I started thinking that we aren't doing a whole lot to help others with this situation by just going over and over it. So, I posted my recipe on FB and am putting it in comments to any post about the virus to try to spread some useful information.

Perhaps all of us could start working a bit on something similar. Calm people down. Give them something sound to actually do. Point out that this is a MSM manufactured panic. And so on.
Can somebody turn this into an image that can be posted on Twitter:

Standard thing to do in any flu season and to prevent colds and corona virus:

1. Have plenty of sodium bicarbonate on hand.
2. Get a kilo of dried elderberries (they have them on amazon) to make tea/juice.
3. Have plenty of vitamin C and zinc.

Start today taking 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarb in small glass of water every morning when you get up.
If you get sick, take 1/2 tsp every 2 hours for 5 or 6 doses a day for two or three days.

Make a batch of elderberry tea/juice. (Recipe on elderberry thread.) Drink 6 ounces every day with breakfast.
If you get sick, take a few ounces every hour.

Take vitamin C regularly, as much as you can without getting tummy upset. Usually, about 5 grams.

If you start this TODAY, you can probably get through the whole flu season without getting sick.

And don't go among crowds or in public places if you can avoid it.
I started thinking that we aren't doing a whole lot to help others with this situation by just going over and over it. So, I posted my recipe on FB and am putting it in comments to any post about the virus to try to spread some useful information.

Perhaps all of us could start working a bit on something similar. Calm people down. Give them something sound to actually do. Point out that this is a MSM manufactured panic. And so on.

Agreed! Everyone I have spoken to so far has said that all they are being told is to call the local Healthline number and to wash their hands, avoid touching and self-isolate. No advice on what to do when you are isolating yourself... DOH!
So far it seems that after Italy there is France and Germany that have the highest numbers of infected people by the coronavirus in Europe, though it seems that there haven't been applied drastic measures like in Italy, at least not yet. Just for the sake of objectivity will be interesting to wait and see how the governments of other countries will react and act to the "pandemic". Any further feedbacks on this matter will be very welcome. Thank you all for the feedbacks so far.

The Dutch PM/cabinet today has advised all Dutch citizens to not shake hands. We have around 321 people infected in the Netherlands, with three deaths (two 86 y/o, and one 82 y/o; at least two of them were already ill). At the university/hospital I work, there are posters everywhere reminding people to wash their hands, to cough and sneeze 'on your arm', and to keep a good distance from patients if you show flu symptoms. Some of my colleagues at least don't seem to be too alarmed about the whole thing, which was good to see! I noticed that today someone from the department bought fruit for us all to eat (to 'stay healthy'), and I was thinking to myself that having a bottle of vit C would've been more helpful! :halo: There also have been some cancellations of big meetings or presentations, because they want to prevent too many people gathering together.
This seems reasonable; EM pollution makes it a struggle for living organisms to operate. If you're being attacked by a virus, then having your body suppressed electronically would, I should think, make you more susceptible. I can see the irritation of radiation itself being enough to push cells into an inflammation response.

I'm curous at that as well. Supposedly, there a latent CMV infection bugging me for years. It like to hide out in the central nervous system. Could also be related to tinnitus (but that also has do lots of loud music in small clubs as a kid, lots of power tools and power sports, etc.). I've read that 5G can activate latent Epstein-Barr virus and cause acute symptoms. Got a new router when my oldie crapped-out a couple of weeks ago, and indicentally, just before I caught some bug. I had my kid set it up, and he neglected to disable the 5G. The bug apparently made the tinnitus get pretty bad. But I double checked and made sure the 5G was disabled in case that was contributing. I recovered from the bug after a few days of mild fever, but the tinnitus is still there roaring more than usual. I'm going to do some experimentation with the new router to see if there is any effect.
China posts list of drugs and therapies they used so far on COVID-19 patients, and had no adverse reactions.
March 8, 2020 by IWB

Drugs like Chloroquine phosphate and Favipiravir have shown 0 adverse reactions and obvious efficacy.

China has released the seventh version of the diagnosis and treatment guideline on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Here are some drugs and therapies that have been recommended by the guideline, and some drugs that have been found to have the potential to defeat the virus and have entered clinical trials.
The latest version of the guideline suggests the use of Tocilizumab in patients with an increasing level of IL-6 and with extensive lesions in both lungs or severe symptoms.

Chinese researchers have found that a cause of death for severe and critically ill patients infected with the novel coronavirus is cytokine storm, an overreaction of the immune system. These patients are found with a higher level of IL-6 in their blood.

Last month, the increasing level of IL-6 was recommended as a warning sign that the patient’s situation could possibly deteriorate.

Read all:

I am drinking cystus tea, 2-3 cups per day. It is definitely doing something! I used to drink cystus when I felt an inflammation starting somewhere - it always helped (or it was ALWAYS a coincidence, can't tell), but someone told me that cystus tea is their family recepy for colds and fevers.

We have a store, so we have actual customers. For sure we are a lot more exposed to infections than someone working from home. One customer told us today that he has a cough and phoned his MD for an appointment. The MD told him not to come to his office, he will send him a note for two weeks via snail mail. I thought: wow. we are lucky not to have employees.

A friend told me just two hours ago that his mother has a colleague who was tested positive. She was outraged that she wasn't neither tested nor told to stay at home. with two other peeps in her office room she is too exposed. hm. Again. There are people who have to be out or die businesswise. So get a grip.
Can you find that report? We should all be sharing it in response to that nonsense.
With so much varied information available that may be impossible now. It was when the first cases started showing up in Wuhan. It was something noted by one of the first non official reports from the streets of Wuhan. I just logged it in my brain as something to keep an eye on. Something to the effect of less than 0.001% of deaths were in the smoking public at that time.
Not sure if it's this one, but on page 4, you can see in the table that only 3 patients (7%) out of the 41 patients infected with the coronavirus are smokers: Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China

Here's a more recent one, published last month: Clinical characteristics of 140 patients infected with SARSCoV-2 in Wuhan, China

Note: "current smokers (1.4%) were rare." & "Interestingly, there were only 2 current smokers and 7 past smokers (Table 1)." That's out of 140 patients.

The relationship between smoking and coronavirus infection is not clear, and the exact underlying causes of the lower incidence of COVID-19 in current smokers are still unknown.

Although our study found that COPD and smoking populations were less likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, but the outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in smokers may be more severe.

"may"... they had to mention something about smoking being bad, I bet they were probably surprised by the findings. Added: If they base that last assumption on their finding that the 2 smokers in their sample population of 140 people were 'severe patients' (as opposed to nonsevere in disease severity), then it's quite a stretch to make such a claim. You'd need a much larger sample of smokers who got the coronavirus (which I'm pretty sure will be very hard to find) to get an idea of disease severity. The point is that only 1.4% of their whole sample population are current smokers who got the coronavirus. That's very low, as they noted themselves.

Low prevalence of smokers and no allergic diseases despite of drug hypersensitivity and urticaria was self-reported by any patients, indicating that allergic diseases and smoking history may not be the susceptible factors for COVID-19.
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Can somebody turn this into an image that can be posted on Twitter:

Standard thing to do in any flu season and to prevent colds and corona virus:

1. Have plenty of sodium bicarbonate on hand.
2. Get a kilo of dried elderberries (they have them on amazon) to make tea/juice.
3. Have plenty of vitamin C and zinc.

Start today taking 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarb in small glass of water every morning when you get up.
If you get sick, take 1/2 tsp every 2 hours for 5 or 6 doses a day for two or three days.

Make a batch of elderberry tea/juice. (Recipe on elderberry thread.) Drink 6 ounces every day with breakfast.
If you get sick, take a few ounces every hour.

Take vitamin C regularly, as much as you can without getting tummy upset. Usually, about 5 grams.

If you start this TODAY, you can probably get through the whole flu season without getting sick.

And don't go among crowds or in public places if you can avoid it.
I would, but I don't tweet. It's great advice. I've been taking sodium bicarb daily for years, and the Vitamin C plus lots of others. Haven't done elderberries, so I'll get some.

Curious for me, and maybe a reason why I'm on the fence about this bug but leaning towards worse-than-flu, is that I'm infected with something. I had a fever for a few days, scratchy throat, heavy snoring one night (which is not normal) to the extent that it chased my wife to another room. Upped the C and baking soda, nebulized some colloidal silver, and after a few days, fever gone for nearly 48 hours. It's now back and a little higher than it was, but still not bad. I'm not one who gets sick. I make fun of friends and extended family who get flu shots, because they all get the flue and my immediately family doesn't. So I've found myself in uncharted territory.

Attention is like gravity (didn't the C's recently say gravity is consciousness or something like that?). All this attention to the bug is maybe like choosing the 'global contagion' branch (I know the C's said something about that on the last session). A beloved teacher is always instructing that, in spite of all the apparent negativity in the world, we can choose to live in our own Ram-Raj. That reminds me of Sir Nisargadatta Maharaj telling people at satsang, when they ask about the lowly world status, he says, "That's not the world I see."

No, it's not YCYOR the way the magical thinkers say, but there is something to the idea that "paying attention" is like buying what you are paying for with your attention.
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