The Living Force
Stockholm Physicians' Appeal Conference 2023
(Läkaruppropets Konferens • 21-22 Feb 2023)
Very recently there was a large conference here in Stockholm with the big shots like Dr Malone, Jessica Rose, Sasha Latypova, and several others (see the list in the end) . but there hasn't been any material out yet. So, this is the first material I am aware of having been published so far - with few interviews at the side. I believe they going to publish the entire conference material in a couple of weeks.
Robert Malone on the media smear
Robert Malone on the Covid-19 virus, its sequencing and vaccines
Dr Jessica Rose - People don't want to admit they've been duped
Roger Richthoff - I am deeply concerned by the incompetence of our politicians (in Swedish)
Robert Malone, Physician and vaccine researcher, USA
Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist, UK
Ryan Cole, Pathologist, USA
Jessica Rose, Immunologist and statistician, Canada
Pierre Kory, Pulmonary and intensive care physician, USA
Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology, Germany
Astrid Stuckelberger, Professor in Public health, Switzerland
Sacha Latypova, Former pharmaceutical industry executive, Ukraine/USA
Meryl Nass, Internal medicine physician, USA
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Professor of Genetics, France
Philipp Kruse, Lawyer, Switzerland
Geert Vanden Bossche, Immunologist and vaccine researcher, Belgium
John Steppling, Author and playwright, USA (but living in Norway)
Torkel Snellingen, ophthalmologist, Norway
Richard Urso, Ophthalmologist, USA
Many of these speakers participated in the very successful one-day conference on the same topic in Oslo on 19th November 2022. The Stockholm conference will be the second Nordic international conference in the Nordics in 2022/23, critically evaluating the official approach to the COVID-19 pandemic from multiple angles.
The program will also include talks from six speakers from our own Bio-Medico Legal Network:
Ute Krüger, Pathologist
Ann-Cathrin Engwall, Immunologist and virologist
Sven Román, Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Sture Blomberg, Associate Professor, Specialist in anaesthesia and intensive care
Hans Zingmark, Pulmonologist
Jonathan Gilthorpe, Associate Professor, Cell biology
In addition, Per Shapiro, investigative journalist, will chair one of the programme sessions, and Nils Littorin from Läkaruppropet (The Physicians Appeal) is responsible for one of several panel discussions.
(Läkaruppropets Konferens • 21-22 Feb 2023)
Very recently there was a large conference here in Stockholm with the big shots like Dr Malone, Jessica Rose, Sasha Latypova, and several others (see the list in the end) . but there hasn't been any material out yet. So, this is the first material I am aware of having been published so far - with few interviews at the side. I believe they going to publish the entire conference material in a couple of weeks.

Robert Malone om den mediala smutskastningen - läkaruppropets konferens 2023
Katerina Janouch intervjuar dr. Robert Malone om den mediala smutskastningen han fått genomgå. Han har beskyllts för att vara en s.k. ”antivaxer”, men menar att han inte alls är emot vaccin som såd...

Robert Malone om Covid-19-viruset, dess sekvensering och vaccinerna - läkaruppropets konferens 2023
Jesper Johansson intervjuar dr. Robert Malone om coronaviruset. Robert dementerar att det inte skulle finnas en sekvensering av Covid-19-viruset. Det har sekvenserats ett flertal gånger och resulta...

dr. Jessica Rose - Folk vill inte erkänna att blivit lurade - Läkaruppropets konferens 2023
Jessica Rose (dr.) är en kanadensisk forskare med examen i tillämpad matematik, immunologi, beräkningsbiologi, molekylärbiologi och biokemi. Sedan covid-19-eran har Jessica utnyttjat sina forskning...

Roger Richthoff - Jag är djupt oroad av den inkompetensen som finns hos våra politiker - Läkaruppropets konferens 2023
Roger Richthoff är djupt orolig över våra politikers kompetens. Eller saknaden därav. På frågan om han tror att våra soldater kommer att avkrävas att de tar vaccinerna så som har skett i USA, så tr...

Robert Malone, Physician and vaccine researcher, USA
Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist, UK
Ryan Cole, Pathologist, USA
Jessica Rose, Immunologist and statistician, Canada
Pierre Kory, Pulmonary and intensive care physician, USA
Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology, Germany
Astrid Stuckelberger, Professor in Public health, Switzerland
Sacha Latypova, Former pharmaceutical industry executive, Ukraine/USA
Meryl Nass, Internal medicine physician, USA
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Professor of Genetics, France
Philipp Kruse, Lawyer, Switzerland
Geert Vanden Bossche, Immunologist and vaccine researcher, Belgium
John Steppling, Author and playwright, USA (but living in Norway)
Torkel Snellingen, ophthalmologist, Norway
Richard Urso, Ophthalmologist, USA
Many of these speakers participated in the very successful one-day conference on the same topic in Oslo on 19th November 2022. The Stockholm conference will be the second Nordic international conference in the Nordics in 2022/23, critically evaluating the official approach to the COVID-19 pandemic from multiple angles.
The program will also include talks from six speakers from our own Bio-Medico Legal Network:
Ute Krüger, Pathologist
Ann-Cathrin Engwall, Immunologist and virologist
Sven Román, Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Sture Blomberg, Associate Professor, Specialist in anaesthesia and intensive care
Hans Zingmark, Pulmonologist
Jonathan Gilthorpe, Associate Professor, Cell biology
In addition, Per Shapiro, investigative journalist, will chair one of the programme sessions, and Nils Littorin from Läkaruppropet (The Physicians Appeal) is responsible for one of several panel discussions.