Tegnell gave an interview yesterday, and at least based on that, he is mostly sticking to his old principles. He didn't mention anything about possible lockdown measures. The interviewer questioned, in a sneaky manipulative way, about the possibility of getting re-infected with COVID, but he countered this quite brilliantly by stating that, "There has only been 3 known cases of this happening in the whole world, so he isn't worried about this possibility".

Yes, as far as I understand, the Swedes were lucky to have Tegnell as well as his predecessor Johan Giesecke (who apprently advised Tegnell and is kind of a brother in arms) who were good guys in the right positions and with enough authority. However, the PTB seem to have a big influence on Swedish media (like elsewhere), so they tried to smear them, like with the nothing-burger-scandal involving Giesecke. In fact, it shows just how right on the money Giesecke and Tegnell were from the start:

Over in two months

In a follow-up article published in the Expressen newspaper, Karlsten highlights an early email Giesecke sent in March to Tredje AP-fonden or AP3, a Swedish pension fund, which employed him at the time as a consultant.

"I believe the virus is going to sweep like a storm over Sweden and infect basically everyone in one or two months," Giesecke writes. "I believe that thousands are already infected in Sweden. (...) It will all come to an end when so many have been infected and become therefore immune that the virus has nowhere else to go (so-called herd immunity)."

In the email, he argues that for the majority, the infection will be like a normal cold and that most won't even notice they are infected, and the course of the outbreak would take "one to two months", with the pandemic peaking in early April.

Worth reading that article for a peep behind the scenes!

I think what Giesecke and Tegnell achieved is truly remarkable, given the forces they were and are up against. This perhaps shows the hastiness of the PTB's reaction, that maybe they haven't total control especially in less significant countries, and also the power one man and his network can have if they decide to do the right thing.

EDIT: Here is another interesting bit from the article, showing what went on and what a fine line Tegnell had to walk between Giesecke's sound advice, external pressure and pressure from within his own bureaucracy:

Following the flu curve

Another series of emails discuss modelling the coronavirus on flu.

Tegnell's counterpart in Norway, Frode Forland, and his immediate predecessor as state epidemiologist, Annika Linde, have both accused the Swedish Public Health Agency of failing to adapt a pandemic strategy and approach designed for influenza.

"I've had an idea," writes Giesecke on March 15th to Tegnell's deputy Anders Wallensten and the agency's analysis head Lisa Brouwers.

"One could take a cumulative curve of deaths from influenza over the 2018-2019 season and gradually lay that over the curve for coronavirus in the same graph," he proposes.

"If the numbers for influenza are suitable it could be interesting (and also hopefully 'politically' useful) to see if the corona curve follows the influenza curve over time."


Wallensten calls the idea "interesting", but suggests they should consider whether such a graph would be "pedagogical or risk making us seem like we're neglecting corona".

Annasara Carnahan, one of the agency's epidemiologists, criticises the proposal, arguing that "either it fuels fear or it minimises the mortality of Covid-19". Karlsten reports in the article that another unnamed staff member said they were "unsure it would be smart to put out a 'quick and dirty' result at this point".

"People aren't going to be less worried because we show it's even worse with influenza," they said.

Giesecke then complains to the agency's head of analysis Lisa Brouwers: "Why have your statisticians/investigators so many opinions over how data is to be used?"

She replies: "Haha, yes, it's both good and sometimes irritating."


Influencing policy?

The flu graph discussed above was in the end never published. Another email which has been getting attention on social media is one from March 27th, when Giesecke proposes reopening upper secondary schools and universities for on-campus tuition, asserting, that the closures "play no epidemiological role".

"I think we should relax the closures of upper secondary schools and universities after Easter. They play no epidemiological role and it would be a signal of change for the better," he said.

"I think it's a shame for everyone who is in the third year [of upper secondary school]. It's sad that they won't be able to celebrate their final exams after 12 years in school. All the best, Johan (after a glass of wine at Friday dinner)."


But, like several of Giesecke's emails, it was ignored. The policy was not relaxed until the end of June.
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Having an intelligent conversation with anyone, who views 24 information news (as truth), is futile. Especially in the states.

Global Covid-19 death toll passes one million
France’s coronavirus second wave ‘arriving faster than we thought’
Paris goes car-free for a day amid surge in cycling due to coronavirus
Coping with Covid-19: How FRANCE 24 has adapted to the new normal
Coronavirus deaths could reach 2 million, WHO warns
EU has 'last chance' to stave off Covid-19 second wave, Health Commissioner says
Picture of the week: 200,000 American flags have been planted in front of the Washington Monument, one for every 10 Americans who have died of Covid-19.
New start date for virus-delayed Olympic torch relay
Australia tennis chief says competing during quarantine a 'possibility'

Pandémie de Covid-19: "Un million de morts"
Sep 28, 2020 - 24

September 23, 2020 -last paragraph:
Governments have now enabled an unprecedented global grid of social tracking, but where does it end? People should not be so naive as to think it will not be relatively easy for the state to convert these instruments of bio-surveillance into tools of social control and exclusion. We’re seeing this unfold already in this COVID crisis.

Unless people wake up to this fact and begin to push back, then governments and corporations will simply take their silence as implied consent to the new technocracy police state.
Looks like the Victorian and Western Australian government might have checkmated themselves! 🍿

Victorian govt is looking at jail for Occupational Health and Safety breeches over the Hotel Quarantine debacle which would leave them open to action under industrial manslaughter laws. The only way out of that one is to admit that the virus is a nothing burger, initial modelling was wrong and tests are giving false positives, meaning that they killed a whole bunch of other people for nothing. But then they'd have to explain their justification for continuing virus measures and still killing a whole bunch of other people for nothing.

Western Australia has realised that they could be jailing themselves and so have sought to remove govt actions from Occupational Health laws.

Hotel quarantine inquiry: Victorian politicians caught in their own trap

The Victorian politicians and public servants caught in the hotel quarantine saga do not have amnesia but rather have a genuine fear that any admission of liability will cause them to be prosecuted under Victorian law. If found guilty they face a potential jail sentence of up to 25 years and/or a fine of $16.5m.

Never before in Australian history have so many cabinet members and senior public servants faced such a danger so it’s no surprise that they all keep saying “I don’t know”.

Is it time for the Benny Hill theme music yet?
That sounds intriguing! Since the article is behind a paywall, could you post the full text here? Or another link where the story is told?


The Victorian politicians and public servants caught in the hotel quarantine saga do not have amnesia but rather have a genuine fear that any admission of liability will cause them to be prosecuted under Victorian law. If found guilty they face a potential jail sentence of up to 25 years and/or a fine of $16.5m.

Never before in Australian history have so many cabinet members and senior public servants faced such a danger so it’s no surprise that they all keep saying “I don’t know”.

The weekend resignation of former health minister Jenny Mikakos’s included a statement that she “strongly disagreed” with the Premier’s evidence. She has not admitted accountability.

Some of those involved in the quarantine fiasco were actually part of the plotting that designed one of the most vicious industrial manslaughter acts in the Western world. The legislation aimed to jail corporate boards for long periods if there was a death in their workplace or it could be linked to actions that took place in their workplace, irrespective of their responsibility or control.

The legislation was passed in November last year and its wide powers and severe penalties have not been tested.

But the Victorian public servants and politicians know its power intimately and have every reason to be scared because they are set to be the test case.

And public servants and politicians around Australia are suddenly alarmed at what appears set to happen in Victoria, so are checking their own vulnerability.

First to react are the WA government politicians and public servants, who are planning Victorian-style industrial manslaughter laws to jail boards and executives. Suddenly the WA politicians and public servants realise they could be jailing themselves, so they have moved to exclude government actions from the proposed law’s ambit. It makes what the WA government is looking to do a national joke.

The general view in the Victorian community is that the senior politicians and public servants will never be prosecuted despite what legislation might say — their “mates” will look after them.

In theory that might seem right, but the legislation is clear and the high calibre of the people who will make the decisions means that the vulnerable public servants and politicians are right to warn their families of what might be ahead.

I must emphasise that it is one thing for a public servant or politician to be prosecuted and another to be convicted.

It’s important for all Australians, and certainly Victorians, to understand just how the Victorian occupation and health/manslaughter system works.

When Steve Bracks was Victorian premier, he passed some of the best occupational health and safety (OHS) rules in the country. The first part of the Bracks OHS legislation was that he made it easy for ordinary people to alert the head of WorkSafe Victoria and the Director of Public Prosecution that an OHS offence may have taken place. And once such notification is made to the WorkSafe chief he must either prosecute or publicly give good reasons for not prosecuting.

If the WorkSafe chief rejects prosecution the case can be submitted to the director of public prosecutions, who again must either proceed with prosecution or publicly explain why.

The head of WorkSafe Victoria is Colin Radford and the Director of Public Prosecutions is Kerri Judd. Clearly they must assess the situation but, given the enormous amount of damning evidence uncovered in the Jennifer Coate inquiry, for Radford and Judd not to launch prosecutions is almost inconceivable.

Under the OHS Act it is the responsibility of the public servants and politicians to provide a safe workplace not just for those in the workplace but for others who might be impacted by what happens in that workplace. Hundreds of people died as a result of the events in the hotel workplace. This is almost certainly the nation’s biggest OHS catastrophe.

I should emphasise a prosecution does not mean that the person charged is guilty but an OHS offence is a criminal offence. But to be convicted under Bracks’ OHS it must be shown that the person had some form of control and/or responsibility for what happened. For the recently passed industrial manslaughter laws to be triggered, there must first be a conviction under the OHS Act. The actual OHS Act is fair and allocates blame on the basis of control and responsibility.

Accordingly, if you are a director of a company that, say, operates a farm and you made sure that all equipment was properly maintained, the staff were properly trained and the right safety rules were set in place, then if a staff member behaves badly causing a death or serious injury board members would not be liable under OHS.

But under the industrial manslaughter Act the board members who acted properly are still likely to face long jail sentences.

The WorkSafe chief, Colin Radford, has rightly launched an inquiry into the quarantine affair. In normal circumstances his inquiry would be the only one undertaken (apart from the coroner) but, in this case, a separate public inquiry has taken place and a vast amount of evidence has been publicly assembled so there is no way there can be a cover-up .

Part of the problem facing Victorian ministers and public servants is that under Daniel Andrews the Victorian public service administration was vastly increased in size and sets of complex interrelated responsibility networks were set up to cover many issues. All around the state, in areas outside of those raised by COVID-19, people dealing with the Victorian government find it incredibly difficult because responsibility is divided into so many departments and committees. Very often only the Premier can sort through the morass.

When this system was applied to a crisis, instead of responsibility being concentrated, it was spread over a large number of people, which greatly widens responsibility, firstly under the base OHS Act and then under the industrial manslaughter additions.

Those who have studied the Victorian situation believe that the only way widespread prosecutions can be avoided is for Radford and Judd to give reasons for non-prosecution that will create precedents that destroy both the industrial manslaughter and the OHS rules.

The government and public servants have been trapped by their own actions and that is why they are so scared. You could see the fear in their eyes when they gave evidence to the Coate inquiry.

A bit more background on the story: When hotel quarantine was set up, a security firm was contracted to enforce quarantine - but they were given no specific training. Apparently an outbreak was traced back to those held in quarantine and then it also came out that apparently the security officers also had sex with some of the detainees and slept on the job. Along with passing the buck about who implemented the curfew, there was also some passing of the buck about who was responsible for engaging a security firm and who was responsible for their training. However, the authorities are holding the hotel quarantine program as being responsible for more coronavirus deaths.

From what I can gather the author of the article, Robert Gottliebson, writes exclusively for the Australian so a search doesn't turn up the article anywhere else.
I'd do my very best to blend in with the compliant natives.


Wear the mask when recquired and be back home safe to continue to live and love another day.

Yes, in the end I was naked faced in my local area, and then masked up when I hit the city and went out further into the burbs. Very glad I did as although there were very few civilians around, there were quite a few cops during the time I was beyond my 5km. I would have had trouble for sure. Probably multiple times.

I already felt sorry for people who have to wear these horrible face nappies all day, but after wearing it (only) for a few hours I have even more sympathy. I had to keep removing it from time to time to breathe properly. Those poor, poor people.
Based on latest CDC data, the Wuhan coronavirus poses virtually no death risk whatsoever for people under the age of 50
Most importantly, these data show that coronavirus “cases” are meaningless if detected in someone who isn’t sick. The left-wing media continues to try to terrorize the nation by claiming tens of thousands of new “cases” each day, but these cases are almost universally non-significant in that the patients demonstrate no symptoms and no sickness. Furthermore, the tests being used to diagnose such “cases” are extremely unreliable and likely rooted in predominantly false positives.

In fact, in a truly shocking development that has not been reported by the fake news media, the former Chief Science Officer of Pfizer is now claiming the entire “second wave” of the pandemic is being faked through the use of unreliable mass testing that’s producing mostly false positives.
Meanwhile, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for people 50 – 69 years is 1 in 200, making it far deadlier than the seasonal flu for individuals in that group.
The State's Response To This "Virus" Is Nothing More Than A Weapon Of Mass Submission
Logic would dictate that this fake pandemic should be over for good after the new CDC death figures for the U.S. were recently exposed. That report showed that 94% of those said to have died from Covid alone did not die from Covid at all. In fact, the 94% that died who were claimed as Covid deaths had on average 2.6 other co-morbidities evident.

What that means is this entire virus scam was a fraud all along, and is being used as a weapon of submission in order to gain control over the entire population. Lies on top of lies have been used to frighten people into voluntarily destroying their lives in the name of false safety, and now the damage has reached levels that will be almost impossible to overcome at any time in the near or even distant future. One would think that with this ground shattering information, all citizens would be up in arms, but that does not seem to be the case. This is extremely troubling, as without a mass uprising of the people, this horrendous plan will continue to go forward.
I do not know if you have already read such a leaflet:

1) A real pandemic - Everyone knows sick people from their environment or family.

False pandemic - The sick are primarily known for their media coverage. (Prominence, celebrities...)

2) A real pandemic - Hospitals and medical practices are overflowing.

False pandemic - Hospital beds are empty waiting for the sick.

3) A real pandemic - There are many fatalities.

False pandemic - Unchanged number of deaths during the year.

4) A real pandemic - Politics and the media are doing everything to calm society down and prevent panic.

False Pandemic - Politics and the media are doing everything to induce panic and fear in society.

5) A real pandemic - The state is doing everything to prevent an economic collapse.

False pandemic - The economy is stifled by unnecessary restrictions and whole sectors of the economy are unnecessarily ruined.

6) A real pandemic - Scientific facts and experienced specialists are used for the social good.

False pandemic - Scientific facts and renowned proven scientists are ignored and even ridiculed and discredited in the media.

7) A real pandemic - There are no organized companies that have long been prepared and inspiring politicians and the media in anticipation of profit.

False pandemic - Organized companies corrupting politicians who commit criminal acts against society and the economy.
Then they need to challenge this, or leave. They have the power, not the Universities.

Actually it tells me they haven't been told that they can! (rebel, that is). Or, it tells me that this has been recently introduced, and the students think (erroneously) that it is only a short term thing. It isn't. They need to start rejecting it, and flexing their collective muscle. Especially if they represent the community at large and I think maybe that most of them do.

Talk about the UK students, see this picture in a student cafetaria:
No uprising here, they sit alone, eat alone, already seem defeated to 'the new normal'.

My daughters are both at Unis in the UK (northern England) and they tell me that most students they know have bought into the lies and that one is a 'Granny killer' if they go out and socialize. Influenced by decades of degenerated entertainment, food, education and thoughts are being displayed. Police are roaming the streets looking for violators of the rules. Fines (in Leeds) now at GBP 200,--, so much more real and scarier than the former GBP 10,000. Apart from online lectures, several of their courses have been set up to be without a tutor and students have to discuss course material amongst themselves and can call a tutor by telephone if they want some more information. Sheez

For all these, they still pay the full amount.

The universities don't want students away from campus as the rent they get from students is one of the main sources of revenue. So of course before the year begins they do everything in their power to convince students to come. Once they are in, they spring the trap!

I get the same impression SOTTREADER.
Time to better start learning some useful skills like organic farming, carpentry, plumbing or something similar.

Thank Goodness that here in Algarve, Portugal things are quite relaxed i must say. Bars, restaurants and shops open, muzzles only inside shops (like it already was) and this will stay for the coming months the leadership has said. They simply cannot afford more lockdowns here, most people lost their jobs already, compared to August 2019, unemployment here has risen with a staggering 178%.
Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"
In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says "there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen." The "Big Pharma" insider asserts that false positive results from inherently unreliable COVID tests are being used to manufacture a "second wave" based on "new cases."
Media messaging in the US is already ramping up expectations of a "second wave."
Survival Rate of COVID Now Estimated to be 99.8%, Similar to Flu, Prior T-Cell Immunity

The survival rate of COVID-19 has been upgraded since May to 99.8% of infections. This comes close to ordinary flu, the survival rate of which is 99.9%. Although COVID can have serious after-effects, so can flu or any respiratory illness. The present survival rate is far higher than initial grim guesses in March and April, cited by Dr. Anthony Fauci, of 94%, or 20 to 30 times deadlier. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) value accepted by Yeadon et al in the paper is .26%. The survival rate of a disease is 100% minus the IFR.

Of course, it would be reasonable to replace "confirmed cases"with "alleged cases" here.

Talk about the UK students, see this picture in a student cafetaria:
View attachment 39169
No uprising here, they sit alone, eat alone, already seem defeated to 'the new normal'.

My daughters are both at Unis in the UK (northern England) and they tell me that most students they know have bought into the lies and that one is a 'Granny killer' if they go out and socialize. Influenced by decades of degenerated entertainment, food, education and thoughts are being displayed. Police are roaming the streets looking for violators of the rules. Fines (in Leeds) now at GBP 200,--, so much more real and scarier than the former GBP 10,000. Apart from online lectures, several of their courses have been set up to be without a tutor and students have to discuss course material amongst themselves and can call a tutor by telephone if they want some more information. Sheez

I get the same impression SOTTREADER.
Time to better start learning some useful skills like organic farming, carpentry, plumbing or something similar.

Thank Goodness that here in Algarve, Portugal things are quite relaxed i must say. Bars, restaurants and shops open, muzzles only inside shops (like it already was) and this will stay for the coming months the leadership has said. They simply cannot afford more lockdowns here, most people lost their jobs already, compared to August 2019, unemployment here has risen with a staggering 178%.

Yes - basically they aren't rebelling because

- They've been told it's for the greater good. The individual must sacrifice himself for the greater good. This piece of propaganda is the MOST PORTENT one to come from covid. I'm surprised there have not been articles addressing this appealing to people's sense of conscience and absolutely subverting it so that everyone is working against their own and the collective self interest on the behest of pathological leaders. If the wider population has no immunity to this mental pathogen, students stand no chance!

- This generation is used to isolation. The age of social media has brought forth a plague of people feeling isolated and disconnected from each other, unable to form deep and meaningful bonds. The majority of social connections nowadays are superficial which doesn't bode well for tough times.

- The universities are probably running a highly sophisticated propaganda programme on them, plus they are being monitored quite closely, similar to prisoners. No doubt there's also snitches lurking under every rock. Basically I'm imagining being at uni now like being in East Berlin at the height of the cold war.

- Parents have clearly left their kids to fend for themselves, probably because they themselves have fallen for the propaganda and now believe their kid is a biological weapon that may kill them.
University students in the UK are getting robbed.

Get this, after turning up to their halls of residence, they are getting told that their lectures will all be virtual.

Students from separate households aren't allowed to socialise. Universities have hired wardens to patrol to ensure students aren't holding social events etc.

For all these, they still pay the full amount.

Questions are being asked why did the universities not tell the students about how they will live and study prior to them agreeing to take the year.

The answer is simple. Money.

The universities don't want students away from campus as the rent they get from students is one of the main sources of revenue. So of course before the year begins they do everything in their power to convince students to come. Once they are in, they spring the trap!

In addition, the universities need the tuition fees so they don't want students deferring their enrolment.

The western world is becoming a joke, a caricature. The fact these students aren't even rebelling tells you what sort of mind job has been worked on them.

It's exactly the same in the US. Universities all over the country tricked students into coming back to campus by promising them hybrid courses. Then, a couple weeks before the school year started - when the contracts were signed and they couldn't pull out - they were told that classes would actually be online only, and were hit with precisely the kind of draconian social distancing regulations as in the UK. Campuses have been turned into gulags.

The university system is probably going to implode. Students won't come back for more of this, and enrollment will plummet. Then there's the human cost. This is a delicate time in the lives of most young adults. Deprived of social interactions and basically imprisoned in their shitty dorm rooms, depression is going to be a serious problem. Suicides will go way up. There will be lawsuits over that, especially as it becomes clear to a larger part of the population that this is all a sick hoax. And that's to say nothing about the lawsuits over the bait and switch, with students paying top dollar for the "college experience" and being trapped in a prison camp instead.

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