Looks like the Victorian and Western Australian government might have checkmated themselves! 🍿

Victorian govt is looking at jail for Occupational Health and Safety breeches over the Hotel Quarantine debacle which would leave them open to action under industrial manslaughter laws. The only way out of that one is to admit that the virus is a nothing burger, initial modelling was wrong and tests are giving false positives, meaning that they killed a whole bunch of other people for nothing. But then they'd have to explain their justification for continuing virus measures and still killing a whole bunch of other people for nothing.

Western Australia has realised that they could be jailing themselves and so have sought to remove govt actions from Occupational Health laws.

Is it time for the Benny Hill theme music yet?

Self Employment Australia - an incorporation of independent contractors and small business owners have taken the first step to initiate a case in the above matter. In the link is their letter to Worksafe - Australia's OH & S Dept requesting prosecution of 20 govt individuals and 6 govt departments or for Worksafe to show cause why they shouldn't be prosecuted. The full letter to Worksafe is in the link. These are criminal charges if they're upheld.
In addition to my last, the contract granted for the security operation of hotel quarantine was worth over $30 million for 3 months. The contract was procured by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, that pokes a big whole in the 'I don't know' claims. The contract itself has been heavily redacted! The interesting thing is that the provider, Unified Security, was apparently not a registered provider for the Victorian government, is a New South Wales company, and is claimed to be an indigenous company - curious since this would also have covered the period of BLM protests.
Coronavirus Is Not the First Mass Killing by Dr. Fauci — How Many Tens of Thousands of Americans Must Die Before Dr. Fauci Loses His Job?
The latest international reporting for hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus patients shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.

This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!

America has lost (reportedly) over 180,000 lives.
Dr. Risch described how Dr. Fauci allowed at least 17,000 AIDS victims to die by not certifying an effective drug for treatment back in the 1980s.
Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa
In a revealing comment, a CDC virologist involved with WHO and Gates Foundation in the Africa mass polio vaccination campaign, part of something called the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, admits the vaccine is creating significantly more cases of polio paralysis than the deceptively named “wild polio” disease. “We have now created more new emergences of the virus than we have stopped,” virologist Mark Pallansch of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is a combined effort of the WHO, UNICEF, the U.S. CDC, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International.
Here it gets into some very suspicious linguistic games on the part of WHO, Gates and company. They are trying to cover their deeds by claiming that most of the polio cases are actually something they decided to call acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). That is a debilitating condition with a clinical picture virtually identical to polio. But it keeps the “polio” numbers down. According to the US CDC, there were over 31,500 documented cases of acute flaccid paralysis from just 18 countries in 2017. This is in addition to what they call vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP). Yet from the point of clinical symptoms, vaccine-derived polio, wild polio and acute flaccid paralysis are identical, as is acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a subtype of AFP. With this proliferation of serious medical-sounding names to describe what produces the same medical symptoms, we have huge ground for manipulation.

A paper written by Neetu Vashishi and Jacob Puliyel published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics in 2012 wrote about the Gates-CDC-WHO mass oral polio vaccine effort there: “… while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated…”
On to Covid-1984. There's little proof of anyone dying from it. So Gates produces vaccines to protect us from what likely is a non-existent disease. When people begin to suffer from the vaccines, the problems also will be explained away using false definitions. Remember that vaccine makers are indemnified from any damages that their vaccines wreak.

The Covid Deception
One reason we were intentionally deceived by public health authorities, and continue to be deceived by them, is to create a market for a Covid vaccination. There are billions of dollars of profits in this, and Big Pharma wants them. The financial connections between public health authorities and Big Pharma means that WHO, NIH, and CDC also desire mass vaccinations. If there are not enough people scared out of their wits to voluntarily seek vaccination, the chances are vaccinations will be made mandatory or your ability to travel, and so forth, will be made dependent on being vaccinated.

Another intentional reason for our deception is the Covid threat justifies voting by mail from the safety of one’s home. Voting by mail means that no winner can be declared on election night. The mail-in votes will have to be counted as they come in. The delay in declaring an election winner allows time for more propaganda that Trump has (1) fraudently rigged his reelection or (2) has lost and won’t step down. As the presstitutes speak with one orchestrated voice, whether Trump wins or not will be buried in reports that he lost and refuses to step down or that he won by fraud.
A third reason for the intentional misrepresentation of the Covid threat is to build the growing police state on more intrusions into private life. The public health threat is used to mandate unconstitutional intrusions that close private businesses or force them to operate at 50 percent capacity, thus driving them into bankruptcy and destroying the lifework of people in the name of public health. The threat is also used to accustom the public to obey mandates to wear masks that provide zero protection. Although opposition to this harmful policy is rising in the US and is strong in Germany and the UK, the fear of Covid that has been indoctrinated has caused most populations to behave as lemmings. People are being trained to obey edicts that harm them.
Of course Big Pharma and its shills such as Fauci, Redfield, and the presstitutes, will continue to keep the “Covid Crisis” alive as it is essential to Big Pharma’s vaccine profits, the Democrats’ color revolution against President Trump, and the training of populations to accept more government control over their lives.
"Just remember, everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal."-- Martin Luther King in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

New York's public health laws have been amended so that, based on the governor's "OPINION" and "a REASONABLY specific description" of an individual (or group) who "MAY BE infected (or MAY BECOME infected)", they can be sent to quarantine camps where their legal rights will be protected "TO THE EXTENT FEASIBLE." Oh, and anyone confined to a "detainment facility" "may not act in a disorderly manner, and shall not leave or attempt to leave"!--got it?


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Has anyone noticed that russia has now over 50 countries on the list who will most likely get the vaccine pretty soon?

Russia also expects that the demand for the vaccine will increase. I bet that the PTB are rather forious about that. I would guess that the russian vaccine has not the worst stuff in it like possible chips and such.
Has anyone noticed that russia has now over 50 countries on the list who will most likely get the vaccine pretty soon?

Russia also expects that the demand for the vaccine will increase. I bet that the PTB are rather forious about that. I would guess that the russian vaccine has not the worst stuff in it like possible chips and such.
According to Deagel the Russian nation will prosper in the next 5 years so if this vaccine is designed to kill off a lot of people, then if Deagel are correct, the Russian vaccine would be the safest bet.
Has anyone noticed that russia has now over 50 countries on the list who will most likely get the vaccine pretty soon?

Russia also expects that the demand for the vaccine will increase. I bet that the PTB are rather forious about that. I would guess that the russian vaccine has not the worst stuff in it like possible chips and such.
Well, I guess the game of "Russian Roulette" with 1 loaded chamber, instead of 3 - or more - is better, right? I find the analogy fitting.
Could the PTB be engineering a mass die off event? Early last century we had both world wars, the 1918 plague, poverty and most of the 3rd world was under colonial rule. All these resulted in copious deaths.

However, since then apart from localised events this hasn't happened again.

Could they really be planning a mass event? War probably would be too destructive and inefficient but by forcing everyone to take a vaccine designed for the job could accomplish the action.

All they have to do is create the market for the vaccine in question and mandate it by law.

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