I would like to share with you one of the latest Corbett reports, that will give you goosebumps. It's about how the Canadian military about a few weeks ago lunched a disturbing psyop regarding the presence of grey wolfs on the territory of Nova Scotia that it seems was totally fake.

The objective of the psyop being the assessment of the reaction and behavior of canadians. In the following report Corbett talks also about the dangerous implications of such psyops when applied in order to brainwash the people on different matters, covid-1984 being one of those matters.

So basically now some authorities are scaring the sh*t out of people right in the open through psyops without even trying to hide it. Why? Maybe because this is the next step towards a more draconian right in your face brainwashing campaign that they think people are ripe to succumb to? It gets insanier by the day.

Wow. I vaguely remember a quick mention in the news here about a month or so ago about this story but didn't pay much attention. I shouldn't be surprised, I guess. Thanks @Andrian for linking this.
So, after the 25KM restriction was lifted last weekend, we took leave from work and have tried to make the most of the limited freedom by heading into the countryside. Its been good to get some forest bacteria in our lungs; never knew Oxygen could smell so good.

We are still required to wear masks everywhere unless dining-in or doing strenuous activities. Hiking is not a strenuous activity, go figure. Most of the peeps are wearing masks, sometimes under the nose, some apologise for not wearing when discovered suddenly. You can’t help but feel for these people - their sense of community shattered, no firm base or ideals to stand on. Everyone feels like everyone else is watching them.

We’ve had fifteen straight days of zero cases in Victoria and yet the govt says that the mask restrictions are necessary and “zero cases does not mean no vaccine” - sickening to watch the authorities speak when they come on. They are looking to open inter-state travel soon but people have severe doubts about their intentions. The restrictions can very easily return before Christmas which could cost a lot in the bookings cancellations.

I am firmly prepared for another covid wave starting March next year followed by a complete lockdown based on current template. Either that or a vaccine will be made available - both are horrible outcomes unless cosmos has other plans. I am hearing a lot of news about Antartic polar vortex bringing a cold and wet summer to Aussie shores (apparently due to global warming) so, lets see how that manifests over next few months. Exciting times, no doubt.
My son said that he feels that people are looking at him, maskless, like he is a criminal. He asked me if I felt that when I don't wear a mask in public.

I can't say that I do. My thoughts are more focused on the feelings of sorrow for them due to the brainwashing they are dealing with. I see 95% compliance. The programming is definitely complete. Except for 5%. These are usually oldtimers or rugged types who seem fearless. It's like they can look death right square in the eye and call it out. It makes me wonder why some people are not buying it. Likely they are not privileged to be a part of this information, yet I feel they are privileged to not be brainwashed.

I did see a young mother with 3 children in the grocery store the other day, all maskless. We glanced at each other and smiled. Masks are not mandatory here on Vancouver Island yet. 95% compliance in the grocery store and most stores. 50% wear the masks till they are in their vehicles and about 5% drive away with the masks on.

I always watch how vehicles are being driven to know whether they should be given a wide birth or to trust the operator. Guess what, always vehicles being driven erratically have a masked operator.

Just watched this Del Bigtree video about Pfizer's vaccine candidate being lauded as 90% effective and already the commercial machines getting geared up for people to go places and do stuff again once they've gotten their jab. He shows what the numbers are really displaying here and how this trial is conducted in a totally un-scientific way:

Out of 43,538 candidates in 154 countries, only 94 candidates, so 0.02%, are confirmed covid cases. And out of those 94 people, 10% were given the vaccine and the remaining 90% in the control group got a placebo. Now out of those 10%, so about 9 people or so, the vaccine was effective in 90% of those. So their entire trial is based on this small amount of 94 people out of
43, 538 and they are shouting 'WE ARE SAVED!'

On the basis of these data they now predict that their vaccine will be 90% successful and have requested emergency use of authorization. Based on this, people have to lay their lives on the line. Utter insanity! And based on the same or similar flimsy data, Del also mentions the hopes in the UK to begin rolling out a Covid-19 jab in time for December 1 and that they are preparing more than 1,200 vaccination centres across the UK - most of which will be at large GP centres.

We shall see.....

Just watched this Del Bigtree video about Pfizer's vaccine candidate being lauded as 90% effective and already the commercial machines getting geared up for people to go places and do stuff again once they've gotten their jab. He shows what the numbers are really displaying here and how this trial is conducted in a totally un-scientific way:

Out of 43,538 candidates in 154 countries, only 94 candidates, so 0.02%, are confirmed covid cases. And out of those 94 people, 10% were given the vaccine and the remaining 90% in the control group got a placebo. Now out of those 10%, so about 9 people or so, the vaccine was effective in 90% of those. So their entire trial is based on this small amount of 94 people out of
43, 538 and they are shouting 'WE ARE SAVED!'

On the basis of these data they now predict that their vaccine will be 90% successful and have requested emergency use of authorization. Based on this, people have to lay their lives on the line. Utter insanity! And based on the same or similar flimsy data, Del also mentions the hopes in the UK to begin rolling out a Covid-19 jab in time for December 1 and that they are preparing more than 1,200 vaccination centres across the UK - most of which will be at large GP centres.

We shall see.....
Seems like their in a bit of a rush. Wonder why? Revelation times.
Wow, read the attack comments on Elon Musks "doubt" about the COVID test. America is literally a bunch of sniveling, self-enslaving cowards. Free speech and doubt is clearly the enemy of totalitarianism -- but don't think for a minute the slaves don't WANT it. Slaves want to be enslaved, they want you enslaved. Read the comments... How dare someone doubt the propaganda! I see some other comments are flooding in now. But the cowards were there first to attack him for the badthink of doubt. Worship Biden, Worship Biden, Worship Biden. Sleep my little slaves. Sleep.

My son said that he feels that people are looking at him, maskless, like he is a criminal. He asked me if I felt that when I don't wear a mask in public
We were hiking near a spot along the cliffside in a very remote area with hardly anyone around. We didn’t have our masks on and it was rather hot too. Ran into a couple who were hiking down and their whole face covered utpo the eyes with masks and coverings. The guy says hello and tells me to “mask up”. We ignored them and kept on walking. It was a bit upsetting though as had gone there to escape from everyone and yet there are leftist idiots (he seemed like one) everythere.
On a brighter note, there is a small mountain range nearby where we go every other weekend for a hike and went again yesterday. No one was wearing the mask and just having a good time of it. Some looked anxious and one old lady apologised as we passed her but I told her not to worry and that she was alright. This was in the morning though and I know that a lot of self-righteous liberal nutters roll in by the afternoon with their masks on but we were out by then.
Where I live, TV is sponsored by 2 industries: medical/pharma, and insurance. That accounts for 90% of the advertising.
So, are the news programs they run going to be critical of anything those industries do? No. They're going to act as if everything they say is indisputable. If not, they would lose advertising.

So, when it comes to mass-media being pro-vaccination, of course they are... just watch your TV and see who's paying the broadcasters.

Just watched this Del Bigtree video about Pfizer's vaccine candidate being lauded as 90% effective and already the commercial machines getting geared up for people to go places and do stuff again once they've gotten their jab. He shows what the numbers are really displaying here and how this trial is conducted in a totally un-scientific way:

Out of 43,538 candidates in 154 countries, only 94 candidates, so 0.02%, are confirmed covid cases. And out of those 94 people, 10% were given the vaccine and the remaining 90% in the control group got a placebo. Now out of those 10%, so about 9 people or so, the vaccine was effective in 90% of those. So their entire trial is based on this small amount of 94 people out of
43, 538 and they are shouting 'WE ARE SAVED!'

On the basis of these data they now predict that their vaccine will be 90% successful and have requested emergency use of authorization. Based on this, people have to lay their lives on the line. Utter insanity! And based on the same or similar flimsy data, Del also mentions the hopes in the UK to begin rolling out a Covid-19 jab in time for December 1 and that they are preparing more than 1,200 vaccination centres across the UK - most of which will be at large GP centres.

We shall see.....

My wife received this from a friend concerning the Pfizer vaccine. It is a facebook post by one name Dave Meckanic.
I can't evidently verify any of this but he may be on something and any information on the components of the vaccine should be maybe look carefully.

Here is his intro on facebook:


Friends anchored in the belief in the Covid pandemic have seen the famous French documentary film "HOLD-UP". Apparently upset, they open their eyes a little more, they who believed had already opened them wide. :-) Which I don't understand since in general they believe mainstream media.

The censorship, which has worked quite well up to now, seems to me to take another turn. They dare to criticize this film openly with force through all media, which gives it enormous publicity.
Obviously, the more you censor something, the more people want to know about it, if only out of curiosity. It would have been better for the media to ignore it altogether.

Speaking of censorship, I haven't had access to my FaceBook for over a month.
It is still active, but I cannot connect to it. It just mentions a "Review of recent posts and Likes." It wasn't enough for them to process my FakeNews posts apparently. And they are not responding to my messages.
I still post a bit on some groups with a backup account, but it will be limited now. "Strategic enclosure" obliges!
My friend who lives in Oregon posted this today

Clinging to delusions of serving in a fantasy Biden administration, Oregon governor Kate Brown has announced a new round of COVID lockdowns that are even more onerous than the ones she’d put in place earlier in the year. Brown vows that this time, the police will enforce her edicts.
Of course we can expect the new decrees to not apply to protests, where the rioters routinely destroy the city. She’ll be siccing the police on small business owners.
Not to mention ordinary people celebrating Thanksgiving, etc. Portland still is under the original April lock-down.There may have been some slight loosening and tightening along the way.

This is the original report, quoted in the above article and the tweet in the prior post:
Wow, read the attack comments on Elon Musks "doubt" about the COVID test. America is literally a bunch of sniveling, self-enslaving cowards. Free speech and doubt is clearly the enemy of totalitarianism -- but don't think for a minute the slaves don't WANT it. Slaves want to be enslaved, they want you enslaved. Read the comments... How dare someone doubt the propaganda! I see some other comments are flooding in now. But the cowards were there first to attack him for the badthink of doubt. Worship Biden, Worship Biden, Worship Biden. Sleep my little slaves. Sleep.

I guess in times of crisis lots of people cling more to what feels safe. More knowledge of history and current events, and personal awareness, is a position offering much more safety. But that is a hard path to follow and the many shortcuts leading people astray are suductive. Then again, there are limits to how many scams people will buy into before becoming suspicious. This election fraud might be a limit for many
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