The pictures I saw of this anti-corona measure protest in Leipzig today conveyed a very similar air to me too. As one who witnessed this one in part, I can say that many people from all strata of society attended, while so-called "counter demonstrators" and Antifa tried to disrupt them and inciting violence so that the media could smear the protestors as something like "violent conspiracy theorists". You could hear them calling slogans like "Nazis out!" or "F*ck off!" Although the masses of people attending equaled nazis as much day would equal night (at least as far I could see).Some of the images I saw on YouTube are eerie and very moving - thousands of people peacefully marching with candles, indeed very similar to what happened 1989...
Then, on the other hand, police forces and city administration hindered the process in a similar way as we have seen before, like in Berlin. For instance, they used their vehicles to barricade side roads from the main square and parts of the loop road where the largest chunk of protestors had gathered. That made it more difficult for protestors to evade into these streets in order to keep the social distance which was prescribed by regulatory agencies. It looks indeed like the "kettling" tactic Jones described above.
To give you an idea how packed this one was (shared via Telegram). You can see the main square and part of the circular road (also called "the ring") surrounding the inner city:

Later the main rally was ordered to being dispelled by regulatory agencies because many people "didn't wear their masks". However, at that point in time I wasn't present anymore due of having had to leave earlier, thus got it via Telegram channels instead. Markus Haintz, one of the main lawyers of the movement which organized this mentioned that police didn't go around asking people who didn't wear their masks about medical exemption certificates. (I don't know how to refer to Telegram posts here as a source.)
Thus this smacks like regulatory city agencies deliberately worked toward finding reasons to dissolve the rally and to prohibit the subsequent march around the inner city along the ring road.
People however defied this order and mostly worked to go to the march with candles on their own instead. It was named a so-called "spontaneous demonstration" (according to the same lawyer I mentioned before) which is legal as such by German constitutional law. Thus regulatory agencies couldn't do much against it - and due to the spontaneous nature they possibly weren't able to do so anyway.
Here are some impressions of the march with the candles, which went very peacefully. Before people started to march (shared via Telegram as well):

And here's a Youtube video giving some impressions of just before people started to march, and then after they passed police and apparently some guys who have used pyrotechnics:
Later, the pedestrian precinct areas in the inner city have been packed by spontaneous demonstrators as well, carrying candles and some guys with drums. They are chanting: "Peace! Freedom! Democracy!" And also (in adaptation of an FFF slogan): "We are here! We are loud! Because our freedom (instead of "our future", like FFF uses to chant) is stolen!"
The guy who comments this compares the mood to the one which might have been present in 1989. He also remarks (among other things) that there are just a lot of people who are not satisfied at all with the "status quo" (with corona measures "being the straw breaking the camel's back") anymore. He asks the question: "Look at them! Are these nazis? Are these lunatics?" As this is the picture the MSM so much like to paint them with. Which may make this video fit to send to some people in Germany who may (still) be open to take a second look at these protests.
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