This seems reasonable; EM pollution makes it a struggle for living organisms to operate. If you're being attacked by a virus, then having your body suppressed electronically would, I should think, make you more susceptible. I can see the irritation of radiation itself being enough to push cells into an inflammation response.

The article is tinted with just enough of that Alex Jones style crazy sauce, however, to push the idea down deep into the frowned upon elements of society. Rather than put the following qualifier at the top to get the casual reader to move beyond the word, "HOAX", the author doesn't mention until the very end:

Author’s Note

This “CORONAVIRUS HOAX” does not mean there is not a highly contagious bioengineered coronavirus that is being released as a bioweapon in the nations that have experienced the ongoing bioterrorists attacks. It means that these stealthy bio-attacks were meant to cover up the raging epidemics of 5G Syndrome in those specific locations."

It's a spicy Truth Sandwich, that's for sure.

I need to catch up a bit on my reading before I might comment with something more useful, but one of the first items I ran across was this curious article regarding Italy:

Italy claims to be a year ahead of rest of Europe on 5G

That sort of thing makes me stop and go, "Hmmmmmm."
Hi guys, I was wondering if it will be possible to have a feedback on the situation regarding the coronavirus in other European countries where the virus has spread. What is the situation, how is it going the daily life, are there restrictions imposed in order to contain the spreading and so on? I think that your opinion on this matter is more valuable than what is written on the net. Just to have a more clear view on the whole situation in Europe and other continents of course. Thank you for your feedback.

We haven't seen any suspicious cases in our clinic (Northeast Spain) yet, but there has been a lot of flu cases and gastroenteritis. Of those cases, all the data points to the seasonal flu and there were no epidemiological contacts related with the coronavirus. We haven't found a reason to activate the coronavirus alert as per official protocols. My elderly patients are holding up pretty good and relatively speaking. It's the younger patients who are having trouble recovering from the flu. They feel like run over by a truck, like with a chronic fatigue syndrome. They seem to recover well enough after rest and vitamin remedies. One of my young patients ended up in the hospital for a bad pneumonia and his lab report came back negative for the coronavirus. They tested like 4 or 5 coronavirus strains. Who knows what he had, probably some of the other 200 viral strains that give the flu.

There was a major emergency outbreak involving dozens of children in one of the hotels, but it was for gastroenteritis and in the end it was the norovirus. The same hotel had their second outbreak two weeks ago, the norovirus was again the culprit.

We receive regular official/government protocol updates and although they are all much more detailed in terms of plan of action, many things are much more relaxed. For instance, people can opt to stay at home if they tested positive, are stable and have the right living conditions (a toilet, etc).

There are many memes and jokes shared around related to the coronavirus. Some of them are pretty funny. If someone is coughing, people don't go hysterical but actually say something funny. That's about it. The whole thing is practically a joke.

Nobody is hoarding in the supermarkets. Just their daily normal stuff. Hotels, restaurants, stores, cafés remain open. If anything, there is fewer people in the streets or consulting at the clinic for trivial things.

Some patients have cancelled trips and prefer to stay at home, others are planning to continue with their traveling arrangements. Most people are sure that the hysteria is hyped up, and they just don't get the sense of urgency when most of the reported cases that are turning up are milder than a common cold which is practically a joke for most of them with everything else that is going on in their life or families.
Hi guys, I was wondering if it will be possible to have a feedback on the situation regarding the coronavirus in other European countries where the virus has spread. What is the situation, how is it going the daily life, are there restrictions imposed in order to contain the spreading and so on? I think that your opinion on this matter is more valuable than what is written on the net. Just to have a more clear view on the whole situation in Europe and other continents of course. Thank you for your feedback.

All foreign nationals entering Croatia from the outbreak areas, especially from China, Italy, Korea, will be informed about the mandatory 14-day quarantine measure, and Croatian citizens coming from there will be in 14 days self-isolation. It is also recommended that all citizens consider postponing travel abroad to countries and regions affected by coronavirus.
Also, it is recommended to postpone all meetings with more than 1000 people and it will be necessary to obtain the consent from health authorities.
Truck drivers traveling on a daily basis to the affected areas , upon arrival in Croatia must be self-insulated until departure for the next transport, and upon their return, are obliged to self-isolate again.
Jon Rappoport's latest:
Vimeo Censors My Interview, In Which Catherine Austin Fitts And I Discuss Coronavirus And Vaccines
MARCH 9, 2020

By Jon Rappoport

To boil it down: a video was posted, then it was censored. Removed. Deleted. By Vimeo. On March 4. Bang.

Why? Because you’re not supposed to know what was discussed in the video.

It might give you a wrong idea.

You might infer something you shouldn’t. You can’t handle making up your own mind. You have to feed at the official and approved public trough for truth. Truth is defined for you by those in charge of Knowing. You’re a pawn who must be controlled, for your own good. That’s why Vimeo took down the video.

Vimeo might not understand all that. From what I’m told, programmed robots don’t work from understanding; they just follow orders.

A couple of weeks back, Catherine Austin Fitts and I did one of her wide-ranging Solari Reports. We discussed the coronavirus situation and vaccines. I was ever-polite, as usual. You know me. I avoid stepping on toes at all costs. Before an interview, I always take two Thorazine and meditate on the magnificence of Globalism and Oneness in the everlasting corporatization of planet Earth. Yet somehow, someone at Vimeo took umbrage.

Catherine Austin Fitts, describes her enterprise: “Solari Report is an independent intelligence network whose goal is to support its subscribers and readers in living a free and inspired life.”

Might this be problematic in the eyes of Vimeo? What did she say? Independent? Free and inspired? Hmm. What about conforming? What about saluting the great cheese glob of lowest common denominator?

I asked Catherine for her reaction when she received the notice, on March 4, that the video was taken down. I quote her directly:

“FLABBERGASTED adjective flab• ber• gast• ed | \ˈfla-bər-ˌga-stəd \Definition of flabbergasted: feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder: utterly astonished flabbergast [flab-er-gast] verb (used with object) to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound. First Known Use of flabbergasted 1773, in the meaning defined above.”

Actually, on March 4, Vimeo took down two Solari videos. The other one was Catherine’s interview about mandated vaccines, with Mary Holland. Who? “Who is THAT person coming forward and telling us about vaccines, when we haven’t seen her face, at least several times, on the CBS Evening News? Does she at least work for the government?”

“Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is pleased to announce that Mary S. Holland has become its full-time General Counsel. Holland will continue to serve as CHD Vice Chair of the Board of Directors.”

“Holland has fought long and hard in the vaccination choice and safety movement. In the last fifteen years, she has co-written and edited two books, Vaccine Epidemic and The HPV Vaccine on Trial, and co-founded two non-profits, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and the Center for Personal Rights. In addition, she has published seminal legal articles on critical dimensions of vaccine law and policy: constitutionality; herd immunity; liability for injury; and the connection between vaccines and autism.”

“On behalf of many organizations, she submitted amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, a case about manufacturer liability, and to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Cedillo v. HHS about vaccine-induced autism…”

Obviously, Vimeo knows what they’re doing. They must protect you from learning what this Mary Holland (or anyone else) might put in your head. Right? Of course. Vimeo is looking out for your welfare day and night.

Here is a brief except from Mary Holland’s Solari Report: “All you have to do is look up a [vaccine] product on the internet. Look up an insert [package] for the polio vaccine or the diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis. There are 50 different [adverse effect] medical conditions, typically including death, that are listed on the product insert. So the propaganda rolls on, ‘Vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccines are safe and effective,’ but when you look for evidence of this, it’s just not true.”

“All you have to do is look at what the manufacturers say to insure that they continue to be liability-free. We should talk about that. They list the things that people report to them are adverse events after vaccination with this vaccine.”

“They [the manufacturers] go to great lengths to say, ‘This [adverse event] isn’t proven,’ and, ‘We never go back and test,’ and, ‘This is a sample size of unknown numbers,’ but these are reported adverse events from this vaccine. I don’t know how you can say that somebody shouldn’t have the right to say, ‘No, I’ll take my risks. I would really rather get the mumps than die’.”

Can you handle reading those words from Mary Holland? Can you make up your mind whether you agree or disagree? If you’re not sure, can you file the information away in a “maybe” compartment? Was there a need to have Vimeo decide to wall you off from what Mary Holland said?

“Yes, but you see, Jon, there are so many suggestible people out there who can’t make up their own minds. They must be protected.”

Really? Protected from exactly what? And by whom? A Central Committee issuing daily rulings? We are now a society in which free speech only exists in the shadow cast by persons who are unable to think?

I’ll tell you this. If I were the CEO of a huge vaccine manufacturer, or a top executive at the CDC (a front for vaccine companies); and if were very worried about what the public might discover re mind-boggling vaccine dangers, I’d award Vimeo a medal for censoring unofficial sources. I’d be pouring out praise for their efforts. And quietly, I’d think, wow, they’re basically operating like a PR agency for me.

As for what I said in my interview with Catherine in our Solari Report conversation, I don’t need to pick out an excerpt. You can access any of my articles on the “coronavirus crisis” (archive here) and find the essence and details of my position. Is there a reason for censorship there? Apparently, many readers don’t think so.

Read entire article:

More people need to start using the video platform founded by Mike Adams of in response to the blatant censoring by youtube, facebook. twitter: Brighteon
For anyone that may be panicking, it can be really helpful to know that stress actually reduces your immunity even more! The healthiest thing you can probably do is to do EE, take regular baths with or without epsom salt/ bicarbonate and take a daily dose of Vit C, upping it if you feel like you are coming down with something. It's a good reminder to take care of yourself and put into practice natural remedies and stress-relieving practices.

Or alternatively... :lol:

Also, a note on the 'professionals' in the media, as others have stated, they aren't always professionals, at least some of them don't appear to be ethically bound by professional standards! I find it hard to believe that mid-hysteria, viewpoints that contradict the narrative would be promoted, hence why the majority of the media is screaming that it's the end of the world, and the "flu crowd" doesn't have much of a voice in comparison.

Update from the island: UK prepares to ask even mildly sick to stay home

People who show "even minor" signs of respiratory tract infections or a fever will soon be told to self-isolate in an effort to tackle the coronavirus outbreak.

The UK government's chief medical adviser said the change in advice could happen within the next 10 to 14 days.
I didn't notice any difference personally here in Germany, but in the news they said that the foodbank gets less products from the supermarkets because of hoarders, which is sad considering that poorer people may already be more in danger of serious illness.
Hi guys, I was wondering if it will be possible to have a feedback on the situation regarding the coronavirus in other European countries where the virus has spread. What is the situation, how is it going the daily life, are there restrictions imposed in order to contain the spreading and so on? I think that your opinion on this matter is more valuable than what is written on the net. Just to have a more clear view on the whole situation in Europe and other continents of course. Thank you for your feedback.

Thank you Andrian for all your updates, I've been reading them and all others'. It's good to have people from all over the world reporting the situation from the ground. I don’t live in Greece but I have been following the situation as it’s unfolding there.

About a week or two ago, 4 people were tested positive. They all had traveled to Italy. And with only 4 people infected (and not even very seriously sick) the government appeared panicked and they tried to cancel all the Carnival celebrations, threatening with fines and up to 2 years in prison if anyone broke the law. Thousands of people defied that and had their celebrations, and, of what I know, no one was punished because there were way too many people in the streets.

Then next week, a group of Greeks who have been in the “Holy Land” for religious reasons got sick and tested positive to the virus. The numbers went up to about 30. Right now there are about 70 people positive to the virus and they are closing down schools and other venues, telling people to avoid large gatherings, stuff like that. Nobody died yet and no one seems to be in critical condition, but they are canceling all flights to and from northern Italy. The government sounds more insanely panicked so far, but I don’t doubt that it will spread to the rest of the people soon.

And the number 2 subject that divides the Greek society at this moment (second to: those who want open borders are traitors to the nation vs those who want to protect the borders are fascist pigs) is whether the Holy Communion/Eucharist can spread the coronavirus.

The medical experts warn the populace against going for Communion because of the possibility of the virus being transmitted that way, while the church elders had a meeting and decided that the blood of Christ cannot be spreading germs or viruses because of its holy attributes, and invite the people to continue going to churches and performing the rites without fears. So it's a war between science and religion through the media, and people taking sides based on their beliefs.
Where I live in west Wales, we have just had our first two documented cases of the virus. They were a couple who had been holidaying in northern Italy. On my trip to my local supermarket last week I was surprised to see empty shelves and fridges, people are panicking and stocking up on food. Me? I'm just plodding on as normal, if I get sick then what will be will be. Death remains frightening to me, but now I understand it's a natural process from one density to another, and it's bound to happen eventually so I might as well just come to terms with it.

As I understand it the death rate is very low, so like others on here have opined you have to wonder what the panic and hype will be like when something truly lethal spreads in the future.
I don't know if I should report this or not. I rarely get sick (fortunate for a 72 year old!), but about three weeks ago, I came home from my usual 2 days of babysitting each week for my sweet grandaughter who is 5 years old - just outside of Boston, MA. When I left my daughter's home on a Friday evening, I was extremely tired and chilly - not my usual self. The next 4 days I was pretty much down and out, with symptoms of chills, body aches and extreme (very extreme) tiredness. Not at all like me. I spent two days on the couch/bed. No appetite. And two days later I was back to semi-normal. I had no fever, no cough so maybe it was just one of those winter bugs!? But, we have 5G on our building's roof, (I have to add that I am assuming these five enormous towering units are 5G....they were put there by Verizon). And within line of sight is an enormous smokestack also with the same kinds of enormous towers attached to it). I live in an elderly and disabled 8 story apartment complex. And, who would notice if the elderly and disabled started getting sick/sicker and dying.

So......not sure what to make of any of my symptoms. I am pretty much back to my normal energetic self with no symptoms. But who knows. I do not know if the 5G(?) on our roof is currently activated or not. So, I watch and wait and live with no regrets.
Taking the cue from
bilateral interstitial pneumonia
the picture of the potential threat becomes more clear. It is not a threat is pure danger.

Interstitial Pneumonia - Lung and Airway Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version

Acute Interstitial Pneumonia
(Accelerated Interstitial Pneumonia; Hamman-Rich Syndrome)
Joyce Lee
, MD, MAS, University of Colorado Denver
Last full review/revision Sep 2019| Content last modified Sep 2019

NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. DOCTORS: Click here for the Professional Version

Acute interstitial pneumonia is an idiopathic interstitial pneumonia that develops suddenly and is severe.

(See also Overview of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias.)
Acute interstitial pneumonia causes the same type of symptoms as the acute respiratory distress syndrome. It tends to affect healthy men and women who are usually older than 40.
Fever, cough, and difficulty breathing develop over 1 to 2 weeks, typically progressing to acute respiratory failure.
The diagnosis is confirmed when other causes of acute lung injury are excluded and consistent findings are found with computed tomography (CT) and lung biopsy, if done.
Treatment aims to keep the person alive until the disorder resolves. Mechanical ventilation is needed if there is respiratory failure. Corticosteroids are generally used, but it is not clear whether they are effective.
More than 60% of affected people die within 6 months, usually as a result of respiratory failure. In people who survive, lung function usually improves with time. However, the disease may recur.

Honestly, it far more serious than anything I have read so far.
Trump just stated something very obvious that way to many people seem to forget amidst this irrational media fueled hysteria:

Trump said:
So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!


Steve Hilton spent much of his opening monologue Sunday slamming Democrats and the media, saying they've been stoking the flames of coronavirus panic with the country at risk of a "catastrophic overreaction."

"Of course, no one should minimize it, and we must do all we can to stop preventable deaths -- but it seems to me that we’ve got a bunch of people in leadership positions in the media and business and Congress who are running around maximizing coronavirus without a thought for the harm they may be causing," Hilton said on "The Next Revolution."

Hilton pointed to a recent statement from a U.S. health official who asserted that over 85 percent of those infected will experience mild to no symptoms.

"By the way, that is an actual public health official. Trump said literally the same thing and the idiots in the ruling-class state TV go nuts," Hilton said.

He continued, "The virus is here. It's going to spread. The vast majority of people who get it won't even know. As Dr. [Anthony] Fauci said today, we know who is at risk: the elderly and those with underlying conditions. For God's sake, let's put our efforts into protecting them."

Hilton emphasized that "draconian restrictions" were justified "only for the elderly and vulnerable," and called for the implementation of safeguards for high-risk communities.

"Get hospital ICUs and ventilator capacity ready. Take extra steps to protect nursing homes. Make sure no one is put off from being seen by a doctor over fears of the cost," he went on, "but stop this wild, reckless overreaction based on panic, not science."

Pointing to the cancellation of the South by Southwest (SXSW) media and music festival, which had been scheduled for later this month in Austin, Texas, Hilton criticized city officials and others calling for employees to work remotely to minimize the spread of the virus.

"These people canceling South by Southwest, telling people to work from home... they're not going to suffer. The people who will be really hurt are the workers in the hotels, the bars, food trucks. Who is going to take care of them while the tech workers lounge around at home ordering Uber Eats on their stupid iPhones?" Hilton said. "This is yet another example of an arrogant ruling elite with no understanding of, or empathy for, how precarious the lives of the poorest Americans are. We need to have this discussion openly."

Hilton said it boiled down to a "trade-off between a potentially pointless effort of containment and the lasting pain it would cause for the poorest Americans."

"That's what President Trump has been doing," he concluded.

"That's what [Trump economic adviser] Larry Kudlow is doing. They are 100 percent right -- we don't need panic, we need to be positive and practical."
I'm sick of the hot air and scare mongering coming from these people. It's a very messy situation which will hopefully go away on its own accord over the spring/summer. Unfortunately damage has already been done from the ridiculous reaction. My only personal concern is I'm out of vitamin C. The brand I use isn't in stock until the 16th.
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