This is disinformation until proof is supplied.

Here is the proof you requested

The IRS Is Not a Public But a Private Corporation

What Is The IRS?

The IRS is not a public but private organization. This was revealed in the United States District Court, District of South Dakota, Western Division in the official transcript of the jury trial United States of America vs. Ziebarth (CR 90-50040), Vol. II, March 6, 1991. This was a tax case, in which at one point, the counsel for defendant, Ziebarth, raised a defense issue of whether there had been "entrapment" by an IRS agent. On pages 224 and 226 respectively, the Court ruled that that could not be a defense. This is what was said by the Court:

"... I don't see any possibility of entrapment because if Mr. Ziebarth was entrapped, why, it was done so by a non-governmental agent.

"... one cannot be entrapped by anyone except a governmental agent and private people cannot entrap other private people."
(emphasis added)​

Who Does The IRS Work for?
In the line of authority, the IRS exists under the Department of the Treasury, which is under the control and direction of the Secretary of the Treasury (as discussed in article 3). Also you might remember that the Secretary of the Treasury is really the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. So, the Internal Revenue Service is under the direction, control and authority of the Secretary of the Treasury. You will also notice, in the line of authority chart below, the proper placement of the Federal Reserve:​


The IRS collects "contributions" for the Federal Reserve Banks. Have you ever noticed what it says on the back of a cancelled check of income tax collected by the IRS? Look below:​

"Pay Any F.R.B. Branch or Gen.
Depository for Credit U.S. Treas. This
in payment of U.S. Oblig. Must be
paid at Par N.P. Do Not Wire Non-
payment. 20-09-2800 Dir. I.R.S. Ctr.,
Philadelphia, PA."​

Since the Federal Reserve is a fiscal depository for the IMF, the IRS really collects for the IMF to satisfy "U.S. Obligations" (see above) on the massive unpayable debt created from the fraudulent monetary, debt/credit system. And guess who the IRS collects these "U.S. Obligations" from. Yes, that's right. It is "We the People"

Do these "contributions" that the taxpayers give to the Federal Reserve and IMF via the IRS go to support our government? No. They go to help foster economic development of third-world countries. 22 USC 262c entitled "Commitments for United States contributions to international financial institutions fostering economic development in less developed countries ..." states:

"(a) It is the sense of the Congress that –

(1) for humanitarian, economic and political reasons, it is in the national interest of the United States to assist in fostering economic development in the less developed counties of this world;

(2) the development-oriented international financial institutions
[IMF, etc.] have proved themselves capable of playing a significant role in assisting economic development by providing to less developed countries access to capital and technical assistance ..."

What does this mean? It means that your tax dollars, collected by the IRS, go to certain international organizations (of which the IMF is one) to provide capital to loan out to other countries such as Mexico, China, and Russia. This is done in order to create an economically equitable distribution among all the countries of the world. This is called communism.

The ultimate objective of communism is to gain absolute control (i.e. totalitarian dictatorship) over the world by making all countries economically equal. In order to do this, wealthy and productive countries like America must be taken down to a third-world level to be equal with all the others. In order to do this, control must be taken of the USA's monetary system by creating the power to make the "money" (out of nothing) and then remove it through income taxation to give it to other countries in the form of loans. This is done through international organizations such as the IMF, Bank for Reconstruction and Development and a host of others. If other countries accept these credit loans, they must, of course, pay it back with interest (i.e. usury). As we have seen in our own nation, it is mathematically impossible to pay back this kind of loan under such a system. Hence, these countries also eventually default and are ruined.

So, when other countries default, guess who gets the bill? Well, not only does the defaulting country make certain concessions as to its "human and natural resources," but the good old USA taxpayers are also saddled with their debt burden. This is because unpublished agreements are made between our so-called government and international organizations like the IMF that make you and I responsible for another country's default. Remember, the United States is a 19.6% stockholder "member" of the IMF and the major stockholders of loaning organizations become liable for defaults.​

The IRS Is An Agent Of A Foreign Principal
Back to the IRS. It follows that if the IRS collects taxes (i.e. "contributions") for international organizations like the IMF, it must act as an agent of that organization. The IMF is considered a "foreign principal" under 22 USC Section 611, Definitions (b)(2), which states that such an organization "is not ... organized under or created by the laws of the United States or of any State or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and has its principal place of business within the United States ..." The IMF, as we have seen in the last article, was created and organized under the United Nations. The IMF is a "foreign principal."

The IRS is, therefore, an "agent of a foreign principal" also as defined by 22 USC Section 611, Definitions (c) (1):

"(c) ... the term "agent of a foreign principal" means -

(1) any person who acts as an agent, representative, employee ... at the order, request, or under the direction of control, of a foreign principal ... whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed or controlled ... by a foreign principal ... iii) within the United States solicits, collects, disburses, or dispenses contributions, loans, money, or other things of value for or in the interest of such foreign principal ..."

Read that again. Did you see the key words there? Does the IRS "collect ... contributions" for the IMF? Yes, it does. The IRS is an "agent of a foreign principal."

By law, everyone who acts as an "agent of a foreign principal" must file a "registration statement" with the Attorney General (22 USC, Section 612). Write and ask your friendly IRS agent if he or she has filed a "registration statement." If not, ask him or her why not.​

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Meet the Grand Wazoo Klaus Schwab.
View attachment 40185

:lol2:This DUDE! He's so fantastically comical, he must have run away from the set of some lousy James Bond parody LOL. And with a Hitler-like German accent, no less!!! Although he seems too stupid to be actually frightening. The sad thing is that he probably is a decent-enough, although a bit dumb guy who really, truly believes that he's doing something good for humanity.

If you want to have some fun, look at the "Great Reset" video from the World Economic Forum, skip the corporate-newsspeak nonsense in the video and go straight to the comments. Gold! Some of those:

This man just needs a cat, a monocle, and his death ray behind him.

We're going to defeat you monsters.

Anyone else wanna go live in the woods after watching this

These are the people who actually run your country. Your Prime Minister is merely an Implementation Project Manager

The foxes explaining how they will take good care of the chickens

These people and their schemes! They're sitting there explaining how they plan on controlling us! The bloody cheek! They've planned this all along. "Globalism" - the modern-day Tower of Babel.

I don't remember voting for these people to become god.

the video : stupid
the comment section : great
i am surprised that this isn't covered by sott but have a look at this

_Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Of course the title should clearly be "how slovakia became totalitarian fascist state".

People there were herded like cattle into provisory set up camps where they were tested! does this sound familiar? well it should be because that's what hitler did. slovak people were told that if they don't have test certificate they can't go to work, do shopping or anything at all. do you want to buy some food? show us your certificate or starve to death. thats what the elites are saying to the slovak people.
The people were pretty much forcefully coerced to attend the testing under the threat of starvation!!! that's right welcome to nazi germany.

To understand let's go back and see what happened. clearly everything started when Slovakia entered eu. i bet the prime minister duped the people by saying "people of slovakian republic lets vote for the eu because then we will have european wages and we will live like in germany". if he said that, boy was he right only it's germany during ww2!
instead of having european wages the poor people have european prices. i mean look at their prices in grocery stores. they are comparable to prices in france. you say well i see nothing wrong with it. well then have a look at their minimum wages - according to wikipedia its 580 eur per month!!! compare this to france with 1539 eur!! and that is gross wages. after taxes and obligatory health care contributions and social insurance contributions the people see only roughly 60% of it in their pockets. that's approximately 350 eur!!! yeah try to live on that for a month and you'll understand that the slovak people were bent over a long time ago. no wonder the attendance for the covid testing was 90%. the people there are like lets get it over with.

It is funny if you thing about it. i bet ukraine would end up exactly like slovakia if they entered eu. to the ukrainian people promises would be made that the prices will remain the same but instead the wages would remain the same and the prices would be slowly raised cent by cent exploiting human psychology that one cent is nothing. well for a frog one degree celsius is nothing and we all know how it ends.
And if slovak people would have rejected eu, the country would have been destroyed because if the ptb can't have it no one can. the two countries are like what if scenario in parallel universe. people there just couldn't win no matter what.

Having said that it's pretty obvious who owns slovakia. it's not sovereign country anymore and democracy is gone. the politicians there are not in control anymore they are just flesh puppets. the country was sold just like any property including the people.

And the elites use the country for petty "experiments" like the prime minister likes to call it, escaping him the fact that he is part of the experiment.
or maybe he was bribed pretty good so he doesn't care. and the "slip" to tell angela merkel about "his" plan in advance was just a bonus so that the elites can amuse themselves on the expression on her face when he tells her.

So lets have a look at this plan to annihilate that "bad bad virus" in slovakia.
first of all they used antigen testing which is less accurate than pcr. so after testing all people there are still "infected". they even admitted this. and no matter what they do they cannot have 100% accuracy.
they would have to repeat this all over again and again until the people will be fed up. remember the corona virus is less deadly than regular flu so they are just fighting phantoms.
but lets say that all people were tested and they have their certificates. now what? if there would be deadly virus would they show it the certificate and say look virus i have certificate you cannot attack me. well the virus does not care.
So not only did the prime minister achieve nothing, he violated free will of people and wasted their money doing it! this is just insane!

You might ask well then what was this all about? clearly the ptb wanted to test waters and see with what they can get away with. i think the ptb is very pleased with slovak people. they were like sheep. they failed the test miserably. they all have their certificates and are pretty much prepared to be chipped.
And that is sad and infuriating at the same time. they simply did nothing! nothing! are really people so blindfolded in slovakia that they can't see what is really happening? or maybe they love their peace and are ready to give up their freedom for it? if they think that this will pass and then they will return to their normal lives doing normal things they are wrong. if they dont do anything it will never stop. it will get only worse.
and the other states in eu only watch and do nothing. it is called european union yet there is nothing about unity in europe. if this would really be union the wages would be the same for all and if anyone would mess with any of those states they would kick him out. together!
there is no hope left in me after witnessing this yet for some reason there is a glimpse of faith...
surely something really good must be happening somewhere as an balancing act to all of this.

I read about this in the English press the other day. They are holding Slovakia as some example to follow and justifying deploying the army to carry out these functions


Do We Still Have a Constitution?​

The current interferences with the exercise of rights protected by the Bill of Rights devolve around travel, assembly, interstate commercial activities and the exercise of religious beliefs. These infringements have all come from state governors who claim the power to do so, and they raise three profound constitutional issues.

The first is: Do governors have inherent power in an emergency to craft regulations that carry the force of law? The answer is no. The Guarantee Clause of the Constitution mandates a republican (lowercase “r”) form of government in the states. That means the separation of powers into three branches, each with a distinct function that cannot constitutionally be performed by either of the other two. Since only a representative legislature can write laws that carry criminal penalties and incur the use of force, the governor of a state cannot constitutionally write laws.

The second constitutional issue is: Can state legislatures delegate away to governors their law-making powers? Again, the answer is no because the separation of powers prevents one branch of government from ceding to another branch its core powers. The separation was crafted not to preserve the integrity of each branch but to assure the preservation of personal liberty by preventing the accumulation of too much power in any one branch.

We are not talking about a state legislature delegating to a board of medical examiners in the executive branch the power to license physicians. We are talking about delegating away a core power — the authority to create crimes and craft punishments. Such a delegation would be an egregious violation of the Guarantee Clause.

The third constitutional issue is: Can a state legislature enact laws that interfere with personal liberties protected by the Bill of Rights, prescribe punishments for violations of those laws and authorize governors to use force to compel compliance? Again, the answer is no because all government in America is subordinate to the natural rights articulated in the Bill of Rights and embraced in the Ninth Amendment.

We should rejoice that there is resistance to gubernatorial ignorance and arrogance that disregards the Bill of Rights. We need resistance to tyranny in order to stay free. Power unresisted continues to grow and to corrupt. History teaches that most people prefer the illusion of safety to the cacophony of liberty. The only reason we have civil liberties today is because generations of determined minorities — starting with the revolutionaries in the 1770s — have fought for them.

Today, we are governed by dangerous men and women. For they have taken away our ability to make personal choices, and they have used force to compel compliance. In doing that, they have not only violated their oaths to uphold the Bill of Rights, they also have committed the criminal acts of nullifying our rights. By using the powers of state governments to do this, they have made themselves candidates for federal criminal prosecutions when saner days return.
This article addresses present-day restraints in the US during this pandemic.

The alleged disinformation campaigns appear to be targeting research taking place at Oxford University, which seeks to create an effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus. A main theme in these campaigns promotes the claim that the vaccine will turn those who take it in to chimpanzees. Happy chimpanzees though :)
The video below is by Annalea Jane Johnson is the partner of Alex Cooney, the Senior Constable that penned the #CopsforCovidTruth open letter to the New South Wales Police Commissioner. She is a former Special Operations Team Paramedic at NSW Ambulance. She talks about the review of Cooneys status with the police force. He has been placed on alternate duties for now. Apparently the letter is attracting both national and international support from police and other forces.

Also, Sanjeev Sabhlok the economist who resigned his position with the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance so that he could speak out against the covid narrative and measures has lodged a comprehensive complaint to the International Criminal Court. His document is over 150 pages long, hits just about every talking point raised.

i am surprised that this isn't covered by sott but have a look at this

_Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Of course the title should clearly be "how slovakia became totalitarian fascist state".

People there were herded like cattle into provisory set up camps where they were tested! does this sound familiar? well it should be because that's what hitler did. slovak people were told that if they don't have test certificate they can't go to work, do shopping or anything at all. do you want to buy some food? show us your certificate or starve to death. thats what the elites are saying to the slovak people.
The people were pretty much forcefully coerced to attend the testing under the threat of starvation!!! that's right welcome to nazi germany.

To understand let's go back and see what happened. clearly everything started when Slovakia entered eu. i bet the prime minister duped the people by saying "people of slovakian republic lets vote for the eu because then we will have european wages and we will live like in germany". if he said that, boy was he right only it's germany during ww2!
instead of having european wages the poor people have european prices. i mean look at their prices in grocery stores. they are comparable to prices in france. you say well i see nothing wrong with it. well then have a look at their minimum wages - according to wikipedia its 580 eur per month!!! compare this to france with 1539 eur!! and that is gross wages. after taxes and obligatory health care contributions and social insurance contributions the people see only roughly 60% of it in their pockets. that's approximately 350 eur!!! yeah try to live on that for a month and you'll understand that the slovak people were bent over a long time ago. no wonder the attendance for the covid testing was 90%. the people there are like lets get it over with.

It is funny if you thing about it. i bet ukraine would end up exactly like slovakia if they entered eu. to the ukrainian people promises would be made that the prices will remain the same but instead the wages would remain the same and the prices would be slowly raised cent by cent exploiting human psychology that one cent is nothing. well for a frog one degree celsius is nothing and we all know how it ends.
And if slovak people would have rejected eu, the country would have been destroyed because if the ptb can't have it no one can. the two countries are like what if scenario in parallel universe. people there just couldn't win no matter what.

Having said that it's pretty obvious who owns slovakia. it's not sovereign country anymore and democracy is gone. the politicians there are not in control anymore they are just flesh puppets. the country was sold just like any property including the people.

And the elites use the country for petty "experiments" like the prime minister likes to call it, escaping him the fact that he is part of the experiment.
or maybe he was bribed pretty good so he doesn't care. and the "slip" to tell angela merkel about "his" plan in advance was just a bonus so that the elites can amuse themselves on the expression on her face when he tells her.

So lets have a look at this plan to annihilate that "bad bad virus" in slovakia.
first of all they used antigen testing which is less accurate than pcr. so after testing all people there are still "infected". they even admitted this. and no matter what they do they cannot have 100% accuracy.
they would have to repeat this all over again and again until the people will be fed up. remember the corona virus is less deadly than regular flu so they are just fighting phantoms.
but lets say that all people were tested and they have their certificates. now what? if there would be deadly virus would they show it the certificate and say look virus i have certificate you cannot attack me. well the virus does not care.
So not only did the prime minister achieve nothing, he violated free will of people and wasted their money doing it! this is just insane!

You might ask well then what was this all about? clearly the ptb wanted to test waters and see with what they can get away with. i think the ptb is very pleased with slovak people. they were like sheep. they failed the test miserably. they all have their certificates and are pretty much prepared to be chipped.
And that is sad and infuriating at the same time. they simply did nothing! nothing! are really people so blindfolded in slovakia that they can't see what is really happening? or maybe they love their peace and are ready to give up their freedom for it? if they think that this will pass and then they will return to their normal lives doing normal things they are wrong. if they dont do anything it will never stop. it will get only worse.
and the other states in eu only watch and do nothing. it is called european union yet there is nothing about unity in europe. if this would really be union the wages would be the same for all and if anyone would mess with any of those states they would kick him out. together!
there is no hope left in me after witnessing this yet for some reason there is a glimpse of faith...
surely something really good must be happening somewhere as an balancing act to all of this.

Hello skcitizen, welcome to the forum. Since this is your first post, I'd like to invite you to post an introduction in the Newbies forum where you can tell us a bit about yourself, if you've read any of Laura's books and how you found your way here.
The alleged disinformation campaigns appear to be targeting research taking place at Oxford University, which seeks to create an effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus. A main theme in these campaigns promotes the claim that the vaccine will turn those who take it in to chimpanzees. Happy chimpanzees though :)

How they’ll fake the success of the COVID vaccine

Brief background: My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place]. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels:

For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient. When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”
Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot.

After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US. What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur. Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall. This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.
Here is a backgrounder I wrote on the subject of COVID vaccine fraud
Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization?

In no particular order—-
  1. Rework the definition of a “COVID case.” Presently, the CDC absurdly allows doctors to diagnose a person with COVID who has a cough, or chills and fever, and lives in an area where cases are being claimed. No test necessary. So change this practice, once the vaccine is approved. Demand testing for a diagnosis. State that cough alone is not enough. Chills and fever must also be present. Require fever to be above 100.These and other changes would automatically shrink the number of cases. The drop in numbers would be attributed to the vaccine. This “definitional shrinking” was, in fact, deployed in the 1950s, after the introduction of the polio vaccine.
  2. Order a change in the way the PCR diagnostic test is done. The practice of amplifying the original test sample from the patient occurs in cycles, or jumps. The greater the number of cycles, the more likely the test will result in a COVID diagnosis. Therefore, order a reduced number of cycles for all testing labs. Outcome? Fewer COVID diagnoses. Fewer case numbers. “The vaccine is working.”
  3. Quietly restrict the present hospital practice of arbitrarily writing “COVID” on patient case and death files.
  4. Cook up and publish false studies showing more and more people are developing immunity to the virus. Attribute this to the vaccine.
  5. Another type of false study—“the transmission of the virus from person to person is slowing, thanks to the vaccine.”
  6. Pump up the success of issuing Immunity certificates after vaccination. “People are feeling safer now. More businesses are reopening…”
  7. Using the compliant press, simply issue bald declarations that the vaccine is a success.
  8. Hide the many instances of injury and death from the vaccine. When necessary, claim COVID was the cause.
  9. Warn that the wonderful vaccine-derived immunity is not permanent, and frequent booster shots are necessary.
  10. Rework the definition of “vaccine-acquired immunity.” Even a very weak antibody response from the shot would qualify as “protective immunity.”
  11. Huge numbers of people with ordinary flu-like illness, pneumonia, and other traditional lung infections are being called “COVID.” Change this practice. Go back to calling many of these people “flu,” “pneumonia,” etc. COVID case numbers will drop. Claim the drop is the effect of the vaccine.
  12. Presently, millions of so-called COVID cases have “co-morbidities.” These are prior serious health conditions which are, in fact, the true causes of illnesses and death. Of course, this is denied. But after the vaccine is introduced… scale back the practice of counting all these ill and deceased co-morbid patients as “COVID.” Case and death numbers will drop. Claim the vaccine is the reason.
  13. After the vaccine is introduced, slow down testing for a brief period. This will automatically reduce the rate of new cases. Attribute the decline to the vaccine.

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