Standard thing to do in any flu season:
1. Have plenty of sodium bicarbonate on hand.
2. Get a kilo of dried elderberries (they have them on amazon) to make tea/juice.
3. Have plenty of vitamin C and zinc.

Then, just don't go to public places if you can avoid it.

Start today taking 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarb in small glass of water every morning when you get up.
If you get sick, follow directions on sodium bicarb thread.

Make a batch of elderberry tea/juice. (Recipe on elderberry thread.) Drink 6 ounces every day with breakfast.
If you get sick, take a few ounces every hour.

Take vitamin C regularly, as much as you can without getting tummy upset. Usually, about 5 grams.

If you start this TODAY, you can probably get through the whole flu season without getting sick.
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About quarantines effectiveness...

Are viruses around us all the time? And since influenzas are seasonal, they are triggered by environmental conditions. So, there are two things happening, the conditions are met to foster influenza, and we are in enclosed spaces, breathing stagnant air, that is conducive to providing a host for the virus, then it spreads.

But, since the influenza is in the environment, and winds, rain, ect. can carry it around, then it can emerge, despite quarantines. That isn't to say, quarantines don't help, but they don't prevent the spread, because influenza emerges and then finds a host, and we are good candidates as we are living in incubator conditions - like those cruise ships, only they are even better incubators.

So we have good preventative things like vitamin C, ect. but maybe fresh air is valuable too.

I live in a colder region, and every so often people die from carbon monoxide poisoning, they just get tired, fall asleep an die from lack of oxygen. It is caused by fumes from a fuel source, and its exhaust isn't properly ventilated. But its symptoms are flu like, so you don't take the symptoms as signs of danger, then you die in your sleep.

So, we have safety standards to prevent such a drastic situation, but maybe the stagnant air we breath is enough to weaken our systems to where a virus can infect us. Then it spreads.

So, opening the windows and letting fresh air in might be valuable too. And to quarantine, and not acknowledge the necessity of fresh air, might aggravate and incubate further these outbreaks, by putting ourselves in these incubating environments.
This is pure speculation but I saw a similar report from an American prepper who mentioned some stuff regarding why the virus is appearing to essentially be highly fatal in Italy and Iran.

To put it into perspective, Italy and Iran have the highest death % amongst the confirmed infected and Italy in particular has the highest incidence of serious cases among those confirmed to have the virus.

Anyways, he said a new strain might have been introduced by the usual players to fly under the radar of the old less aggressive strain. This new strain might have been modified to target some genetic profile within Iranians which apparently Italians might share as well... Eeek. :scared:

So Italians might be collateral damage in some geopolitical game against Iran.

Remember, stop, breathe, smell the roses and relax.
Here in Germany, the panic is more spreading imo and the media does its propaganda job perfectly fine. So far there are two reported deaths that fit in the category of 70+ year old patients. At my job more and more clients refuse to shake hands and I refuse instead to hang up any signs that I don't shake hands. There are also some telephone hotlines set up, where people call in and ask if they got Corona, because they bought a bag from China :rolleyes:.
What is kind of worrying is that the hysteria and panic fueled by the media seems to be increasing rather than receding. Over three months now. I still have a pretty bad feeling about all of this and especially how vulnerable many people seem to be when authorities work them up about essentially nothing in the grand scheme of things. Again the question, how would the same people react if really something serious happens? It looks all rather ominous to me at this point. It doesn't look good. If people follow our authorities in such a fashion when essentially nothing is really at stake, how will they react if they get worked up about something "more serious"? As others pointed out too, I also get the definite feeling that the PTB are ruthlessly using this right now as some sort of dry run and is working out alarmingly good. 1984 anyone?
Here in Germany, the panic is more spreading imo and the media does its propaganda job perfectly fine. So far there are two reported deaths that fit in the category of 70+ year old patients. At my job more and more clients refuse to shake hands and I refuse instead to hang up any signs that I don't shake hands. There are also some telephone hotlines set up, where people call in and ask if they got Corona, because they bought a bag from China :rolleyes:.

So far it seems that after Italy there is France and Germany that have the highest numbers of infected people by the coronavirus in Europe, though it seems that there haven't been applied drastic measures like in Italy, at least not yet. Just for the sake of objectivity will be interesting to wait and see how the governments of other countries will react and act to the "pandemic". Any further feedbacks on this matter will be very welcome. Thank you all for the feedbacks so far.
So, the answer is....whatever the media says we believe the opposite?

Not a bad approach, but not exactly objective either.

And, to clarify, my "freak-out" was not so much a freak-out as you think. I was concerned about spreading it to vulnerable members of my family and friends. That's sort of an STO approach. No? And I also noted in my post that I "sat with it". I guess I should clarify. I work at home, so that was easy. I meditate, seated and silent or with breathwork, usually daily, do yoga or qi-gong regularly, talk walks, eat well, practice mindfulness, read a lot, contemplate the mystery. I boosted my normal vitamin C intake, nebulized some colloidal silver (good to do every once in a while anyway), etc. I'm not at all worried about me. There was a brief period, maybe an hour, that I felt a little upper chest discomfort and that was disconcerting, probably peak freak-out for me. So, I did some kriya (not exactly as formally described by Yogananda, but similar) to work with the "freak-out" energy and the upper respiratory energy. I spoke to a spiritual mentor, worked with him on the attachments of the body-mind complex and further explored "stuckness" in the energy centers (middle ones for me, mulhadara and sahasara are more open for me than the others, so to speak), discussed some tantra techniques, and breathing techniques. I do all of these. No need to worry about me, being the body-mind part that is. As far as the deeper self? No need for any of us to worry about that anyways. It's incorruptible, but it does like to put on a play as if it's somehow damaged goods.

Should I worry about you?

Which you is that? The one that services self? Or the other?

Oh yeah, the big point I was trying to make, atma vichara - self-enquiry - how's that process informing opinions about this supposed-or-not pandemic? Whether or not there is an opinion on one side or the other is mostly immaterial to me. I get it either way. To me, the most important consideration is how we're reacting to it. Sounds like the Sott team is doing fine by not over-reacting. Probably not any harm in under-reacting. Probably well-prepped. But what is concerning, at least what would be concerning if I saw it in myself, was the seemingly dismissive attitude towards contrary information, that is, information that contradicts either preconceived notions about any and all media outputs, and adherence to C's statements as beyond reproach. I was thinking I might get something like, "You know, we are having those discussions here at the Chateau about what internal dialogues we are having with our inner selves, and we are always checking for our own shadow-self throwing up roadblocks to further self-discovery, calling out our own BS, and it's going well." But there was none of that. So I could say, "Oh dear. That's not good."

There are things to consider regarding the novel coronavirus, which I was thinking would be answered better than, "opposite of media reports," especially since those reports are all over the place. I don't watch tv news or read mainstream sources, and don't follow any social media unless they are embedded in articles, but I'm seeing contradictory information. Some that I can't reconcile: we're talking a total case number that's statistically insignificant, and a CFR that is not alarming, so that's on the side of "no worries." And yet, there is this troubling problem with acute care faclities, such that a normal month would see 5-7 deaths, and we've not had double in a short time at the Seattle facility. That's curious and worth considering. There's also the issue of hospitalization rate. I know lots of medical professionals. They don't like taking up beds with crybabies. But there is this peculiar problem of the rate of hospitalizations. I don't know the statistics world-wide, but even if there's only a 0.1% CFR (like seasonal flu), what does it take to save those lives? I don't know that. If someone takes weeks in the hospital and recovers, that's great that they recovered, but it still doesn't mesh with my life experience, in which I have never known a soul who has been hospitalized for the flu. I still don't know anyone who has, so that's not surprising. But there are concerns that it's not only about CFR, there's this problem with having enough beds. And, I can assure you that nothing like the rapid build of hospitals in China would ever happen here in the USA, because building officials are not capable of processing that, so they won't. Those are just a couple of areas where I find the contradictory data makes it hard to be certain.
I wonder why the C-virus on the west coast hasn’t run like a brush fire though the homeless population? They are just about everywhere, are generally unhealth, and live in a very poor hygienical conditions. They must be highly susceptible, yet I haven’t heard and thing about them getting the virus, it always seems to be an 80/ y/o in poor health….?
The fact that most of them have had annual flu shots. The homeless people likely have not had any shots lately.

You can put that in your list of possibilities why.
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Basically, the same people who were going: "Russia, Russia, Russia" and then "Impeach, Impeach, Impeach" are now going "Virus, Virus, Virus".
For sure, that seems to be the case. And I don't have a problem with the statement that the risk is low for the average American. Except what George Carlin taught us about averages. Paraphrasing: think about how dumb the average American is, and then realize that half are dumber. So, think about how immune compromised the average American is. Maybe it's nothing. If I were an asthmatic or prone to allergies (it's getting to be about that time for spring pollen), or name any number of categories of at-risk people, or if I knew them, I would be taking appropriate caution.
For sure, that seems to be the case. And I don't have a problem with the statement that the risk is low for the average American. Except what George Carlin taught us about averages. Paraphrasing: think about how dumb the average American is, and then realize that half are dumber. So, think about how immune compromised the average American is. Maybe it's nothing. If I were an asthmatic or prone to allergies (it's getting to be about that time for spring pollen), or name any number of categories of at-risk people, or if I knew them, I would be taking appropriate caution.

Standard thing to do in any flu season:
1. Have plenty of sodium bicarbonate on hand.
2. Get a kilo of dried elderberries (they have them on amazon) to make tea/juice.
3. Have plenty of vitamin C and zinc.

Then, just don't go to public places if you can avoid it.

Start today taking 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarb in small glass of water every morning when you get up.
If you get sick, follow directions on sodium bicarb thread.

Make a batch of elderberry tea/juice. (Recipe on elderberry thread.) Drink 6 ounces every day with breakfast.
If you get sick, take a few ounces every hour.

Take vitamin C regularly, as much as you can without getting tummy upset. Usually, about 5 grams.

If you start this TODAY, you can probably get through the whole flu season without getting sick.
Just saw this:
The Real Story Behind Australia’s Toilet Paper Crisis
March 7, 2020 by IWB

No, it’s not selfish everyday Aussie mums and dads stripping the shelves bare – or at least it wasn’t in the beginning. Now that the media has ensured panic has set in, ordinary folks are trying to get as much as they can and screw everyone else – like the elderly lady on her fortnightly grocery shopping expedition forced to buy paper towels because there was not a single roll of toilet paper available.

So why is Australia running out of toilet paper?

It’s because there are organised groups of Chinese shoppers called “daigou” who purchase Australian products from Australian stores and export them to China en masse.

In 2018 there were an estimated 400,000 daigou operating in Australia concentrating mostly on baby formula, vitamin supplements and beauty products. They hunt in packs and when they were last in the news it was due to them raping and pillaging Australian stores of baby formula to such an extent that Australian mothers could not purchase any.

This time around it’s worse. The daigou workforce has easily tripled since the coronavirus threat has seen Chinese manufacturing remain on stand down. Most factories haven’t restarted production since shutting down for the Chinese New Year break in late January. Basic products such as toilet paper and even rice to a certain degree are all but unavailable in China at the moment unless purchased on the black market, which is where the daigou come in to it.

Here’s how they operated BEFORE the coronavirus threat –

Packs of daigou hunting through supermarkets, stripping shelves bare (of baby formula in the video above) and lately stripping Australian shelves of toilet paper, pasta, hand sanitiser, paracetemol, baby formula (still) and other items which are hard to find in China.

This will continue unabated and I can guarantee that Australia is not the only Asia-Pacific country having its domestic supply chain raped and pillaged by packs of Chinese opportunists feeding the Chinese black market.

Soon it will be ANY non-perishable food item they can send home to China in a container.

Interesting times ahead.

Disclaimer: This is a guest post and it doesn’t represent the views of IWB.

Again the question, how would the same people react if really something serious happens? It looks all rather ominous to me at this point. It doesn't look good. If people follow our authorities in such a fashion when essentially nothing is really at stake, how will they react if they get worked up about something "more serious"?
I'm thinking that's when the populace gets "more serious" and the weapons come out. :shock: Good grief - we've seen how many freak out over just Black Friday deals, so actual killing plague illness and/or serious food shortages - people will not be calm or sensible IMHO.
"These people canceling South by Southwest, telling people to work from home... they're not going to suffer. The people who will be really hurt are the workers in the hotels, the bars, food trucks. Who is going to take care of them while the tech workers lounge around at home ordering Uber Eats on their stupid iPhones?" Hilton said. "This is yet another example of an arrogant ruling elite with no understanding of, or empathy for, how precarious the lives of the poorest Americans are. We need to have this discussion openly."
100% agree. I work from home. It would not bother me one bit if they closed schools where I live and my kid was home . We supposedly have a full four weeks of snow days that didn't get used, so if it started now, ran through spring break, that would be five weeks of effort to control the spread. Sounds reasonable. Except no. What about all those less fortunate who need schools to stay open or their kids will be home alone, and maybe won't get their (nutritionally inadequate, but at least not absent) free lunches and even breakfasts. What about the after-school programs that are offered as virtual day-care for working class families. Those families will be screwed.

As it happens, another of my kids attends college in the middle of a supposed hot-spot, and classes have been cancelled for the week leading up to spring break. Her grandmother was going to pick her up, take her to dinner with her uncles and bring her some, until my kid said, "But uncle J and uncle D are both immune compromised from their recent medical interventions." Grandma wasn't thinking of it that way. She wasn't worried because as grannies go, she's fit as can be, probably fitter than most people half her age.

No easy answers. The only one I think we can bank on is to stay away from grannie for a while in case she gets sick and unwittingly passes it on to her more vulnerable family and friends. Even with that, good luck.
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