. Yes, it's getting to that point. But anyways, the main thing is you'll be cut off from the system for not getting vaccines...

And no, people can't survive that way so something will have to give.
I think @Mandatory Intellectomy response is quite macho but I think it underestimates the power wielded by masses of people marching in ignorance.

That's what's called for imo. Much of this mess is due to a lack of masculine assertiveness. People are too willing to go along to get along, too scared of the consequences of saying no. Hell, I include myself in that - I wear a mask when required, too, for the most part.

And that's the problem. If we had enough men, who had the courage to say no, we wouldn't be dealing with this in the first place. TPTB would never have dared.
That's what's called for imo. Much of this mess is due to a lack of masculine assertiveness. People are too willing to go along to get along, too scared of the consequences of saying no. Hell, I include myself in that - I wear a mask when required, too, for the most part.

And that's the problem. If we had enough men, who had the courage to say no, we wouldn't be dealing with this in the first place. TPTB would never have dared.

Okay but what about those of us that put food on the table and have health insurance coverage by working for a corporate entity?
I mentioned before that right now going along to get along might be our best option. I'm about as contrarian as they come and want to be left alone but my spouse has muscular skeletal diseases and l need to keep working to keep my health coverage. Hmmm, l suppose the definition of manning up is different for us all.

Okay but what about those of us that put food on the table and have health insurance coverage by working for a corporate entity?
I mentioned before that right now going along to get along might be our best option. I'm about as contrarian as they come and want to be left alone but my spouse has muscular skeletal diseases and l need to keep working to keep my health coverage. Hmmm, l suppose the definition of manning up is different for us all.

Sure. I don't have the answers to every situation, man. And like I said, I keep my mouth shut at work, too. Which irks me no end.

But in large part, the situation we're all in, not just Covid but everything, is precisely due to everyone going along to get along. Keeping silent in the face of absurdity and injustice; complying with arbitrary and insane dictates. And we can all see where this is headed.

Caution may be the better part of valor sometimes; but sometimes valor is the better part of valor. And that time isn't yet, sure. But I'm, for one, getting impatient.
Speaking of masculine assertiveness, our PA district senator has plenty to go around. I'm feeling very lucky that our little community has this man to stand up and speak the truth.

Everyone in my family listens to him and he has quite the following from around the state. He's been having daily chats through FB and is actively trying to battle against all these measures. With the recent fear mongering over the second wave, stores have gone back to mandating face masks but so far I have gone maskless even though 99% are wearing them again. It felt a little off putting but no one has said anything to me. Everyone has been polite and helpful as if thankful there was at least one face in the crowd uncovered. I've had more people giving me dirty looks for cigarette smoking on my way back. It's funny because every time I've been called out for smoking it's been by some of the least healthy looking people. :lol: I figured if anyone did say anything to me about not wearing a mask I would just start going on and on about how terrible my Lyme symptoms are and shift blame for the possibility of me passing out onto them. To be fair I did get light headed wearing one not long ago.

Over the weekend my partner and I went up to one of the local swimming spots on top of a mountain. There is a lake up there where people come from all around. The place was absolutely packed and we barely found a parking space. There were people of every color there picnicking, swimming, walking etc. There were only 2 people we saw wearing masks and plenty of examples of whites and blacks getting along. It was as if we went into another reality where none of this Covid or BLM ever happened and humanity could be observed in their natural state. It gave me a great sense of relief to see that the world I once knew is not completely gone.
Sorry if I misread the previous posts but I think there is a lot of aggression in them. I'm not saying it's bad, but we've been on the battlefield since we were born, so don't be so nervous now, right? :-) The C's said we should be patient and stay calm because now is not a good time to revolt, besides, this is the stage where revolt would have the greatest consequences for us, at least I think so. I think both men and women have a lot of strength in them. In war, the most important thing is to strike well and precisely when the opponent is weak. If they let our nerves down, then our soldiers will die :-) If I misinterpreted something, I'm sorry for that :-)
It has been stated by people such as Celeste Solum and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny that the vaccine will not be legally mandatory, BUT, it will be connected to every thing in life: work, shopping, school, etc, that if you don't have the vaccine, you won't be able to do most things. So are you prepared/able to stay home with no work, no shopping, etc.? Those are things we must consider.

So, the vaccine is the new and improved VISA Card - without it - no transaction can or will be accepted?

Sure takes away the worry of "leaving home without it"? Do we need to get a chipped tattoo as proof we have been "inoculated"?

Dunno where this one is but I doubt its staged. CovIDIOTISM is the new norm and if you want to use aeroplanes you have to agree with it. Do you think these people are feeling bad because all the bio-warfare gear they have to wear or are they happy that they can travel regardless of any idiotic hoax measures?


I had a dream about this photo last night. In the dream "everyone was required to wear this bio-warfare gear" when appearing in public.
On the TV monitors, World news updates flashed across the screens. There was no mention of COVID-19 or anything about a virus. Instead, general announcements informed what "Green Sectors" were available to the public and what App's were required for entry. All of this had become rather mundane and common place but what was grabbing the latest top World News headlines - the exceeding large numbers of reported deaths.

After centuries of riding the WAVE and after countless generations had lived and died aboard their spacecraft asteroid, our space-brother's had finally penetrated the cosmic veil. The skies were suddenly darkened and eclipsed by their ceremonious arrival for three days and nights. Their entry had caused a rift in our atmosphere, creating electrical storms that followed an influx of cosmic radiation from outer space. Electrical grids and hydro dams around the Planet grinded to a halt and stopped functioning. Anyone caught out in the elements, unprotected, soon succumbed to radiation poisoning. Only those shielded within closed structures survived unharmed.

Soon, heavy military vehicles were sent out to broadcast warnings to the inhabitants - to "shelter-in-place" and to await further instructions, due to the high levels of harmful radiation. In the weeks that followed, limited quantities of protective clothing and food were distributed to communities. Many perished before help arrived.

As for our newly arrived space-brother's (and sister's) a curious thing began to happen - many began to "drop dead"! All their advanced technology and scientific knowledge were at odds to explain the cause? From around the Planet, many of our top Scientists and Geneticist began to collaborate on their findings. It was acknowledged, all the pre-preparations for their arrival ... from closing Border's and isolating it's citizen's, to sanitizing public places with water cannons and making vaccination mandatory were not enough to provide protection from pathogens for our new arrivals? Humanity had built up an immunity to most pathogens in our environment but with advanced technologies, our space-brother's had created "a sterile environment" on their long journey! A simple but much over-looked little detail? A miscalculation!

To survive, our space-brother's will have to return to their spacecraft asteroid. :bye:
(For once - a dream with a happy ending!)
All of this again brings to mind the 1905 Jacobson v Massachusetts ruling that has been used as legal justification for public health orders. We're no longer living in the early 1900s and our knowledge about vaccines is no longer primitive. Hard scientific fact can prove that vaccines are dangerous, contain extremely harmful substances, and have never been tested as required. The 1905 ruling needs to be nullified and eliminated as a credible justification for mandatory vaccines or any other health order by governments relying on fraudulent scientific data

An important point that Corbett makes in his excellent video is, that the final consequence in the case of Jacobson v Massachusetts was that Jacobson was NOT forcefully vaccinated, instead he had to pay the 5$ fine. This detail is something that is often ‘conveniently’ left out in the numerous citations of this ruling.
I had a dream about this photo last night. In the dream "everyone was required to wear this bio-warfare gear" when appearing in public.
On the TV monitors, World news updates flashed across the screens. There was no mention of COVID-19 or anything about a virus. Instead, general announcements informed what "Green Sectors" were available to the public and what App's were required for entry. All of this had become rather mundane and common place but what was grabbing the latest top World News headlines - the exceeding large numbers of reported deaths.

After centuries of riding the WAVE and after countless generations had lived and died aboard their spacecraft asteroid, our space-brother's had finally penetrated the cosmic veil. The skies were suddenly darkened and eclipsed by their ceremonious arrival for three days and nights. Their entry had caused a rift in our atmosphere, creating electrical storms that followed an influx of cosmic radiation from outer space. Electrical grids and hydro dams around the Planet grinded to a halt and stopped functioning. Anyone caught out in the elements, unprotected, soon succumbed to radiation poisoning. Only those shielded within closed structures survived unharmed.

Soon, heavy military vehicles were sent out to broadcast warnings to the inhabitants - to "shelter-in-place" and to await further instructions, due to the high levels of harmful radiation. In the weeks that followed, limited quantities of protective clothing and food were distributed to communities. Many perished before help arrived.

As for our newly arrived space-brother's (and sister's) a curious thing began to happen - many began to "drop dead"! All their advanced technology and scientific knowledge were at odds to explain the cause? From around the Planet, many of our top Scientists and Geneticist began to collaborate on their findings. It was acknowledged, all the pre-preparations for their arrival ... from closing Border's and isolating it's citizen's, to sanitizing public places with water cannons and making vaccination mandatory were not enough to provide protection from pathogens for our new arrivals? Humanity had built up an immunity to most pathogens in our environment but with advanced technologies, our space-brother's had created "a sterile environment" on their long journey! A simple but much over-looked little detail? A miscalculation!

To survive, our space-brother's will have to return to their spacecraft asteroid. :bye:
(For once - a dream with a happy ending!)
Wow! :cool2:
Your dream could be about the last days of Atlantis.
The word in the grapevine (psychic visions grapewine) is that there are now on this planet re-incarnated souls that experienced the fall of Atlantis and their task is to set things right and make sure that their plight doesnt happen again!

Btw. Ive had dozens of dreams where Im in some sort of a space-commando role and am witnessing/participating in small and great battles. Dreams of humans that look like they have cyborg amendments and genetical modifications... all in weird and "alien" landscapes. Dreams about huge space craft and possible destruction of The Moon. At first I thought that these dreams are connected to my reading of SF novels but now I somehow "know" that these are dreams of my past life and it could very well be in Atlantean shoes.
I wouldn't worry about it all that much, if I were you. They can't drag you to get vaccinated by physical force. As we've said here, it will most likely be about making many things impossible or difficult without getting vaccinated, but they can't force-vaccinate you. So as long as you can do without those things that will require the vaccine, you'll be fine.

Your profile says you're 67, so I guess you don't have to worry about getting a job, and you can probably survive without other crap they'll require vaccination for. If you don't need to travel outside the country, don't need to get a job, and just want to live a quiet life without participating in things that might require vaccination, I'm pretty sure nobody will be able to vaccinate you against your will.

Given that many people are against vaccines based on religious grounds, and religion is not going to disappear any time soon, I think there will still be plenty of resistance, in any country. Just refuse. There's no way they could get away with brute forcing elderly ladies to get vaccinated if they don't want to. If you're healthy enough, stay away from the doctor's office.

The best you can probably do is to look into the actual laws regarding the issue, and what exemptions may be available. What they tell you on TV is not necessarily the truth or the law. And every country has a few sane doctors and lawyers who can tell you what your options are. (I don't keep track which of the videos that have been posted here were from Australia, but other forum members from down there can probably tell you who to follow if you want to be informed about your options.)

Again, this push for mandatory vaccination has been here many times before, and they never managed to implement it for everyone. It's largely a scare tactic. They're trying to convince as many people as possible (programming) that they have to get vaccinated, and many people will be convinced by fear etc. There seem to be many things going on where they say it's mandatory (and most people are too stupid to question it) but there's no actual law to enforce it. Like the masks in many places. Just because the 'leader' says you must doesn't mean there's a law for it.

Also, one thing I noticed in this regard - the talk about herd immunity has brought the notion that much less is needed for herd immunity against corona than was thought. I think I've read that only about 10-20% of the population needs to be infected for herd immunity to be achieved. But then that would mean that (if vaccines actually worked,) only 10-20% of the population would need to be vaccinated. And even if herd immunity required 90%, we can safely be in the last 10%, or even 1%.

All the covidiots will line up voluntarily, so the authorities will be busy vaccinating those (an operation on this scale requires money, time, and some logistics), and we can just refuse or postpone as long as possible. And there isn't and never will be any evidence that herd immunity requires 100% of the population to be vaccinated. It's just made up bullshit with no science behind it. Plus even official sources admit that some people can't be vaccinated because it would kill them, so they can't have 100% anyway.

So they'll get most people vaccinated through fear and threats and coercion (which I think is largely the goal), and in the end it will come down to needing vaccination for travel and other things, but if you don't surrender to that bullshit, nobody can really 'force' you.

Besides, nobody has ever made a working vaccine against any coronavirus, and the 'pandemic' is largely over. Nobody will be able to show that a new vaccine is safe. So you can tell the doctor, "I'll take the vaccine when you show me a study that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the vaccine is safe. Otherwise I'm not taking the risk with a rushed vaccine." And they'll never be able to show you such a study.

And then there's the thing where all this circus will come crashing down when the PTB 'go too far'. At that point, they will have bigger problems to deal with, like maybe how to not get crucified by an angry mob.

Don't let this issue keep you too worried. Be aware but not afraid. We'll ride this out, and things will change. Wanting to vaccinate everyone and achieving that goal are two very different things. They want you to believe that you will have to get vaccinated. But forced vaccination is still against most countries' constitutions.

Hi MI,
Thanks for your good and helpful advice. The authorities do go on, don’t they, about how good vaccines are for everyone.

It’s really difficult with my family as they are all pro vaccination. My daughter exclaimed that she couldn’t believe I was against vaccinations even though she knew I suspected my son probably got Aspergers from the concoctions they put into him. My sister and her daughters mock ‘anti vaxxers‘ and I have given up talking about it. Its frustrating but keeps the peace.
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