The insanity is increasing in Canada, Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam has just said that physical distancing, mask wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even WITH a covid vaccine. She also recommends that children over the age of 10 should wear masks in schools. I can barely find the words for how diabolical this is. They really aren't even trying to hide what they're planning anymore, the complete destruction of all freedoms and all normal life.

It has been said in this thread and several other threads that we can't really convince anyone of anything, that they have made their choices of their own free will. And when I read something like this, and hear the many so called educated people supporting this, well it is quite clear that NOTHING, no actual evidence to the contrary, will convince them, they will give away all their own freedom as well as enforce and shame anyone who objects. It is absolutely stunning to watch this happen in real time among friends and neighbours.

There appears to be no stopping this, at least until the exposure the C's mentioned, or other cosmic events intervene with this evil plan. However, when that day comes, and I have faith that it will, I do wonder how people are going to react? I guess that is a question that we will just have to wait and see what happens, as we continue watching the (horror) show.
I feel uneasy as well....
And the rumour is from the same guy, yes, and I couldn't find any confirmation.
Here's the link to his video for those who haven't seen it yet (in German)

I was referring to another YT fellow

he's from another German state and he also claims he has the information from local politicians.

His point is that as of September 1 many bad loans will be due, banks might collapse and an enormous number people could be laid off.

So the lockdown would mainly be against demonstrations and civil unrest.

The plan for the new lockdown seems to go back to June and new laws supporting banks against write-offs have been implemented. So I wouldn't bet my piggybank on a lockdown as early as September.
The insanity is increasing in Canada, Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam has just said that physical distancing, mask wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even WITH a covid vaccine. She also recommends that children over the age of 10 should wear masks in schools. I can barely find the words for how diabolical this is. They really aren't even trying to hide what they're planning anymore, the complete destruction of all freedoms and all normal life.

It has been said in this thread and several other threads that we can't really convince anyone of anything, that they have made their choices of their own free will. And when I read something like this, and hear the many so called educated people supporting this, well it is quite clear that NOTHING, no actual evidence to the contrary, will convince them, they will give away all their own freedom as well as enforce and shame anyone who objects. It is absolutely stunning to watch this happen in real time among friends and neighbours.

There appears to be no stopping this, at least until the exposure the C's mentioned, or other cosmic events intervene with this evil plan. However, when that day comes, and I have faith that it will, I do wonder how people are going to react? I guess that is a question that we will just have to wait and see what happens, as we continue watching the (horror) show.

I expect the whole situation to break violently sooner or later. For now they happily push their luck but eventually the trould'eau gov will stop distributing freely ton of cash and lots of peoples will awake in trouble. You know, you don't make revolution with a full stomach!

Practically all peoples I know now are convinced that this is a conspiracy and there is some sort of nefarous intent behind. More and more sheep are beginning to realize that something does not compute... Actually the lie stay afloat with fear of the dreaded second wave and that is why they inflate the "infected" number by increasing the testing. But if this second wave does not come, the lying will become much more harder as time pass and this farce becoming impossible to justify.

Here in Kebecistan, our medical imbecilistic tyrant in chief Aruda, has got his address and tel number posted on internet and have asked police protection. Such cretin does not understand that if social order collapse, the police will be too busy to protect their slimy @ss and they will be the first to be lynched.
Actually the lie stay afloat with fear of the dreaded second wave and that is why they inflate the "infected" number by increasing the testing. But if this second wave does not come, the lying will become much more harder as time pass and this farce becoming impossible to justify.
In this previously posted interview of Catherine Austin Fitts, she says the second wave in the fall will be the result of the Starlink satellites coming online and beaming 5G to the entire planet. The symptoms of illness from the beaming will be attributed to a resurgence of COVID.

In this previously posted interview of Catherine Austin Fitts, she says the second wave in the fall will be the result of the Starlink satellites coming online and beaming 5G to the entire planet. The symptoms of illness from the beaming will be attributed to a resurgence of COVID.

Yeah, I don't know enough about 5G to comment, it could be a factor, and for sure they will try to create a second wave by continuing to falsify the numbers and ramping up the fear in all ways possible.

However, the actual effects of the mask wearing mandates and severe prolonged stress will cause weakened immune systems, the shelter at home orders leading to vitamin d deficiency and most likely a massive wave of flu vaccination could very well combine to create an increase in respiratory illness and the common cold. These will be labelled as the second wave of Covid.
a massive wave of flu vaccination
As already posted, Judy Wilyman, Phd says in her newsletter:
And the lung disease that is being observed is affecting the nervous system and could be plausibly linked to damage from the flu vaccine – which is the common factor in the majority of these deaths.
European numbers show a correlation between influenza vaccine and coronavirus deaths.
There is no proof that the deaths that have occurred are not being caused by neurological damage from the flu vaccine.
One wonders if mandating flu vaccination for all is on the horizon - get it or lose your job.
Latest from Jon Rappoport:
CDC Director Robert Redfield: the letter that should have destroyed his career
August 5, 2020

Long before Robert Redfield ascended to the CDC directorship, and also assumed a key post on the White House COVID Task Force, he was a US Army researcher working on an AIDS vaccine.

He ran into a great deal of trouble. His career was almost derailed. The Army finally saved him, through what some investigators assert was a complete whitewash.

On June 7th, 1994, two doctors from Public Citizen, Peter Lu and the relentless consumer advocate, Sidney Wolfe, wrote a long letter to Congressman Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Health and the Environment. If Waxman had followed up with decisive action, Redfield might have been finished for good in the field of public health. Here are excerpts from the devastating letter:

“We are writing to request that your Subcommittee hold a hearing, as soon as possible, to investigate charges of grave impropriety committed by U.S. Department of Defense’ AIDS researchers. We have obtained Internal memoranda, not previously made public, from the Department of Defense that allege a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation by Army researchers in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine…The Phase I and Phase II studies in which this alleged misconduct occurred were conducted by researchers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), led by Lt. Col. Robert Redfield, M.D., Chief of the Department of Retroviral Research, and misleading results from these trials were reported in…the New England Journal of Medicine in June 1991, the Journal AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses in June 1992 and the annual International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam in July 1992. In addition, overstated conclusions have been presented on two occasions at hearings before your Subcommittee.

“Meeting on October 23, 1992 to discuss the allegations by two Air Force research physicians (see below) of scientific misconduct by Dr. Redfield, a subcommittee of the Institutional Review Committee at the Wilford Hall U.S. Air Force Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas reached the following conclusion:

“The committee agreed the information presented by Dr. Redfield seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole. His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine…

“That meeting was called to review an October 21, 1992 memorandum…from Maj. Craig W. Hendrix, M.D., Director of the HIV Program in the Air Force, and Col. R. Neal Boswell, MD., Associate Chief of the Division of Medicine in the Air Force, to Col. Donald Burke, M.D., Director of the Division of Retrovirology at WRAIR and Dr. Redfield’s immediate supervisor. The memorandum decried ‘The problem of misleading or, possibly, deceptive presentations by Dr. Redfleld, which overstate the GP160 [vaccine] Phase I data…’ and recommended that the following action be taken:

“(1) publicly correct the record in a medium suitable for widespread dissemination to our civilian scientific colleagues;

“(2) censure Dr. Redfield for potential scientific misconduct which should at least include temporarily suspending his involvement on the current immunotherapy protocols; and

“(3) initiate an investigation by a fully independent outside Investigative body…to evaluate the facts of the case and recommend appropriate actions.

“Senior Department of Defense scientists have known of this misconduct since at least October 1992, and Dr. Redfield has acknowledged that his analyses were faulty on at least three occasions to internal Department of Defense audiences (the earliest admission was on August 28, 1992)…”

This is a VERY damning letter. Vaccine fraud.

But Redfield not only avoided professional devastation, he rose through the political hierarchy, eventually becoming CDC director. At the CDC—let’s be frank—lying about vaccines in order to promote and sell them is job number one.

Redfield now also serves on the White House COVID Task Force, an organization dedicated to gaining rapid approval for a pandemic vaccine, come hell or high water.

Charges of extreme scientific fraud on an issue of vaccines THEN; the man occupies two high posts where pushing vaccines is paramount NOW.

But don’t worry, all you pod people wearing masks and waiting for the messianic COVID vaccine. All is well. Sure it is. The vaccine won’t harm or kill you or your children. Resume your pacified slumber.

More regarding dangerous flu vaccines from Natural News:
How many millions of immune-compromised Americans will catch coronavirus and die from it all because they got the flu shot first?
August 04, 2020

Are you worried about getting unnecessary infections in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic? Then definitely say NO to getting a flu shot this year. The risk of coronavirus infection goes way up if you decide to get the infamous toxic jab, and there’s scientific research to back it all up. We already know that the multi-dose flu shot is loaded with 25,000 times the mercury that the EPA says is a dangerous level to watch for when consuming fish and tap water. We already know that 75 percent of the vaccine industry settlements for injuries, totaling over $4 billion to date, attributes directly to “adverse events” from the influenza vaccine, a.k.a. the dreaded flu shot.

Now we’re finding out from randomized, placebo-controlled trials in children that flu shots INCREASE the risk by nearly 500 percent for catching coronavirus (and other acute respiratory infections caused by non-influenza viruses). Yes, the study was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) this past February, 2020. The research showed an odds ratio of 4.91 for the children who got the flu shot as being nearly five times as vulnerable to coronavirus.

Meanwhile, was there any mainstream media coverage of any of this? Crickets.

Full story:
I was laid off from 3 of my 4 jobs back in March. I just started going back to one of them, on a very limited basis (and with need for near haz-mat attire) last week. Interesting that something has changed there. I'm not going so far as to call my office mates there Cool Ade drinkers, but they definitely swallowed some MSM without question. I'm basing that on having listened to general conversations about current events over the years. Since the break from there, there has been an astounding change. To a one, there seems to be an unstated understanding that all this recent stuff is a load of crock. Encouraging! I don't know what happened to bring this about. Maybe it was just resentment over all the (nonsensical) extra work on them to manage the 'crisis'. If it happened to them, it can happen to anyone, I think. I'd say there is near about zero chance these people would be exposed to any but mainstream ideas. It must have been observation of reality and interpersonal, honest communication. Also, I note that they are believers and spend time in prayer. I stayed in observation mode. My heart was warmed with optimism for the potential of ordinary humanity. Just wanted to share. :-)
The rule of law is dead: There will be no legal recourse for anyone injured by new covid-19 vaccines
The problem is that vaccines are not treatments; they are merely a promise of protection against a potential infection. In order to get emergency use authorization, everyone needs to be convinced that they are infected with or at risk at all times to a deadly disease.

This is why effective treatment protocols are being censored online, why independent doctors are being threatened and fired when they come forward with treatment success stories. The situation must look as grim as possible.
It’s not just the vaccine makers that are corrupt to the core, criminal enterprises run amok. It’s the leadership of each country that is abiding by the vaccine maker’s demands.
Here in Kebecistan, our medical imbecilistic tyrant in chief Aruda, has got his address and tel number posted on internet and have asked police protection. Such cretin does not understand that if social order collapse, the police will be too busy to protect their slimy @ss and they will be the first to be lynched.

Are you telling us that he is in a kind of quarantine? :clap: :bacon: :evil:
The situation must look as grim as possible.
Off-topic (?), but live streamed 20 hrs ago:
“They told me about the coming effects of Planet X which would be rocks striking the Earth, two hundred mile an hour winds for at least a day, massive earthquakes and volcanoes popping off.”

Former Green Beret and radio talk show host John Moore appeared on The Shepard Ambellas Show on Wednesday where he said the United States government knows exactly what’s coming and has prepared to gather displaced citizenry after the cataclysm.

The Vietnam Veteran turned Planet X researcher told Shep that he has interviewed Naval personnel who have confirmed that a future calamity may devastate a good portion of the planet Earth and kill off one to two-thirds of the population.

Moore says maintains he was approached by two researchers in the late-spring of 2000 who told him about what the effects would be from the coming planet.

Just saw this so haven't listened yet - it's two hours.
The insanity is increasing in Canada, Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam has just said that physical distancing, mask wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even WITH a covid vaccine. She also recommends that children over the age of 10 should wear masks in schools. I can barely find the words for how diabolical this is.
You guys up there should throw Dr. Theresa Tam into some cold Canadian lake. Maybe she'll wake up. (Or drown... That's fine too, I guess.)

Anyway, given where we are right now and how insane things are getting, you should all remind yourselves, when you see this kind of madness, then at this point we actually want the PTB to go as far as possible and introduce some high levels of insanity, because nothing else will wake people up. If the PTB go slowly, people will just happily live in slavery forever.

So let them have their fun for now. I know, it's infuriating, but it's probably the kind of thing (or part of things) that will lead to a breaking point. We'll have to go through this madness to get somewhere better.

Do your best to look at it with humour and not get too involved emotionally. Focus on other things. Less covid, more normal life activities. It may take months or longer, but hey, graduating to 4D is not supposed to be painless.
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