Ohio Gov. Dewine tests positive for COVID-19:
Gov. Mike DeWine: ‘I feel fine,’ but surprised, after testing positive for COVID-19

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says he “feels fine” after learning Thursday he had been infected with COVID-19 ahead of his planned welcome to President Donald Trump as he visited Ohio.

“It’s a big surprise,” the governor said in a live online video chat with reporters from the front porch of his home near Cedarville late Thursday afternoon. “We are very, very careful with who we see.”

“I called Fran and headed back and stopped in Columbus and some of the people who work very closely with me were tested,” DeWine said, adding results are being awaited on them and himself, perhaps this evening.

“I feel fine. Have a headache, but I get a lot of headaches throughout my life, so a headache is not anything unusual,” DeWine said.

“I had no symptoms, no indication that I had COVID-19,” he said. “I am sure this will be an experience, not one I was hoping for.” DeWine said he called each of his seven children to tell them personally of his infection.

DeWine repeated his mantra of wearing a mask, saying it “improves your odds” of not spreading the virus. He was only tested once for coronavirus prior to Thursday, testing negative.

Asked about contracting the virus while wearing a mask, DeWine said, “I already got a few not very nice texts from people about that. ‘We told you this was all fake and we told you wearing a mask doesn’t matter.’ Look, we know it does.

“If people take that lesson from the fact that I apparently have it, that would be the wrong lesson. That would be very, very sad and upset me quite a bit.”

Oh, boo hoo on his being upset if people actually get the right idea about masks! Good thing he reneged on banning HCQ - he'll probably have to use it!
Still and all, this is pretty weird stuff to suddenly pop up and it seems that the government has determined that there WILL be a second wave and we all better damn well do what we are told. Does make you wonder whether there are incoming comets perhaps or whether there are looming food shortages and a financial system crisis. Interesting times indeed.
It seems a second wave is INEVITABLE for anyone who locks down. As we are seeing so far here in Victoria, and indeed the rest of the world is seeing too ... except for Sweden, of course.

Who needs comets to completely destroy us when we have these idiots running the world? No other type of destruction is required or necessary. They've got it 'in the bag'.

NZ government and PM are probably right to be concerned about public backlash. All around the world they've set themselves up for it. Any government who drank the kool aid and followed the protocol that their 'lords and masters' gave them should probably be concerned. Why? Because they can't back out of a deal with "the Devil". Well, they can, but they won't, because they'd lose face, and have to deal with a lot of their own cognitive dissonance.
This appears to be new from Denis Rancourt:
Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: "A growing body of evidence"
August 2020


A vile new mantra is on the lips of every public health official and politician in the global campaign to force universal masking on the general public: “there is a growing body of evidence”. This propagandistic phrase is a vector designed to achieve five main goals: - Give the false impression that a balance of evidence now proves that masks reduce the transmission of COVID-19 - Falsely assimilate commentary made in scientific venues with “evidence” - Hide the fact that a decade’s worth of policy-grade evidence proves the opposite: that masks are ineffective with viral respiratory diseases - Hide the fact that there is now direct observational proof that cloth masks do not prevent exhalation of clouds of suspended aerosol particles; above, below and through the masks - Deter attention away from the considerable known harms and risks due to face masks, applied to entire populations The said harms and risks include that a cloth mask becomes a culture medium for a large variety of bacterial pathogens, and a collector of viral pathogens; given the hot and humid environment and the constant source, where home fabrics are hydrophilic whereas medical masks are hydrophobic. In short, I argue: op-eds are not “evidence”, irrelevance does not help, and more bias does not remove bias. Their mantra of “a growing body of evidence” is a self-serving contrivance that impedes good science and threatens public safety. I prove that there is no policy-grade evidence to support forced masking on the general population, and that all the latest-decade’s policy-grade evidence points to the opposite: NOT recommending forced masking of the general population. Therefore, the politicians and health authorities are acting without legitimacy and recklessly.

Ohio Gov. Dewine tests positive for COVID-19:

Oh, boo hoo on his being upset if people actually get the right idea about masks! Good thing he reneged on banning HCQ - he'll probably have to use it!
False positive. Oops. Move along, nothing to see here.
Still and all, this is pretty weird stuff to suddenly pop up and it seems that the government has determined that there WILL be a second wave and we all better damn well do what we are told. Does make you wonder whether there are incoming comets perhaps or whether there are looming food shortages and a financial system crisis. Interesting times indeed.

Reminds me of that Bill and Melinda Gates vid where they're smiling when they mention the second wave. What it brings to mind is that they know from previous experiments with coronavirus vaccines that the vaccines did produce antibodies, but if the vaccinated come into contact with coronavirus after the vaccine, then there was a greater percentage of sickness and death. I wonder if that's what they mean by the second wave - will it be a post vaccination thing?

Meanwhile in Victoria, some residents are wanting out and looking to move interstate. The Victorian Health Minister, Jenny Mikakos, refused to answer questions put to her at a state government sitting of parliament, there has also been a petition started for Federal government to take over the state and turn it into a territory since the spin is that Dan Andrews has bungled the management of the virus (though getting rid of state government is on the agenda, I think). Dan Andrews also warns peeps not to listen to 'conspiracy theorists' because 'their views have no basis in science, or fact, or law', while he is standing in front of a sign that says 'Staying apart keeps us together' - in what kind of world does that make sense to anyone?! This statement comes after a few have stood their against coronavirus measures.
The insanity is increasing in Canada, Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam has just said that physical distancing, mask wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even WITH a covid vaccine. She also recommends that children over the age of 10 should wear masks in schools. I can barely find the words for how diabolical this is. They really aren't even trying to hide what they're planning anymore, the complete destruction of all freedoms and all normal life.
Just read that in the US the company Conde Nast has developed an app called Health Pass and it is already being used in some cities now. Basically you either have it and get the green light and get into a restaurant, museum, retail shops, airports, arena's, hockey games hotels, transportation services etc, or you don't have it or get a red light and you can't go anywhere. They are announcing new partnerships every week. Of course they plan for these types of things to be here to stay for all time, but already there are many issues with these types of apps that are being voiced (this one is supposed to be discriminatory and racist :lol:).
In the UK, such a health pass is also bound to arrive soon as last week we heard that the English Premier League was looking at ‘clinical passports‘ as a way of getting fans back into stadiums.
... the shelter at home orders leading to vitamin d deficiency and most likely a massive wave of flu vaccination could very well combine to create an increase in respiratory illness and the common cold. These will be labelled as the second wave of Covid.
There is this published UK study from 1973 where six of twelve men wintering at a base in Antarctica got sick with a cold, coronavirus, after seventeen weeks of complete isolation. How's that for lockdown counter arguments?

One wonders if mandating flu vaccination for all is on the horizon - get it or lose your job.

After all the CDC is nothing but a vaccine factory: at about 50 minutes in, RFK Jr pointed out during his debate with Alan Dershowitz that of CDC's budget of USD 11.5 billion an amount of USD 4.9 billion is comprised in buying/selling/distributing vaccines and that it owns 57 patents, so it makes money on every sale of a vaccine. NIH same thing, these regulatory agencies are really vaccine companies.

I am half way into 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries, MD, and I am absolutely flabbergasted to have learned that in the late 1800's people in the UK (especially Leicester) so strongly opposed the mandatory poisoning, uhhh vaccination, even when heavily fined thrown in jail, depossessed, etc etc, and fact sheet after fact sheet proved that the prevalent diseases more or less vanguished the vaccinated and finally in 1948 compulsory vaccination ended in the UK. This is only so recent, and so forgotten, amazing....

So let them have their fun for now. I know, it's infuriating, but it's probably the kind of thing (or part of things) that will lead to a breaking point. We'll have to go through this madness to get somewhere better.

Indeed, fully agree, they will go too far at one point. Also, in every interview I've seen with Catherine Austin Fitts she reiterates exactly that (and in the one Joan posted some pages ago "Fearless Nation", interview with Greg Hunter, she really connects a lot of dots). After all, as we all know, the world as we knew it was already very diseased, corrupt and breaking down, we have to go through this with trust and faith in the process and in the goodness of the Universe, and throw in some laughs while we're at it!
It seems that Russia has won the Covid vaccine race and they are due to register theirs next week:

I think if it was any other adjuvenant-based vaccine I'd be less concerned. Most of us here have been eating clean and doing tons of detoxing and body strengthening protocols and although it would be best to avoid the vaccine, we could massive minimise its negative effects.

But since the Covid vaccine is based on mRNA technology, so pretty much genetic engineering, I'm not too sure how any detox protocols could help with that. I'm not a doctor or a medical scientist so maybe there are things I don't understand about the process but I am quite concerned. If a vaccine is required in order to work, travel and operate in a society then I'm not too sure how I'd be able to avoid having one.

One thing I will certainly not do is take the first batch. Hopefully after all the side effects have manifested themselves and people wake up to the danger of it enough people will be against it to put pressure on the governments. It would be pretty interesting if people who never knew anyone who caught Covid or died from it would all of sudden know quite a few people who either suffered or died from the vaccine. If that didn't wake people up then honestly I don't know what would.

(Pierre) And the question is: Since the main motivation is to minimize the spread of the potentially beneficial mutated virus, what's going to be in the vaccine? Probably something to cancel the beneficial mutation or to increase controllability. Is that the case?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It's kind of funny, because I was thinking they're not likely to do this again. Originally, according to the last session, what they were trying to do is create a vaccine that would control or dumb down people. It went totally wrong and had almost the opposite effect. So, have they learned their lesson?

A: No.

(L) They have NOT learned their lesson...

A: Nature will also intervene. Watch for it!

I guess if the original virus mutated within a host with enough STO tendencies the vaccine might do the very same thing. With standard vaccines it is the physical body detoxing that helps minimise the negative effects. With the new vaccine it seems to be the mind and soul detoxing that could have impact on the gene expression the vaccine targets.

Who knows, maybe the Work will prove to be an effective Covid vaccine protector - or detox ;-) And apart from weather anomalies and rocks from the sky, maybe the natural soul evolution processes within human beings are what the C's had in mind when they said that "Nature will also intervene"?
It seems that Russia has won the Covid vaccine race and they are due to register theirs next week:

I think if it was any other adjuvenant-based vaccine I'd be less concerned. Most of us here have been eating clean and doing tons of detoxing and body strengthening protocols and although it would be best to avoid the vaccine, we could massive minimise its negative effects.

But since the Covid vaccine is based on mRNA technology, so pretty much genetic engineering, I'm not too sure how any detox protocols could help with that. I'm not a doctor or a medical scientist so maybe there are things I don't understand about the process but I am quite concerned. If a vaccine is required in order to work, travel and operate in a society then I'm not too sure how I'd be able to avoid having one.

One thing I will certainly not do is take the first batch. Hopefully after all the side effects have manifested themselves and people wake up to the danger of it enough people will be against it to put pressure on the governments. It would be pretty interesting if people who never knew anyone who caught Covid or died from it would all of sudden know quite a few people who either suffered or died from the vaccine. If that didn't wake people up then honestly I don't know what would.

I guess if the original virus mutated within a host with enough STO tendencies the vaccine might do the very same thing. With standard vaccines it is the physical body detoxing that helps minimise the negative effects. With the new vaccine it seems to be the mind and soul detoxing that could have impact on the gene expression the vaccine targets.

Who knows, maybe the Work will prove to be an effective Covid vaccine protector - or detox ;-) And apart from weather anomalies and rocks from the sky, maybe the natural soul evolution processes within human beings are what the C's had in mind when they said that "Nature will also intervene"?

Don't perform this mental gymnastics....

When they inject you with an mRNA vaccine, it's inside you and there's no taking it back out. The vaccine will interact with your genetic makeup and instruct your cells to create certain proteins whether you like it or not. Whatever else it does, in terms of unforeseen consequences will leave you at the mercy of chance and you know what, there's no going back.

This is what is called russian roulette... Up to each person if they want to take those chances and hope for the best.

If you're willing for them to do this to you, then that tells them there's nothing they can't do to you.

Lets just be straight with ourselves and not try and convince ourselves that in some special circumstances it'll be okay for us to give them this sort of access to our bodies.

You might as well hand them the keys to your life because this is what they are asking for.

It can't be underestimated what kind of situation we're facing and the absolute tyrannical nature of it.

If you end up getting crippled, they aren't paying the price for you, you'll be paying that price yourself in full each day for the rest of your life (whatever is left of it!).
Just read that in the US the company Conde Nast has developed an app called Health Pass and it is already being used in some cities now. Basically you either have it and get the green light and get into a restaurant, museum, retail shops, airports, arena's, hockey games hotels, transportation services etc, or you don't have it or get a red light and you can't go anywhere. They are announcing new partnerships every week. Of course they plan for these types of things to be here to stay for all time, but already there are many issues with these types of apps that are being voiced (this one is supposed to be discriminatory and racist :lol:).
In the UK, such a health pass is also bound to arrive soon as last week we heard that the English Premier League was looking at ‘clinical passports‘ as a way of getting fans back into stadiums.

There is this published UK study from 1973 where six of twelve men wintering at a base in Antarctica got sick with a cold, coronavirus, after seventeen weeks of complete isolation. How's that for lockdown counter arguments?

After all the CDC is nothing but a vaccine factory: at about 50 minutes in, RFK Jr pointed out during his debate with Alan Dershowitz that of CDC's budget of USD 11.5 billion an amount of USD 4.9 billion is comprised in buying/selling/distributing vaccines and that it owns 57 patents, so it makes money on every sale of a vaccine. NIH same thing, these regulatory agencies are really vaccine companies.

I am half way into 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries, MD, and I am absolutely flabbergasted to have learned that in the late 1800's people in the UK (especially Leicester) so strongly opposed the mandatory poisoning, uhhh vaccination, even when heavily fined thrown in jail, depossessed, etc etc, and fact sheet after fact sheet proved that the prevalent diseases more or less vanguished the vaccinated and finally in 1948 compulsory vaccination ended in the UK. This is only so recent, and so forgotten, amazing....

Indeed, fully agree, they will go too far at one point. Also, in every interview I've seen with Catherine Austin Fitts she reiterates exactly that (and in the one Joan posted some pages ago "Fearless Nation", interview with Greg Hunter, she really connects a lot of dots). After all, as we all know, the world as we knew it was already very diseased, corrupt and breaking down, we have to go through this with trust and faith in the process and in the goodness of the Universe, and throw in some laughs while we're at it!

The technological grid they are building is nothing short of scary.

It's taking Nazi Germany to a whole new level where the unvaccinated are the modern day Jews. These machines / apps are the Gestapo asking you for papers at every turn.

It can't be any more clear that Nazi Germany was a trial run.

We can only imagine what they plan to do to the unvaccinated.... In Nazi Germany they tried to genocide the Jews.

Will we have a replay where unvaccinated get rounded up and get taken to centres? (Read concentration camps!)

Or will the concentration camps simply be there homes as they won't be allowed to leave until they get the shot, the mark!
Don't perform this mental gymnastics....

When they inject you with an mRNA vaccine, it's inside you and there's no taking it back out. The vaccine will interact with your genetic makeup and instruct your cells to create certain proteins whether you like it or not. Whatever else it does, in terms of unforeseen consequences will leave you at the mercy of chance and you know what, there's no going back.

This is what is called russian roulette... Up to each person if they want to take those chances and hope for the best.

If you're willing for them to do this to you, then that tells them there's nothing they can't do to you.

Lets just be straight with ourselves and not try and convince ourselves that in some special circumstances it'll be okay for us to give them this sort of access to our bodies.

You might as well hand them the keys to your life because this is what they are asking for.


Interesting mindset Sottreader, it seems to me that the quote "wise like a serpent and gentle like a dove" has escaped your attention?

You're obviously welcome to barricade yourself in your house, risk starvation; loss of income and homelessness if they do decide that everyone must take the vaccine. Personally, I do intend to try and avoid it if possible. But I also intend to continuously look out for ways of minimising the negative impact of the vaccine if not taking it means I cannot stay at the level of an obyvatel. And this forum certainly is a good place for such impact minimising research IMO.

It also seems to me that the below session has escaped your attention as well. I bolded some parts you may be interested in as that "mental gymnastics" I engaged in above is in line with the way of thinking of the session participants:

(L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it backfired. So the question is: They are now working rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?

A: Likely. Hubris!

Q: [laughter] (L) However, the question has been asked: If people are forced to be vaccinated, and it seems that it's not a good idea - because obviously if they get a vaccine that the PTB really want to spread around, one they've tested and does what they want it to, we certainly don't want the vaccine they push on us - are there ways we can counteract this? There are going to be situations where people can't refuse a vaccine.

A: Yes. You have done the research!

Q: (L) So what research have we done about healing DNA? Um... Melatonin heals DNA.

(Niall) Dietary changes.

(L) Being in a proper dietary state if you have to get a vaccine is going to be beneficial and maybe it is for just this type of situation that we were so motivated to do health research and experiments for so long; it was preparation and we didn’t even know it.

(Artemis) Being in ketosis heals you.

(Gaby) Vitamin C.

(Niall) Detoxification.

(L) Detox would be NAC and other things...

(Andromeda) Infrared sauna.

(Chu) Constant knowledge input.

(L) Willpower even. And they just mentioned that there are certain people with spiritual force who were able to modify the virus by their own inner powers in a positive way. I would imagine that having inner force or inner spiritual power would all be beneficial. Are we on the right track?

A: Yes yes yes!
Interesting mindset Sottreader, it seems to me that the quote "wise like a serpent and gentle like a dove" has escaped your attention?

You're obviously welcome to barricade yourself in your house, risk starvation; loss of income and homelessness if they do decide that everyone must take the vaccine. Personally, I do intend to try and avoid it if possible. But I also intend to continuously look out for ways of minimising the negative impact of the vaccine if not taking it means I cannot stay at the level of an obyvatel. And this forum certainly is a good place for such impact minimising research IMO.

It also seems to me that the below session has escaped your attention as well. I bolded some parts you may be interested in as that "mental gymnastics" I engaged in above is in line with the way of thinking of the session participants:

I respect your view @Ant22 . I just wanted to highlight that there's no going back regardless of what justification you use (being an obyvatel etc etc). Once it is in you, there's no taking it out. Simple as that. After that point, you're praying for miracles and good luck with that! It's like crossing a busy motorway blind folded and hoping a miracle will ensure you make it to the other side without being run over by a car. Sure, yes... One can indeed make it over to the other side but I think you appreciate the chances of that are very slim!

Personally I draw the line at being genetically modified by another human being - let alone set of human beings that are likely psychos.

No one or government has the right to impose that on someone else regardless of whatever justification.
@Ant22 also just wanted to add - essentially what you are saying is if they make things really hard, what you'll do is take it in order to maintain being a good obyvatel.

Reading it from their point of view, this reveals the following

  • Really, given the right kind of coercion you aren't opposed to the vaccine. (There's nothing wrong with this btw... Each person has a choice)
  • What they need to do is make sure the coercion is right to ensure your compliance. (What you are really praying for, is that they don't do this but we know given the stakes, they will!)

It's different when someone says they aren't taking it absolutely zero chance. Reading from their point of view, they are like... Hmmm, what do we need to do to get this person to take this? Hold a gun to their head? What happens if that doesn't work? Pull the trigger?

The second person above provides them with a very difficult situation. The first person is difficult but they can work the system (which they control) to get their compliance.
Lets just be straight with ourselves and not try and convince ourselves that in some special circumstances it'll be okay for us to give them this sort of access to our bodies.

You might as well hand them the keys to your life because this is what they are asking for.

It can't be underestimated what kind of situation we're facing and the absolute tyrannical nature of it.

If you end up getting crippled, they aren't paying the price for you, you'll be paying that price yourself in full each day for the rest of your life (whatever is left of it!).
Interesting mindset Sottreader, it seems to me that the quote "wise like a serpent and gentle like a dove" has escaped your attention?

You're obviously welcome to barricade yourself in your house, risk starvation; loss of income and homelessness if they do decide that everyone must take the vaccine. Personally, I do intend to try and avoid it if possible. But I also intend to continuously look out for ways of minimising the negative impact of the vaccine if not taking it means I cannot stay at the level of an obyvatel. And this forum certainly is a good place for such impact minimising research IMO.

I find both of views hold some valid points and it's great to discuss them here, maybe in a less confrontational/patronizing way and in a more open way toward understanding where the other person is coming from. We are all tired from this craziness around us and from guessing what the future holds for us and our loved ones.
Thank you @Color. Apologies @Ant22 if I failed to communicate across in a way that indicated I acknowledged what you were saying.

I have to admit I'm getting myself psychologically ready to never comply and therefore suffer all consequences that come with that. I've thought to myself under what conditions can I forego my human rights (when they make it hard to be an obyvatel as you say?) and what doing so will do to what I stand for. What is inalienable and who determines this and under what conditions can this be taken away by this person or group who are supposed gods over us?

I've always thought about what it would have been like living during any of the world wars and what sort of peace one would need to reach with themselves if one was sent to the front lines. At what point does one reach that level of peace that they make a stand for something regardless of the consequences...or rather, in spite of the consequences?

We live such comfortable and coddled lives that I don't think we have ever really been faced with such choices or confrontations. They know this and they know what they need to do is just threaten to take our comforts away (obyvatel privileges) and most will crumble at the very thought.

The truth is I haven't really ever had this tested in me... I haven't been to any front lines, I haven't had a government threaten to inject me with God knows what etc. I have always taken things for granted... I have grown to enjoy comfort.
Thank you @Color. Apologies @Ant22 if I failed to communicate across in a way that indicated I acknowledged what you were saying.

As you know, previously I also had some strong reactions to your posts and it was because my brain was already overflown with aggressive media instructions/people reactions and I'm so used to coming to this forum for some sanity among all the madness. When I read many of your long posts so obviously driven by your current emotional state and 'thinking out loud' - I felt like I'm losing my only true social safe net, my shelter. I believe many people here feel the same way about this forum. It's good to remind ourselves of that fact before posting, especially now when things have gone berserk in the world around us. It can happen to any of us, happened to me many times before, so a constant personal reminder of external consideration, both here and in our private affairs seems like a good way to go these days. :cool:

I have to admit I'm getting myself psychologically ready to never comply and therefore suffer all consequences that come with. I've thought to myself under what conditions can I forego my human rights (when they make it hard to be an obyvatel as you say?) and what doing so will do to what I stand for. What is inalienable and who determines this and under what conditions can this be taken away by this person or group who are supposed gods over us?

And when you put it like that, bringing it to the individual level, to the root of your own concerns instead of some strong opinion - then it's easier to see the person behind the post, a human being with reasonable fears and doubts and makes me want to hug you instead of being triggered into 'correcting' you. :hug2:

I've always thought about what it would have been like living during any of the world wars and what sort of peace one would need to reach with themselves if one was sent to the front lines. At what point does one reach that level of peace that they make a stand for something regardless of the consequences...or rather, in spite of the consequences?

We have a similar mindset, that's one of the reasons why I had such strong reactions to your posts, but mine came to being for another reason. I survived my childhood/teen years by imagining the worst of what could happened so that I would be prepared for it on at least some level. And it was a reasonable approach in my situation and often saved me from falling into unresponsive state of shock or complete dissociation. Being prepared is good. Nothing wrong about that. At some point though, you have to ask yourself - Is this state of constant self induced stress/worry a proper reaction to my surrounding? - and you may find it being just a habit, the mindset, sometimes super useful but sometimes completely counterproductive. Then you start to observe intensively, check up on your thoughts and emotional states more often and little by little you realize there has to be a balance. Not only that but how it's an achievable goal! Noone can survive in a constant state of horror, being it for the preparation purposes or not, it's no way to live!

We live such comfortable and coddled lives that I don't think we have ever really been faced with such choices or confrontations. They know this and they know what they need to do is just threaten to take our comforts away (obyvatel privileges) and most will crumble at the very thought.

Imho you touched at the very heart of the matter here. And it's not just about whether it's factually true, "comfortable and coddled lives" are often just an illusion, a comforting thought/belief many people tell themselves in order to survive, not to break down mentally/emotionally. Signs of nothing but quite the opposite were here long before our lifetimes, for everyone to see. For every new society 'progress/culture' there were new control systems put in place. People just choose not to see it.. Yes, humans are enslaved and controlled by higher STS forces, but free will is one thing we posses that can NEVER be taken away from us. Hence the manipulations and triggers.

We ALL choose, to some degree, comfort offered instead of suffering, under the disguise of 'progress'. We ALL sold our souls in millions of little ways, every single day, in order to sustain the illusion of our 'coddled lives'. We claimed we are awake but it was true only to a certain degree, only to the point of not being confronted with our deepest fears/challenges. Otherwise we wouldn't still be here. Sure, we may have a STO mission to fulfill, helping others when sh#t really hits the fan (and we are already on that train, travelling fast forward) but lets be real - it could be done way more efficiently from a 4D realm. And I mean no disrespect to Laura and elder crew here, I just call it as it is.

Well, NOW that time has come. And it keeps on coming, more condensed 'lectures' ahead, no way back. Things we envisioned as kids while playing heroes, it's all coming to confront us and to test us, what we are really made of. It's smart to research and play out in our mind simulations of different possible scenarios and possible outcomes, but my take on it all is how what it really comes down to it, in the end, is one's integration of intellect with their heart. So, don't forget to take care of your heart as well, don't traumatize it constantly with horrors of this 3D world, give it a chance to connect and rest within the Truth of higher realms.

Let your mind know how it's not alone in this fight. How higher Truth IS available through personal, individual connection and how together, your mind and your heart, will be properly equipped to fight this battle of Truth against lies, whatever happens. All the rest falls under one's individual profile of lessons to be learned and they may vary in unlimited ways. Best we can do is to be here for one another, on the forum and for the people we love in our everyday lives and have some faith in DCM/God/Universe to play it out as necessary and as fairly as possible.

My only advice, to which I came to through my own personal struggle is: don't get attached to current happenings and possible outcomes. Just DON'T. Detach. Any time you can, every way you find helpful. Let it go. Let it play out. Whatever may be - let it happen. Have some Faith. Both in yourself and in God. That's all.

Also, I thank you @SOTTREADER and to @Ant22 for playing out this little drama which enabled me to unlock and put into words some of my own internal struggles. Confusions cleared out! 🥰
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