I went to a friend's birthday party the other day and there were some GPs present and other doctors, as well as people from other professions, including someone who works in the military department. Everybody sat and stood close to each other. When I was introducing myself, I asked the person how they wish to be greeted and they said a handshake is fine. Didn't expect that, especially from a doctor. Other people in the restaurant who were not part of the get-together were all sitting close to each other as well. It's as if Covid-19 never happened! I don't think the fearmongering agenda is reaching people as they would've liked or expected.
It’s really difficult with my family as they are all pro vaccination. My daughter exclaimed that she couldn’t believe I was against vaccinations even though she knew I suspected my son probably got Aspergers from the concoctions they put into him. My sister and her daughters mock ‘anti vaxxers‘ and I have given up talking about it. Its frustrating but keeps the peace.
You could consider sending them a copy of "Vaxxed II- The People's Truth". If that doesn't wake them up, nothing will.

What can you do when people want to bury their heads in the sand? I agree there is a 'line in the sand' and sometimes when you know you've gotten to it, it's best not to push, and only speak out when asked. I've reached that 'line in the sand' with my family, so I didn't send them any more material. They've asked for me not to, so they can continue to keep their heads thoroughly buried. However that hasn't stopped me sending these things to other people who I think need to wake up, especially if they are intent on leading a bunch of lemmings off the cliff.
I went to a friend's birthday party the other day and there were some GPs present and other doctors, as well as people from other professions, including someone who works in the military department. Everybody sat and stood close to each other. When I was introducing myself, I asked the person how they wish to be greeted and they said a handshake is fine. Didn't expect that, especially from a doctor. Other people in the restaurant who were not part of the get-together were all sitting close to each other as well. It's as if Covid-19 never happened! I don't think the fearmongering agenda is reaching people as they would've liked or expected.
Probably because these people know better AND there are no laws in place to prevent them from doing so. If there had been someone there taking names and issuing fines, you could bet it would be another story.
Here's a thought - What other illness will you be more susceptible to by getting Corona vaccine? DOES ANYONE KNOW!

What about if by getting Corona vaccine, you make people more open to getting another virus and have it attack them more aggressively than it would otherwise?

Is anyone even asking this question?
Well we know that having a flu shot (according to the American Military) makes it more likely you get a Coronavirus infection. So, that's why they are encouraging flu shots and mandating them for some people, I'm assuming.
I just went to WalMart to pick up some Ubiquinol and look at some craft supplies. I live in a state with no mask mandate (lucky me) but WalMart policy as of today is to require masks to enter the store (I wore one under the nose - against my better judgement).
Noticed that the parking lot was deserted and most of the activity in the store was at the firearms counter, they even had two clerks there. (I haven't seen anyone man that counter in years). I saw two shoppers not masked up :thup: and nobody said a word to them. The checkout lines were wide open too. Seems that they may have shot themselves in the wallet with this move.
That's what's called for imo. Much of this mess is due to a lack of masculine assertiveness. People are too willing to go along to get along, too scared of the consequences of saying no. Hell, I include myself in that - I wear a mask when required, too, for the most part.

And that's the problem. If we had enough men, who had the courage to say no, we wouldn't be dealing with this in the first place. TPTB would never have dared.

Unfortunately, TPTB are the one's calling the shots. It's their game book and dictates that we are all dealing with. Before they implement any game play, they shore up their own side first - everyone else is left trying to pick up the pieces. The lack of male intervention and masculine assertiveness is "by design".

Using the United States as a prime example ... Where are all of the men between ages 21 - 55 y.o.? If you really study the statistics and do the break-downs of Citizenship, employment, etc. - you will come to the realization that the U.S. is mainly comprised of American born woman and children and an exceptionally high percentage of (legal/illegal) immigration. The percentages of males between ages 21 - 50, respectively are in the lowest percentiles. (Wise-dat?)

There could be many reasons. Several years ago, many large U.S. corporations began folding up and moving to foreign territories. Many high professionals, mainly males, relocated with their families to keep status, position and retirement benefits. But the largest majority of U.S. (citizenship) males between ages 21 - 55 y.o are employed in some branch or sector of the Military Arm Forces or it's intelligence agencies. That, in itself, could be a good thing, as far as protecting the Homeland, it's assets and citizenship but in the U.S. that's not the prime objective of the Pentagon and the military divisions under it's wings. The U.S. has over 800+ Military bases and Installations. Only a small number of those are on American soil. Tens-of-thousands of our Military personnel (mostly male) are deployed in a Foreign Country. Deployment can last for several months or a couple of years, depending on circumstances. The National Guard, who are the first line of defense in civil and domestic protection - have also been called upon to serve overseas. One example, several members from the North Carolina National Guard are in Syria patrolling and standing guard in oil fields? (Does that make any common sense?)

President Trump wanted to bring thousands of our overseas Military men (and woman) back home on American soil. Would that have make a difference on the domestic scene? I would suspect - they would fight for their rights and that of other American's?

Since 1776, the United States has been "at War" in one form or another - with the rare exception of a few years in between. Is it any wonder "why" there is domestic violence and right's violation on the Home front? If Trump wants to MAGA - he's going to have to start at the bottom and work his way up! If Trump was successful in pulling out of "ALL the War's the U.S. is currently involved in" ... Would the U.S. cease to exist? Taking that a step further ... Would the State of Israel exist? Probably NOT. It's the American Taxpayer that provides them with a lavish lifestyle and keeps the lights on, while we go further in the depths of poverty.

We could use some good men and their masculine assertiveness!

* Since 1776, America has been at war 222 out of 239 years

* America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776 : Information Clearing House - ICH

In 2011, Danios wrote: Below, I have reproduced a year-by-year timeline of America’s wars, which reveals something quite interesting: since the United States was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence. In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars.
That guy's physiognomy doesn't lie - looks very high t. I've noticed that there seems to be a strong correlation between the physiological traits of men who are taking a stand against this, and the males who are meekly going along with it.
Uh oh - has my post-menopause hormonal balance skewed to allow testosterone to rear its ugly head?! Haven't grown a beard yet. 🧔

It occurred to me that not only is God the ultimate manifestation of TRUTH, but this also came to mind:
The breath of life is the created spirit that God gives all living creatures so they can live. We read in places like Genesis 7:21-22 that "every living thing" has "the breath of the spirit of life." This means that any living creature, anything that breathes, has the breath of life—humans and animals alike.
And so, what is happening? Our life's breath is actively under attack. We are being suffocated by official decree! No wonder the psychopathic push to force everyone to wear a mask!

I decided to keep pushing back by calling out the eye doctors on their Facebook page. I posted then had to go to get my hair cut. Stylist owner is concerned about being shut down again so she wore a mask but didn't require me to do so - just hold it in case an inspector showed up. When I got home again, checked the Facebook page - post was gone. Apparently truth isn't something they care to deal with or otherwise have a conscience. This is what I posted:
Mrs. S***** posting. Studies done in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2019, and even 2020, show that masks don't work and can increase infection risk which may account for the W.H.O.'s website declaration that, "At the present time, the widespread use of masks everywhere is not supported by high-quality scientific evidence, and there are potential benefits and harms to consider." Not only do medical masks not prevent the spread of virus, but a 1995 study proves that wearing a cloth mask can put you at greater risk for infection. Investigative reporter Ben Swann breaks down the science in the video linked below. Why then are the good physicians of COA complying with a health order not supported by science that also puts people at greater risk of infection? I was denied service because of this order and my refusal to inflict self-harm. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., a former full professor of physics, is a researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association in Canada. Rancourt’s investigation into mask wearing was part of his research for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. He did a thorough study of the scientific literature on masks, concentrating on evidence showing masks can reduce infection risk, especially viral respiratory diseases. His determination - "There is no evidence that masks are of any utility either preventing the aerosol particles from coming out or from going in. You're not helping the people around you by wearing a mask, and you're not helping yourself preventing the disease by wearing a mask." He published this data in the paper, “All-Cause Mortality During COVID-19: No Plague and a Likely Signature of Mass Homicide by Government Response.” Furthermore, James Corbett's video Your Body, Their Choice exposes the plan to impose mandatory COVID vaccination is already in motion under the guise of containing COVID by the specific measures we are already being subjected to. These mandated COVID restrictions are the stated criteria promoted by APEASE, a Bill and Melinda Gates' sponsored organization set up to bring about mass acceptance of mandatory COVID vaccination. That this agenda is being implemented with the reprehensible "we're just following orders", an excuse soundly refuted by the Nazi Nuremberg trials, is beyond contemptible. For those who do contract COVID 19, there's The Zelenko Protocol, which leads to a 100% survival rate in low-risk patients and a 99.3% survival rate in high-risk patients. What's a high-risk patient? Zelenko says anyone age 60+ with symptoms and those under 60 with comorbidities or shortness of breath. Mandating masks compels me to be an active participant in gaslighting the public in opposition of my morals, ethics, and religious beliefs. There is nothing right about this in any way, shape, or form. As physicians, you have taken the Hippocratic Oath including the promise of “first, do no harm”. The above clearly shows much harm is being inflicted on me personally, and the public generally. It is your professional and moral responsibility to rectify this egregious adherence to bogus health orders.
Doesn't make sense to me to patronize physicians who choose to ignore science to the detriment of patients and give the lame "just following orders" justification.

On another note, the mandatory mask order has created a cottage industry of home-sewn masks. I saw them for sale in a consignment shop and a yard sign selling them for $10. Unfortunately, the shop didn't have any with a poison skull and crossbones design. ☠
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The percentages of males between ages 21 - 50, respectively are in the lowest percentiles. (Wise-dat?)
It definitely dawned on me sometime in the past, that the Vietnam war, Gulf wars, and never-ending War on Terror, were for the purpose of eliminating the fighting men capable of defending our Constitution and rights - military forces and National Guard - via KIA, maiming, psychological damage, or suicide. We are being rendered defenseless as we're mostly left with soy boys, SJW, Antifa & BLM anti-USA members who will be among those attempting to destroy it all.
That's what's called for imo. Much of this mess is due to a lack of masculine assertiveness. People are too willing to go along to get along, too scared of the consequences of saying no. Hell, I include myself in that - I wear a mask when required, too, for the most part.

And that's the problem. If we had enough men, who had the courage to say no, we wouldn't be dealing with this in the first place. TPTB would never have dared.
I don't think we should be blaming men for this travesty. Blame everyone! Why do men get to be assertive and not women? I think this is unfairly placing blame on men.
An important point that Corbett makes in his excellent video is, that the final consequence in the case of Jacobson v Massachusetts was that Jacobson was NOT forcefully vaccinated, instead he had to pay the 5$ fine. This detail is something that is often ‘conveniently’ left out in the numerous citations of this ruling.
The law that forces vaccinations on children and removed pharma liability is the subject of Andy Wakefields new movie. It's worth a look. I enjoyed it, even if I thought it was a bit 'ham' in some parts. Sometimes that's what you have to do if you want to talk about the law.... (and are not Viva Frei or Robert Barnes, lol).

I just went to WalMart to pick up some Ubiquinol and look at some craft supplies. I live in a state with no mask mandate (lucky me) but WalMart policy as of today is to require masks to enter the store (I wore one under the nose - against my better judgement).
Noticed that the parking lot was deserted and most of the activity in the store was at the firearms counter, they even had two clerks there. (I haven't seen anyone man that counter in years). I saw two shoppers not masked up :thup: and nobody said a word to them. The checkout lines were wide open too. Seems that they may have shot themselves in the wallet with this move.
Yes, and hopefully people will stay away and start supporting small businesses!
I don't think we should be blaming men for this travesty.
Men are traditionally the warriors, the protectors. That's why they've been targeted as the Cs indicated. Assuming the data of the graph previously posted is accurate, it is the male Republicans and no college not wearing masks > these categories are most likely male dominated. The female Democrat college grads are wearing masks > these categories are most likely predominately female. That being said, history has shown females are no slackers when it comes to fighting for truth and good - Laura among one of the all-time greatest for sure! And as for women also being complicit in this travesty, the prize winner for that is Melinda Gates!

I don't think we should be blaming men for this travesty. Blame everyone! Why do men get to be assertive and not women? I think this is unfairly placing blame on men.

Women aren't systematically shamed for being assertive; rather the opposite. Masculinity, on the other hand, has been under constant assault from social, cultural, and biological levels, specifically in order to render men docile and, therefore, easier to control. Until that changes, nothing of consequence will change. That's why I was specific about men.
I think asking why aren't men stepping up to stop this is like asking why didn't German men step up to stop Hitler.

The answer is above and beyond being macho, assertive or masculine.

It's to do with perception of what is true and what isn't. That transcends gender.

To elaborate, men are as easily manipulated as women. Men's strengths can be co-opted just as women's strengths can be if neither is able to perceive objective reality. Another point is that both genders are highly susceptible to social pressure and individuals will succumb and forego their free will if the necessary pressure and mind programming is applied.

Machoness will not get us out of this - it's the ability of enough people to see the truth that will. Again, this transcends gender.
I think asking why aren't men stepping up to stop this is like asking why didn't German men step up to stop Hitler.

The answer is above and beyond being macho, assertive or masculine.

It's to do with perception of what is true and what isn't. That transcends gender.

To elaborate, men are as easily manipulated as women. Men's strengths can be co-opted just as women's strengths can be if neither is able to perceive objective reality. Another point is that both genders are highly susceptible to social pressure and individuals will succumb and forego their free will if the necessary pressure and mind programming is applied.

Machoness will not get us out of this - it's the ability of enough people to see the truth that will. Again, this transcends gender.

You presuppose that the ability to see the truth is separate from biology. That's not my experience. I know a lot of highly intelligent people who are very much incapable of seeing the truth; the problem is not their intellect, but their character. In particular, they are conflict averse, highly agreeable, and desperately frightened of being unpersoned by the mob. They can't see the truth because it is simply too frightening for them, thus they take refuge in implicatory denial.

The ability to stand up against a group, to resist social pressure in the cause of what you know to be right, is traditionally a masculine trait. That is not to say women are incapable of it - they are, but women can express masculine traits just as men can express feminine traits. Social harmony is traditionally a feminine priority; women are more likely to be enthusiastic enforcers of social orthodoxy; and women are more likely to fear ostracization.

Whereas, for a man, while taking a stand against the group is risky, it has a potentially large upside: if he's right, if he wins, then socially he attains a dominant position. It is functionally the same as obtaining victory when outnumbered on the field of battle. The same is in principle true for women, but men are more motivated by this because it can mean mating opportunities, which it generally does not for women.

Thus, women tend to try to maintain social harmony during interactions, whereas men are more likely to see interactions as a field of conflict, as agon as the Greeks would say.

This means that a would be tyrant must pacify the men, and get the women on his side. If he can convince the women that his side is moral, he's won half the battle. This is less effective on men. Our tyrants have solved this by emasculating an entire generation of men, indeed convincing the women that masculinity is inherently immoral. Thus the men are too cowed to defend society against tyranny, while the women enthusiastically enforce every insane diktat from the media.

This has been understood from ancient times. There's a passage in Herodotus in which a Persian king pacifies an Ionian city by banning the men from studying the military arts, while encouraging them to indulge in everything soft and pleasurable. He therefore destroys both their ability and their will to resist, and makes them slaves. Huxley described the same thing in Brave New World.
Here is another interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. In this one she talks about vaccination from the perspective of her work as a financial advisor. She's had families with vaccine injured individuals and says that you can expect that caring for a vaccine injured person will cost the family an additional $5 million dollars over the course of that individuals life. Obviously there are many families who will not be able to ever afford that level of care, so vaccine injury will go largely untreated which still impacts the family. So she gives that information to people who come to her for financial advice and strongly recommends that they reconsider their position on vaccines.

She also revisits her theory on what she thinks the aim is for mandatory vaccination - in brief terms, and as an analogy she says it's the equivalent of a windows operating system injected that's hooked up to the cloud so that thoughts and feelings can be monitored and controlled. She lists out the funds that have been directed to such endeavours.

That last seems so outlandish that it's difficult to believe that's the aim, but then the C's did say that the plans would backfire. Be interesting to know if the backfiring means that peep's will be able to download information from the cloud like Neo in The Matrix! However Fitts' take is to avoid the vaccine at all costs.

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