Paul Mason MD

Low carb feeding of ventilated ICU patients reduced time on ventilator by an average of 62 hours. Other benefits included reduced respiratory rate, peak pressures and CO2 levels. This could reduce ventilator need by ~12% if similar results for COVID-19.


Relationships between hyperinsulinaemia, magnesium, vitamin D, thrombosis and COVID-19: rationale for clinical management

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Risk factors for COVID-19 patients with poorer outcomes include pre-existing conditions: obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease (CVD), heart failure, hypertension, low oxygen saturation capacity, cancer, elevated: ferritin, C reactive protein (CRP) and D-dimer. A common denominator, hyperinsulinaemia, provides a plausible mechanism of action, underlying CVD, hypertension and strokes, all conditions typified with thrombi. The underlying science provides a theoretical management algorithm for the frontline practitioners.
Vitamin D activation requires magnesium. Hyperinsulinaemia promotes: magnesium depletion via increased renal excretion, reduced intracellular levels, lowers vitamin D status via sequestration into adipocytes and hydroxylation activation inhibition. Hyperinsulinaemia mediates thrombi development via: fibrinolysis inhibition, anticoagulation production dysregulation, increasing reactive oxygen species, decreased antioxidant capacity via nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide depletion, haem oxidation and catabolism, producing carbon monoxide, increasing deep vein thrombosis risk and pulmonary emboli. Increased haem-synthesis demand upregulates carbon dioxide production, decreasing oxygen saturation capacity. Hyperinsulinaemia decreases cholesterol sulfurylation to cholesterol sulfate, as low vitamin D regulation due to magnesium depletion and/or vitamin D sequestration and/or diminished activation capacity decreases sulfotransferase enzyme SULT2B1b activity, consequently decreasing plasma membrane negative charge between red blood cells, platelets and endothelial cells, thus increasing agglutination and thrombosis.
Patients with COVID-19 admitted with hyperglycaemia and/or hyperinsulinaemia should be placed on a restricted refined carbohydrate diet, with limited use of intravenous dextrose solutions. Degree/level of restriction is determined by serial testing of blood glucose, insulin and ketones. Supplemental magnesium, vitamin D and zinc should be administered. By implementing refined carbohydrate restriction, three primary risk factors, hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia and hypertension, that increase inflammation, coagulation and thrombosis risk are rapidly managed.
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This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial. See: Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International — CC BY-NC 4.0.


demonstrates that stopping eating carbohydrates helps with blood pressure, diabetes and weight loss - helping save lives during Covid-19. But the medical industry doesn't want you to know this.

If you want to avoid dying of Covid-19, one of the most important things you can do, if you are overweight, is to shed the pounds


I was wondering if asked the sott or Cs I wanted to know.

Low cholesterol Covid link.
There is no?

Is a statin drug?

We are afraid of the vaccine. Monitoring etc. Are they still doing this with drugs?

Fauci Concedes Most COVID-19 Positive Tests Are False​

50-second video. Boom!

A phenomenon witnessed at protests is how the police surround the protestors and then compress them into a small area. This tactic is called 'kettling' and here's some of what wiki says about it:

Kettling (also known as containment or corralling)[1] is a police tactic for controlling large crowds during demonstrations or protests. It involves the formation of large cordons of police officers who then move to contain a crowd within a limited area. Protesters either leave through an exit controlled by the police or are contained, prevented from leaving, and arrested.

The tactic has proved controversial, in part because it has resulted in the detention of ordinary bystanders as well as protesters.[2] In March 2012 kettling was ruled lawful by the European Court of Human Rights following a legal challenge.[3]


The term "kettle" is a metaphor, likening the containment of protesters to the containment of heat and steam within a domestic kettle. Its modern English usage may come from "kessel" – literally a cauldron, or kettle in German – that describes an encircled army about to be annihilated by a superior force.[4] A cauldron is expected to be "boiling" with combat activity, the large enemy forces still quite able to offer "hot" resistance in the initial stages of encirclement, and so are to be contained, but not engaged directly.

To avoid allusions to military confrontation, kettling is sometimes described as "corralling," likening the tactic to the enclosure of livestock. Although large groups are difficult to control, this can be done by concentrations of police. The tactic prevents the large group breaking into smaller splinters that have to be individually chased down, thus requiring the policing to break into multiple groups.[5] Once the kettle has been formed, the cordon is tightened, which may include the use of baton charges to restrict the territory occupied by the protesters.[citation needed]

The cordon is then maintained for a number of hours: the ostensible aim is to leave would-be "violent" protesters too tired to do anything but want to go home.[6] Peter Waddington, a sociologist and former police officer who helped develop the theory behind kettling, wrote: "I remain firmly of the view that containment succeeds in restoring order by using boredom as its principle weapon, rather than fear as people flee from on-rushing police wielding batons."[7]

Kettling has been criticized for being an indiscriminate tactic which leads to the detention of law-abiding citizens and innocent bystanders.[8] In some cases protesters are reported to have been denied access to food, water and toilet facilities for long periods.[2] Further criticism has been made that in some instances the tactic has been used to foment disorder with the aim of changing the focus of public debate.[9] In some countries the tactic has led to legal challenges on the grounds of human rights violations.

The article then goes on to list the historical use of the tactic including at the Nov 3 protests in Melbourne and the George Floyd protests in the US.
In this 6 minute video a brave NHS nurse publicly resigns and speaks out against the lies and calls upon the people to fight back:

Oh, working as a healthcare assistant for the NHS. I don’t think that the uniform to prove that I work for them, but today I’m publicly resigning.

OK, well.

I’m wearing this uniform sadly for the last time. I loved my job, Have been following what’s going on.

We’ve done talks with organized protest. I got an e-mail from work last night asking me what’s going on, people who are reporting me. And unfortunately, I can’t lie anymore. The email is asking what’s going on and how can I lie?

I did something really bad.

I took a screenshot on Friday that shows the figures(data) of how many people are in this hospital with COVID, and I shared it, because this should be public information.

OK, I can tell you that on Friday, there were three people with Covid, no extra deaths, and that covers Cuppas, WestComal and Heyo hospitals

The total deaths from these three hospitals in seven months is 76. That’s about 10 people a month over the last seven months. And we have locked down.

Lots of people have to start speaking out.

Lots of doctors and nurses have come forward. They’re all on restricted duties. They’re all seeing solicitors solicitors, etc.

Well, I’ve decided there’s no point. I have gone against the rules within the NHS.

I have shared confidential information that people need to see, OK, I’m not the sort of person that finds lying easily.

I can deny it and say someone’s going to scream and shout my name, but they’re going to get a letter saying why I shared it because as much as I’ve always loved our NHS, it’s no longer our NHS. It is run by the corrupt government and other people running this country.

We go back, we can’t see dentists like I can tell you now, when I was working at the height of the pandemic, I had no work for three weeks because there were no patients including lar Covid because none of the wards were overflowing with patients.

And I know now the mainstream media has filled you with fear.

Yes, it really is time to face some facts on March the 19th. If you go on the government website, it’s still there now the coronavirus was classified as a non contagious disease. It’s there now.

The lockdown’s came out then the army is coming in to Liverpool to help put the mass tested. And this is a road and they are here for a while,

Guys, we are facing dangerous times and people need to speak up watching our children and our grandchildren so that they are allowed to go to school.

But we have to carry on because at the moment they want us to work.

Lots of you know that the flu and Covid cases are now combined as the same thing, ok, like if you die, with Covid within 28 days that goes on your death certificate.

You might all realise as well that the flu numbers they’ve got right down. Where have they gone?
I’ve Signed Death Certificates During COVID-19. Here’s Why You Can’t Trust Any of the Statistics on the Number of Victims

The tests were not designed to diagnose this disease, 94 percent of them are false positives.

We say no to no more lockdowns, the army and the police.

They need to stop with us now. People need to start standing up. The mainstream media that opened up, run by the World Health Organization, big countries by supplying this wonderful vaccine for. So, so there are alternatives to everything. Stop watching the MSM, start doing research. Social-distancing, there is nothing social about it.

How many people have died because of the lockdowns? Because there’s no treatment. I’ve got a friend whose mother committed suicide. When is this going to end? It is doing more damage closing our country, closing our hospitals than keeping it open.

I want to say to everybody, keep hugging, screw the social distancing, we need to fight back….. to all those people with small businesses, stay open.

It’s a quick Google search guys. If you think this lockdown is right and it’s going to do any difference, you are completely wrong. Our economy it’s going to crash small businesses. People are going to stop. You think it’s going to be a month?

We were flattening the curve back in April and this was when the disease was supposedly dying out.
The lockdown’s came out then the army is coming in to Liverpool to help put the mass tested. And this is a road and they are here for a while,

But we have to carry on because at the moment they want us to work.

Lots of you know that the flu and Covid cases are now combined as the same thing, ok, like if you die, with Covid within 28 days that goes on your death certificate.

Let them take you to court because they can’t do anything. So we’re going carry on now and march up to the court. But as I like to say, live in love and not fear. And if they are, we are in dangerous times. And if we don’t fight it well, we’re all in our comfortable places working at home, we have to make a stand.

I think it is commendable that some people stand up against the tyranny even though they know they will suffer the consequences for it. Here in Portugal, there was an anti mask demonstration in Lisbon at the end of October. There were quite a few doctors who participated. The result was that the General Medical Council examined all footage to identify the doctors and start disciplinary proceedings against them, as had already happened with doctors who went against the narrative on social media. Nowhere to hide!

From Monday onwards there will be the state of emergency here and they have said that it could well stay that way 'until the end of the pandemic'. It is not a lockdown (so far), businesses can stay open (for now), but people are advised to stay home and work from home. Also they have the army on standby to "contribute with human and material resources that prove necessary to support competent entities in the context of this public health emergency”.

I am happy to see that most people in my area are not wearing masks when outside and a few times even a shopkeeper was happy for the masks to be off in their shop.
Big protests going on in Leipzig, Germany at the moment - the same city where the historical peaceful protests took place in 1989.

Here is one of the many Livestreams on Youtube:

An image of the "official" protest square earlier (later, the protest started moving in a march through the city):


The protests were forbidden by the city, but the courts sacked that in a last minute decision, the way it always plays out here with anti-Covid protests.

Some of the images I saw on YouTube are eerie and very moving - thousands of people peacefully marching with candles, indeed very similar to what happened 1989...
In Copenhagen Denmark, there has been a small demonstration in front of the Parliament every day for the last week with people protesting the new legislation regarding the handling of epidemics which will give new powers to the ministry of health. On Friday, I passed by and there were about 150 people. Today there have been processions in several cities, one link from FB may be working. For those who know Danish, (chance one in 1500), there is a review of the law proposal, by Rikki Louise Andersen and Mads Palsvig.

At the town hall of Copenhagen, there has been an exhibition that has had a very interesting design. It is temporary and built on used Euro pallets and board with posters showing art pictures and a message, repeated on each of the four sides in a different language, counting Danish, English, German, and French. The art on each side is also different. Attached is one side, the one English.


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A phenomenon witnessed at protests is how the police surround the protestors and then compress them into a small area. This tactic is called 'kettling' and here's some of what wiki says about it:

The article then goes on to list the historical use of the tactic including at the Nov 3 protests in Melbourne and the George Floyd protests in the US.
It was used in 1997 in Amsterdam during the Eurotop. There was a special law prohibiting demonstrations after 1900. At 1700 the police locked in some 750 people around city hall, and kept them there to arrest them after 1900. There had been no violence. That would be silly with a 1000 police around you. Police did not anticipate this, so people had to be stashed everywhere. Nobody got interrogated or served. It was thus kidnapping, and later everybody got some compensation. The police chief stated that, though illegal, he would do it again. I took this as his loyalty declaration toward the cia or nato, which had taken over security weeks before the event. We also first time witnessed the black van, grabbing people from their bikes to lock them away until after the top. The kettling tactic was already in use in Berlin before this (einkesseln).
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