This is another great video from Dave Cullen (Computing Forever). He is responding to Richard Dawkins recent tweets on the Covid restrictions. It is 7 mins long. He also mentions the 3 month youtube ban of Rowan Croft (Grand Torino).

THE Veran of health (death) again opened his putrid mouth:
Olivier Véran presented a new gradation of restrictions in the face of the spread of Covid-19. French departments are divided into several alert zones, from "reinforced red" to "scarlet red" (the latter only concerns Aix-Marseille and Guadeloupe) where bars and restaurants are closed. For the reinforced red zone, such as Paris or Lyon, bars will have to close at 10 pm.
The map of the zones of the departments on alert (scarlet red or reinforced red): the special cases of Aix-Marseille and Guadeloupe

Closing the bars and restaurants of @AMPMetropole for 15 days is a near-lock-down! I take note of it but I regret it. We had taken concerted decisions 9 days ago, they were starting to work, it's a collective punishment!
Fermetures des bars à Aix-Marseille, interdictions après 22H: la nouvelle carte des mesures face au Covid-19

Announced for Saturday, the closure of bars and restaurants in the Aix-Marseille metropolis will finally intervene from Sunday evening: visiting Marseille to defend an announcement that caused an outcry, the Minister of Health defended a "necessary" measure.
On Friday morning, several hundred restaurant and cafe owners, supported by elected officials, had shouted their dissatisfaction before the Commercial Court of Marseille, where they say they fear they will soon have to file for bankruptcy, according to the local boss of the Union of Hotel Trades and Industries Bernard Marty.

In front of the commercial court, Hugo Chauffournier, manager of a bar in the Old Port, assured that he wanted to continue "to militate democratically for the moment". "But if it doesn't work, we'll have to think of other solutions," he warned.
Covid: à Marseille, restaurateurs et élus en colère, fermeture repoussée d'une journée

A decision of law impacting for a whole network of life based on what!?... On computer statistics, as the proof.
A restaurant owner said in french television "i will not close IF the OTHERS won't close", it will be something great, wait and see the next week.

There's nearly a week i am in Paris now, i had time to take the temperature a little.
And i was able to see with horror a whole masked Paris continuing to live as normally as possible. I was shocked because even though i had never gotten used to it in the small village of Galicia, i didn't come across many people, unlike Paris, knowing that i hadn't yet taken public transport. I just walked around to do some shopping and see the new infrastructures, fifty or so masked people like me, i crossed and made my way.
Finally, last Thursday i decided to go and meet some old acquaintances at a good half hour walk from my home, without mask, but with conviction in a neighborhood i know and if i ever had problems i would know the right way to take (at least...).
It was amazing, it was like swimming against the current and flying at the same time.
On my round trip i had to pass 2 people without masks, lower under the chin, 4 others because they were eating/telephoning or smoking (which is very little).
My suffocating moron was in my pocket, i kept a peripheral vision, the people i met were not paying attention, or were a little surprised but nothing more, ostensibly. The most difficult part was to cross a crowd, or someone who only realizes at the last moment that i'm not wearing other people's bullshit, or again to walk along a bus stop where people see you coming from far away without a mask, while they are clustered around the bench all masked. I got a few looks worthy of a whiplash.
When i came back from my excursion into the new normal, it was late and it was raining, and even that the few cats i came across were as masked at night as they were during the day.
Right now it's not simple to be normal in what has become a big pasture.

Edit: UppErcasE LeTTeRs
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University students in the UK are getting robbed.

Get this, after turning up to their halls of residence, they are getting told that their lectures will all be virtual.

Students from separate households aren't allowed to socialise. Universities have hired wardens to patrol to ensure students aren't holding social events etc.

For all these, they still pay the full amount.

Questions are being asked why did the universities not tell the students about how they will live and study prior to them agreeing to take the year.

The answer is simple. Money.

The universities don't want students away from campus as the rent they get from students is one of the main sources of revenue. So of course before the year begins they do everything in their power to convince students to come. Once they are in, they spring the trap!

In addition, the universities need the tuition fees so they don't want students deferring their enrolment.

The western world is becoming a joke, a caricature. The fact these students aren't even rebelling tells you what sort of mind job has been worked on them.
Shooting a person with a taser is a crime
It also occurred to me well after my postings on the subject, that Alecia Kitts (Say Her Name) - being that she is a young woman could have been pregnant (often unknown in earliest stage - one of the first things asked at doctor's visits is are/could you be pregnant). Hence, it's not impossible that a taser could cause a miscarriage or great harm to the developing fetus. How would that have sat with the officer and all the officials who have implemented this absurd/unconstitutional policy regarding masks? And based on overzealous police enforcement regarding masks/social distancing, they should change their shirts from blue to brown and own up to embracing totalitarianism.
Totalitarian - relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
I'm looking in disgust at a headline in Thursday's newspaper: Masks may remain even after vaccine
This is an AP article (local paper modified the headline):
Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans likely will need to wear masks and stay socially distanced to protect themselves from the coronavirus after a vaccine becomes available.
And so the groundwork continues to be laid that masks are to be a permanent fixture of our faces because it's a matter of days before influenza blows up again along with second wave Covid. It will never be "safe" to be indoors or out without a mask because Fauci's now on the record saying even vaccines cannot "completely eradicate it [infection] or eliminate it."
And today's paper has former Ohio Dept. of Health director, Dr. Amy Acton saying:
There is a contagion that I feel, sometimes that is more insidious than just the virus and we know what it is. We all feel it every day. It's fear, it's feeling uncertain, it's ambiguity we are all having to tolerate," Acton said. "So I'm working on a project that I feel, to me, is the antidote."
Acton: Fear, uncertainty as bad as coronavirus
This woman - this medical professional - was instrumental in spreading fear and uncertainty across Ohio while also deciding the economic impacts were necessary/unavoidable collateral damage. How could she not know that masks - even N95s - do NOT inhibit viral transmission and are completely useless to stop viral spread? To not know that exhibits a level of professional incompetency that beggars belief. The hypocrisy of this latest pronouncement is ironically sickening. Why hasn't she called a press conference to announce the glorious findings of the CDC that Covid recovery rates are in excess of 94% for all ages?

We know why. The agenda marches on and over its innocent victims - young children through elderly - while our governmental authorities keep raising the bar to the clearly unreachable goal of what was once known as normalcy.
Duly noted. I think this winter is going to be a nightmare, worse controls than we've seen already. Time to become the rebel that has always lurked within, I'll not be standing for this. This is an outrageous attack on liberty now, as it always was.
I agree. As long as people band together, embrace subtlety, and use 'the system' to their advantage, it has a good chance of stuffing up the plans the PTB and forcing them to hoist themselves on their own petards (which is always a joyous thing to behold). I think a historical equivalent would be the way the Resistance fought during WWII. These people pretended to be upstanding citizens whilst all the while, working industriously to undermine their occupiers. And, I think that is how it would be with the 1%. They are too arrogant to notice.

This is something I don't think people completely appreciate. Going head to head with oppressors will only get you crushed. We see that at the moment. But, working diligently, behind the scenes, and intelligently, will undermine them completely to leave their best plans in ruins.

I sort of get a picture of an army of termites. Nobody really "sees" them, but wow, do they have an effect!
Students from separate households aren't allowed to socialise. Universities have hired wardens to patrol to ensure students aren't holding social events etc.

For all these, they still pay the full amount.

Then they need to challenge this, or leave. They have the power, not the Universities.

The fact these students aren't even rebelling tells you what sort of mind job has been worked on them.
Actually it tells me they haven't been told that they can! (rebel, that is). Or, it tells me that this has been recently introduced, and the students think (erroneously) that it is only a short term thing. It isn't. They need to start rejecting it, and flexing their collective muscle. Especially if they represent the community at large and I think maybe that most of them do.
A ricin letter on the heels of a ricin vaccine?
A vaccine for chemical poisoning? Wow! And, it is a chemical, not a virus. I had to look that up! :-D

Apparently it can be used in chemotherapy, but I guess a lot of really toxic stuff can be (like the derivative of mustard gas that was used in WWI).

Good gracious poison really seems to be in the air! I bet the PTB even have a department for that type of thing! :shock:

Actually it's not really that 'out there', as an idea, because when people get a tetanus shot, it's not against the bug clostridium tetani, it's against the toxin. At least in my limited understanding of it, anyway.
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Things are gathering momentum.

I've heard back from the brave organizers of this incredible letter to say though its a Belgium specific initiative they are inviting 'repressed citizens of the world' to also add their signature to the open letter. As of today its up to:

Signed by 499 medical doctors
Signed by 1578 medically trained health professionals
Signed by 10994 citizens

So if you go to the signatures link add your name whatever your profession. Then pass it on to anyone you think is open and wants to speak out. 'We are many they are few' so weight of numbers is the key especially in the medical and sciences profession as its the large scale union of such unimpeachable voices that may help folks wake up in time.
Been thinking more about the current situation in Victoria where there are moves to arrest/detain 'conspiracy theorists' and in conjunction with the Julian Assange situation. I'm wondering if JA was chosen as a target to pre-condition Australians to current events. I mean there are plenty who could have been made an example of as JA has, but it's curious that an Aussie was chosen (or set up) given current events. It doesn't seem like to much of a stretch to relabel a whistleblower as a conspiracy theorist in order to make an example of them with the support of a proportion of the public.

I think you may be right Jones, lately I was thinking about the same thing. In the last couple of months there were popping up articles on mainstream newspapers saying that people who were questioning and calling out this whole pandemic scam may suffer from mental psychological problems. Basically the message to the masses being who doesn't follow the rest of the sheep on this whole BS is a lunatic and must be locked in a asylum because he's a danger to the society and to himself. And you know what, I think a good chunk of peeps may swallow this and tacitly agree and support such a draconian policy.

Unless of course more people won't start opening their eyes and ears. At work I tried to reason with a couple of my coworkers about the danger of wearing the muzzle, and other issues related to the plandemic, their reaction, they listened then did their best to defend the atrocious actions of their beloved leaders and wore more tightly their muzzle.

Just yesterday I was speaking with a colleague about the negative effects of wearing the muzzle, of the economic disaster that will follow if a second lock down will be applied. My colleague's reply, while wearing the muzzle said that that's the way the things are and that basically he accepts it without questions because according to him the real plandemic will start this autumn, why? Because that's what "real scientists" are saying. My reply, nothing, there was no point to keep reasoning with him.

From this I understood one thing, that this is their choice and the more you try to open their eyes the more they will resist and in the final run it's you that will get fried because it's you that is violating their free will, trying to open their eyes when they didn't asked for it and you may get in serious trouble if you keep doing that. This reminds of what the C's said in the last session: " Strategic enclosure to the max". Why making myself a target of a Smith agent from the Matrix when there is no point in doing that especially considering that the real show hasn't started yet.

Until people won't look and ask for answers genuinely I'll keep going my way silently and calmly.
I think you may be right Jones, lately I was thinking about the same thing. In the last couple of months there were popping up articles on mainstream newspapers saying that people who were questioning and calling out this whole pandemic scam may suffer from mental psychological problems. Basically the message to the masses being who doesn't follow the rest of the sheep on this whole BS is a lunatic and must be locked in a asylum because he's a danger to the society and to himself. And you know what, I think a good chunk of peeps may swallow this and tacitly agree and support such a draconian policy.

Unless of course more people won't start opening their eyes and ears. At work I tried to reason with a couple of my coworkers about the danger of wearing the muzzle, and other issues related to the plandemic, their reaction, they listened then did their best to defend the atrocious actions of their beloved leaders and wore more tightly their muzzle.

Just yesterday I was speaking with a colleague about the negative effects of wearing the muzzle, of the economic disaster that will follow if a second lock down will be applied. My colleague's reply, while wearing the muzzle said that that's the way the things are and that basically he accepts it without questions because according to him the real plandemic will start this autumn, why? Because that's what "real scientists" are saying. My reply, nothing, there was no point to keep reasoning with him.

From this I understood one thing, that this is their choice and the more you try to open their eyes the more they will resist and in the final run it's you that will get fried because it's you that is violating their free will, trying to open their eyes when they didn't asked for it and you may get in serious trouble if you keep doing that. This reminds of what the C's said in the last session: " Strategic enclosure to the max". Why making myself a target of a Smith agent from the Matrix when there is no point in doing that especially considering that the real show hasn't started yet.

Until people won't look and ask for answers genuinely I'll keep going my way silently and calmly.
You are right. There is nothing we can do. Specially at your work where you can be a target, for example. Sometimes I give some information to taxi drivers, just a little bit. just to see if they are open or not to new information. That's all. No more information at FB. My contacts, apart those of this forum, love to see my dog. So I put pictures of my dog for them. No more information where they use this gift to attack me.

Be courageous, Andrian. We need courage, so much courage. ❤ ❤
I think you may be right Jones, lately I was thinking about the same thing. In the last couple of months there were popping up articles on mainstream newspapers saying that people who were questioning and calling out this whole pandemic scam may suffer from mental psychological problems. Basically the message to the masses being who doesn't follow the rest of the sheep on this whole BS is a lunatic and must be locked in a asylum because he's a danger to the society and to himself. And you know what, I think a good chunk of peeps may swallow this and tacitly agree and support such a draconian policy.

Unless of course more people won't start opening their eyes and ears. At work I tried to reason with a couple of my coworkers about the danger of wearing the muzzle, and other issues related to the plandemic, their reaction, they listened then did their best to defend the atrocious actions of their beloved leaders and wore more tightly their muzzle.

Just yesterday I was speaking with a colleague about the negative effects of wearing the muzzle, of the economic disaster that will follow if a second lock down will be applied. My colleague's reply, while wearing the muzzle said that that's the way the things are and that basically he accepts it without questions because according to him the real plandemic will start this autumn, why? Because that's what "real scientists" are saying. My reply, nothing, there was no point to keep reasoning with him.

From this I understood one thing, that this is their choice and the more you try to open their eyes the more they will resist and in the final run it's you that will get fried because it's you that is violating their free will, trying to open their eyes when they didn't asked for it and you may get in serious trouble if you keep doing that. This reminds of what the C's said in the last session: " Strategic enclosure to the max". Why making myself a target of a Smith agent from the Matrix when there is no point in doing that especially considering that the real show hasn't started yet.

Until people won't look and ask for answers genuinely I'll keep going my way silently and calmly.
I know you’re right but I’m really struggling with this strategic enclosure. The shear stupidity of what’s going frustrates the hell out of me. Most of the time I can keep my opinions to myself,unless I’m with someone who feels the same then I can express myself openly. I still feel like I should be doing more to fight this but maybe I’m trying to hard to hang on to the old world. I want to be able to sit back and watch the show but it’s easier said than done!

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