Normal. I can understand you and understand people who are worried. Here in Spain those who asked for drastic measures are very happy, they ask for the same measures than Italy. Are they aware of what they are asking? they are happy now because no more airplanes from Italy will come in Spain. They really want a quarantaine. Are happy to announce that schools are closed and some stores start to closed.
They are asking for a totalitarian regime, and I don't think all the implementations will go away completely no matter the mortality rate, if the current Corona becomes a new normal addition to the yearly winter and flu season. In Spain, Madrid might not be much troubled by putting Barcelona in lock-down.
Here in Spain those who asked for drastic measures are very happy, they ask for the same measures than Italy.
Same here and surprisingly it's coming from people who are usually anti government, aswell as people who just follow governments every word. Interesting how people are appealing to government to save them.

Same in Greece. They are asking for the closing down of all schools, it's trending on Greek Twitter right now #κλειστε_τα_σχολεια_τωρα (close schools now). According to the comments, they don't want what happened to Italy to come to Greece. Btw, some of the same people who declare that love is the answer to the immigrants/refugees and to open the borders, are now asking for the closing of schools :rolleyes:
Same in Greece. They are asking for the closing down of all schools, it's trending on Greek Twitter right now #κλειστε_τα_σχολεια_τωρα (close schools now). According to the comments, they don't want what happened to Italy to come to Greece. Btw, some of the same people who declare that love is the answer to the immigrants/refugees and to open the borders, are now asking for the closing of schools :rolleyes:
Also they are asking, those that think they are from a "special Tribe" to close all borders. Out all Italians. Now the danger is coming from Italians, no more from the Chinese. :headbash:
Will France follow Italy into Covid-19 lockdown?

Key differences between the two countries indicate that France is better equipped to deal with the outbreak than Italy
Italy is in nationwide lockdown in a bid to control the spread of Covid-19 after 97 people died from the illness in 24 hours, prompting concerns that France would be forced to follow suit.
But comparisons between the neighbouring countries indicate France's experience of the outbreak will be different. While further restrictions on daily life in France are expected as the disease spreads and a national lockdown remains a possibility, key differences indicate that France is less likely to suffer as seriously from the disease.

As of Tuesday, March 10, until April 3, travel in Italy will only be allowed for "urgent, verifiable work situations and emergencies or health reasons". Businesses have been urged to put their staff on leave or let them work from home. Schools are closed and sporting events cancelled or postponed.

Italy has the highest number of cases of coronavirus in Europe. On Monday evening officials announced the death toll there had risen by 97 in 24 hours, to 463, while the number of cases confirmed jumped 1,897. Since the outbreak began, a total 9,172 people have been infected, according to official figures.

There are, however, key differences between Italy and France. Coronavirus spread rapidly in Italy because 'patient zero', the first person to have the illness in the country, arrived when they were contagious but asymptomatic - meaning they showed no symptoms and inadvertently spread the virus undetected.

As a result, once the first cases were noticed, many more had already been infected. France has been monitoring the spread of Covid-19 since before the first domestic cases were diagnosed.

Another concern over the spread of the disease in Italy is the age of the population. Life expectancy is among the highest in the world, but when an illness particularly affects the elderly and infirm, the risks are greater.

Last year, over-65s made up 22.3% of the Italian population, according to Eurostat, the highest in the EU. An astonishing statistic from the country's national statistics agency Istat, reported by Le Monde, revealed that more of the country's population was born in 1938 than in 2018.

The average age of people in Italy who have died of Covid-19 is 83.

In comparison, 18.8% of the French population is in the vulnerable 65-plus age bracket.

The two healthcare systems are also very different. Italy is more vulnerable to fast-moving outbreaks. Under normal circumstances, there are about 5,000 intensive care and resuscitation beds in Italy, RTL reported. As a result of the coronavirus crisis, that capacity will rise to 7,500, as 20,000 medical staff are brought in to deal with the healthcare situation.

In comparison, France - the European country with the second-highest number of confirmed cases - has reported 1,412 instances of the illness, and 30 deaths. Certain restrictions are currently in place in virus cluster zones, with more than 300,000 students at home in the Oise and Haut-Rhin departments, while sporting events have been called off or will take place behind closed doors.

France has about 13,000 intensive care and / or resuscitation beds as standard in public and private hospitals.

Meanwhile, Italy's general medical care system is less centralised and more hospital-based than in France.

Around 80% of people who contract the new coronavirus recover without needing special treatment, while 3.4% of cases are fatal, according to the latest WHO figures. The 3.4% figure does not take account of those who are affected but show no symptoms as there is no widespread mandatory testing.

You know, this whole thing reminds me of the following:

Session 16 October 1994

Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of Revelation?

A: Visa.

Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?

A: Yes?

Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to disconnect ourselves from the credit system?

A: Isn't just credit also debit.

Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.

A: How are you going to do this?

Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?

A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?

A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.

Q: (L) What happened to free will?

A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?

A: If you are willing to leave the body.

Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we were to move...

A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.

Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?

A: Why? Change will follow.

Q: (L) Will it follow soon?

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions i.e. L*** {Laura’s then husband, now ex-husband}.

Q: (L) What do you mean about L***?

A: Guyana.

Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?

A: Living through the turmoil ahead.

Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc...

A: Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.

Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for our team, throwing us energy or something?

A: Who do you think you have been communicating with?

Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you going to?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?

A: All you have to do is ask.

Q: (L) Will we go through any periods when we may be cut off from help?

A: You are never ever cut off.

Q: (L) Oh, I don't want to suffer!

A: You need not suffer. Stop thinking 3rd level.

Q: (L) I don't want anybody I love to suffer either. I don't want any pain. I've suffered enough!

A: You are stuck at 3rd level tonight.

Q: (L) It's not just that. There is so much disinformation you just don't know who to believe... I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look at the Bible... for 2,000 years people have been believing that...

A: They deceive when you allow it.

Q: (L) I know you are supposed to take some things on faith... but, do you see my problem here?

A: Yes, but you don't.

Q: (L) What is my problem?

A: Mental block.

Q: (L) In the recent past you indicated that chapter 24 of Matthew and chapter 21 of Luke, were given by Jesus after his extended sleep state. Now, both of those chapters refer to the present time as being like the days of Noah. Is that a correct assessment?

A: In a sense and individual events are as yet undetermined.

Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

And of course, the question is: why is it pretty much NOW that "the Lizard beings desperate push for total control" is manifesting?

Is it because the Wave really is in progress? That some very interesting changes are in the wings ready to step on stage?
I really like to read diaries from people during the Second World War from British publish bye the Mass-observation organisation and what I am seeing now reminds me very much those years and how people explained what was the day by day and the new laws and rules, what were their worries and their problems; and they were very similar than what we are living now. Sometimes I have the impression that we are part of a big experience and everyone, like the people who participated sending their diaries to the Mass-Observation, is part of something very similar. They, the British of 1939 and plus, are like a mirror. Food problems, travels, fears, insecurities, governments orders, restrictions, worries, relations with others, etc, what they lived in those years, minus bombardements that happened in UK, are very similar then what we live. I can see now how in those days a new totalitarianism was being made and how people were super super controlled. Like us.

So this thread is very important, I am sure, something to cherish and protect because this is what is happening now, like a diary with multiple entries from around the world in a very important moment of our History, like in 1939 the people who wrote their diaries were also living witnesses, like us. It is amazing when you think about it.
You know, this whole thing reminds me of the following:
Session 16 October 1994
Yes that makes sense. The push with respect to Corona, the push for radical changes due to the demands in the EU to reduce the CO2 emissions, plus the problems they have administering the issues created by illegal immigration all point in the same direction of more control. The war on terror was just the first step.
RTE the national news station here, had a doctor on yesterday. She said it's the worst virus anyone has ever experienced the biggest health scare crisis the world has seen etc etc be afraid be very afraid. People I would consider informed YouTubers who expose government corruption are recommending her as a source and believe everything she says, she is all for doing what Italy has done, mind virus is right. People are turning to the very source of news they said up to now, was nothing but propaganda:headbash:
RTE the national news station here, had a doctor on yesterday. She said it's the worst virus anyone has ever experienced the biggest health scare crisis the world has seen etc etc be afraid be very afraid. People I would consider informed YouTubers who expose government corruption are recommending her as a source and believe everything she says, she is all for doing what Italy has done, mind virus is right. People are turning to the very source of news they said up to now, was nothing but propaganda:headbash:

Most people can keep a cool head when investigating ordinary corruption or even vile and vicious vice (!), but when it comes to creepy bugs that are invisible and might jump on you, people just lose their heads.
Same in Greece. They are asking for the closing down of all schools, it's trending on Greek Twitter right now #κλειστε_τα_σχολεια_τωρα (close schools now). According to the comments, they don't want what happened to Italy to come to Greece. Btw, some of the same people who declare that love is the answer to the immigrants/refugees and to open the borders, are now asking for the closing of schools :rolleyes:

So, from the non-orwellian angle, from the data, kids get less sick to being asymptomatic.

If schools are open in a community experiencing an outbreak and a kid gets it, most if not all the kids in that school are at risk.

The kids not knowing any better will then take the virus to their parents, grand parents and everyone else they come into contact.

This I believe is what they are trying to avoid.

They are trying to bring down the rate of increase of the infection.

Depending on who you listen to, you can either take a reactive or a proactive approach.

The way the virus spreads is this way - first you have isolated cases, then you have clusters of cases, then you have an explosion of cases.

  • Reactive approach - you wait for confirmed cases to get beyond a certain threshold before instituting social distancing measures. So you take action when you are in the cluster stage.
  • Proactive approach - You start to institute social distancing measures before clusters start to form.... So at the isolated cases stage.
Any country must balance between 3 things

  1. Keeping their economy going
  2. Not overloading their health system so need to keep infection rates low
  3. Need to get R0 to less than 1 (so that on average each infected person is infecting less than 1 person)
Each country has to walk the tight balancing rope and design various strategies arround what they value. So for example, China were very heavy on getting R0 to less than 1 that they sacrificed a lot on the economy side.

Singapore and Hong Kong are very heavy on keeping the R0 down, as soon as they spot an isolated case, they do very heavy contact tracing and the like and isolate all those to try and avoid clusters forming. That's why there daily numbers tend to be less than 10, sometimes 0. They simply aren't messing around - they test heavy and they trace heavy and take appropriate actions at the individual level.

The US by lack of testing is more heavy on keeping the economy going and less heavy on controlling the R0. This means Trump is taking a gamble that the R0 is either naturally low or that something will miraculously mean those infected will magically get well and the hospitals won't get swamped down the line.

Blimey... It's scary what one learns about the science behind epidemics / pandemics by watching countless YouTube videos.

Again, always important to remember how the virus spreads... Don't just look at current numbers. Once clusters start forming, know you're getting awfully close to an explosion of cases. Once the explosion happens, know your hospitals are going to be on high demand. Beyond a certain level, there will be residual negative effects e.g. doctors getting ill, having to triage cases etc. At this point, you're paying economically whether you wanted to or not.

Also always important to know which country you're in... What strategy are they following. What are they valuing? Economy or that magical R0 number? Are they taking a proactive approach (e.g. Singapore) or are they on the reactive side (e.g. Iran).
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The situation here in Ireland is slowly ratcheting up. Herd mentality is kicking in. Despite there only being 20 cases confirmed as of today, as the noise on social media/news/general media increases to 24/7 crisis levels the authorities here are struggling to keep things in due proportion. For my sins I run a theatre that is owned by our local authority, so today I had no choice but to draft an emergency protocol policy in line with theirs (horror of horrors - every paragraph cost me!) that includes non stop hand washing by everyone who enters, no children under 12 allowed into the building if possible, no handshaking (!!!) etc, etc. So here I am doing something I don't believe in and know is nothing but grotesque window dressing because the council are doing the same because the heath authority are doing the same...

This is how the real virus spreads - everyone passing on the buck and yet demanding that everyone play by a single set of rules. So this will only be the start for when that 20 goes to 200 then 2,000 (which it surely will, even if through the use of 'statistics') then the risk of finger pointing alarms will ring, the rules shoot up to impossibly stringent levels and all public buildings will end up closing. The economic cost and the collapse of public confidence in community and togetherness will become systemic. I would have happily posted something on the theatre window saying 'its flu time - as per normal - but with a minor twist, so be sensible and take some care such as drink elderberry tea!' but of course that's impossible - I've already had to control a desire - a strong desire - from my senior team members to panic and go into near voluntary lock down. The programming is unbelievably effective - people seem hungry for it. They are feeding off it - they want a crisis. Types like me become the new enemy - the scapegoat ready to sacrificed outside the city walls! Wont be long now!
I don't know if anyone has noticed this but Spain has moved from the cluster stage to the explosion stage.

Yesterday they had 399 new cases, today 443. Before this, for a long while they had clusters so usually 40 - 100 per day.

Remember, isolated cases, then clusters, then explosion.

In Spain, the government now has their work cut out. In Spain there is no talk about social distancing.... I should know, I was there last week. Festivals, cultural events and the like are in full swing. People live normally like there is nothing to worry about.

So now, the numbers are exploding and unless the government takes actions like Italy, Spain will soon be facing thousands of cases and their hospitals are about to get busier.

Remember, 2 to 6 weeks from point of infection to needing medical help. So the hospitals won't be busy now but come April, things are going to change in Spanish hospitals.
[…] The economic cost and the collapse of public confidence in community and togetherness will become systemic. I would have happily posted something on the theatre window saying 'its flu time - as per normal - but with a minor twist, so be sensible and take some care such as drink elderberry tea!' but of course that's impossible - I've already had to control a desire - a strong desire - from my senior team members to panic and go into near voluntary lock down. The programming is unbelievably effective - people seem hungry for it. They are feeding off it - they want a crisis. Types like me become the new enemy - the scapegoat ready to sacrificed outside the city walls! Wont be long now!

Very well said, that's how i feel right now, my opinions regarding the freshly imposed restrictions in entire Italy i keep them to myself now because it seems that most of the people here are cheering and supporting the decisions taken by the government. I don't see myself as a selfish antisocial individual, but, the way the government acted concerning the coronavirus in my opinion is not right on many levels. In the meantime will keep observing as closely as possibly the whole situation on the ground trying not to run in wrong and biased thinking.
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