Found out yesterday how very easy it is to slip into the panic/hysteria/irrational mode if you are not guarded enough when information comes in. The cause for it was this recent interview with an "expert" on Joe Rogan:
Michael Osterholm
Even though I knew the facts, the guy came across as very convincing in his assessment, which left me a bit scared/hooked afterwards. The first story that got me hooked was his claim that "somebody" from his staff, "received a Text message" from "a friend" working in "the largest hospital" in Milan Italy, who in return received an "alarming" E-Mail from another unspecified "physician" working in this hospital. This unspecified physician told a frightening story in the Mail to that friend of the other "somebody", that the staff in the hospital has "to choose who will live and who has to die".
So that was what Osterholm explained, pointing out how serious Cornona is with this story. Certainly a story that easily appeals to panic thinking. Notice that the "Expert" Osterholm provided no facts there, just hearsay, apparently from an unspecified "somebody", removed from Osterholm by 3 unspecified persons in between. Even if that story is true, I think there is a good case to be made that my "fast/emotional thinking" (alla Kahneman) was activated with this story, totally overwriting the slow thinking, based on statistical and sound data. Even if what was said from the "Expert" there is true, that doesn't mean this is sound data in order to have a grasp on what is really going on. For example, it could be that many of the people infected with the Coronavirus in Italy where/are purposefully gathered/concentrated together in large regional hospitals for treatment and isolation. So naturally, in such a hospital you will encounter much more sick and dying people, because they are concentrated in that small place from a much wider population.
Osterholm also provided other "expert" opinions and frightening figures and pointed out that he pretty much wrote about the exact same scenario in his book a couple of years ago, that is now playing out in real life with Corona!? Including that it starts in China and so on...
Anyway, my emotional based fast thinking/feeling that was activated by this interview lasted for about a day now and I think I'm coming out of it again
currently. It is like you are under a strange emotional fueled umbrella/thinking. That really goes to show how even people here can lose it very quickly, if they don't pay strict attention and avoid the emotional hooks being thrown out like candy right now everywhere.
How much worse is it then for people in the mainstream, who are now constantly boarded with similar emotional fueled fast thinking stuff, without any critical filter/backup to reset? I certainly feel for those people because it is very hard to come out of this thinking/feeling once you are in it, if you are
constantly bombarded with this stuff and are living in the mainstream.