If you vote for tyrants, you get tyranny. This is what millions of Joe Biden supporters are about to discover if their candidate manages to steal the election and seize control of the White House. A prominent member of Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be vaccinated should be deprived of food stamps and rent assistance. And in order to convince Black Americans to take the vaccines, influencers should be hired to brainwash Blacks with special compliance messages that are scientifically tested in social engineering focus groups.
In other words, obey or starve. This is all contained in the report linked in this story, by the way.
This covid tyranny is exactly what we’ve warned was coming: Lockdown tyranny and vaccine tyranny, enforced through a horrifying new “medical credit scoring” system that tracks your compliance with government mandates for vaccines, lockdowns and masks.
“Bundling” of vaccinations with food stamps, health care and rent assistance
The document recommends that vaccine mandates get “bundled” with other social services such as food stamps (WIC program), rent assistance and health care services. The report explains:
Local and state public health agencies should explore collaboration with interagency and nongovernment partners to bundle vaccination with other safety net services.
It also says that “bundling” vaccines with food stamps would be, “a way to build trust and streamline vaccine provision” among low-income people such as “Blacks and minority communities.”
Typische Symptome sind:
Geruchs- und Geschmacksstörungen
Auch diese Symptome können auf COVID-19 hinweisen:
Kurzatmigkeit, Atemnot
Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen
Typical symptoms are:
Coughing Fever Sniffles Odour and taste disorders These symptoms can also indicate COVID-19: Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, Sore throat, Headache and aching limbs, Abdominal pain, Gastrointestinal symptoms, skin rash, Conjunctivitis, Swelling of lymph nodes, DrowsineDisturbances of consciousness
It's great that a high-profile person is bringing this to light. Presuming that he had PCR tests: There are many posts here, including quotes from Fauci, about results being dependent on how many cycles of the PCR are run (not to mention that it's not a proper test for covid, and such a virus has never been isolated). Also, I've read and almost certainly posted here that unused swabs can test positive.Tending today on Twitter.
Many news outlets, including The Washington Post, are covering this story:
Elon Musk says he took four rapid COVID-19 tests with split results https://trib.al/rAkRgD7
Yes, I was reading that Fauci said anything over 35 cycles in the PCR test will increase the likelihood of false positives -- and what does the CDC recommend? Up to 40!It's great that a high-profile person is bringing this to light. Presuming that he had PCR tests: There are many posts here, including quotes from Fauci, about results being dependent on how many cycles of the PCR are run (not to mention that it's not a proper test for covid, and such a virus has never been isolated). Also, I've read and almost certainly posted here that unused swabs can test positive.
Well, the demonstrations have been going on this week and every day, with torch procession this evening. Today, I was told by someone who was present that there were more people than on previous days. At the same time, the present law proposals for the law have been withdrawn. It does not mean it will not go through, more likely it will be reformulated to make as much as possible pass through. As I drove by the area of the parliament after dinner, I saw about 500 people, 10 police mini busses and three mini busses designed to carry off arrested people. The police had their crowd control gear at hand. There was singing, banging of pots and pans as well as shouting.In Copenhagen Denmark, there has been a small demonstration in front of the Parliament every day for the last week with people protesting the new legislation regarding the handling of epidemics which will give new powers to the ministry of health. On Friday, I passed by and there were about 150 people. Today there have been processions in several cities, one link from FB may be working. For those who know Danish, (chance one in 1500), there is a review of the law proposal, by Rikki Louise Andersen and Mads Palsvig.
Interesting.Regarding the vaccine, there is a vulgar but interesting debate here. WARNING Explicit language -> /pol/ - fa/g/ here. can't post this on /g/ so I'm posting here. it's political - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
I was taking to a friend and didn’t know that sickness in stomach was also added to symptoms.
so I went to see what else did they put as a symptom:
in translation (deepl):
I started laughing out loud when I saw skin rash
But when I saw conjunctivitis- I was done!!!!
but that’s not all!!!!
Drowsines and Disturbances of consciousness !!!
I‘m speechless, lmao!!!!
sorry for the noise....
this gets more ridiculous by the day!Here's another new one
Covid may cause sudden, permanent hearing loss – UK study
Study team says Covid-19 patients in intensive care should be asked about hearing losswww.theguardian.com
Alcohol doesn't agree with him. From looking at that picture.Tending today on Twitter.
Many news outlets, including The Washington Post, are covering this story:
Elon Musk says he took four rapid COVID-19 tests with split results https://trib.al/rAkRgD7