Do you have children also?


So I also continue to wonder what DO you do, when you don't care anymore?

When I and and that that goes for a lot of people lost everything. Give me death or give me freedom. People usually stop caring about their own life when the alternative is enslavement. It's not even a choose really.

The ‘One World Govt’ will be an Empire of slavery and genocide. The once Free West is being dismantled at a rapid pace and what we get in return is a global dictatorship.

Besides that, I very much dread this total isolation rule. I will not abide to it.
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First there was just a few dropplet but, evryone knew a storm was coming.

Italian and anglish seem to have enough of this pandemic.

Hi Aniram,

I don't think a nuclear war possible. I don't think the destruction of the planet would be allowed by superior forces.
If you still watch the TV there's no real other solution to shut it off. Plug yourself on or other alt news sites to see the big picture. Blue pill vs Red pill. You decide.
Thank you for your attention! I don't think that we are on the verge of a nuclear war either, but after the covid, the financial collapse, transhumanism, N.W.O., comets... the blow of the evocation of nuclear power associated with these massive population reductions on the site that I read about before yesterday... there was clearly in me the trigger of the "horror-terror" program. I perceived the mechanism by which this panic came to seize me, the triggering of a program ...
Many of the testimonials I have read here relate to my own experiences: years of living in a kind of Matrix effect, in the feeling of being out of step, and then an awareness, and then the impossibility of going back. In the sessions with the C's, it has often been said: "We are ready, we have been preparing for years". I'm not ready for what's coming, I'm just conscious far behind you but on the way. I thank you all for helping me to work on my discernment, to find ways and materials to enter into resistance.

Translated with (free version)
Merci pour ton attention ! Je ne pense pas non plus que nous soyons au bord d'une guerre nucléaire mais après le covid, le collapse financier, le transhumanisme, N.W.O., les comètes... le coup de l'évocation du nucléaire associé à ces réductions de population massives sur le site dont j'ai pris connaissance avant hier... il y a clairement eu en moi le déclic du programme "horreur-terreur". Je percevais le mécanisme par lequel cette panique venait s'emparer de moi, le déclanchement d'un programme...

Beaucoup de témoignages que j'ai pu lire ici rejoignent mes propres vécus : des années à vivre dans une espèce d'effet Matrix, dans le sentiment d'être décalé et puis une prise de conscience, et puis l'impossibilité de revenir en arrière. Dans les sessions avec les C's, il a souvent été dit : "Nous sommes prêts, cela fait des années que nous nous préparons". Je ne suis pas prête pour ce qui vient, je suis juste consciente loin derrière vous mais en chemin. Je vous remercie tous de m'aider à travailler mon discernement, à trouver manière et matière à entrer en résistance.

The Smoking Gun: Where Is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available.​

The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.




As if this were not enough of a revelation to shock the world, the CDC goes on to say they are presenting a diagnostic PCR test to detect the virus-that-hasn’t-been-isolated…and the test is looking for RNA which is PRESUMED to come from the virus that hasn’t been proved to exist.
If people believe “you have the virus but it is not available,” and you have the virus except it is buried within other material and hasn’t been extracted and purified and isolated, these people believe the moon is made of green cheese.
This was first published on Oct 9, so it may have been posted here already. Better twice than not at all, as the concepts are fundamental.

please stand here.jpg

Positive Association Found Amongst COVID Deaths & Flu Shot Rates Worldwide In Elderly​

A recently published study in PeerJ by Christian Wehenkel, a Professor at Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango in Mexico, has found a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide.
To determine this association, data sets from 39 countries with more than half a million people were analyzed.
So, its important to mention that correlations between the flu vaccine have also found that it may decrease ones chance of deaths from COVID-19.

But are there studies that have shown an increased chance of death or contracting other respiratory viruses as a result of getting the flu shot? Yes.
The study above found the flu shot to increase the risk of other coronaviruses among those who had been vaccinated for influenza by 36 percent. The study was conducted prior to COVID-19, so it’s not included and only applies to pre-existing coronaviruses. The study also found an even higher chance of contracting human metapneumovirus amongst those who had received the flu shot.
There are many concerns with vaccines, and vaccine injury is one of them. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act has paid more than $4 billion to families of vaccine injured children. A 2010 HHS pilot study by the Federal Agency for Health Care Research (AHCR) found that 1 in every 39 vaccines causes injury, a shocking comparison to the claims from the CDC of 1 in every million.
Verifying deaths is pretty straightforward. Determining causes can be trickier. Correlation does not equal causation, but correlations can provide valuable insights and clues for further investigation. Of course, this is getting into statistics, and many know what Mark Twain said about those.

We are being conditioned to view our freedom as selfish.


Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza... but is it really gone, or just masked by Covid-19?​

Although there is no mass testing for flu as there is for Covid, the WHO says that surveillance of data from around the world shows flu rates collapsing everywhere. Australia essentially ‘skipped’ their flu season this year, with not a single case reported since July (their peak). In fact, flu has more or less vanished throughout the Southern Hemisphere, and early indicators suggest it will follow suit north of the equator. What can explain this unprecedented decline?
The scientific establishment is quickly forming ranks behind the theory that the flu has gone away because of Covid restrictions – especially masks, social distancing and lockdowns. They “overwhelmingly agree” that this is so; their certainty is remarkable at this early stage.

But why would these measures have worked so unintentionally well for flu, which has been with us for millennia, but Covid cases are still skyrocketing? Do masks let one particle through and stop another?
In my opinion, this hand-waving explanation might just be the most awesome act of cognitive dissonance of this entire saga. Experts are claiming, with a straight face, that a laxly enforced hodgepodge of restrictions, which varies wildly between countries and regions, has overnight eradicated an ancient scourge of humanity from the face of the Earth. And in the next breath, they warn that the incidence of another identically transmitted virus is through the roof.

Much more likely in my opinion is that the flu has been confused for Covid in the vast majority of cases. Is it really so hard to believe that flu sufferers could have been confused for Covid cases? After all, we know that lung cancer patients were. In any case, and irrespective of the explanation, one wonders if the flu’s disappearing act means that the largest-ever flu vaccine rollout slated for this winter will be cancelled. Somehow, I think not.
By way of an introduction to the following article (which I think may warrant an upload to SOTT), a friend of ours from across the water in England has a son who grew up very close to my own before we moved back to Ireland. He was always a feisty, complex character of great charm and yet tricky notoriety and to be honest I was not entirely confident how he might turn out given certain influences in his life pulling at him from the shadows. But his remarkable, loving mother's influence in the end came through as witnessed by the following.

Having made it into a certain top, top British university this year, he was understandably hugely excited at the prospect. He then received an email instructing him that he had to sign up to whatever COVID regulations the college decided. Apparently even this bridled his indignation. However soon after this was followed up by a second command that he now had to sign up and agree that such steps were absolutely right and necessary and in the best interest of protecting his fellow students - and that he must wholeheartedly agree to this by signing the extra agreement! That was a step too far for the young man. He had already decided that the whole COVID program was deceit and so following a furious walk in the woods he returned to tell his mother that under no circumstances would he sign this, even if it meant he lost his place! So he sat down and penned a suitable riposte of outrage and downright refusal to comply. Low and behold his email caused a right old stir and was passed around every departmental head in total panic and confusion. They then backed down and accepted that if he just signed up to the agreement of accepting the restrictions then he could come. A small but courageous, independent victory against the cowardly act of attempted forced acquiesce to the unconscionable.
But the best thing was that in the chaos a certain PHD student researching German dystopian literature was linked in by mistake to the round robin emails and he replied to our friend's son saying 'Oh thank God I've found you! You and I are the only ones here! We must connect up...! and also forwarded him the following he had penned for an online magazine called The Critic,

'Britain’s new monthly magazine for politics, ideas, art, literature and much more... The Critic exists to push back against a self-regarding and dangerous consensus that finds critical voices troubling, triggering, insensitive and disrespectful. The point is not provocation or trolling. The point of honest criticism is to better approach truth, not deny its possibility'

So here is the short, punchy article. Its a worthy read.

The Dystopian Age of the Mask

How Ernst Jünger predicted the ubiquity of masks

10 September, 2020

Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) has Alphas, Betas, and Epsilon Semi-Morons – genetically engineered classes with uniform clothing and uniform opinions. Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948) has the Thought Police and Newspeak. While Zamyatin’s We (1921) has numbers instead of people – D-503, I-330, O-90: vowels for females, consonants for males.

If there is a single defining characteristic of dystopian literature, it is the eradication of all individuality. “Self-consciousness”, Zamyatin writes, “is just a disease”. For this reason, dystopias are invariably told by tormented outsiders: those who are well aware of the commodity-like standardisation of their fellow humans, yet either fear the consequences of speaking out or resent their own sense of self. After all, “no offence is so heinous as unorthodoxy of behaviour”, as Huxley writes.

Given their tyrannical preoccupation with uniformity, it is little wonder that, as a literary form, dystopias emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century. The totalitarian regimes of Russia and Germany as well as their technocratic Western counterparts, inspired by the likes of F. W. Taylor and Henry Ford, were central sources of inspiration. For all their apparent differences, these competing ideologies are united by the utopian attempt to redraw not just society, but the human being himself. The increasing power of science and technology gave rise to the idea that nature itself, in all its messy complexity, could be finally put straight.

Besides these three canonical authors, however, this generation produced another equally impressive, if much less well known, dystopian writer: the enigmatic German, Ernst Jünger. Known primarily for his First World War diaries and steadfast opposition to Weimar liberalism, Jünger went on to live until the age of 103, writing on topics from entomology and psychedelics to nihilism and photography. In the second half of his career he produced three principal works of dystopian fiction: Heliopolis (1949), Eumeswil (1977), and, perhaps his finest, The Glass Bees (1957).

Arguably his most chilling vision, however, is offered in an extended essay published on the eve of the Nazi ascension to power in 1932. The Worker, as Jünger calls it, aims to sketch what he regards as the coming new world order – an order defined by a fundamentally new type of human. Having dispensed with the liberal values of the past and embraced his fate in the factories and on the battlefields of the early twentieth century, the hallmark of the new man is an uncanny resemblance – both in body and soul – to the machine. Born to human parents, Jünger’s “worker” is nevertheless a child of the industrial age.

Following the dystopias of his contemporaries, the prime casualty of this new age is also the individual. For the logic of the machine permits no difference. Whether the natural world or the human mind, Jünger argues that everything is increasingly defined by “a certain emptiness and uniformity”. The result, to use Orwell’s words, is “a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans” – millions of people, he adds, “all with the same face”.

Our readiness to hide our face reflects the dehumanising tendencies that underlie the modern period.-

It is in this last respect that The Worker takes on a disturbing relevance for our own times. For the uniformity of the new age is symbolised, Jünger suggests, by the sudden proliferation of the mask in contemporary society. “It is no coincidence”, he writes, “that the mask is again beginning to play a decisive role in public life. It is appearing in many different ways … be it as a gas mask, with which they are trying to equip entire populations; be it as a face mask for sport and high speeds, seen on every racing driver; be it as a safety mask for workplaces exposed to radiation, explosions, or narcotic substances. We can assume”, he continues, with an eerie prescience, “that the mask will come to take on functions that we can today hardly imagine”.

Given the sudden ubiquity of the face mask in 2020, across the entire globe and in an increasing number of social contexts, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that this is precisely the sort of development Jünger had in mind. Our readiness to obscure the face reflects the dehumanising tendencies that, for Jünger, underlie the modern period. It represents another stage in the degradation of the individual that became explicit in the First World War. Whether as a scrap of material on the battlefield or a cog in the machine of the wartime economy, the modern age has a habit of reducing the human being to a functional object. Everything “non-essential” – everything, that is, that makes us human – is blithely discarded.

The question for us is what it means to resemble such a dystopian vision. Are we happy to rationalise the transformations of our everyday lives, or are we concerned by the proximity of today’s world with some of the most basic dystopian tropes? Whether the call for social isolation, perpetual “vigilance”, or mandatory face masks, the measures of the last six months represent more than an assault on liberty. They implicitly enjoin us to sacrifice our humanity in order to save our lives. Even if this Rubicon has not yet been crossed, it is worth thinking about the point at which it is. For perhaps there is more to life than its mere continuation. Perhaps “the object”, as Winston Smith well knew, “is not to stay alive but to stay human”.

We all know we are getting deeper into the swamp day by day but we also begin to grasp just how far these creatures, these machine people, are looking to go and what they are targeting when they so brazenly push through the following ahead of the run up to Christmas. Let us not also ever forget the preamble to this period heralded in by the symbolic torching of the Cathedral of Notre Dame - and what they intend at the deepest level of this STS driven 'reset'.

it emerged during Dáil questions last week to Minister Stephen Donnelly on his, motion for the extension of emergency powers to enforce lockdown that they included the power to arrest priests should they say a mass with any public in attendance.

Clergy who hold acts of public worship can go to prison under new Covid measures

UNDER new Covid restrictions passed into law last night in the Dail, a priest can now be fined, or imprisoned, or both, for saying Mass in public. The same applies to any minister of religion who holds a public act of worship.

Aside from Wales, the Republic of Ireland appears to be the only place in Europe where public worship has stopped, and in our case, now attracts penal sanctions.

Ireland is fast approaching the most likely place in Europe other than Sweden where one suspects a hammer blow is planned to fall next.

Stephen Donnelly

Stephen Donnelly, Minister for Heath: meet a machine-man!​

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Nothing spiritual was offered, other than the usual platitudes of someone off the street, when someone that is dearly loved passes away suddenly, urging us to remember the person but to carry on with our lives. The whole thing just left me feeling very, very sad not just because I had lost a dear friend, but it chilled me to the bone to think that this could possibly be the shape of things to come.

The world of the mechanical universe, a dead entropic world, that offers nothing.

Christian spiritual thought and words of support in times of joy and sorrow, would no longer be part of the shared experience of a birth of a new life, the reverence of a life lived, and the reverence of a life ended.
Now I understand why there is such a push to destroy Christianity, and it chills me to the bone

Absolutely awful isn't it, and it all begins to make sense now.

Once people have nothing left to cling to but materialism, they are more easily controlled. Witness the slow change of our society recently into a culture of pathological collectivism, guilt-tripping, moral busybody-ing, obsession with safety and equality, and denial of death. All while becoming less connected.

The COVID mind job has amplified every single one of those negative characteristics. It's clear that the real plague - the mind virus affecting humanity - was quite active before this but has just been given some super steroids!

The one positive thing is, if you really talk to people privately and drill down to what they believe (and I've done this a fair bit recently), they really don't believe it's all just atoms and dust. They think they do, but it's only because they never took the time to sit and imagine an eternity of blackness after death, their life being a completely pointless blip in a cold mechanical universe. There almost has to be something more at this point to make it all worth while.

The recent discussion of intelligent design vs. random mutation has been really helpful in this regard as well, and again people simply have no good response for it when you get down to the details. Once that mental barrier is broken, the fraud of the materialist system is exposed, and you have it absolutely dead to rights with simple math.

The matrix sucks the faith out of people but it's still there. They can't take away from us something that we know and have probably always known. And so we fight back most effectively by keeping our spirit alive.
The recent discussion of intelligent design vs. random mutation has been really helpful in this regard as well, and again people simply have no good response for it when you get down to the details. Once that mental barrier is broken, the fraud of the materialist system is exposed, and you have it absolutely dead to rights with simple math.

Indeed. Materialism is such an ugly lie. I'm currently reading a lot about quantum physics, and it's like Darwinism all over again: materialism completely collapses once you start thinking. And to lock away the obvious conclusion that is looking you in the face when studying this, namely a Cosmos based on consciousness and even something like a Cosmic Mind, the materialists come up with ridiculous sophistry, but mostly just look away. It's just too obvious for them to stomach. It's really heartbreaking - it seems most scientists looking into it knew and know it, but couldn't talk about it because of this cartel of "scientific orthodoxy", little dumb people with too much power. We know how they look like since Covid: it's the Dr. Faucis, Prof. Drostens, and Dr. Fergusons of this world. It's a disgrace what materialism has done to this world.
I had some sleuthing to do, regarding this stuff.
Well,when I first saw these documents, my first thoughts were fear and confusion responses, due to my non-conformist anti-vax/Big Pharma opinions.
I was uneasy and creeped out!
Why is our Canadian Government, constructing these types of facilities?
Something weird is happening in Canada. Really weird. I think we all need to be taking notice of this and taking notes if possible. "Weirdness" is a sign that 'They're up to something'...
No human contact, no love, no hugs, no hobbies, no handshakes, no public gatherings, no get together, no parties, no pubs, no concerts, no spontaneity in life, no joy, no point, no hope. This is intolerable and it is designed to be intolerable. If there is someone in your life who keeps making you miserable that might actually be their intent all along.

I can’t handle a total lockdown for months and I’m not going to. Isolating people is psychological warfare. I’ll surely also lose my job when the government implements this. I’ll end up alone and broke. They steal away my freedom, my future and my life. When that happens I simply don’t care anymore. I’m sure more people will feel the same way. We will see who will outnumber who at that point.
In 'warfare' you need to be smart, think strategy and resistance. Well, this should be a starting point against Evil, I think. We shouldn't fight our fellow humans, but there's nothing to stop up from fighting Evil. A person can joyfully resist and look all innocent whilst simultaneously sticking spokes into Evils wheels. You never know where something like that might lead.

In the direst of circumstances there could be humor. This could be exploited. Especially if everybody was of a like mind.

I'm kind of wondering what would happen if multiple members of the community rang law enforcement to tell them that a bunch of armed lunatics were holding up a train... Yeah, that might be embarrassing. There could be an inquiry.
Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza... but is it really gone, or just masked by Covid-19?
Actually, I think it's a good question. "The Flu" is really a marketing campaign to get stupid people to take a vaccine that doesn't work, in order to "prevent" a respiratory tract infection that is not caused Influenza, but usually other viruses in association with bacteria. Scientists have forgotten how to be scientists because they aren't paid to question, but to backup marketing campaigns because that is where the money lies.

It's truly pathetic how we are all supposed to be terrified of microorganisms in order to be controlled.
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