This is another great video from Dave Cullen (Computing Forever). He is responding to Richard Dawkins recent tweets on the Covid restrictions.
An excellent response to Dawkins as promised. What's priceless are the comments to the vid on youtube - very witty, pointed, and LOL funny! In contemplating Dave's last remark, l thought at first he was referring to Janus and proceeded to google. Verrry interesting:
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus (/ˈdʒeɪnəs/ JAY-nəs; Latin: IANVS (Iānus), pronounced [ˈjaːnʊs]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past.

Janus was the god of beginnings and transitions in Roman mythology, and presided over passages, doors, gates and endings, as well as in transitional periods such as from war to peace. He was usually depicted as having two faces looking at opposite ways, one towards the past and the other towards the future. There was no equivalent of Janus in Greek mythology.

As a god of beginnings and transitions both in literal and abstract ways, he was also responsible for motion, changes, and time. He was present in the beginning of the world, guarding the gates of Heaven, and he also presided over the creation of religion, life, and even the gods. He was probably considered the most important Roman god, and his name was the first to be mentioned in prayers, regardless of which god the worshipper wanted to pray to.
However, in replaying that soundbite, I decided Jainist was being said and so, looked that up as well:
a nontheistic religion founded in India in the 6th century BC by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira as a reaction against the teachings of orthodox Brahmanism, and still practiced there. The Jain religion teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives, and noninjury to living creatures, and is noted for its ascetics.

Jainism, traditionally known as Jain Dharma, is an ancient Indian religion and a method of acquiring perfect knowledge of self and universe and perfect joy through extrasensory means as sensory means are incapable of acquiring them.

The Jain symbol that was agreed upon by all Jain sects in 1974.

The four arms of the swastika symbolize the four states of existence as per Jainism:[1][2]
  1. Heavenly beings (devas encantadia")
  2. Human beings
  3. Hellish beings
  4. Tiryancha (subhuman like flora or fauna)
It represents the perpetual nature of the universe in the material world, where a creature is destined to one of those states based on their karma. In contrast to this circle of rebirth and delusion is the concept of a straight path, constituted by correct faith, understanding and conduct, and visually symbolized by the three dots above the running cross swastika, which leads the individual out of the transient imperfect world to a permanent perfect state of enlightenment and perfection. This perfect state of liberation is symbolized by the crescent and dot at the top of the svastika.[1]

It also represents the four columns of the Jain Sangha: sadhus, sadhvis, sravakas and shravikas - monks, nuns and female and male laymen.
It also represents the four characteristics of the soul: infinite knowledge, infinite perception, infinite happiness, and infinite energy.
This symbol was adopted by all on the occasion of 2500 year completion of Bhagwan Mahaveer.


The hand with a wheel on the palm symbolizes Ahimsa in Jainism. The word in the middle is "ahiṃsā" (non-injury). The wheel represents the dharmachakra, which stands for the resolve to halt the saṃsāra [cycle of death and rebirth] through the relentless pursuit of Ahimsa.
The term ahinsa means nonviolence, non-injury and absence of desire to harm any life forms.
So, the basic tenet of Jainism is absence of desire to harm any life forms which is one of the central principles of Agenda 21/2030. Humans must curtail their impact upon the environment/planet by abandoning all of their current means of 20th century living that are polluting/destroying the natural world including the impact of runaway population - the last one the most key. They've got a vaccine for that!

Learning is fun!
You are not saying it directly, but between the lines you are suggesting that the police (the government) are right. You are in no case right. Societies, by definition, exist in groups. This is human nature, and no government-imposed laws can change that.
If school grounds are made available for a match or other mass event, the associated risks are calculated. It was to be predicted that there were people with diseases that prevented them from wearing masks, and zones where these people could stay could be separated. They are able to assess the risk of infection themselves. Shooting a person with a taser is a crime, and there is a lot of evidence of it in cemeteries.
I think that may be called straw man. You may have skipped past the part where I wrote I agree that in an ideal world, no one would be forced to put a mask on.

Many of us live in the shutdown world, and many of us have not found a better solution to mask requirements than actually wearing the mask. So this is not an academic discussion with no real world implications. What solutions are available? What would you do? If I was in that woman's situation, I would leave the school. I'm not getting arrested and going to jail, because I'm not doing that over a mask.

Also, I'm not sure, perhaps there may be a lack of trying to stand in the shoes of the police and security, many of whom trying to support their families. Even for an individual police officer who doesn't care about a mask, many have supervisors who do care, and just like many of us, they're just trying to keep a job and support their families. So what should they do, when confronted with people who won't wear a mask and won't leave the premises? People just ignore this question, maybe because there are no easy answers. It's easy when a constitutional sheriff says we're not going along with this totalitarian shutdown. It's not so easy when the police are enforcing the shutdown.
🇮🇸 Police Hope to Train Corona Dogs in Iceland

The Chief of Police in Northwest Iceland hopes to bring specially trained COVID sniffer dogs to the country.
Police in Iceland have been in regular contact with organizations in the UK that train dogs and are investigating whether they can be trained to sniff out the coronavirus on individuals. Preliminary findings show that the dogs are able to detect positive COVID-19 samples with about 90% accuracy and only this week, so-called ‘corona dogs’ started working as part of a pilot project at the Helsinki airport.
Source: Iceland Review

Kind of interesting. Will the dogs be able to discern between real positive COVID-19 samples and those erroneously labeled positive due to a certain error rate?

From the New York Times

Does this mean the coronavirus has a scent?
This is what researchers believe. But what exactly the dogs detect when they sniff out the virus is the million-dollar question, Ms. Hielm-Bjorkman said.

“We know how dogs detect it — by smell — but we have no clue what they detect yet,” she said. “If we find this out, we can train thousands of dogs across the world.”
Scientists in the United States are investigating whether an infected person secretes a chemical that dogs can smell. And a French study published in June found “very high evidence” that the odor of an infected person’s sweat was different in a way that dogs could sense.

I understand that they do not only detect people about to fall ill during the virus' incubation period but also those who developed antibodies because of an earlier infection years ago as does the testing that is going on.

So you could be immune to corona and still get sniffed out by the COVID-19 canines?
Sadly this blogger cannot provide any source for the 1.5 million claim, I would have been very interested to find out about the real number of participants. The organizers insisted that it must have been at least 200,000 at each event.

The picture shown could have actually been taken at a location in the Mediterranean, that's what it looks like to me.
I didn't hear about any other Massive protests in the Mediterranean.
That blogger is well trusted and a diligent researcher.
I think that may be called straw man. You may have skipped past the part where I wrote I agree that in an ideal world, no one would be forced to put a mask on.

Many of us live in the shutdown world, and many of us have not found a better solution to mask requirements than actually wearing the mask. So this is not an academic discussion with no real world implications. What solutions are available? What would you do? If I was in that woman's situation, I would leave the school. I'm not getting arrested and going to jail, because I'm not doing that over a mask.

Also, I'm not sure, perhaps there may be a lack of trying to stand in the shoes of the police and security, many of whom trying to support their families. Even for an individual police officer who doesn't care about a mask, many have supervisors who do care, and just like many of us, they're just trying to keep a job and support their families. So what should they do, when confronted with people who won't wear a mask and won't leave the premises? People just ignore this question, maybe because there are no easy answers. It's easy when a constitutional sheriff says we're not going along with this totalitarian shutdown. It's not so easy when the police are enforcing the shutdown.

I understand what you mean heath, but still I think that those who are working in the police force or security business have a choice, by acting quietly without fining or smashing the heads of poor people that didn't nothing wrong or unlawful. It's hard to act humanely towards other when your boss is a spineless psychopath and orders you to act otherwise bit still you have a choice to act according to your own nature, quietly and covertly. My two cents.
Well our Supreme Leader has graciously lifted the illegal curfew for Melbourne as of tomorrow 5am. And despite all of his promises, unsurprisingly nothing else has really changed. Oh, well the fine has increased from $1,652 to $5k for breaking nonsense convid rules, so that's nice.

On another note, this may sound rather pathetic, but I keep flip-flopping and would be interested in hearing your opinions on what I should do in the following situation....

I have a dental appointment tomorrow. Long time coming. Very sore. It is on the other side of town. More than two hours away on public transport - most definitely beyond the 5km limit which is still enforced.

"Reasons to leave home
During the second step, there are still only four reasons that you can leave home, and you need to stay local (within five kilometres from home):
  1. Shop for food and necessary goods or services
  2. Provide care, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
  3. Outdoor exercise or recreation
  4. For permitted work or education"
So from what I understand, even for a medical treatment I am not meant to move more than 5km from my home.

I'm going anyway, as I have to. My flip-flopping is in regards to the mask wearing. I actually managed to get a medical exception. And I never wear a mask usually. But! You have all seen how unbelievably fascist our police are, and I am sadly rather nervous about being strangled, beaten up, arrested etc by the cops sometime on this long journey. They will be drawn to me like moths to a flame, and then obviously will henceforth discover I am "out of my zone".

A part of me is stubborn and determined - thinking "screw them! I'm not doing anything wrong!". The other part just wants to get her tooth fixed without any additional fear and anxiety. We have enough of these negative emotions to contend with already without even leaving the "safety" of our homes. If I mask up, then I will more than likely make the journey unscathed. But it just goes against everything I stand for. Argh.

I understand what you mean heath, but still I think that those who are working in the police force or security business have a choice, by acting quietly without fining or smashing the heads of poor people that didn't nothing wrong or unlawful. It's hard to act humanely towards other when your boss is a spineless psychopath and orders you to act otherwise bit still you have a choice to act according to your own nature, quietly and covertly. My two cents.
Perhaps this falls under the Buddhist concept of "right livelihood." If one accepts that concept (clearly many don't), the reasoning that one is "just doing their job" seems to have little merit.
I understand what you mean heath, but still I think that those who are working in the police force or security business have a choice, by acting quietly without fining or smashing the heads of poor people that didn't nothing wrong or unlawful. It's hard to act humanely towards other when your boss is a spineless psychopath and orders you to act otherwise bit still you have a choice to act according to your own nature, quietly and covertly. My two cents.
The police could've physically picked her up and hauled her away, instead of the taser, though I imagine she'd still be screaming and swearing and people would still be angry. That's the only solution I can see so far. Maybe someone else can provide a better solution. For the police to keep their jobs, they couldn't let her just stay there. Not leaving a place after being asked to leave, that is unlawful, trespassing. It would've been different on a public sidewalk.

She backed the police into a corner. She didn't give them an option to act quietly and covertly, if it is true that she refused to leave after being asked. There's the old fashioned saying may I please speak to your supervisor. There's physically leaving. There's refraining from swearing.
Well our Supreme Leader has graciously lifted the illegal curfew for Melbourne as of tomorrow 5am. And despite all of his promises, unsurprisingly nothing else has really changed. Oh, well the fine has increased from $1,652 to $5k for breaking nonsense convid rules, so that's nice.

On another note, this may sound rather pathetic, but I keep flip-flopping and would be interested in hearing your opinions on what I should do in the following situation....

I have a dental appointment tomorrow. Long time coming. Very sore. It is on the other side of town. More than two hours away on public transport - most definitely beyond the 5km limit which is still enforced.

"Reasons to leave home
During the second step, there are still only four reasons that you can leave home, and you need to stay local (within five kilometres from home):
  1. Shop for food and necessary goods or services
  2. Provide care, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
  3. Outdoor exercise or recreation
  4. For permitted work or education"
So from what I understand, even for a medical treatment I am not meant to move more than 5km from my home.

I'm going anyway, as I have to. My flip-flopping is in regards to the mask wearing. I actually managed to get a medical exception. And I never wear a mask usually. But! You have all seen how unbelievably fascist our police are, and I am sadly rather nervous about being strangled, beaten up, arrested etc by the cops sometime on this long journey. They will be drawn to me like moths to a flame, and then obviously will henceforth discover I am "out of my zone".

A part of me is stubborn and determined - thinking "screw them! I'm not doing anything wrong!". The other part just wants to get her tooth fixed without any additional fear and anxiety. We have enough of these negative emotions to contend with already without even leaving the "safety" of our homes. If I mask up, then I will more than likely make the journey unscathed. But it just goes against everything I stand for. Argh.

You're being put in a tough and inhumane position. If it was me, I think I know what I would do. But I'm not you and we might weigh the options differently.
If I mask up, then I will more than likely make the journey unscathed.
In this instance, I believe your survival instinct has to win out over principle and righteous outrage. You will already be taking a huge risk traveling beyond the permitted distance. Why tempt fate even more than that? Live to fight another day!

Remember, too, what the Cs said about the importance of situational awareness. Good luck and do your best to stay safe! I'll say a prayer that you complete your mission without incident. 👍
It looks like Sweden may be about to fold. Anders Tegnell is apparently in discussion with govt ministers about introducing 'local lockdowns', i.e. the same strategy being rolled out across the West simultaneously: lockdowns in major cities.

Apparently this is The Telegraph's Swedish media source:

Any Nordic members have access to that article? Or know what the latest Swedish govt position is on Covid-1984?

I can't access that article in Swedish, but looking at recent blurbs of news in various Swedish newspapers gives, indeed, the impression that some caving in is happening. Tegnell has mentioned the possibility of local and 'very specific' lockdowns, but this is being echoed by a few other health authorities also. I think Tegnell is backpedaling because of pressure from the others.

I've been wondering about the reason why Sweden wasn't 'following orders', and my current theory is that because they had to put the plan/psyop in action ahead of the intended schedule, they hadn't yet had the time to install the right people/minions at the significant/needed positions in the Swedish health department and related decision making installations.

There's some support to this theory in the fact that one of the recent proponents of local lockdowns is a guy called Björn Eriksson, who is the Director of Health and Nursing in the Stockholm area. I just did a search, and it appears that he got his position in April of 2019, Swedish speakers see HERE. I'm not saying that he's necessarily compromised or evil, but he appears at least to be more willing to 'toe the line'. Maybe this is how it works: the players in the shadows promote those who they deem being of 'the right fabric', i.e. willing to take orders, without these individuals necessarily knowing what's going on.

Tegnell gave an interview yesterday, and at least based on that, he is mostly sticking to his old principles. He didn't mention anything about possible lockdown measures. The interviewer questioned, in a sneaky manipulative way, about the possibility of getting re-infected with COVID, but he countered this quite brilliantly by stating that, "There has only been 3 known cases of this happening in the whole world, so he isn't worried about this possibility".
What solutions are available? What would you do?
What solutions are available? What would you do?
My philosophy is very simple: If you control everything around you, nothing can hurt you.
If your world is based on television, the world around you is the world of television. People act like they are in movies and series. The police act as in the movies, people act unnatural, governments make absurd recommendations to make the plot more interesting. The world is responsive, it reacts to your dreams, your world view and your ideas about the world. If your imaginations come from television, the world becomes so.

Make your beliefs boring. The world will return to normal.
I understand that they do not only detect people about to fall ill during the virus' incubation period but also those who developed antibodies because of an earlier infection years ago as does the testing that is going on.
Everyone knows that dogs are great at detecting viruses in papaya fruit, goat's milk, and samples from other domestic animals - ask the president of Tanzania.

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