Another possibility concerning Trumps diagnosis. A few months ago, he talked about very rich and powerful people who where very angry with him and because of that we may not see him for awhile. Maybe it’s the time to be gone. I can’t see him taking anything but HQ if he has it so I question the experimental drug idea.
ruh roh:
Another short update, this time on Britain: here in Wales since the mandatory mask act, there are now Compliance Officers on public transport. At least on buses, i've yet to catch a train. They were a 'Security' hi-vis jacket, although they probably offer little real security that comes to mind.
Several parents in the Netherlands have reported that swimming schools where their young children go to (or rather were planning to go to) sent them an email saying that they (the parents) are not allowed to dry and dress their children after swimming lessons and that this will be done by volunteers (i.e. complete strangers)!! Needless to say, the parents did not like this and shared this worrying news on social media to make others aware of this. After one parent's message went viral, she was told by a swimming school that she can now dry and dress her son herself in a separate room.

It doesn't even make sense as parents and children are from the same household, and children should be dried and dressed by them and not by complete strangers. Must've been an idea from pedophiles. Covid-19 is likely being used and likely will be used to get more access to children without parents being present, and I hope all parents and others will resist this.
I stand corrected on th HQ remark. He is taking Regeneron.
I believe Trump said quite some time ago that he was taking HCQ as a preventative. This makes me wonder if he has even contracted Covid-19 or has some other agent been unleashed? As everyone has noticed, the timing is more than suspect. Biden and the Dems seriously losing favor with voters, support for BLM/antifa collapsing, plus increasing doubt regarding the pandemic/masks/social distancing/etc. Must not forget Russiagate hoax unraveling, Biden & Son Ukraine/China corruption being revealed, the Flynn-Sullivan political impasse, Hillary/Libya/pedogate and so much more that is not going to swing the Dems way. The Clinton/Obama/Biden ship is heading for the rocks! They are in a death spiral and no doubt desperate to turn the tide - desperate enough to take Trump out under cover of Covid-19?

Another wait and see.

DEFCON levels

From wiki:

Another use is for military exercises - to differentiate from Operations:

A lot of people learned of DEFCON levels via movies. A clip from popular movie War Games:

Longer clip:

If Trump ever gets shuttled to Cheyenne Mountain, it won't be good.
Thank you.
Here they start to teach the masses the colour green and red. We are now in Red. And that's new, this stuff of red and green. I mean, at the beginning of this drama nobody talk about being in Red. We were talking about this yesterday with Hesperides and she found maybe the reason. And it can be that these colours that they want us to remember can be related to this:

I stand corrected on th HQ remark. He is taking Regeneron. Skyalmain, we posted at the same time!

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Shouldn't they cut back on the aspirin and let the fever do the job? At the beginning of the pandemic some doctors were talking about how fever is the bodies natural reaction to making itself inhospitable to viral infection.

In any case, Trump is super old so I hope he makes a full recovery.
I just pulled some interesting Tarot cards on Trump's testing positive for Covid-19 -- and, especially given he's exhibiting symptoms, albeit mild ones so far, this reading could be something to consider on the conspiratorial side of things.

Actually, my first reaction (since the reporter I was listening to made no mention of symptoms) had to do with the validity of these tests -- what they actually tell us, especially in asymptomatic cases. Also: how carefully monitored is the testing process itself for the president? There are false positives, and so there could be the possibility of foul play even in the testing arena. But since the president is exhibiting symptoms there may be other nefarious possibilities to consider here.

The deck I have is The Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, which is rather sweet and fairytale-like in design. I usually do a four card reading with three cards in a row above, and an underlying card below. One develops one's own way of reading one's own cards, and I believe that the best readings -- meaning the most clear readings -- may have to do with one's focus and clarity of mind. The question I had in mind when pulling the cards had to do with the severity of Trump's case of Covid-19.

My reading (and I'll see if I can find pics of the cards so I can paste them in below):

The first card on the top left was Four of Cups reversed. If it were not reversed I would usually read that as someone not seeing what is being offered (as per the hand offering the cup to a figure whose head is lowered, and not seeing it). But when reversed, I see it as something offered -- in this case, to the president.

The next (top middle) card, Three of Cups, one might typically read as celebration. As you can see in the picture below, it has three maidens happily putting their cups together as if making a toast. But in this reading, I see it as the president, Melania, and possibly Hope Hicks (Trump's P.R. advisor who also tested positive) drinking and/or consuming something that was offered.

The next card (top right) is Five of Pentacles. Here we see a very downtrodden, even impoverished looking couple, the man having a bandage around his head, and both of them looking miserable. There is snow in the air, and patches on their clothing. In this particular reading, it's easy to see this as the devastating outcome of the two cards prior, with Trump and the first lady both testing positive for the virus -- and with Trump (I've heard nothing of Melania so far) exhibiting symptoms.

The last card -- the underlying card -- turned out to be the Devil card, which is always disconcerting to see. If there truly was foul play, this is the card one might expect to see -- and with its being the underlying card, it's the point of reference for the other cards. Just looking at this card arouses a sense of the odiousness of the dark forces at work in the run up to the election. That the first lady and the president would potentially feel entrapped at this especially dire moment in time would seem to ring true as well.

I'm only sharing this particular reading since it spoke so clearly to me, and so in that sense it might be a possibility to consider. By many accounts, Trump has been extremely careful to take measures not to contract this illness -- the media uses that fact to indicate "just how contagious" this virus is. However, as this reading suggests, it could also indicate foul play.

On the positive side, the church in the background of the Five of Pentacles card would seem to offer a glimmer of hope, and a place of sanctuary (perhaps afforded by the quarantine), although neither figure is seeing this just now.

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I woke up thinking, why not call this what it actually is: Could the White House have been the target of a low-grade bio-weapons attack? Don't forget the ricin incident of just a few weeks prior.
Shouldn't they cut back on the aspirin and let the fever do the job? At the beginning of the pandemic some doctors were talking about how fever is the bodies natural reaction to making itself inhospitable to viral infection.

In any case, Trump is super old so I hope he makes a full recovery.
There have been issues with severe hyper-coagulopathy in some COVID patients. I'm guessing it is a mild prophylactic against this, rather than an antipyretic. It might take a higher dose of aspirin that that to reduce fever on someone of his size. I really don't know.
I think I'm smells some political scheme going on here. He took an experimental drug that hasn't been approved. POTUS hmm...
Oh that was just hydroxychloroquine (and maybe with the addition of zinc and possibly with azithromycin - although from what I've heard that protocol's reserved for people who are positive and in the first stages of their infection as azithromycin would be an antibiotic prophylactic).

Hydroxychloroquine HAD to be discredited by the pharma cartels for two reasons:

1. They can't make any money out of it because it's been around for so long.
2. If there is a legitimate alternative treatment for something, then the pharma cartels DON'T get billions in emergency funding for vaccine research.

That's the reason it didn't get approved and why the pharma cartels (and their various government spokespersons) will be fighting it's approval to their last breath.
I'm not sure of what the true intentions are of big Silicon Valley Tech.

Americans spend an estimated 90% of their lives indoors.

In 2014, Dr. Jessica Green was thinking about ways to better understand the health of those indoor environments by looking at some of their smallest occupants: microbes.

Microbes such as bacteria, fungi and viruses are everywhere, though they aren’t visible to the naked eye. Collectively, they make up the microbiome of a particular place. Microbes are also “embedded with a huge amount of data” that is important for understanding any environment, Green explained. But the world didn’t quite seem ready in 2014 for the concept of using a microbiome to assess indoor environmental quality.

“Anyone who had heard of the microbiome was primarily thinking about the human microbiome and human health,” she said.

That thinking, like so many other things in 2020, has shifted rapidly amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Now, people are looking at the microbiome for understanding all kinds of ecosystem health, from farms and forests to plants, animals and humans.

“With the era of this pandemic, I think everyone on the planet has a heightened awareness of how important microorganisms are for human health and particularly for building health,” said Green, who is co-founder and CEO of San-Francisco based Phylagen. The company is one of several Bay Area organizations at the forefront of creating tools to better research and understand any given microbiome.

Phylagen offers a sort of microbiome forensics. One of their products, Phylagen Origin, provides customers information about the origin and history of products and materials by assessing the microbiome data that’s present. Customers include brands that want to be sure about their supply chains, like retailers that want to track the source of their cotton.

This year, Phylagen launched their Phylagen Surface, a way of testing for the presence of the new coronavirus on surfaces. It allows users to understand whether someone is shedding the virus indoors regardless of whether they are showing any symptoms, “which is something that you can’t get from taking temperature checks in assessing if you have asymptomatic shedders indoors,” Green noted.

Getting to these kinds of breakthrough microbiome applications is no small feat. Though there’s been a growing interest in the microbiome in the last few years, what many people going into the field have found is that the instruments available for microbiome research “are not very sophisticated,” including tools invented in the 1800s like Petri dishes and Bunsen burners, said General Automation Lab Technologies (GALT) CEO and co-founder Peter Christey.

San Carlos-based GALT aims to address that gap by creating tools for next-generation microbiome research, Christey said. Their system, dubbed Prospector, enables rapid microbial cultivation of bacteria from complex microbiomes. The isolation and cultivation process allows for more detailed study in labs and for the potential development of microbial products, Christey said.

They’re already seeing a wide range of customers: from researchers focused on understanding the microbiome in soil and around the roots of plants to researchers looking at how microbes in people’s guts can impact disease and wellness.

At Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a new partnership is looking to make the most of the vast opportunities affiliated with the microbiome by drawing on a broad swath of expertise. The Berkeley Lab, University of California San Francisco, and UC Davis announced a Tri-Institutional Partnership in Microbiome Research in August to fund collaborative microbiome research projects.

The joint effort will also leverage the Berkeley Lab-led National Microbiome Data Collaborative, which aims to make microbiome data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable — with the idea that open, shared data can help more quickly unlock microbiome science discoveries.

“We want to be able to have collaborators from the very beginning that can help us build a robust system that can serve all types of microbiome researchers,” said Mary Maxon, associate laboratory director for biosciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

GALT’s Christey sees the Bay Area playing a key role in continuing to advance microbiome research.

“There’s a lot of really, really smart people of all sorts of different backgrounds coming into the area with different perspectives and from different scientific disciplines,” he said. “There is this tremendous wave of talent and creativity coming into the field that will be instrumental in untangling all the complexity and making sense of it.”

Alisha Green is a Santa Cruz-based freelance writer.

Meanwhile on the USA Border:

Immigration Brief: With Migrant Numbers Down, Illicit Narcotic Seizures Jump

(The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization founded in 1985).
By Andrew R. Arthur and Bryan Griffith on September 9, 2020
A new video from the Center for Immigration Studies explains the correlation between the drop in migrants entering the United States illegally, especially unaccompanied minors and family units, and the reduction in drugs coming into our communities. Andrew Arthur, the Center’s resident fellow in law and policy, highlights this year’s drug seizures: cocaine seizures are almost 96% of what they were in all of fiscal 2019, methamphetamine seizures 87.5% and fentanyl seizures are already at 198% of what they were in fiscal 2019.

Bad news: Border Patrol apprehensions, which had plummeted with the implementation of public-health restrictions on entry, are creeping up again.

Now this begs a Question.

Will the Mexican Cartels steal or mass produce a synthetic version (for profit) with identical marking's of the Russian offering?
And How will Russia and Mexico impalement the necessary protections needed to prevent the inception of counterfeits?

Russian Fund Says Mexico To Get 32 Million Russian COVID-19 Vaccine Doses
September 09, 2020

Trump Enters Hospital With Covid, Jolting White House, Campaign

President is being treated with an antiviral drug, doctor says
Video 05:13 7-8 minute Read Bloomberg

President Donald Trump remains in a U.S. military hospital outside Washington after contracting the coronavirus, a development that unnerved the White House and shook his struggling re-election campaign.

The White House said his symptoms were mild and that he would continue to work from a suite at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland, but his hospitalization heightened fears that his condition was more serious.

What Trump's Diagnosis Means

Podcast: 15 min Bloomberg LP

Prognosis: Coronavirus

President Donald Trump’s diagnosis of coronavirus has raised questions about everything from the Supreme Court nominating process to the possibility of future presidential debates. And of course, the unprecedented possibility of a candidate being removed from the ticket this late in an election year. Drew Armstrong and Michelle Fay Cortez discuss what we know, and still don’t, about what happens next.


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