The pressure on German doctors increases.
The medical association gives out a warning for doctors who take part in protests and speak up.
They also put critical thinkers into the far right corner deeming them dangerous.

Kammer warnt Ärzte vor Teilnahme an Anti-Corona-Demo
Kammer warnt Ärzte vor Teilnahme an Anti-Corona-Demo

I just noticed that they corrected themselves. Below the article it now states.

In einer früheren Version über die Anti-Corona-Demonstration am Wochenende in Hamburg ist durch einen missverständlichen Satz im Vorspann ein falscher Eindruck über das Vorgehen der Hamburger Ärztekammer entstanden. Der Satz „Sollten Ärzte unter den Teilnehmern sein, will der Kammervorstand prüfen, ob gegen die Berufsordnung verstoßen wird“ ist nicht korrekt.

Richtig ist dagegen – wie im weiteren Text ausgeführt – dass der Kammervorstand genau beobachten wird, ob es innerhalb der Ärzteschaft zu Verstößen gegen die Berufsordnung kommt. Ein solcher Verstoß könne etwa das Ausstellen falscher Atteste sein. Hamburgs Ärztekammer legt Wert auf die Feststellung, dass der Vorstand die Meinungs- und Demonstrationsfreiheit als hohes Gut selbstverständlich auch für Ärzte achtet. (di)


In an earlier version about the anti-corona demonstration on the weekend in Hamburg, a misleading sentence in the opening credits gave a wrong impression about the procedure of the Hamburg Medical Association. The sentence "Should there be physicians among the participants, the chamber's board of directors wants to check whether the professional code of conduct is being violated" is incorrect.

What is correct, however, is - as explained in the following text - that the chamber's board of directors will closely observe whether there are violations of the professional code of conduct within the medical profession. Such a violation could be, for example, the issuing of false certificates. Hamburg's Medical Association attaches great importance to the statement that the Board of Directors naturally respects freedom of opinion and freedom of demonstration as a high good, also for physicians. (di)

So the question is, was this a genuine misunderstanding or an attempt at damage control? Assessing how people would react to blatant violations of free speech?
This is a bit of a shocker for some it seems but something that has been known all along by knowledgeable sources.. With the on going hype in the media, a lot of people are unaware. I told a friend of mine about this report today and he thought it was fake news. He's been very concerned about the virus being he's close to 80 years old.

CDC: 6% Of US COVID-19 Deaths List COVID-19 As Only Cause Of Death
August 30, 2020 - by Staff Writer

In the latest update, the CDC pointed out that only 6% of deaths related to COVID-19 listed COVID-19 as the only cause of death. The vast majority of patients that were listed as COVID-19 related deaths also suffered from serious comorbidities.

The CDC is reporting 167,558 COVID-19 related deaths in the United State as of August 28, 2020. Out of the 167,558 COVID-19 related deaths, only 10,053 (6%) mentioned COVID-19 as the only cause according to the CDC’s new numbers. The other 94% of the COVID-19 related deaths had comorbidities associated with those deaths.

For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups here.

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities,
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I was reading Rossiya TV's recent interview with Putin, and was really disappointed by his comments in regards to people following orders about the coronavirus:

Sergei Brilyov: The situation is getting worse in Europe, more cases are being recorded.

Vladimir Putin: Of course, it is obvious, if we consider that it is the holiday season, and there are many people on the beaches and crowds in bars and restaurants.

Sergei Brilyov: No discipline.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, of course. All this individualism and a reluctance to respect the interests of an overwhelming majority of society members leads to an outbreak and a relapse that we are witnessing in some countries.

Seems to me that the majority of society sees all the government measures against covid as at least being pointless and for many, an explicit attempt to control our lives. So where does he get the idea that the majority of people want to be forced to wear masks and be locked down? Maybe it's different in Russia, but where I'm at most people just wants to go back to normal.
I was reading Rossiya TV's recent interview with Putin, and was really disappointed by his comments in regards to people following orders about the coronavirus:

Seems to me that the majority of society sees all the government measures against covid as at least being pointless and for many, an explicit attempt to control our lives. So where does he get the idea that the majority of people want to be forced to wear masks and be locked down? Maybe it's different in Russia, but where I'm at most people just wants to go back to normal.
No discipline! How come? everyone is wearing masks, make distancing, suffer in silence all this non-sense. Putin Putin! How moralistic you are!

They are moralistic and mean. Try to make us responsible of the apocalyptic economic crisis. We are the culprits. Shame!

Here things are ugly. They say: a TSUNAMI of sick people with the virus. Put some neighbors responsable of the TSUNAMI. These neighbors are, in their majority, very poor with people that do not work, old people, families with money problems, etc. Shame! So I feel furious and tired, very very tired of all of this.
I was reading Rossiya TV's recent interview with Putin, and was really disappointed by his comments in regards to people following orders about the coronavirus:

Seems to me that the majority of society sees all the government measures against covid as at least being pointless and for many, an explicit attempt to control our lives. So where does he get the idea that the majority of people want to be forced to wear masks and be locked down? Maybe it's different in Russia, but where I'm at most people just wants to go back to normal.
I hear you Beau. Though there is also the chance this is Putin code for 'don't fall into the trap they have created for you by giving them what they want i.e. an excuse for a second lock down'. The 'interests of the overwhelming majority' could be interpreted to mean the longing to get back to the old normal but to get this you have to starve the pathocrats of the statistical fuel to justify continuing with their new normal. But no doubt I'm reaching! On the face of it it certainly sounds very much in line with the propaganda in the west.
I think they may wait until the majority of Russians will be vaccinated with their "save" vaccine. Only then you can decrease the virtually increased numbers.
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After the huge protest in Berlin last Saturday with Robert Kennedy jr. holding a speech I was desperately searching for some news covering about the Berlin police refusing to follow a court order.
It's a huge issue when police goes against iurisdiction and should deserve coverage.
First the permission for this protest was withdrawn but then an application of interim relief was granted.
During the protest Berlin police then blocked side streets so that after a while the masses of people couldn't move on anymore so antisocial distancing couldn't be maintained.
In the proceeding the police then started to stop the protest due to people not maintaining said antisocial distancing.
Remarkable was that it has only been Berlin police and not police from other states that went against the court order.
Andreas Geisel, Berlin's Senator of the Interior and a former SED party member held true to his dark background and obviously adviced his police to act accordingly. He even dared to say that in a free society unfortunately even 'a..holes' have the right to protest. WTH!
I was reading Rossiya TV's recent interview with Putin, and was really disappointed by his comments in regards to people following orders about the coronavirus:

I would not take anything said in the politic theathre at face value. Could be that it is that tactic to not get in the crosshairs because the time is still too early even if there seems more people are taking notice. Not knowing all and I mean all circumstances in everchanging and complex enviroment it is hard to get to definite conclusion as to why s and how s.

I hear you Beau. Though there is also the chance this is Putin code for 'don't fall into the trap they have created for you by giving them what they want i.e. an excuse for a second lock down'. The 'interests of the overwhelming majority' could be interpreted to mean the longing to get back to the old normal but to get this you have to starve the pathocrats of the statistical fuel to justify continuing with their new normal. But no doubt I'm reaching! On the face of it it certainly sounds very much in line with the propaganda in the west.

They have unlimited fuel when it comes to statistics, they can continue with lockdown measures because they make cases out of thin air constantly or take the common flu as it, etc... so do not think it is that.
The video is showing policemen holding down and punching a 60 years old woman

Police brutality during the Berlin protest

There clearly is a global pandemic of brutality. The police said that there will be an intern investigation but I won't hold my breath that truth and justice will be served.

After rumours about the woman's consecutive death spread across the web (not true) the police is now performing damage control:
Corona-Demo: Krasse Falschmeldung nach Video – Polizei Berlin äußert sich

Extract tranlated with DeepL:
The Berlin police clearly contradicts this on request of DER WESTEN. The woman was released from police custody immediately after the action. She even refused medical help, the police told our editorial staff.

Nevertheless, the false news spread on the net on Monday.
Clear words of the police

On Monday afternoon, the Berlin police published a statement in which they once again clearly rejected the accusations. The officers were also accused that a pregnant woman had lost her child as a result of a police operation. The police emphasize that shoving, arrest, but also fisticuffs or the use of pepperspay are only used as a "last resort", "if a request is not complied with, although this is urgently necessary.

Afterwards, the Berlin police described in detail the two operations on Sunday, of which videos had appeared on the Internet. Both women - a 60-year-old woman from Baden-Wuerttemberg and a 42-year-old pregnant woman from North Rhine-Westphalia - are said to have violently resisted being expelled. The 60-year-old woman is said to have kicked one officer in the stomach and tried to bite another one in the hand - while the pregnant woman hit a policeman against the visor of his helmet. Both are now under investigation for resisting and assaulting law enforcement officers and for assault and battery.

"Such operations usually last a long time and are predictable for bystanders. Therefore it is easy and in the meantime apparently also usual to pull out the cell phone and record the event," the police said. "A major and recurring problem is that these videos and photos are usually greatly shortened and taken out of context.
As per today's Washington Post, Trump is acting to change the narrative on the Covid-19 shutdown. In so speaking, Trump's new pandemic advisor, Scott Atlas, is not an epidemiologist or an infectious disease expert, but a healthcare policy expert working for the Hoover Institute at Stanford University.

This Post article goes into some detail regarding the internal threat Atlas is posing in questioning previous policy recommendations by Fauci and Birx.

Trump and his advisors are not formally pushing the herd immunity approach, as the Post's headline indicates, so much as the vaccine and therapeutics.

Unrelated to this Post article, whenever I've heard Trump discussing the vaccine he immediately shifts to touting the new therapeutics being developed, and so it's occurred to me he's attempting to avoid the impression that the vaccine is the only solution, and in that he's perhaps meaning to lessen the anxiety many of us are feeling concerning mandatory vaccination. That's my reading between the lines, but it could bear out. We shall see. To my knowledge, all he's actually said (in a tweet) is that "not everybody is going to want to get the vaccine."

Anyway, it's good to see that Trump continues to disassociate himself from Fauci and Birx.

The Washington Post
The Post Most
(Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

New Trump pandemic adviser pushes controversial ‘herd immunity’ strategy, worrying public health officials

Scott Atlas has expanded his influence inside the White House by advocating policies that appeal to the president’s desire to move past the pandemic and get the economy going.

By Yasmeen Abutaleb and Josh Dawsey

In case the Post article is inaccessible, a less comprehensive article covering this from earlier this month is from Business Insider:

In brief:

President Donald Trump announced the hiring of Dr. Scott Atlas as a coronavirus adviser on Monday.

Atlas is a healthcare policy expert who works at the Hoover Institute, a conservative think tank at Stanford University. He is not an infectious-diseases expert.

He has been a frequent guest on Fox News in recent months, where he frequently spoke out against lockdown measures and for the full reopening of schools in the fall.

Atlas' appointment comes as Trump appears to be tiring of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, two experts who have been on the White House coronavirus task force for months.

[end: BI excerpt]

I don't think this remarkable talk by Dr Lee Hieb Merritt, M.D. on August 16 2020 at the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness 38th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, has made it on to this thread before.

Its 55 blistering minutes of that rare thing - a highly knowledgeable and respected medical practitioner lining up all the key slam dunk science with a genuine political understanding of what one of her colleagues has aptly named this Flu-d'etat.

She's got a brilliant mind, a totally engaging presentation manner and a great way of packaging the facts and their context.

Her talk - titled SARS-CoV2 - Rise of Medical Technocracy. - covers:

1. World Health Authorities have got 100% of the facts wrong. This is clearly by design.
2. What is Technocracy
3. The disparity in death rates between the herd and politicians/leaders
8. A new level of fake science papers
9. Indonesia finds 98.9% of extreme cases with vitamin D deficiency
10. So What is really going on?
11. Aug 2019 - Gates team meeting in Rwanda with US legislators re contract tracing contract - HR666
12. Conflict of interest - Big Pharma and regulators
13. Its about money, power and control
14. Brainwashing - Albert Biderman findings
15. Who are the WHO
16. Gates & the WHO
17. Gates Foundation & Global Reach
18. Bi-passing of animal testing - because all COVID vaccine attempts have proved 100% fatal
19. Sources

In other words pretty comprehensive.

And very, very brave. I highly recommend and passing on to those who say no one in the medical field is against this or understands the context.

I've created a PDF of all her very effective slides - over 100 - see below for attachment.

On her point 18 she makes some interesting conclusions about those reports of fit young men dying on the sidewalks in Wuhan.

EDIT: Re-attached slides PDF as 2 slides were missing
Amazing lady and how she machingunned facts from stage makes me smile, thanks for video! Effective remedy to the daily broadcasts of cognitive dissonance everywhere, almost like shower with cold water.
Victorian Member of Parliament David Limbrick's speech from today's sitting. He's calling out the crap and deprivation of liberty, but still doesn't seem to grok that it's a fake pandemic as he still seems to be supporting some measures like wearing masks. He calls out Dan Andrews 'Staying apart keeps us together' campaign and addresses how it's dividing families and ruining businesses, creating anxiety, depression, despair and suicide. He also calls out the bullying tactics being use by police.

I had to go back and read this twice to make sure I didn't read it wrong. The WHO literally committed mass-murder to make HCQ look dangerous when it in fact was the opposite of dangerous. It was the CURE.

Really, everyone should read the full document from 'Stop World Control'
It is mind blowing.
Everything is 100% Fact Checked.

The Plan To Control The Whole World


Mass murder by the World Health Organization
The World Health Organization tested this medicine on 3500 patients in 400 hospitals worldwide... and a third of them died.
As a result hydroxychloroquine was banned across the world.
Dr. Meryl Nass looked into the trial and discovered something horrendous: the World Health Organization gave their patients absurd, lethal doses of HCQ. (4)
The WHO tests use excessive, dangerous HCQ doses. These tests are not testing the benefits of HCQ on Covid-19, but rather testing whether patients survive toxic, non-therapeutic doses.

'WHO and other organisations have conspired to administer excessive doses of HCQ in order to increase the number of deaths. By doing this they rob billions of people of a safe and cheap medicine.'

imply said: the World Health Organization murdered over a thousand people, so they could prevent the world from discovering hydroxychloroquine as the answer to Covid-19. Do you find that hard to believe? I understand you completely. But please keep reading to see what else is going on...
The New Normal: ‘Covert Moral Enhancement’ For ‘Coronavirus Defectors’
Academic article suggests putting psycho-active drugs in the water supply to make people “co-operative”
The article’s author is Parker Crutchfield, an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University, and his argument can be broken down into four key points:

  1. Wearing masks and social distancing are good for public health
  2. People who refuse to follow these rules are “defectors” who need to be “morally enhanced”
  3. This moral enhancement can be achieved with medication to make people more “empathetic” and “co-operative”
  4. This medication should be compulsory and/or administered secretly via the water supply.
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